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6453728 No.6453728 [Reply] [Original]

Mahoutsukai no Yoru

What!? No sexual content? Really nasu wat's up with you?
To what should I fap instead

http://vndb.org/v777 http://www.typemoon.com/products/mahoyo/index.html

>> No.6453733

or voices, or options...

>> No.6453748

And no release date.

>> No.6453751

We went over this hundreds of times. You will ever be able to touch them titties. Not even in fiction.

>> No.6453764

Maybe he realized he sucks at writing sexual encounters, or maybe the new artist just didn't want to draw any.

>> No.6453768

He made Tsukihime and FSN as eroge to sell more, he doesn't like putting porn in his stories at all.

>> No.6453775

It shows.

>> No.6453780

Let me recap. No voices, ero scenes and it's linear?

>> No.6453781

He said that he thought ero was necessary in FSN and Tsukihime.
Never that he dislike it.

>> No.6453791

I liked the sexual content. It was god because the story would have been fine without it. But with it it seemed much more mature

>> No.6453797

I don't want ero in my Aoko VN anyway.

>> No.6453829

No more rape in a side street after a battle
No more sex with a unkillable boner
No more try to fill her up with energy
No more "I cant have sex without sox" sex
No more casual sex with a vampire
No more incest
No more maid rape
No more "girl meets girl meets boy" scenes
;_; do not want

>> No.6453846

Protag looks so much like a fag.
Why can't Aoko be the protagonist? Fucking Nasu

>> No.6453897

Remember when the Tsukihime remake had its own site, too? ;_;

>> No.6453927

It's in third person, they're all the protagonists.

>> No.6453935

It will probably be pushed back.
Hopefully it will be released around April for a proper Key vs TM shitstorm.

>> No.6453942

These are all good things.

Nasu's sex scenes were terribly written, were only hamfisted in in the first place to boost sales. Anyone who wants another "oh god I don't have enough magic fill me with your semen" is an idiot.

You want porn? Go look at porn. No need to muck up the original work with it if it can be helped.

>> No.6453965

But I don't want just porn, I want official porn of Aoko.

>> No.6453962

You are forgetting about the mollusks.

>> No.6453971

Man, it's been ages since I read tsukihime. I installed it again a few months ago, but never could bring myself to finish it again.

> No more sex with a unkillable boner
I can't even remember why he had the unkillable boner.

> No more try to fill her up with energy
Yeah, that one was a perfect excuse.

Anyway, I was really looking forward to Mahoutsukai no Yoru, and I could live without the ero content, but the lack of voice and options was a bit of a disappointment when I found out.

Oh well, keep on milking that FSN cow, Nasu. It's not bonedry yet. Meanwhile I'll be waiting for my Atatatataraxia translation. See you in 2021, or did that project make any progress?

>> No.6453996

So what?
There's going to be no romantic elements in this game?
WHat is this anyways? A game set in the F/SN universe after Tsukihime?

>> No.6454005

It's not really milking when the other companies are the ones approaching Type-Moon for the license.

>> No.6454009

I don't really care either way about the written part of the h-scenes, but I want my CGs, dammit.
It's set before Tsukihime.

>> No.6454011

No ero: fine with this, never fapped to any of the previous games.
No voices: fine with this, I rarely tend to listen to the full voice track for each sentence anyway.
No options: fine with this to, it'll be just like a regular novel. You remember those don't you? Books.

As long as the story is well done and has allot of content and not super short, I really don't see what the problem is.
The music sounds pretty nice as well.

>> No.6454013

I thought it happened before Tsukihime

>> No.6454015

>There's going to be no romantic elements in this game?
I don't think so, just that, you know, pretentious "people growing emotionally with each others' help" slice of life bullshit.
Basically Nasu will write a fanfiction-level novel about a few days in Aoko's life, and everyone will be amazed at how deep it is.
Typical Hype-moon

>> No.6454029

At least if it were a book they wouldn't try to sell it for 8000 yen.

>> No.6454036


Isn't it going to be more about Aoko growing up and becoming a legendary Sorcerer?

Nasu better explain what the fuck Blue is.

>> No.6454041

It's going to be short.
Around 15 hours, about the size of the Fate route, probably shorter since no voices and no choices.

Personally I think no voice in fucking 2010 is bullshit though, let people decide whether to listen to them or not.

>> No.6454044

>Nasu better explain what the fuck Blue is.
I almost sort of hope he doesn't.

