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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 204 KB, 1682x1049, TANKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6448401 No.6448401 [Reply] [Original]

Damn I love my Wespe. The match on Cliff starts with a couple heavies on both sides, a good mix of mediums and TDs and 4 SPGs on both sides. We're on the bottom. Both sides go for the middle route, heavy fighting in there. Eight minutes in, we've got a T-46, 3 SU-18s, and my Wespe left, they've got 2 T-57s, and SU-18, an SU-85B, and a Jagdpanzer left. I'm sitting at 3 kills.

Our T-46 moves up the middle with two of the SU-18s. The T-46 dies, but they take out the biggest threat: their SU-85B. Meanwhile the remaining SU-18 moves through the low area on the West with me pacing along behind him. We take out the Jagdpanzer. The SU-18 with me dies to one of their T-57s. I take him out a few seconds later. I'm at 5 kills, but have taken a lot of damage. The two SU-18s on our side in the middle find and take out their other T-57, I find their last SU-18. He fires, misses, and I get my sixth kill for the match.

This game has some awesome moments.

>> No.6448406

Woops, sorry guys! I thought I was posting on /v/... My mistake.

>> No.6448418

Cute, cute. Next time you try to impersonate someone, at least get the name right. Also, old thread:

>> No.6448895

so are we still calling ourselves shrine bitches?

>> No.6448911 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 288x499, why1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to wait before reporting another post.

>> No.6448938

If they ever implement a Battalion system, Shrine Bitches sounds good to me.

>> No.6448950 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6448955 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6448958 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6448961

BOOF? Why the hell did you ram me TWICE when I was using the loltraktor, and then proceeded to rub rub me?

I'm puzzled. Explain.

>> No.6449087


He want's to fuck

>> No.6449161
File: 332 KB, 1600x900, shot_038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baby's first Top Gun achievement

>> No.6449209

I did it in a Tier 3 tank. You Jealous?

>> No.6449227

Come on. You can barely consider the wespe a tier 3 unit. It punches way above its weight class. Same goes for all SPGs.

>> No.6449229

Tiers barely matters when you can one shot barely anything anywhere without moving.

>> No.6449248
File: 563 KB, 1024x610, herp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like I've got a long way to go...

For some reason I just can't get over 3 kills, every time I hit 3 I either die, or I damage but not finish off everyone else.

I'm about halfway done grinding "past" the Hetzer, it actually might go much faster that way if you're willing to sacrifice the gold to convert to free exp. You won't have to research anything in Hetzer tree except Stug.
I'll probably be short the credits, though.

>> No.6449258

Tell that to my SU-5. 14 shells and can barely scratch most of the heavies I'm up against. I feel guilty shooting the medium tanks in the match.

>> No.6449267

Stug III is 340k credits. Better get saving.

>> No.6449281

Leopard is best.

Everything else is babby.

>> No.6449418

Man up and fight with the Hetzer goddamnit.

>> No.6450062
File: 53 KB, 800x563, Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-197-1235-15,_Russland-Mitte,_Panzerjäger_'Marder_II'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! ;_;

I like my Marder too much.

Also, look at this motherfucker. LOOK AT HIM. Look at that pose, man, you wish you were even just a fraction as cool as this guy. I bet he woke up in the morning ready to go get on his TANK DESTROYER and make a cool animu pose like it ain't no damn thing. Rolling with his tank bros, being alpha as fuck. Damn.

>> No.6450068

I give up on this game, or at least on playing anything higher than my Wespe and Marder, until they fix the bullshit matchmaking going on right now. My Pz3 and Pz3/4 get 19/20 battles against tier 8+, and usually there's no more than 1 arty per team. I'd have had more fun today smashing my head against the wall.

>> No.6450102

why is this shit always spammed on /jp/?

>> No.6450110

Holy shit, 20 kill markings? This guy's on a roll.

>> No.6450114

...and then a second later, he gets shot in the head by a sniper. Such is the beauty of war.

>> No.6450119
File: 69 KB, 887x610, fredinand36ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't get faster to higher tiers without passing by the Hetzer.
Also, look at these motherfuckers. LOOK AT THEM. Look at that pose, man, you wish you were even just a fraction as able to take it easy as them. I bet they woke up in the morning ready to go get on their tender FERDINAND and share secrets with green tea and like it ain't no damn thing. Rolling with their tank bros, not giving a fuck. Damn.

That's because lower tiers are fewer than higher ones. So they get distributed with what's available.

It's not being spammed.

