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6479721 No.6479721 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, about the moon society. What do you think about it? Ive been thinking, since they don't die easily there evolution must be really really slow. Think of it, Bacteria who are constantly dying are ever evolving, one generation of Bacteria may be weak against a medicine and after its wiped out one of it will survive and the new bacteria are stronger. Same with humans and everything alive on the earth. But not the lunarians.

But you can argue that there is no need for evolution on the moon since its a perfect environment that is completely eternal. It will never change and thus the Lunarians have conquered the environment. For humans we have to change for the environment or die, for the lunarians the environment has to change or die. So which is better? The human way of changing and adapting, dying quickly but burning out in a blaze of glory, or the lunarian way of staying the same and living longer? Is the lunarian society a perfect one?

>> No.6479726

How often do Lunarians menstruate?

>> No.6479727

That's not a response to the OP, it's just puzzling me.

>> No.6479728

............. what?


>> No.6479736

I guess the latter is better. I mean, isn't conquering your environment and being invulnerable to sickness and death what we're already trying to accomplish?

>> No.6479751

Where did they come from anyway?

>> No.6479753
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Presumably monthly as usual. Ancient Chinese were unaware of the exact mechanics behind ovulation, so they would've made no connection between periods and menopause in the legends, had they adressed it.

>> No.6479759

The lunar environment is not perfect, just as a vacuum is imperfect. However, as a highly insular society, I expect that it has evolved slowly and maintains a strict tradition and almost feudal hierarchical structure. No doubt their independence has fostered a rich and fascinating culture.

>> No.6479769

This, I think. In my opinion any other answer would be only a justification of our violence.

They were humans, who found a way to travel to the moon similar to the one Yukari used (moon reflected on the water as illusionary door to the moon). Man who found this way took with himself only wisest he knew (Eirin with them).

>> No.6479772


Long story made short, Tsukiyomi saw Uke Mochi produce a full grown live deer from her ass, and then he went to the moon to hang with an immortal Chinese princess and a lot of hares.

>> No.6479777

who the fuck is the rabbit chick in the middle

>> No.6479816



>> No.6479823

The Lunarians haven't been there for too long. One supposes eventually dramatic evolutionary differences will have appeared between lunar and earth populations, but that time is a long way off.

I mean, barring the whole thing where their rabbits are almost identical to humans.

>> No.6479827
File: 201 KB, 573x800, yorihimesumie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main difference is Touhou emphasizes Tsukiyomi's aspect as a sorcerer rather than as a god, leaving his relation to Amaterasu and Susanoo unexplored.
Come to think of it, not sure if it even says anywhere that he is a proper god.

>> No.6479850

Isn't Chang'e that guy that fled from the Gods to the Moon?

>> No.6479856

Tsukiyomi isn't a god?

brb wiking the shit out of him.

>> No.6479867

Chang'e drank two doses of the immortality elixir which, for some reason, made her fly into the moon. Kind of like Cars, but with less volcanos.

>> No.6479877

Perhaps, but in order to reach the point where we can change our environment, we had to go through many thousands of years of adapting to it. Changing your environment may be the pinnacle of society, but adapting to it is quite necessary until you can achieve such high results.

>> No.6479873

I wonder which Chinese writer was high when that was written....

>> No.6479879
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I don't remember any volcanos

>> No.6479889

I wondered the same thing.

>> No.6479908
File: 181 KB, 567x800, toyohimesumie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watch as it gets worse.
Her husband shot down the sun nine times, with bow and arrow. Because in Chinese mythology, apparently the sun is all one huge Okuu.

>> No.6479919

There were ten suns, but yeah.

>> No.6479937

Jojo's Cars, leader of the Pillar Men. Virtually immortal, the protagonist decides that blasting him into space with a supernatural volcanic eruption is the best way to get rid of him. While he's still up and kicking (much to his chagrin, since he's in space and there isn't much to do there), at least he isn't bothering Earth anytime soon.

It was a brilliant plan. Emperor Yao's train of thought was basically "Fuck, it's hot. I'm going to die if this keeps up, we should shoot down the sun or something. Yeah, we're gonna do that. Call Houyi. "

>> No.6479938 [DELETED] 

I believed for all of seconds, then I saw "Okuu"

>> No.6479942

That's messed up.

>> No.6479955

And by messed up you mean awesome.

The sun is bothering you, what do you do?

Boring pussy option 1) Get a parasole and a glass of ice water.

FUCKING AWESOME OPTION 2) Kill it with a bow and arrow.

>> No.6479969

Again, I wonder how that writer was.

>> No.6480163


Speaking of manly archers:

Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird - http://hiroari.net/

>> No.6480219

That wasn't as cool. What he shot was an itsumaden, the eternally hungry ghost of a starvation victim (or a conglomerate formed from the spirits of many such people) who soars the skies asking when its torment will end.

And instead of you know, giving the poor spirit some bread to appease it, they decide to shoot it down. Asshats.

>> No.6480244

Wasn't it their own fault that there were so many suns in the first place? I'm pretty fuzzy with all of this mythology stuff.

>> No.6480259

>The emperor caused men of the imperial guard to hold pine torches on high, that he might gaze upon the bird. And he saw that the head was as the head of a man, and the body as that of a snake. The bill was crooked in front, with saw teeth, and there were long spurs on the legs, as sharp as swords. When the wing tips were stretched out, its length was sixteen feet from end to end.

When I read this, for some reason I think of rednecks. "Hey, Billy Bob, look here't this funny-lookin' duck what ah done shot."

>> No.6480265 [DELETED] 

Nah, the suns were supposed to parade around one by one, but they grew bored and decide to rise all at once. No one really saw it coming until one day there suddenly were ten suns flying around.

>> No.6480280

Nah, the suns were supposed to parade around one by one, but they grew bored and decided to rise all at once. No one really saw it coming until one day there suddenly were ten suns flying around.

>> No.6480551
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Luckily today we are prepared for such an eventuality and should not have to rely upon the skills of a single legendary archer.
