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6447725 No.6447725 [Reply] [Original]

>friends show up unexpected and uninvited every month
>they hate weeaboos
>hide all weeaboo shit deep in computer
>can't even use a kawaii desktop
>don't hear from friends for over 6 months
>still afraid of losing them if they catch me with my pants down

What should I do /jp/?

>> No.6447727


>> No.6447726
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>> No.6447729

If they're truly your friends, they'll accept you no matter what your tastes are. If they don't, they don't even deserve your friendship.

>> No.6447731

You've got two choices:
1) Stay closeted forever.
2) Man the fuck up and see if you'll sink or float.

>> No.6447732

1st, post more feet pictures

2nd, why are these people your friends?

>> No.6447733

Get better friends if they are so damn uptight about "weeaboo" shit.

>> No.6447734

>kill friends when they come
>rape the bodies
>post pics

>> No.6447728

>friends show up unexpected and uninvited every month
>they hate weeaboos

They are not your friends. Ditch them.

>> No.6447736


>> No.6447740

Oh god I came

But yeah, they should accept you however you are if they are really your friends.

>> No.6447741

I believe this is the only good advice so far

>> No.6447742

They're not bad friends it's just that they think it's cool and edgy to hate "chink shit".

>> No.6447748

put some claymores and take the ghost perk
you might want a suppressor for when you shoot your load

>> No.6447750

>they think it's cool and edgy hurr durr
i think you prove they are retards

>> No.6447751

>not bad friends
>have to hide who you really are whenever they're around and fake laugh at things you pretend to find humourous

>> No.6447752

Cool greentext story. Maybe you should select your friends according to your hobbies, that's how it works, usually.

>> No.6447753

>don't hear from friends for over 6 months
>not bad friends

Also I don't think you know what friends are.

Anyway you could try to slowly corrupt them into liking chink shit.

>> No.6447756

>not bad friends
What value you get out of your relationship with them?

>> No.6447757

No. That's not how it works.

>> No.6447759

Oh really ?

>> No.6447761

>be picky about people!
>ditch them even if they're the only ones who put up with you!
TRUENEETs here in force, it seems.
Op, just make a separate user profile for your kawaii needs that you can switch out in a matter of seconds. Problem solved.

>> No.6447767

How does it work? You hang around with the same people you always hang around with, no matter how much your interests diverge, because being alone for too long (say, 6 months) in intolerable, and finding more compatible replacement friends is too hard?

>> No.6447768

>ditch them even if they're the only ones who put up with you!

That's the problem, they clearly don't put up with OP if he has to hide a simple hobby from them.

>> No.6447779

That and variations that everyone else has said. I have friends that are nice like that.

>> No.6447781

So we're supposed to put up with judgmental retards just because we're acquainted with them? Guess what, for some people conforming to social norms isn't everything.

>> No.6447792

I agree for once. Masks are only to be used when necessary, which doesn't include keeping shitty friends.

>> No.6447803

Having friends, as opposed to hanging around with any and all strangers you serendipitously meet, is being picky. There's nothing bad about being picky about people.

OP's friends are picky, it seems, about open weeaboos. Not a problem for them. They don't need to hang around with them.

OP isn't picky enough to choose friends who won't compel him too hide his weeaboo fagotry. And this seems to be causing him some degree of distress. OP's non-pickyness is his problem.

OP's friends do tolerate OP. That is, as long as OP hides this particular interest from them. But they don't have to know this. That's purely OP's problem.

>> No.6447807

>friends show up
Stopped there.

>> No.6447808

>don't hear from friends for over 6 months

They're gone, forget about them.

>> No.6447811

Quit being a pussy and taking shit from "friends" who make you miserable.

Of course if you were capable of doing that then you wouldn't have had a problem in the first place, would you.

>> No.6447823

Mind you OP, if you follow the advice in this thread you will be alone.

Open-minded people or tolerable weeaboos are a rarity.

>> No.6447837

Option A: put up with assholes who shit on you.

Option B: be alone.

Option C: tell the assholes to fuck off then find like-minded people to hang out with instead.

>> No.6447841

>find like-minded people to hang out with instead.

>> No.6447847


>> No.6447849


>> No.6447852

A conundrum. But either you want to interact with others or you don't. If not, enjoy yourself. If you do, then you have to go out and find them.

>> No.6447866

Tell the fuckers you can't have them over anymore, make up some lame excuse and either they take a hint or they don't.

You're a fucking faggot OP, nobody is forced into situations with shitty fake friends - it only happens because you let it happen and continue to allow it.

>> No.6447918

Give up OP, this is the only place you'll be able to get "friends".

Next time they come over display your hobby full force, and see what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised. If nothing else, nothing of value will be lost. You'll still feel alone and unhappy even when they're hanging out with you.

>> No.6447950
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You're complaining?
Well, let me tell you something, all the friends I ever had were Christians (because I was quiet and never dated a girl, and was friendless, so they thought I was pure or some shit like that). I had to pretend I believed in god just because I didn't want to be alone in High School (believe me, they won't treat nerd fags nicely in school, and if he's always alone it's even worse). Also, pretending I believe in god includes pretending I like Christian stuff and disliking wrong things, like music that isn't Christian.
Anyway, I got rid of them when I finished High School. I don't really miss any of them, or any friend I ever had during my adolescence.

>> No.6447951

For whatever reason, he likes these people. Look what he's worried about:
>still afraid of losing them

I suspect that OP, compared to many outspoken anon's of /jp/, simply has a lower tolerance for lonesomeness. It still must be high compared to the population average, since
>don't hear from friends for over 6 months
Are you okay with that, OP? Perhaps it's okay if you just happen to drift apart, as long as you're not kicked out of the friend circle in a sudden, embarrassing, dark-secret-exposing episode?

Also seems that OP has a higher tolerance for hypocrisy (in the mask-wearing sense) than many anons. Hiding his stuff just isn't a big deal for him.

>> No.6448164

"It is better to be alone than in bad company"

>> No.6448179

But do they hate faggots?
Offer your ass to them.
It'll solve all your problems you fucking slut.