>> No.6450137

I was frustrated at first as well, using an un-upgraded Hetzer against those kinds of enemies. But you know what? I soon realized that every time there is a match with Tier 8 and 9 heavies, there are also a bunch of lower tier mediums, TDs, and artillery around. These are my targets. If I see heavies, I fall back. I never engage them headon, because I will lose. However, let your own heavies engage them headon, while you engage them from the side, and now suddenly you are able to do damage. Sure it'll take a bunch of hits, but that's not a problem if his attention is on another vehicle. Just keep shooting him in his thin rear or side armor.

If you are going to use the Hetzer, either of the gun upgrades is a good investment (probably after you upgrade the engine and the suspension to increase mobility and handling). If you get the 10.5cm gun, load it with HE shells, and hunt enemy scouts. You'll one shot a light tank, and two hits will kill any medium. If you see a damaged medium, make that your target. Heavies will not be immune to you either, and often you can do a little bit of damage to them with your HE rounds. Late in the match, if you are still alive, go into the enemy rear area and proceed to oneshot all of their artillery with your huge gun. If you go with the L48 gun, this is a better all around gun, and gives you the chance to penetrate enemy heavies side and rear armor with your AP shells, a faster reload time, and more ammunition available. This means that you can engage any target on the field including heavies and still do good damage - providing you engage them from the side or rear. However it's personal preference really.

>> No.6450144 [DELETED] 

Go back to your touhou/idol shit.

>> No.6450146

Those cannon shells are almost as big as they are. No wonder it needs two loaders. And hell, if its almost as big as a person, then that shell is almost as tall as a Hetzer. lol

>> No.6450167
File: 209 KB, 1964x2412, 80_cm_Gustav_shell_compared_to_T-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine loading the railway artillery. 800mm of hurt and it appears to be over 2m in length. Those German mega-weapons, man.

>> No.6450175

...is that an actual artillery shell? Where the hell do you put something like that in?

>> No.6450178

how do I try the game?

>> No.6450181
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1286089250056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not many people care if you have your own thread, but at least have the civility not to insult half the board when you're posting somewhere where it's clearly off-topic.

>> No.6450189

Go to the World of Tanks website and register, after that, go to MMOhut.com and get a WoT beta key. Then after that download/patch the game, and join the /jp/ channel.

>> No.6450192

I finally stopped using the sidegrade 10.5cm for the Hetzer by grinding the better 7.5cm, it's a lot more fun because it doesn't take years to reload. Hetzer's still a horrible piece of shit, waiting for Gold to stack up now so I can have a week of Premium to grind the fuck out of this piece of shit 'till I can become happy with a StuG III

>> No.6450197 [DELETED] 

>half the board
More like "samefags of the board".

>> No.6450198

Yes it's an actual shell. It was used in German siege artillery. The Germans used two of them during WW2 to siege various cities.


>> No.6450201


Why can't we get this tank?

>> No.6450202

that doesn't work, usually the heavies on my team just kill the enemy mediums before I can do anything. And getting to the side of an IS-4 doesn't accomplish shit because he has a bunch of teammates around who just one-shot me instead. Plus so many maps are just heavies sniping across the entire map and I can't get anywhere close.

But anyway, that's not the issue, I had no problem scouting with my Pz3 against high tiers before the update (I actually preferred doing that over duking it out with tanks of my own tier), the problem is that tier 8+ battles are EVERY FUCKING TIME now instead of about 50% like before. And don't give me that "aren't enough low tier tanks" bullshit >>6450119 , it doesn't suddenly change overnight and since there's tons of people working on the American tank tree there should actually be MORE low tier tanks compared to right before the update.

They obviously fucked up the brackets because I go down just 1 tier to my Wespe and Marder and get tier 5 opponents max, frequently no higher than tier 4. Plus the low tier battles are usually packed with arty while the high tier battles I'm lucky if I have more than 1 enemy/friendly arty to target/scout for.

>> No.6450204

am I just unlucky getting put in matches where each side has 3+ artillery? I'm getting blown up the second I'm detected.

earlier today I has having a manly 1 on 1 fight with a t-28 where one more hit from either of us would kill the other. I managed to drive around his side faster than he could move his turret and was about to finish him off when I suddenly died.at first I couldn't understand how he could have killed me, but then I looked at the name on the screen and saw it was actually some jackass in a su-8. this kind of thing completely ruins the game for me.

>> No.6450208
File: 42 KB, 500x630, reisen frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've realized that my M5 Stuart is probably a piece of shit compared to the leopard.

The cannon can hurt or crit heavies but what's the point when you manuever like ass and it takes forever to aim and you have less armor than T2 tanks.

>> No.6450214
File: 5 KB, 126x126, altas~n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's a fucking rail mounted gun

>> No.6450217

>More like "samefags of the board".
Only a few of /jp/'s samefags like Touhou now? Are you a fucking retard?

