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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 32 KB, 288x378, god bless america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6457543 No.6457543 [Reply] [Original]

Go to this video so you can listen to this music and read what i have to say.


Okay so now i got your attention you should be enjoying the song feeling relaxed and ready to absorb my message.
I notice allot of hate about my country The United States of America. I think You all should stop disliking us,
I mean we have contributed so much to the world. I am not trying to make the point that we are the best country
on earth, but i would say we are easily one of the best countries, and the only reason we are not number one is
because we have not been around for all that long yet.I can Easily name ten reasons why The USA is
one of the greatest countries ever

10.We make the Best Music

9.We make the Best Movies

8.We have the most Diversity

7.We have some of the best culture

6.We have the Best food

5.We keep our people safe

4.We are one of the few countries that have not forgotten God

3.We have the most equality

2.We have the U.S Constitution

1.We are the only true Free Country on earth

You Guys and your stupid japan cant produce anything that great

>> No.6457553

>he thinks /jp/ has actual Japanese on it

>> No.6457559

OP is trying too hard to make the US look retarded, it's going to be an extension of southern america in a few decades anyway. Enjoy your spanish gringos

>> No.6457561

America is a pretty nice country, actually. I can look at loli in public libraries and nobody cares. Apathy is great.

>> No.6457564

>206 posts and 89 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.6457575

japan will exist long after the US is brown third world

>> No.6457578

Oh u, anon. The OP at least got that part right.

>> No.6457580

I''l agree with 9 and 2. But that's about it.

>> No.6457584

>>6457575 get the fuck back to /a/

>> No.6457585

japan is already a brown third world

>> No.6457587

I'm an American, and I'd like to say that not all of us are as nationalistic as OP.

Sage for not being related to the board.

>> No.6457590

Out of these, only #2 is true, and it's not even a good thing.

>> No.6457593

>1.We are the only true Free Country on earth
>6.We have the Best food
>5.We keep our people safe
>3.We have the most equality
Trying way too hard OP.

>> No.6457599

this list is fucking hilarious.
Nationalistfags are the best humorist

>> No.6457605

4 and 2 are correct but don't matter at all. The others are false.

>> No.6457612

>10.We make the Best Music
Personal preference.
>9.We make the Best Movies
Personal preference.
>8.We have the most Diversity
>7.We have some of the best culture
Personal preference.
>6.We have the Best food
Personal preference.
>5.We keep our people safe
>4.We are one of the few countries that have not forgotten God
True, but actually a bad thing.
>3.We have the most equality
>2.We have the U.S Constitution
True, but actually a bad thing.
>1.We are the only true Free Country on earth

4/10 statements were based on personal preference.
4/10 statements were false.
2/10 statements were technically true but completely absurd and not relevan at all.

Conclusion: OP is a faggot and I just got trolled.

>> No.6457614
File: 39 KB, 469x428, 1274445118072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA + Japan = Brothers in arms

>> No.6457615

Where do you think all the "atheism is XXXtreme and edgy and all the kool kidz are doing it" is coming from?

>> No.6457626
File: 12 KB, 225x225, hipsters..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4.We are one of the few countries that have not forgotten God

As long as you allow faggots like these to exist (see picture), you are the most godless nation on the planet.

>> No.6457630

>4.We are one of the few countries that have not forgotten God
>True, but actually a bad thing.

And how exactly is this a bad thing? Don't wanna start another lolatheist fight, just askin.

>> No.6457631

that guy on left actually looks kind of cool

>> No.6457636

While 2 is true, it's about as relevant to me as this thread is to /jp/.

Reported. With capchta.

>> No.6457639

It sort of looks like he's trying to retract his head into his neck, I think.

>> No.6457643
File: 28 KB, 480x360, Chillin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the U.S.A I can smoke weed errrrrry day, but in Japan its like trying to get away with murder.

>> No.6457652

>In the U.S.A I can smoke weed errrrrry day
Actually, no. You can't.

>> No.6457658

100% troll thread, but ill have a go anyway. I love this kind of shit.

>10.We make the Best Music
Our music sucks.

>9.We make the Best Movies
Not really. Some are good, but only due to grossly excess funding.

>8.We have the most Diversity
This is a BAD thing.

>7.We have some of the best culture
Define. Once again, diversity is BAD.

>6.We have the Best food
Deadliest food.

>5.We keep our people safe
Then explain the crime rate.

>4.We are one of the few countries that have not forgotten God
This is a BAD thing. god does not exist.

>3.We have the most equality
Prove it. Niggers can claim anything as a hate crime and get free stuff just for being jobless lazy niggers.
Women can divorce a man who has done no wrong to her, and she gets all of his posessions, along with a large chunk of every pay check he gets in the future.
In addition, women naturally earn less than an equally capable man.

>2.We have the U.S Constitution
Japan has the Japanese Constitution. Other countries have their own. I fail to see your point.

>1.We are the only true Free Country on earth
We are not free. Can I go out and buy a tank, fighter jet with missles, nukes, etc?
Am I free to carry my guns without government permission anywhere in this country?
Am I free to fly a plane unregulated anywhere I want to?
I pay taxes.
We are NOT free. Deal with it.

>> No.6457669
File: 297 KB, 600x600, Asinine-America-I-JUST-KNOW-DEEP-IN-MY-HEART-WE-ARE-BETTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6457671

>4.We are one of the few countries that have not forgotten God
>This is a BAD thing. god does not exist.
>herpderp i'll write God using a small letter, that'll show 'em our atheist pride! cool kids gather in here

>> No.6457678
File: 94 KB, 610x475, 1289334903709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6457679

>8.We have the most Diversity

Why does everyone fucking hate eachother, though

>5.We keep our people safe

Except if they're colored

>> No.6457680

watch as i write english in lower case letters without finishing my sentence with a dot

The is no god.

>> No.6457684

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God?

Epicurus (c. 341 - c. 270 BC)

>> No.6457685

>100% troll thread
Self-fulfilling post.

>> No.6457686

Diversity says nothing about people getting along.
Diversity is just because some people can't afford moving when niggers suddenly start flooding the area.
