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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 76 KB, 460x985, suigin faps to 3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6471265 No.6471265 [Reply] [Original]

Suigin faps to 3D. Discuss.

>> No.6471269

suigin is a dum dum

more at 11

>> No.6471279

Having a formspring is more embarrassing.

>> No.6471280

New at 11

>> No.6471288
File: 54 KB, 500x388, sasha-grey-avn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to Suigin's formspring, this is his favorite porn actress.

>> No.6471292

stop attention whoring, suigin

>> No.6471296
File: 495 KB, 996x359, birdsig2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6471299

We all have our vices

>> No.6471307

What forum is this sig from?

>> No.6471317

He used it on /jp/

>> No.6471319

Smelly dumb
Argentinian nigger

>> No.6471328

I want to make a formspring, but I probably won't get any questions from anyone. ;_;

>> No.6471331

I only get questions from like one guy

>> No.6471338


>> No.6471341

What the fuck is formspring? Looks like some social netwhoring shit.

>> No.6471340

Oh damn I asked Suigin so many questions it won't let me ask any more :-(

>> No.6471342

It's just another social networking thing, only it isn't facebook so /jp/sies and other social retards can indulge in it without feeling guilty or bad for having no friends.
Why would you even want it to begin with?

>> No.6471346

It's a Q&A site where you can ask tripfags gay questions, and they always respond to you.

>> No.6471353

>and they always respond to you.
No they don't ;_;

>> No.6471371

They do unless you spam links or autistic shit like "UR A FAGET LOL"

>> No.6471396

Posting pics of it on /jp/ is not good etiquette.

I'll ask you gently! Though I'll need to know it!

Is that possible?

>> No.6471410

>Is that possible?

Yeah, it's possible. Formspring blocks you for a while if you ask too many questions.

>> No.6471412

Yes, if you ask to many questions in a short period it blocks you from sending more for like half an hour.

>> No.6471427

Master spammers

>> No.6471438

It's a good thing my name is different than my /jp/ name so it'd be more difficult to find.

Be careful about posting info or you'll just cause more /jp/ migration

Though it's kind of fun being more honest and hanging out with /jp/ers on a one-on-one basis

>> No.6471452


Fuck off, Moekou.

>> No.6471479


>> No.6471487

Mokou is sickeningly nice. Why so mean?

>> No.6471506

I'd like to go one-on-one with you if you know what I mean.

>> No.6471507

Hey leave Moekou alone you bully.

>> No.6471510

I know that feel.

>> No.6471516

And people wonder why I always say we should perma ban his ass.
Suigin is the worst poster on any board on 4chan, worse than mod2 and sparky combined.

>> No.6471522

Eh. Go to /b/ and you've got thousands of posters far below him.

>> No.6471523

Hey now leave Sparky out of this

>> No.6471524

back to /g/ please

>> No.6471528

When are you gonna get a formspring, IN Elite? I'd love to ask you some /g/-related questions.

>> No.6471535

First time I've ever agreed with you.

>> No.6471529

He's not as bad as you, Scandaroon.
Go back to /g/.

>> No.6471538

Suigin is a retard.
He was underaged this entire time, just turned 18.
He things arguing with trolls ironically is funny or some shit.
And he never posts on topic comments, ever.

>> No.6471540

Same person.

>> No.6471541

Hanging out with /jp/ers can be fun, as long as they're not obnoxious as fuck.

I keep a different online name as well, just because.

>> No.6471544

Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.6471545


>> No.6471550

ITT: tripfags samefagging to give themselves attention

or ordinary anonymous being retarded

>> No.6471552

Suigin is a man of high wisdom and sound judgement, what's why he can fap to both.

>> No.6471553

Welcome to my filter newfag.