>> No.6450223

With a tank like that, you're supposed to camp at your base and help the arty out. Of course you're gonna get killed in the field if your movement is crap.

Yeah, it's a matter of how the matchmaking system is happy at the time. Just keep at it until you get a good match.

Also, according to BOOF, weren't they going to add said railway artillery pieces to the game? It'd be pretty awesome if they did, since they barely got used on the war.

Just imagine, a 32km map, 100 tanks to each side, and heavies defending each respective railway artillery piece. Meanwhile, said pieces RAIN DEATH with 2 meter shells on anything unlucky to be on their line of fire.

>> No.6450224
File: 15 KB, 249x228, 1252353577843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And somewhat ironic considering someone active on WoT goes by the name of "KommanderNITORI"

I know it's not really /jp/ related but I'm glad these threads are at least tolerated because a big community in /jp/ actually plays. Like Idol and Kig threads... don't really care, but it's not my place to jump in and be buttmadowned4lyfe about it.

>You won't get faster to higher tiers without passing by the Hetzer.

Well my logic is this- the Hetz is supposedly ass without upgraded engine, suspension, and gun. Ignoring the radio, right there that's about 5000 exp worth of grindan to research.

So if instead I sacrifice the 480 gold to convert 12,000 exp on my other tanks into free exp, I have the Stug unlocked (but not paid for) having not had to grind and dump 5,000 some odd exp on the way to make the Hetzer battle ready.

Just my take on it.

>> No.6450228
File: 164 KB, 1024x768, 2f26b406bc87920a2a59b20959c9d733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not a tank something akin to this. Its basically a giant flatbed with an artillery cannon.

>> No.6450229

There's a big difference, though, because kigu and idols are pretty undeniably otaku-related whereas WoT has to settle for being /jp/-related. But metafaggotry is actually more obnoxious than off-topic threads, so I'll stop here.

>> No.6450235

>With a tank like that, you're supposed to camp at your base and help the arty out. Of course you're gonna get killed in the field if your movement is crap.

If I wanted to do that I would play a heavy tank, the M5 can go just around 50kph but turning slows it down alot.

>> No.6450241

Exactly. You're supposed to turn around a lot in the field to avoid getting shot, so your best bet is just rushing the enemy base or staying put with that tank.

>> No.6450244


>> No.6450249

>so your best bet is just rushing the enemy base

except this is never a good idea ever

>> No.6450250
File: 40 KB, 650x443, M10TankDestroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just wait until the M10 becomes available.

High speed, heavy hitting gun and paper thin armor. Oh and a traversing turret.

>> No.6450270

But... that's not man enough. ;_;
Protip: bigger tier bigger rewards.

>> No.6450283

I like how this game breaks you down and builds you back up. When you start off you'll get destroyed and think it's crap, but when you get to the higher tiers you'll actually start enjoying the game.

It's a bony road to the top, but no one can quit anymore.

>> No.6450534

Today I've met two extremely rude people with high-level tanks, one of them driving a Tiger 2 and the other one driving an IS

I was happily travelling along a road with my Hetzer and followed a platoon member when suddenly the IS shoots RIGHT in front of me

if I hadn't stopped by any chance he would've hit me in the ass, taking me out.

Obviously I asked him why he tried to kill me and he replies that he didn't and went on to insult me.

Suddenly his Tiger 2 friend jumps in and says that he's going to report me for TKing, lol what? I didn't shoot at any of our tanks and I'd never do intentionally. Then the IS forgets that he claimed not shooting at me and accidentally admits to trying to TK me so I call him a liar. The game ends and I just feel confused about these assholes trying to get my account suspended when I didn't do anything wrong in the first place, instead being insulted and called a TKer for not TKing.

I really wish I would've played more with BOOF outside of our loltraktor race.

>> No.6450587

You were trolled. Next time just tell them to go ahead and report you, since it won't do anything, and ignore them for the rest of the game.

>> No.6450601
File: 63 KB, 640x488, P-1500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then it wasn't.

This is the Landkreuzer P1500 'Monster'. It is a SPG carrying the Dora. Imagine that. Tier 40, at least.

What's the /jp/ channel?

>> No.6450614

/jp/ mew

>> No.6450661

That sounds like a light tank with a big gun.
Then again, that's what TDs are, mostly. But a traversing turret?
Why choosing a light tank when you can go with that?
High speed, stealthy (low visibility common to TDs) and if shit gets real you can also send a world of hurt back, even if they are behind you.

That turret must traverse very slowly.

