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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6481322 No.6481322 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me stories of poverty, /jp/.

I know there are some /jp/anons living in mansions or sucking nanny state teet, but I want to hear the stories from the impovershed. Those of you who live in motels. Not looking to judge, just want to hear about how others live.

>> No.6481335

Living with parents. I have to do chores all the time, and they give me about 50$ a year, if I'm lucky. I'm getting pretty tired of being so damn poor all the time. I'm considering going to get diagnosed with something to collect on disability, but im too fucking poor to even do that.

>> No.6481345

Motels would be the most expensive rent you ever payed.

I'm sure somebody on 4chan lives in/near a housing tower/block or a section-8 or whatever, but I doubt they're a regular on /jp/.

And thus, this thread is thoroughly off-board-topic unless we get to thoroughly touhou hijack it.

>> No.6481361

We used to live in one room, all twenty-six of us, no furniture, 'alf the floor was missing, and we were all 'uddled together in one corner for fear of falling.

>> No.6481367

Been living in a trailer park for about 12 years now.

I live in a rainy area.

Everything's leaky.

That's all there really is to say on this subject.

>> No.6481369

yeah, that brings to mind illegal loft housing and squatting

>> No.6481387

I am a poor, jobless anon who depends on his family for food and shelter. Being a black living in Detroit, it is a much worse situation than all the the other jobless manchildren in /jp/.

For instance, we can only afford the cheapest of internet from SBC. Barely over half a Mbps download on a good day. We're also slightly out of range and with shitty lines, it's prone to instability sometimes. Naturally my computer is over 4 years old and only sporting a geforce 7600.

>> No.6481390
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Nonsense, it's otaku culture. How we live is a part of our culture.

>> No.6481407


>black person on /jp/


>> No.6481412

My family never had money because my dad gambled it all away. I had dial up internet until the mid 2000's. After my parents got divorced I lived with my mother and the only money we got was from whatever faggot abusive boyfriend she had living with us at the time. She eventually married one of them and now I spend all day locked in my room because I'm too socially retarded and afraid to deal with being taunted.

>> No.6481421

Blacks are the biggest weeaboos. They can't catch shit for it because everyone thinks they are all thug gangsta wannabees.

>> No.6481424

>>6481335 here

>Barely over half a Mbps download on a good day
I only get about 150kb.

>my computer is over 4 years old
My computer is not 9-10 years old. I don't recall what my video card is, but I'm betting its worse.

Ultra poorfag here. Deal with it.

>> No.6481426

One of my friends used to squat and post on 4chan /a/ before the boards were split. I think theres a picture that pops up in the battlestation threads of another anon living in the basement of an abandoned building. My own shit situation is nothing compared to some of the others out there I guess.

>> No.6481432

It's not that bad, parents pay for food and the net.
And nothing else.
All my furniture is from either when we moved in to this house more than 18 years ago, or they're hand me downs, mostly from my sister.
I actually had to move to the couch in the living room for the past few days, so my back can recover - sleeping on a warped, much too short bed hurt it.
The wallpaper is coming off the wall, talking some paint and plaster from beneath with it.
There's mold on the ceiling in one corner of the room - the rest is covered with cracks.
The linoleum on the floor is worn down and full of holes, revealing the raw wooden floorboards beneath.
The heating doesn't work.
My room is the only one in this house that hasn't been renovated since we moved in.
I buy new clothes about once every two years, I currently own one pair of pants good enough to wear outside. Two pair of shoes, both of which have some holes.
Only "income" I get is about 15$ my grandpa gives me every month, without fail, ever since I was a kid. I feel really bad about taking it, since she's poor herself, but I know she would be hurt if I refused. And well, I need it.
My family isn't poor, not even close.
And it's not like they don't spend money on me because I became a NEET - it's been always like that, as long as I can remember.
I got used to it.

>> No.6481446


>Only "income" I get is about 15$ my grandpa gives me every month, without fail, ever since I was a kid. I feel really bad about taking it, since she's poor herself, but I know she would be hurt if I refused.



Only on 4chan would someone have a trap-grandparent

>> No.6481453

Why stay in detroit your family could get a loan for like 40 grand even if there credit is fucked on the governments thing and you could get the fuck out of there, move somewhere nicer like warren. You'll still be surrounded by black people but you won't have to worry about them trying to steal your shoes.

My family recently moved and the government incentive for new homebuyers is actually pretty nice in michigan or was last year.

>> No.6481457

'/jp/ meetup', as the kids say.

>> No.6481458
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Just a poor spanish guy, living in the Bronx...y'know in New York. I lived in shelters, and my family is currently on welfare. I only got a few shirts, and I can't even afford figures, or comics or all that other fancy shit. I'm still hooked up with an old shitty Dell Latitude D400 and my TV is only 19"in.

>> No.6481461


>> No.6481475

Live in cheap apartment and leech off neighbor for net. I make money doing crap online and it is only enough to eat, live here and save away a little at a time to spend on anime goodies later. I hardly leave my room and much, much rarer the apartment. The computer I have is an HP laptop I got for my 18th birthday from parents, 20 now.

I'm content.

>> No.6481480

I said nicer than Detroit.

Which outside of downtown during the day and gross point, everything is.

>> No.6481498
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>I only get about 150kb.
Are you talking about kilobites or kilobits? My actual download speed is like 60-70kilobytes per second.

150 kilobits would be like .15 of a Mb and have a speed of like 18 kilobytes per second.


>> No.6481517

Stop trying to outdo each other, it's pathetic.

>> No.6481528

This is /jp/. Get used to it.

>> No.6481531


>> No.6481546

My family has a ton of debts, we could have a great life if we didn't have any.

At least 90% of our money is used to pay debts, the rest is just for basic stuff.

>> No.6481548

I'm used to it, I just don't accept it.

>> No.6481589
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Guess I just got told. Congratulations, we are both poor.
