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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6459654 No.6459654 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sick and tired of trying to play MMOs with hotglue.

You are all a bunch of autistic cunts. The most inconsiderate, the most selfish, the most tactless bunch. I can count on one hand the number of hotglue I've played with that are able to take it easy. Everybody else is pissy little princesses who think they deserve everything.

You do favors for hotglue, they don't even say fucking "thanks". And still they feel like you should continue doing things for them. It's like you've never been around people before, though I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I shouldn't expect an autists to understand group dynamics.

>> No.6459675

Where is hotglue these days?
The only time I hear of them is in these threads.

>> No.6459678
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>> No.6459684

Hotglue is full of NERDS

>> No.6459695

I got a notice in my email saying that my Eve account was reactivated for 5 days.

I was disappointed to see that the Hotglue corporation was so small. Only 10 members? How pitiful~
also 10% tax rate

>> No.6459705

I've gotten mad at Hotglue before but they're cool guys. They put up with ME for god's sake.

>> No.6459707

I donated over half of my in-game funds to the Hotglue clan vault, and seconds later they kicked me out

Never again, Hotglue

>> No.6461077

EVE has the disadvantage of completely lacking little girls you can dress up and take screenshots of from angles the developers did not intend.