>> No.6450681

It was never built as it was deemed impractical. It has, what, the footprint of 6 heavy tanks and 4x wide treads? Better to have six Tigers than one of those.

>> No.6450722

True, but this is World of Tanks. Historical accuracy is an afterthought.

>> No.6450748


Fucking this.

Even worse when you're zoming along at 60+ and the fucking shells home in on you somehow. While far behind friendly lines. While positive nobody can see you since the closest red dot is half a map away.

>> No.6450760

The spotter must've been hiding in bushes or something.
But yeah, it's annoying. It is as though those SPGs were firing TOW missiles or some shit.

>> No.6450792


I've noticed this too... I was just playing a match with my Bison, and I let fly with a shot against a moving light tank waaaay out there. As soon as I fired I thought pfffttt, that's going to whiff by a good bit. Nope. Dead center, one shot kill.

/that's not to say I wasn't pleasantly surprised haha

I think that bison has served me well but it's time to get something a little more durable... german tech tree- Wespe or Sturmpanzer?

>> No.6450826
File: 133 KB, 567x800, b4dbfb8e8fb27a61a1a277c7ea58785235e83cd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hetzers gonna hetz.

And get caught on things and refuse to turn.

And be so low you can't shoot at anything unless you and your target are both on level ground.

And have a 10.5cm gun that leaves you plenty of time to go grab a snack before it reloads.

Picture related. Its what I wish I was doing in game.

>> No.6450837
File: 6 KB, 555x101, 555px-DoraVSScarab.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You where moe~ in that tank.

God I hope not. If a clan system is put into place, we will be known as "panzermoe"

It was fired from a gun called the "Schwerer Gustav"

It was a massive rail gun used to launch shells into low orbit from Germany and destroy entire fortresses in France. At full speed it could fire one round every 50 minutes.

Recoil sent it 10 miles down the track.

>> No.6450843

Impractical weapon is impractical.

>> No.6450855
File: 123 KB, 839x640, v42489_US WW2 T-28 w 105mm gun- thickest armor ever on an.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what the tier 8 USA TD is.

T28/95 Super Heavy Tank: Used to destroy fortresses.

Weight: 95 tons
Length: 11.1 m
Width: 4.39 m
Height: 2.84 m
Crew: 8 (Commander, 5 Gun Crew, Driver, Co-Driver)

Armor: 600 mm (thickest on any tank in ww2)
Primary Armament: 105 mm T5E1 Gun 62 Rounds
Secondary Armament: 1x .50Cal Machine Gun, 660 Rounds
Engine: Ford GAF V-8 Gasoline, 410HP (305kW)
Power/Wheight: 4HP/Tonne
Suspension: Double Track
Operational Range: 160 km
Speed: 13 km/h

I hear the tank that fires 300mm rockets is being added to the german tree in the final game.

>> No.6450857

>300mm rockets.

Holy fuck I came.

>> No.6450858
File: 982 KB, 1400x990, v42619_Russian WW2 KV-VI Land Battleship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KV-V1 would be fun to see as well.

>> No.6450862


>Power/Wheight: 4HP/Tonne

Oh god.

>> No.6450868

Man I hate World War 2. All the countries stopped being awesome afterward. Imagine if Germany kept building crazy ass shit even into the modern era. Fueling the cold war or something, selling nuke-shell firing maglev train cannons to Russia and overpriced giant tanks that could carry aircraft and smaller tanks to America.

>> No.6450873

Wriggle - me in A-20
Lily - whole enemy team

also, i kinda tired of getting placed with tier 8 tanks 9of10 rounds on my T-34, gonna blow some arses on Grille until i'll get tired of fuckslow aim and shitty accuracy

>> No.6450939

get a leopard

>> No.6450966

>Man I hate World War 2. All the countries stopped being awesome afterward. Imagine if Germany kept building crazy ass shit even into the modern era.

Actually the 5 allies still build military technology, just the LOSERS don't (japan and germany. italy was always crap)

>> No.6450972

Are you saying germany didn't have the best military technology in WW2?

>> No.6450983
File: 321 KB, 640x480, Sturmtiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never existed even as a prototype, though. It's a complete hoax.

Sturmtiger. About a dozen were built. The Germans basically packed these anti-submarine rocket mortars they had no use for into a heavily-armored SPG based on the Tiger chassis.

Had like 10 shots with it and was intended to flatten fortifications or take out infantry in urban settings. By collapsing the building they're in with a single shot.

It's apparently going to be a premium tank in the full game.

>> No.6450995

Eh, both Japan and Germany went back to building good stuff pretty soon after the war. The Japanese own what can be rightfully considered the meanest Navy today outside of the USN. And the Germans just went back to building armored vehicles and guns that everyone likes.