>> No.6454046


What the fuck does price matter? You're just going to pirate it anyway.

>> No.6454051


Why? Don't want Aoko to be dragged into a dozen powerlevel arguments?

>> No.6454053

> You remember those don't you? Books.
Books tend to be worth the paper they're printed on.

>> No.6454058

Powerlevel arguments are pretty much the main thing about Type-Moon.
It's not like you read them for their deep engaging storylines.
If you do I'm sorry for you.

>> No.6454061
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They do?

>> No.6454076

I'm glad, it means he's taking it seriously and not going for a money grab.

>> No.6454081

Seriously? Only 15 hours?

>> No.6454083


That's still longer than most VNs, bro.

>> No.6454086

What, you can't criticize the price on something unless you buy it?

The "no voices" thing seems less about Nasu's concerns about IMAGINATION~! and more about cutting costs, IMO.

>> No.6454087

Meh, I'll eat that shit up no matter how lacking it is.

>> No.6454090

Nukige maybe.
Otherwise not really, especially since they have been getting longer and longer in recent years.

>> No.6454091

Pretty much the only thing discussed in TM powerlevel is Servants vs DAA vs Arc vs Gil.

>> No.6454094

I doubt he's lacking money by now...

>> No.6454097

I guess paper is becoming cheaper?

>> No.6454109

It's not like it will ever be translated.

>> No.6454119

Perhaps his music cost so much he had to cut the voice actors.

Eventually, this is what'll happen. Everyone in this thread will most likely read it and complain loudly about it here

>> No.6454132

Even eroge company with a tenth of TM's budget full voice their games these days.
There is no excuses.

>> No.6454145

I think we all know the reason why there's no voices: Nasu is still too busy playing Demon Soul's to finish doing what little rewriting/ VN adapting he has to do for it.

>> No.6454159


Actually, it probably will be translated pretty fast, depending on who's interested.

The reason Fate/hollow ataraxia is taking a thousand years to translate is because nobody is interested.

>> No.6454167

And who will be interested?
Takajun doesn't seem to be that big of a TM fag.

>> No.6454169

Longer due to replaying previous scenarios maybe, that doesn't count. In terms of actual one time only content I think 15 hours is pretty decent.

TEND to be worth, yeah, always? No.
I mean come on, there are a crap load of books out there, how many have you read? how many were good? Not all of them that's for sure.
What does price matter in this instance really, it's slightly more expensive then a well received hard cover full length novel, It has more images then just the cover art, it has music as well as sprites.
Overall allot more work went into it's creation and production, it has no pages sure, but it has a physical form of a DVD, box and an artbook? or something.

Sides, at the end of the day how many people are going to buy it in the first place.

>> No.6454178

For not liking Type Moon so much he sure as hell did a lot of translating. FSN, KNK novels in part, the KNK movies...

>> No.6454179


Has TakaJun even been doing anything recently anyway?

>> No.6454180

>Takajun doesn't seem to be that big of a TM fag.
Yeah, he's just, you know, the one who translated the whole of FSN and part of Tsukihime.
He said he has no interest in translating HA because it had few fights and action in it compared to all the slice of life/mystery shit.

>> No.6454181

Majikoi, it's massive.

>> No.6454185

Knowing Type Moon, the many artbooks will come seperately

>> No.6454186

Just translating Majikoi. Nothing much.

>> No.6454190

He also said that he wouldn't rank FSN as high now.
Anyways he is busy with Majikoi for at least one more year or more

>> No.6454215
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I'm sure sensei's power will be enough to get some translators. If not, I'll just do what I always do and use AGTH/Atlas.

>> No.6454221

So, no date yet?
It was supposed to be released in September, fucking lazy Nasu

>> No.6454307

No voices? Man. TM continues to disappoint, though I'm sure once it comes out everything will end up great regardless.

>> No.6454316

I wonder which will actually manage to come out first, KimiIta or Mahoyo.

>> No.6454321

I don't need to hear squeaky Japanese girls screaming in order to achieve an erection, and thus do not care that this has no voices.

>> No.6454324

No voices does not bothered me,. I prefer imagine how they would sound like.

In fact when I heard Rin in the Dolphin scene I was disappointed since it was not like I imagined her voice at all.

>> No.6455025

I don't care about the lack of sexual content in this as the VN doesn't seem to have any lolis in it.

>> No.6455041
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