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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 55 KB, 640x480, neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6446381 No.6446381 [Reply] [Original]

So when are you guys going to stop being NEETs and go out and meet people?

Note that this doesn't apply to the few girls on /jp/, as they all seem to be sociable and well adjusted.

Don't end up like this guy.

>> No.6446395

>go out and meet people
Why would I do that?

>> No.6446394

If it weren't for your mentioning girls more people might have taken this thread seriously.

>> No.6446396

They can come to me

>> No.6446403

>my face when you implied you could stop being a NEET

>> No.6446405

35 years old?


>> No.6446415

NEET != hikikomori

>> No.6446426


He's 31.

>> No.6446427

you can stop being either of those as well.

>> No.6446448

I don't give a fuck if you're NEET or normalfag. Discuss things aside from that, and I'll get along with you.

>> No.6446456

Actually, you can. NEET stands for Not in Education, Employment or Training so all you need to do is get a job or go to college.

>> No.6446459

>Note that this doesn't apply to the few girls on /jp/, as they all seem to be sociable and well adjusted.

And why do you think that is?

It's because it's easier for them.

>> No.6449757

Dunno, I think until 35 is still acceptable, right?

>> No.6449765

If I work、 I lose。

>> No.6449773


HIKKIKOMORI = Shut in, avoids people, etc.

Please don't mix up simple things OP, it doesn't make you look bright.

>> No.6449786

I'm a NEET, get government money but still go out every weekend and fuck bitches.

>> No.6449789

I'm hikki and there is no escape.

>> No.6449812

>stop being NEETs and go out
>girls on /jp/
>they all seem to be sociable and well adjusted.
>Don't end up like this guy.

Try harder next time.

>> No.6449816

Go outside why now? So I can breathe fetid air, be irradiated by a giant ball of burning gas and be forced to interact with the completely unpredictable unwashed masses?


>> No.6449842

i'm a hikikomori
living in my apartment for 11 years
parents threaten to cut off money supply but they never actually will
im 33
i stopped being ashamed about this a while ago

>> No.6449876

But why would I do that?

>> No.6449899
File: 27 KB, 641x480, fatora_teasing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Note that this doesn't apply to the few girls on /jp/, as they all seem to be sociable and well adjusted.
oh my god you did not just go there

8/10, that's one of the most creative lines I have seen here in a while

>> No.6449941

>the few girls on /jp/ [..] all seem to be sociable and well adjusted.
That's because they're men trolling by acting like they're outgoing women.

>> No.6449954

anybody think that guy is fucking sexy? pale skin, longish nose

ah man, i gotta fap

>> No.6449992 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 480x360, 1287794813726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to a culinary Institute, still live with my parents, but moving out in June and paying my own rent [Spoiler]with the money I worked for, you know, at work.[/Spoiler], I get out every day, have a number of friends, still have time for all my animu and games, I go to work, have a car and a license, [Spoiler]female[/Spoiler], about as far away from being a NEET as possible.

[Spoiler]And I'm not even a troll. Come at me bro.[/Spoiler]

>> No.6450023

already stopped being a NEET, found a group of people at my school who play touhou.

>> No.6450027

Patchouli = Hikikomori
Kaguya = NEET

>> No.6450046

>found X at school
>was NEET
Underage B&

>> No.6450049

I just emailed the guy who interviewed me and demaned he set up the follow up interview he promised. That's how you do it, right?