>> No.6451007

I've been thinking of getting into this. Can I paint my waifu on my tank? This is important.

>> No.6451020


This land battle ship was never made, but russia had TONS of tanks just like it with two, tree or even four turrets.

>> No.6451181
File: 80 KB, 1024x768, Tank - Type 100 OI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will also be French, British and Japanese tanks.
The French didn't make batshit awesome designs, but the British and Japanese sure as hell did. Pic related

Not the guy you are replying to, but how?

>> No.6451194

>the 5 allies still build military technology
Yeah, but nothing of what they (and Germany) make today makes one say 'Jesus Christ what the fuck were you thinking?' and 'this is fucking awesome!' at the same time.
It's all plain boring practical stuff instead of KV-VIs and Rattes.

>> No.6451202

Well, I was using a Hetzer armed with the L48 75mm gun just now. I critted an IS4 10 times shooting at it from 90 degrees to the side. Sure, I didn't kill it, and the heavy I was hiding behind delivered the death blow, but I felt good knowing that I had pinned him in place by killing his driver and constantly knocking out his tracks and stuff.

And then the round after that, I killed a King Tiger with the same Hetzer loadout, by shooting it in the side several times. The Hetzer is a great vehicle once you get used to it, and as long as you stay with your own heavies, and give them support, you'll survive too.

I have a fully upgraded Hetzer, and the thing is marvelous. It's 3 times faster now than it was when it was stock (a combination of a more skilled driver and a better engine/suspension) and once I get the periscope upgrade to increase view range when stationary, it will be downright deadly. Camouflage netting is also a must for any Tank Destroyer.

As for our /jp/ clan, I am fond of the HURK Brigade idea. But all of the names heard so far are pretty good. Or how about SSS - Sanae Slut Squad?

>> No.6451213
File: 167 KB, 936x444, 66963556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes you can. Here is a Luka skin.

Don't ask me how to make one though, I don't know. Photoshop will do it, I'm sure.

>> No.6451215

You guys realize this is a remake of a corean game right?

>> No.6451220

Suddenly, the hetzer is cool.

>> No.6451241

Russian, actually.

>> No.6451253

Holy shit, that's it. We're calling ourselves Panzermoe. The tags can be PM or something.

I mean, haven't we already been imagining the tanks as their character archetypes? Loli Hetzer, athletic genki Stug girl, Rude Monster Tits Catgirl Tiger?

>> No.6451283

That's... wow

pretty moe

>> No.6451287

I know what I'm going to start photoshopping soon.

>> No.6451303

Time to shoop.

But... what to shoop?

>> No.6451304
File: 293 KB, 1180x1574, bcedcb3573ec748fd517541dae2661d4db7d8aa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nov 14: We’re all out of keys again. Check back soon, I requested more from the developer! If you received the message “Your Key is:” and it’s blank. It’s because we ran out of keys.

>> No.6451322

Go to mmohut and get one, they have a couple thousand

>> No.6451336

maybe yesterday - i have brilliantly bad timing it seems. here's to hoping for another beta wave~

>> No.6451356

>Tank-o Luka.jpg
And it's a Hetzer, to boot.

>> No.6451619

>Hey I can actually being useful if I don't waste my own life.
Finally someone realized it?

That's probably just modifying the game textures, and that will apply to every tanks using that said texture. I wish it would be more personal.

>> No.6451671


So yeah, started this, got a Valentine, what do I do from here on out?

What's your IGNs?

>> No.6451693

Sell the Valentine, look at tech tree and think what you'll like best, join /jp/ (Mew) channel, and go do battle with the t1 tank of that nation you like.

>> No.6451707

Fuck this, I'm going to use the traktor for now.

>> No.6451752

Some short explanations of the nations and types of tanks.

Russian tanks focus on mobility and damage, they are the close combat tanks mostly as they have great sloped armor to bounce shells.
German tanks focus on accuracy, penetration, and armor, they are great snipers and due to the high armor at long range you will be able to deflect some shells.
US tanks are...I don't know, I hear they have shit guns and armor, but are fast have very cheap repairs and have massive armor on their turrets.

Now for tanks.
Light tanks are scouts, they are fast and scout enemy tanks and artillery, they die in one to two hits usually.

Medium tanks I'm not exactly sure, but from what I can tell they are fast and can circle heavy tanks easily avoiding being hit due to slow turret turn from heavies.

Heavy tanks are the front line, they are slow and usually slow reload, but they have a ton of health and armor as well as huge damage usually. They are the ones that rule the battlefield but their shells and repairs cost a fortune, so the dominance comes at a price.

