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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6454216 No.6454216 [Reply] [Original]


How will this affect your life, /jp/?

>> No.6454222

It doesn't affect me yet, as I haven't ordered anything yet, but it's a dick move.

>> No.6454262
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>> No.6454308

Look past the first page.

>> No.6454315

Already a thread about this. Also it doesn't affect established companies, just individuals.

>> No.6454337


Are you implying anyone on /jp/ owns a company?

>> No.6454347

No, I mean japanese companies can still send stuff to the US no problem. If you have a friend in japan who sends you stuff, though, it will be a problem

>> No.6454351

Here is a fucktard who cannot comprehend a simple post without thinking it is a troll.

>> No.6454353

No, he's implying that people on /jp/ order their stuff from companies.

>> No.6454367

Is that true? That's horrible. I buy my doujinshi through a private reseller.

>> No.6454379
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So the /jp/ equivalent of this is out?

>> No.6454386

Not at all and never going to happen over here in Germany. Feels good man.

>> No.6454387

So what's the reason for this? Xenophobia, again?

>> No.6454410

>typical neo/jp/ poster

Don't be stupid, read the article.

>> No.6454415

Ameritards being fucking dipshits as usual.

Make sure you don't take any INK CARTRIDGES when you go to Japan.

>> No.6454428

Sounds like a cunning plan to keep all the highly unchristian Japanese deviant child abuse material off American soil.

>> No.6454431

are you done with posting in every thread with your new and shining tripcode to build up e-rep?

>> No.6454440

I wonder why they do this. They do not like money or something? Even Japan's Prime Minister has publicly stated that Japan's pop culture is something to be nurtured and exporting it is a substantial sector of the Japanese economy. Yet you have crap like this and many otaku-related retailers refusing to ship to America as well. Is it really because they fear the backlash of our outspoken fundie crowd? That can't possibly be, why would that matter to them.

>> No.6454462

Americans embracing Japanese pop culture is seen as a taint on American lifestyle.

I'm sure you'll agree, seeing the Naruto-headband wearing fatsos.

>> No.6454479

Those kids make up like 1% of the population, nobody outside of 4chan cares about them. Retailers on both sides make a killing off them too.

>> No.6454497

>I wonder why they do this. They do not like money or something?
Good question, ask America.

453 grams = 1 US pound

>> No.6454499

I'm only posting as I did when I was anonymous.

>> No.6454503

affects my 20 pounds of crap that i have with my proxy unless my proxy has a monthly account with japan post. i don't know how much volume my proxy ships out and they're kind of unknown compared to other proxies so i wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. they are cheaper than the other proxies which is why i use them.

>> No.6454510

>implying i buy things

>> No.6454516

A lot of the best stuff is never scanned.

>> No.6454529

and this is why i've spent $1000 in the last year on doujinshi and doujin items. sometimes just because i like an artist and want to buy all his stuff though.

>> No.6454562

What are proxies /jp/?

This is the first time I've seen people use that term when it comes to figurines and such.

>> No.6454566

proxy shipping/buying service. a lot of companies won't send things directly overseas so you have to have someone in japan buy it for you which gets sent to them, then they send it to you.

>> No.6454572

>they are cheaper than the other proxies
Consider me interested. Do they ship to Europe?

>> No.6454579


I see..

Are those hard to set up? I've been wanting something that wouldn't even be shipped at all so I was thinking of a service like that to buy it for me and ship it to me.

Kinda risky business though, don't you think?

>> No.6454581
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Proxy buyer service. They buy the shit from the store that won't ship to US, then they ship it out to you themselves, for a fee. Hence, a "proxy". They can be companies or just an individual entrepreneur. Figure lovers don't need to rely on them quite as much, but doujinshi lovers really rely on these, because practically no doujinshi retailers ship to US.

>> No.6454583

I'm Canadian, I'm not affected.

Fuck yeah Mexico.

>> No.6454601

recently someone mentioned tenso on /jp/ and i think that's even cheaper than the one i was using since they base fee on weight + shipping costs. i bought about 20 pounds of stuff (10 kg more or less) and tenso's fee would be 4000 yen. the same amount of stuff would have had about a $10 + 8000 yen fee with the proxy i was using since the proxy i was using was based on the value of the items. one good thing about the proxy i was using is that they would ship with whatever shipper you wanted. with tenso i think they only do ems.

i'm going to put my future business towards tenso at least for the moment.

>> No.6454615

Yay for Canada.

>> No.6454619

it's not too risky if it is an established service. if someone is just starting out someone has to be the guinea pig and preferably that isn't me. i've used SMJ, crescent, kuboten, and some random guy that was mentioned on /jp/. all have their ups and downs.

>> No.6454629

You can always just have them ship via FedEx or whatever in the worst case.

>> No.6454644

So far all the proxies I've seen mentioned INSPECT your packages and WON'T ship to the US if your package contains loli or other items the US moralfags consider "obscene".

Are there any proxies that don't give a ship and just slap a new shipping label on the box?

>> No.6454652

i'd probably go with sea freight (it goes on an actual ship) before fedex because fedex and ups are in the holyfuckingshit price range as one wants 31600 yen and the other $400something. i've used sea freight once and while it did take a month to go from japan to california, everything did arrive in perfect condition.

>> No.6454667

That's why I've always gone through individuals. Last time I ordered the guy I ordered from sent me a email saying he thought I have good taste in doujinshi.

>> No.6454668


and you've never been played?

I'm never that trusting.
They at least speak english right?

>> No.6454674

SMJ didn't care but my loli items (raita doujins) didn't have explicit content on their covers. they cost a lot though. crescent also didn't care for the same reason. kuboten and the random jp guy didn't mind even though certain things had somewhat suggestive covers involving flat chested individuals (which weren't hentai at all but that's besides the point)

if you have explicit loli getting fucked on the cover, i'd expect it to not go through.

>> No.6454689

SMJ and Crescent are both large volume proxies and have been used by a lot of people. Kuboten is smaller but I learned about it from head-fi and have had friends use it before for high ticket items like a Stax Omega II which is more than $1000. Random /jp/ guy was a gamble but he had an ebay store that had been around a while and was branching into proxy services. Came out okay except for a miscommunication on his part but I sorted that out for the second half of the shipment.

>> No.6454706

Oh and the Tokyo Hunter guy for exclusive figures but his prices are stupidly high. The only things I ever have him buy are the ones that are event only like Wonder Festival because he actually has to attend in person to buy it. He's a very good source of information about exclusive figures though.

>> No.6454707

Bad thing out SMJ is that they ship to the US Office than to you usually, which sure saves on shipping, but takes longer to get to you.

>> No.6454717

i actually liked that about them because it meant a lower cost for me. i've very patient so the cheaper, the better. one part of me also thought that it helps sneak stuff in country but i think that's just me being paranoid. they will ship to you directly if you want via ems or whatnot as i've had them do that once.

>> No.6454723

Generally the more hands it passes through, on the US side especially, the more likely you would be to have problems. At least so I would think.

>> No.6454750

i figured that a registered company at their correct address would get their mail sent to another registered u.s. citizen and their correct address with less checking. also whoever sends in japan would get it to the registered company that they send mail to regularly would get less checking.

>> No.6454763

It's helpful, but they can take quite a bit of time before they ship out of each office, so it can be quite annoying.
