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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6461712 No.6461712 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know Japanese, have some free time, and want to do some fun VN translation for /jp/?

If your answer to all of the above was 'yes', then join us in the Flyable Heart Translation Collaboration!

How do I participate?
If you haven't been granted access already, post your IP and role in this thread and wait to be granted access.
Go to http://rechan.eu.org/go/fhtrans
Click on 'Go forth and translate'
Choose the new AJAX interface if you're using Firefox.
Click on any file you want
Click on column 2; now you can see the original and what you'll be translating
Pick any page to start from, which hasn't been translated yet
Write your translated lines into the left column, you can click on the one you want or use alt+shift+J or alt+shift+K to move between them
Fill in the code at the bottom and click submit
Repeat for as long as you feel like it.

Have fun and don't let the trolls get in your way!

Use English punctuation and leave lines with only a name alone. Keep honorifics.

Progress: First 58153 lines done. More than 0.25k throughout the rest in discontinuous patches.

晶, Crystal
結衣, Constipated Clothes
あきら, Getting Tired
天音, Sky Noise
くるり, Turning Around
すずの, Of Bell
茉百合, Jasmine Lily
桜子, Cherry Master
奏龍, Report Dragon
繚蘭会, Bound Orchid Meeting

Userscript for using arrow keys instead of j/k

>> No.6461720


>> No.6461721

Go away, you talentless slob. Your existence is an affront to everybody who has done any work on any translation project ever.

>> No.6461728

Cry more faggot.

The people waiting for this to be finished so they can play it don't give a shit about you or your issues.

Go back where you came from and shut the fuck up.

>> No.6461788

Sup OP?

>> No.6461823

Can't you trolls think of anything new?

I'm not the OP but I am >>6461728 Fuck the hell off.

>> No.6462030
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Today's total: 599
Fifth file: 9600
Remaining Subtotal: 2688
Subtarget: -10
Total: 58752
Remaining: 14808

>> No.6462032

Me, forgot trip.

>> No.6462044

Is there a particular reason why the names are translated that way? or are the translations really THAT bad

>> No.6462050

>forgot trip.
proof he's posting as anonymous in this thread pretending he's "people who want to read this tired of trolls"

>> No.6462052

It's aepick translators-san trolling, u retarded tlwiki shill would not understand.

>> No.6462056

i dont get it....

>> No.6462058
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>> No.6462060

i see... why dont they just use the release name in alpha?

>> No.6462078

This, except we don't need any proof. OP was confirmed to be the sole defender of this abhorrent project ages ago so this doesn't come off as a surprise or anything.

>> No.6462087

He could just be posting elsewhere without a tripcode.

>> No.6462247

So what happened to Hatsukoi?

>> No.6462252

sup FH4

>> No.6462327

does the people complaining and trolling know japanese at all anyways

why dont you retards help translate instead of whining every fucking thread

>> No.6462361

>being productive and/or reasonable
I don't know what you're on Bangkok but I'd like some.

>> No.6462367

no time to, of course.

>> No.6462369 [DELETED] 

>no time

>> No.6462368

When someone translates he replace good line with his google transtation and bans ip.

>> No.6462370

your sarcasm detector is off.

>> No.6462404

Why are you so concerned bangcock? I know you must hate the amaterasu guys for some retarded reason but lay off please.

>> No.6462650

Have a bump.

>> No.6462656

If I knew Japanese and wanted to translate eroge I wouldn't bother joining a group. I'd quickly learn how to hack the games and do it all myself especially since I'd only be interested in doing really niche stuff.

>> No.6462669 [DELETED] 

no i dont know whatshisface eg amaterasu dude is

>> No.6462690


>> No.6462711

good lord the new janitor is full retard

>> No.6462726

You will never know what it feels like to F5 the janitor index page of /jp/ and checking checkboxes on posts you don't like to delete them.


>> No.6462927

Think all the "translators" jumped ship to this project, for better or worse.

>> No.6463110

But this project has never had a translator.

>> No.6463817


>> No.6463887
File: 204 KB, 390x260, cougar-rawr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really want it done, it might be worth outsourcing the translation to freelancers. At the moment I'm investigating what quality of translation I can expect if I put up screenshots* of the text to be translated and pay workers a few cents per screenshot to translate them. I want workers to be able to translate as many or as few screens as possible.

* I'm using screenshots so it will be harder to submit fraudulant translations generated by machine translation software.

>> No.6464997

>I'm using screenshots so it will be harder to submit fraudulant translations generated by machine translation software.


>> No.6465451

Have a bump.

>> No.6465505 [DELETED] 


OP, I've been wondering, are you guys really that stupid to use machine translations, or are you guys just some TLfags/Minorifags deliberately sabataging the translation?