Tank Destroyers are the back line and protector of artillery, they have huge sloped frontal armor and high damage guns. They have no turret so if they get in a close range battle they are as good as dead if the enemy destroys your tracks. They have a natural bonus to being harder to detect so they are the perfect ambushers.

Artillery are the gods hands, they have massive damage and can do big damage to high tier heavies and one shot many mediums, however they are slow and reload insanely slow, making them very open for light tanks to spot for other artillery to kill the artillery. They have to carefully plan their shots because of their long reload and how long it takes to gain full accuracy, a miss from a higher tier artillery is often 1k-3k credits gone.

>> No.6451778

Naturally, the nationality of the tank changes the role of the tank. Example is a Tiger heavy tank is not seen on the front lines often, it is often defending a choke point or a strategic area. While the Russian IS heavy tank of the same tier you will see often in leading the attack.

Take note that my explanation will never be 100% accurate, it's the general guideline. The Russian KV is a notable exception to the heavy tank explanation. The repairs are cheap, the shells are cheap, they get put in the lower tier battles often, and the two higher tiered guns they have allows them a place in higher tier matches.

>> No.6451846

does anyone dislike how low tier = light tanks = 1939 crap while high tier = heavy tanks = 1945+ super machines?

I wish they would rework the matchmaking to use time periods instead of vague tiers

>> No.6452060


If you want to dish out maximum rape with a tank destroyer, then go with the M18 Hellcat when the game goes open.


>> No.6452113
File: 171 KB, 500x551, whyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spotting range on top tier heavy tanks

>spotting range on lights

>> No.6452123

Welcome to World of Rage. Yes.

And the worst thing is, when you MOVE you get less View Rage. So Heavies can see you way before you can see them.

And then one hit kill you.

>> No.6452165

So what's this game about, how's it play, how do you control the tanks, is it fun?

>> No.6452173

I need to test how spotting range works. Would you see a larger tank sooner? How much do bushes affect it? Any difference for slow/fast movement?

Something I'll have to talk some people into giving me a hand with.

>> No.6452320

>So what's this game about,

>how's it play,
first you pick your tank. then you join a battle and get killed by people with way better tanks than you. repeat until you unlock better tanks.

>how do you control the tanks,
you move with the keyboard and use the mouse for the turret

>is it fun?
maybe if you're one of the ones with high level tanks, but at low tiers it's an exercise in frustration

>> No.6452331

Wow fuck, I never understood why people thought itashas were painful to look at but this opens my eyes

>> No.6452334 [DELETED] 

You /v/tards are getting bolder and bolder every day.

>> No.6452403
File: 456 KB, 1600x900, shot_025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never have over a hundred steel wall achievements.

Nazrin is actually my tank commander.

Also, I've created the /jp/ clan for the U.S. Championship.

We're the /jp/ Shrine Bitches. The password to enter is "touhou".

Here is the link to join:


>> No.6452623

But we decided on Panzermoe... ;_;

>> No.6452650 [DELETED] 

What is this flavor of the month bullshit? It's not even moe this time so you have no excuse. You retards need to take this to /v/.

>> No.6452686

>maybe if you're one of the ones with high level tanks, but at low tiers it's an exercise in frustration

Not so, my low tier Marder regularly ruins shit in matches- I got Tank Destroyer tree after a few loltraktor matches, and then playing in the tier II TD (8 matches can hardly be considered serious grinding) got me the Marder.

Hide in a bush, wait for targets. If a light tank spots you and there is artillery, kill the light tank and move to another bush. The end.

I actually had a dream about World of Tanks last night- that I was sitting there grindan and then loli Nanoha broke down my door and was like "this is stupid, let's go flying!" and then, we flew around...


>> No.6452694 [DELETED] 

Great, now people are going to be posting

>Master Chief is my husbando

So it's "moe" or something.

>> No.6452715 [DELETED] 


>> No.6452717
File: 51 KB, 192x214, Grin Kaguya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get in M2 Light Tank
>barely killing anything, barely surviving battles

>get gunner to 100%
>average 4 kills per battle

>> No.6452720 [DELETED] 

That's only enough to make it /a/ related.

>> No.6452723 [DELETED] 

>/a/ related
This thread belongs here more than you do.

>> No.6452724 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 637x588, aya surprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, looks like I just got told by a /v/tard.

>> No.6452726 [DELETED] 

Wait a minute, I'm going to mod an Xbox with a Vocoloid character so every Xbox game is /jp/ related.

>> No.6452727
File: 72 KB, 413x68, WoWScrnShot_111010_213017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you was this /jp/

>> No.6452753

Do you need an invite to enter the closed beta?

