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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6482913 No.6482913 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite anime shows this season, /jp/ ?
Here are mine :
1. Ika Musume / Kuragehime
3. Shiki
4. MM!
5. Sora no Otoshimono - Forte

>> No.6482915


>> No.6482922

okay I guess

>> No.6482928

You want /sci/, ask them to teach you to count.

>> No.6482930

go discuss your shit with gaia retards on /a/, thank you

>> No.6482934

1. Ika
2. Soredemo
3. Zakuro
4. MM
5. Kami

>> No.6482940
File: 452 KB, 640x360, hnnnnng.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only watching one show.
Very good.

>> No.6482951

1. Milky Holmes
2. Zakuro
4. Sorademo
5. MM!

>> No.6482962
File: 409 KB, 720x480, Revolutionary Girl Utena - 06 [h.264 AC3][3FF2C170].mkv_snapshot_04.56_[2010.11.15_19.20.39].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Star Driver
2. Milky Holmes
3. Otome Youkai Zakuro
4. Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls
5. Yosuga no Sora

Ika, TWGOK, SHAFT, MM!?? Why so shitty tastes?

>> No.6482970

1. Index II
2. Imouto
3. Ika
4. MM

Nothing else is worth watching this season

>> No.6482973
File: 181 KB, 1440x810, 1290328452859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milky Holmes is the best anime of the season, Nasu agrees, don't bother him about it

>> No.6482977

MM got terrible reviews Im avoiding it.

Index, Imouto, Ika, Kurahime and Yokai. Just picked up Milky Holmes, not sure about it yet. About to drop Bakuman, last episode sucked pretty bad and the show is steadily getting worse as it goes along. These are in no particular order.

>> No.6482979
File: 397 KB, 720x480, Revolutionary Girl Utena - 04 [h.264 AC3][FADE7238].mkv_snapshot_17.05_[2010.11.10_20.13.17].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until >>6482970 I didn't even noticed the lack of Ore no Imouto.
I'll take it back, most of you have at least acceptable tastes.

>> No.6482980

All of them gave a letdown. I'll watch Kuragehime after done airing.

Arakawa - still genuinely funny
Mago - Generic as hell but awesome budget
Index - For Acce / LO
Shinryaku - fun to watch
TWGOK - There are flaws if you're a mangafag.

Also reported

>> No.6482984

1. Milky Holmes
2. Sora no Otoshimono Forte
3. Otome Youkai Zakuro
4. MM

>> No.6482986

I'm only watching Sora no Otoshimono, Milky Holmes, STAR DRIVER, Amagami SS, and Legend of Legendary Homosexuals right now.

>> No.6482988

>reads anime reviews
just off yourself already

>> No.6482989

This is the most ironic post in /jp/.

Also, reported.

>> No.6482991
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora No Otoshimono Forte - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.35_[2010.11.12_23.26.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora no Otoshimono forte
Legend of Legendary Heroes
Super Robot Wars: Original Generations - The inspector

Nothing else really interest me that much

>> No.6482992

Can't say I've watched any anime recently. I'm too lazy to find new things.

>> No.6482998

better than listening to what the 15 year olds on 4chan think is good.

>> No.6483002


>> No.6483013

Wait, as in english reviews?
99% of those are writen by manchildren and underageb& ergo sameshit as current 4chan.

>> No.6483015

List your extensive research and citations on this subject that let you come up with such an exact number.

>> No.6483017


>> No.6483022

All of you are fucking reported.
Do yourself a favour and go watch milky holmes, lolheroes, my sister is not cute, ika musume or kuragehime instead of making these kind of shitty threads.

>> No.6483023

>White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ
When the biggest shitposter goes out of his way to disagree with you, you know you're doing something right.

>> No.6483026

When he's shitposting. Sometimes a nice Anon uses his tripcode.

>> No.6483031

Awesome /a/ thread broskis.

>> No.6483035

>Trying to act smart, browses 4chan.
Sure. Go back to anniemaysucky and let opinions influence you, fucktard.

>> No.6483033

>implying it's not always anon

>> No.6483040

Ren greentext implying?

This is just awful.

>> No.6483042
File: 22 KB, 586x115, white_ren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6483045

Can't believe people actually enjoying this generic shit.

>> No.6483046

>got called out, has nothing to say, resorts to angry rambling

>> No.6483051

That wasn't my implication.

Sure, try and force your opinion on everyone fucktard.

>> No.6483056
File: 36 KB, 642x1830, Troll fail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG, Ive been waiting ages to use this one.

A slight subject matter discrepancy but its near perfect.

>> No.6483060
File: 65 KB, 570x862, 618458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, they still air this "anime" thing? I stopped watching it after Gundam. It's probably a downhill from after that.

>> No.6483064

>guy obviously new to the internet
>can't make decisions for himself

You think anyone wants to have a serious conversation with you?
No, son. I'll talk to you like I talk to my dog. Now fuck off back to your corner Fido!

>> No.6483065

/jp/ expects that kind of behaviour all the time. I choose to ignore most of their bullshit like "I must shit on the floor"

>> No.6483071

What is MM?

>> No.6483076

So angry because his favorite anime got bad reviews.

>> No.6483082

Toradora S2: Ookami-san to Generi no Again

>> No.6483086

Its an anime about cock teasing. Go read Sundome, at least it has tits.

>> No.6483087

Here it comes the fucking "umad" spam. Stop copying "epick memes" made by 15 year olds..
Instead of listening to random strangers on the internet. Go watch your annimays and write your own review, if you want. Then when fucks listen to your shit, you're gonna think "Oh lawd, I was one of these faggots."
End. Now I'm going for a beer.

>> No.6483096

Why would I watch anime that already is proven by many reliable sources to be potential shit? Plus, from what I can tell its the same generic nose bleed shit as before with a new gimmick. No thanks, ive seen enough generic shit to last me a while.

>> No.6483102

My enthusiasm from the beginning of the season is gone. Still watching Oreimo, Soredemo, Jelly, Kami-sama, Yosuga no sora and Zakuro. They all got worse with time or didn't live up to my expectations. Then there are Koe de otoshigoto and Tamayura in the OVA tier. I dropped the rest.

>> No.6483112

Arakawa S2

Oreimo disappointed me with just how shit it really is, then again, why am I expecting something decent from AIC? MM! is also shit, everything else this season is hot garbage to me.

>> No.6483117

Sucks for you, everything im watching is keeping its pace but Bakuman. Most are if anything better better.

>> No.6483146

Who. Gives. A. Shit


>> No.6483156

Why would you shit in here when the thread is off page 0?

>> No.6483487

Arakawa and SoreMachi weekly.
Got stalled on Kuragehime, Yosuga no Sora, Zakuro, Panty and OreImo, but will watch them.
Need to start watching Milky Holmes.
Will watch Index when I manage to finish the first season.
Will watch Star Driver whenever I'll feel in the mood for something so silly. I would watch TWGOK if not for the protagonist's voice, maybe I still will.
Rest isn't really that appealing.
Oh, from the last season's leftovers, I'll try Amagami and Shiki once they'll finish.
Hey, this thread is still better than the spam.

>> No.6483548


Only good thing that happened on Index II so far.

>> No.6483570

Because people do more than just refresh the front page.

>> No.6483573


Because the mere thought of something off topic causes him intense physical pain. And the only way he can ease it is to make sure you know its against the rules, and how much he hates you for posting it. And all the while he's oblivious to the fact that the endless whining about what's "on topic" is far far more annoying than the actual off topic content.

>> No.6483582

Yet it inevitably happens when it leaves page 0. As if he's hoping to get the last word in.