I find it EXTREMELY difficult to believe you guys to actually be doing a legit, good-faith effort if you're so quick to be defensive about a blatantly abhorrent translation job.

Has anyone else thought that whoever's behind this "translation" is some asshat trying to fuck with the part of the VN translation community that isn't affiliated with TLWiki or some other group that's willing to submit to C&Ds?

>> No.6465514


OP, I've been wondering, are you guys really that stupid to use machine translations, or are you guys just some TLfags/Minorifags deliberately sabotaging the translation?

I find it EXTREMELY difficult to believe you guys are actually be doing a legit, good-faith effort if you're so quick to be defensive about a blatantly abhorrent translation job.

Has anyone else thought that whoever's behind this "translation" is some asshat trying to fuck with the part of the VN translation community that isn't affiliated with TLWiki or some other group that's willing to submit to C&Ds?

>> No.6465575

The OP isn't THAT defensive about it. Well... he is kinda, but I mean, some people don't exactly react well to people going 'lol you suck', even if it is the truth. And I think he made a pretty bad mistake once by reverting a good translation back to machine gibberish, but I think he's learned from it and I doubt he'll do anything like that again. People are hammering on him a little too much about it.

Most of the riling up comes from some guy who isn't the OP but hangs around here just to troll by 'pretending' it's a good translation and stuff. I know that the people insulting this project have made jokes about that person being the OP, but I honestly think it's someone different that just gets a kick out of fucking with this project. I don't think the OP honestly believes that his translation is the shit, I think deep down he knows that a lot of it is... questionable. And so he's not the faggot that goes around saying 'lol this shit is fine, don't rewrite the game lolol'. Man, that guy is just as bad as the assholes coming in here just to criticize the OP

>> No.6465584


>> No.6465586


Seriously though, why doesn't he just go to a forum like Hongfire or something instead of going to an imageboard like 4chan?

>> No.6465631

Hell if I know. No idea what would drive a man to translate that much fucking text. I mean he's not doing it for epeen(you wouldn't choose an anonymous image board for that)and he's sure as shit not doing it out of love for the game(if you liked the game you wouldn't be ass-raping it) But I don't think a man would do that much work just to troll either. I mean damn, fucking mystery.

>> No.6465670

In past threads, once they were over 300 posts, dozens of that guy's posts get deleted minutes before the OP bumped it.
It's obvious at this point that there's only one pigheaded moron defending this and it's the same person spewing out the machine crap.

>> No.6465714

None of the deleted messages in that link are from the guy I was talking about though. Most of them are pretty fairly subdued comments. Especially compared to "LOL FORMAL EQUIVALENCE, DON'T REWRITE THE GAME, MACHINE TRANSLATION IS THE FUTURE, LOL"

>> No.6465743

To be honest I don't think the OP is using ATLAS.
He is almost assuredly using mecab/jparser/edict though. Frankly, I don't see anything wrong using those tools since those are only dictionaries.

Sure the translation quality might be off here and there but give the guy a break. No one is an expert at first try.

>> No.6465769

Wrong again. There are lines that are directly cut and pasted out of Google Translate.

>> No.6466668


>> No.6466704


>It seems, it seems.

>Wow, it's a feeling of a boy.

You make it too easy.

>> No.6466788

>Wow, it's a feeling of a boy.

Surely you're overtrolling.

>> No.6467099
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Today's total: 640
Fifth file: 10240
Remaining Subtotal: 2048
Subtarget: -10
Total: 59392
Remaining: 14168

Appropriately enough, my last submission captcha was 'R4MAN3'. Her route will be coming soon.

>> No.6468160

Up up up!

>> No.6468457

You continuously continuously obviously don't know Japanese, OP.

>> No.6469412
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>> No.6470472

Flyable Bump!

>> No.6470875


>> No.6470918

Oh boy! I wonder what flavor of translated vomit you'll spew out this time?

>> No.6470924

Wait a minute. That sounds like me. But I didn't post that. You're a fucking witch!

>> No.6471959

bampu pantsu~

>> No.6471963

Forgot your trip, OP

>> No.6472206
File: 326 KB, 779x1103, 138913 flyable heart ito noizi seifuku sketch sumeragi amane thighhighs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's total: 460
Fifth file: 10700
Remaining Subtotal: 1588
Subtarget: -9
Total: 59852
Remaining: 13708

Will finish this weekend. Currently in Sky Noise's route.

>> No.6472211

Gomenasai, demo, watahi no nihongo ga totemo heta desu yo!

>> No.6472213

You know the ways of "Gikoization" well.

>> No.6472216
File: 2 KB, 82x82, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumimasen Anonymous-senpai, ga, 'Ginkoization' wa nan desu ka. Watashi wa aho desu ^__^

>> No.6472959

Stay alive.