>> No.6452762
File: 127 KB, 500x416, maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you how this is related to /jp/

Thought this was just another japanese MMO with an odd focus (military otaku are still otaku after all), but it seems to be completely western, although based from a korean game.

>> No.6452765

No, just a code. MMOhut should have some now.
If not, check other MMO sites.

>> No.6452781

>at low tiers it's an exercise in frustration
Protip: Get a tier 2 American SPG, max it out (it's easy to max out), and get free experience to transfer to your other tanks. It gives me 800-1000 exp on average as oppose to me playing my T-28 (tier 4 medium) or KV (tier 5 heavy) where I get like 100 in a bad game, 500 in a good game.

WWII games are always /jp/ related.

>> No.6452782

It's not /jp/-related, however, meido implicitly supports such threads.

>> No.6452794

It's actually a russian MMO, based off a russian MMO called Мир танков which was Russia only.
It will eventually have japanese tanks.

>> No.6452806

that's because you're below tier 4, previous poster should have said MID tiers are an exercise in frustration. Low tiers are only a problem when you're still learning how to play

>> No.6452811

UO was the only good MMO. An MMO can only be good if it is steeped heavily in early UO. The rest are just normalfests.

Mortal Online was supposed to be like that, wonder how it's going.

>> No.6452816

>UO was the only good MMO
If a bunch of guys standing at a crossroads spamming Corp Por at everyone who walks past is seen as the height of the genre then no wonder MMOs are so shitty.

>> No.6452818


>> No.6452841

>15 vs 15
>massively multiplayer

>> No.6452846

Exactly the way it's meant to be.

Instead there are all these games where you can go to any crossroads and won't get Corp Por'd unless you consciously decide you want to be. What kind of living world is that? It's like every MMO since Trammel is in Trammel.

And it's not just about the PvP, but how the whole game revolved around the players, whereas other games just revolve around NPCs.

>> No.6452855

Other game modes will have higher player counts

>> No.6452857

There's a living world, and then there's being nothing to the game but killing people and being killed by people.

The Trammel/Felucca split was the best thing that ever happened to UO.

>> No.6452870

Your reality is upside down. It was what destroyed everything good about UO, along with more and more artifacts.

>> No.6452905

There's nothing good about griefing just to grief. What's lame are things like not being able to hit people's monsters, not being able to lead tons of monsters to someone else, or not having everything on a monster fall to the ground to be picked up by whoever. The ability to go from point A to point B without being killed repeatedly is something MMOs need.

If you want to PvP then go have a PvP match. You can still rape people that way, unless your only skill was in surprise attacking.

Though open PvP with EvE system is fine. You fuck around and grief and you lose the ability to hang out in the newbie places with open PvP areas if you want to enter them.

>> No.6452928

Can't you people be talking about World of Goo instead? At least that's doujinsoft.

>> No.6452941



>> No.6452950


>> No.6452968

I joined the clan, but only me and Adolf are on it. I believe we need 20 to be recognized as official?

Come on, we need more shrine maidens.

>> No.6452980

Signed up. Hope you have a use for a T-43 or a Marder.

>> No.6452985

Will a VK3601H be any good?

>> No.6452986

Logging in, please wait warmly.

>> No.6452991

Addendum: Or a Churchill. :3

>> No.6453032 [SPOILER] 
File: 199 KB, 900x900, 1255950488435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> U.S. Championship.

Son... you know the drill

>> No.6453048
File: 116 KB, 496x358, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes... YES... keep flocking, my shrine beauties! Soon, we rule the world with the power of silly hats!

>> No.6453049


Can anyone join the clan or is this for some tournament thing? I want to hang out with /jp/ if I ever get on this, but I don't want to shit up anything important by not knowing anything.

>> No.6453059

Why isn't this in /v/?

>> No.6453063


/v/ doesn't talk about games.

>> No.6453078


Maybe they would if its users would stop flooding /jp/ with off-topic shit and go back.

>> No.6453092


What, and let /jp/ fester as the shithole it truly is?

That's a good idea actually. Let's.

>> No.6453158
File: 508 KB, 929x657, c8a10d469fb5e89bd8c5db32d0604024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I unlocked the Stug but realized I need about 200,000 more credits to buy it

Well, at least its cool to know that you can skip a tier if you really hate some tank. All you need is extra gold and patience. I'm probably going to end up in a Hetzer anyways, though. It is quite a moe little tank destroyer.

>> No.6453202
File: 297 KB, 552x849, raito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we keep it in only one thread and there's a big enough part of /jp/ playing it. Why would our lovely meido delete threads where we are taking it easy, enjoying ourselves, and discussing correctly?

Pic related, you will never have won more than 1000 battles. sadfrog.jpg

>> No.6453252 [DELETED] 

>At least we keep it in only one thread
some fighting mmo(?)
>there's a big enough part of /jp/ playing it
spamming saten/squid girl along with your mmo thread saten/squidgirl don't make you "part of /jp/"
Seriously, last time you could use "it looks weeaboo, so otaku culture" excuse, but now.. Tanks, lol.

Then again, this is /jp/, you can post whatever you like, when our janitor is hotgluer he won't be deleting video game threads.

>> No.6453261 [DELETED] 

Ignore second saten/squidgirl, autism etc.

>> No.6453277 [DELETED] 

Just because a good deal of /jp/ may happen to be watching Ika Musume or Railgun II doesn't mean that discussions (even polite, non-retarded ones) that are obviously off-topic for the board shouldn't be deleted.

>> No.6453295 [DELETED] 

Why don't you argue about whether it should be deleted or not with the janitors instead? Talking about that here is fucking retarded.
In other words deal with it and take it easy.

>> No.6453400
File: 22 KB, 144x122, sadkappa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download world of tanks overnight
>The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program.
Y..you'll have to go on without me.. I'll.. be fine. Do your best jp.

>> No.6453498

Signed up.

>4. Maximum tier of the vehicles in the championship - tier 8.
You might need a new tank sadly Hitler.

Here's the regulations http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/16543-us-open-championship-world-of-tanks-regulations

>> No.6453611

I had the weirdies experience today, I actually killed with my hezer and was a help to my team being in cover and spotting for them. And at the end of the round I got 1200 exp. With Premium naturally.

>> No.6453626

That's because the M2 is awesome except for it's godawful profile

>> No.6453674

>tier 8 limit
So... everyone in T8 heavies for the tournament?

>> No.6453711

10. The total tier number of tanks in one team shall not exceed 90 points.

Since there's 14 players 14 tier 8 would be 112 points, it'll probably have to be evened out unless you want a few in stuff like t1.

>> No.6453883

>he forgets about arties/scouts

>> No.6453899

7 People in T8 Heavies
2 People in T8 TDs
3 People in T5/6 SPGs
90 tier points and 12 tankers.
We'll have a few in lower tier tanks, so we can Put the 13th and 14th person in there somewhere.
That was easier than expected.

>> No.6454111

I love you guys /jp/. You'll always be there for me in our chat room in WoT right guys? And we can talk about moe tanks and HURKHURKHURK and aya chocolate puke? I'm so happy that there's always somebody on, no matter the time of day. Like this, it's almost like I won't be forever alone ;_;

>> No.6454174

People in WoT chatroom talk surprisingly more than in any place. I believe all the killing has something to do with it.

It stimulates neurons. Yeah, that must be it.

>> No.6454232

This is the beta. From what I understand, the final version is intended to have a "living" world that you fight over. Apparantly, territories will be Clan based, and they will fight for their own territory vs others. Unaffiliated players, who don't belong to a clan, will be able to be hired by Clans as mercenaries to fight for them.

inb4 we have a /jp/ kingdom in our virtual Europe and we fight for our waifus back home.

So yes, it is going to be massively multiplayer. Already, even in the closed beta, there are tens of thousands of people on at any give time, so many that when you click play, it jumps into a match INSTANTLY without having to wait for it to find players.

>> No.6454372

I don't know how it is with td or artillery but I have 3 tier 4 medium tanks and I feel completely useless. I'm too weak to kill heavy tanks, or even higher tier medium tanks, and if I do manage to find a light tank to kill I just get blown up by artillery before I can finish the fight.

>> No.6454392

This, pretty much. Protip to anyone that's going down the middle soviet tree: you will have a hell of a ride with the T-28. Not only the armor is a piece of shit, the guns don't do squat against heavies and mids.

>> No.6454401

>the guns don't do squat against heavies and mids.
My 85mm finds your opinion to be incorrect. The T-28 w/ 85mm: Move like a medium, hit like a heavy.

>> No.6454405

Yeah well, you need to invest 4000xp on that thing. It's not worth it when you could just grind your way to the KV.

>> No.6454866

wait.... TIER 8 LIMIT? NO MUAS?

>> No.6454880

I hope you can use a 38H735(f) or a M2 LT. Signing.

>> No.6454896

10 people currently on clan. Yes.

Since I joined second, can I be the general?

>> No.6454916

You can be the person who brings me tea and pictures of my waifu

>> No.6455135
File: 248 KB, 1600x900, shot_042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never get such stats with a V tier tank ;_;

>> No.6455159
File: 338 KB, 1600x900, shot_043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy 500th kill my Ferdi.

>> No.6455797

