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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 107 KB, 400x623, scarlet2_sakuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6438456 No.6438456 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /Jp/

A While Ago i saw a picture of Remilia feeding off of Sakuya. Anyhow in the speech buble remilia mentionted that Sakuya's name was --------- bel-mo-t
Although non-canon This would expain the events that happened during Castlevania order of Ecclesia. this would mean say through fan-canon this would make Sakuya's birthdate around 1800s. and that she's well lets see. more than 2 centurys old?

Discuss. And find me that picture.

>> No.6438487

its touhouvania
they just add stuff to make it sound okay

>> No.6438520
File: 480 KB, 1070x1517, break_through_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6438529

What is a Touhou?

>> No.6438538

A pile of frilly clothes and weird hats.

>> No.6438552


A miserable pile of hats.

Wait, no, that's TF2.

>> No.6438590
File: 190 KB, 670x950, 5ca419073547f0024aa48d05d4084e80ba9bec03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hong, is this a full doujin? I have this page here.

>> No.6438596


>> No.6438602
File: 715 KB, 800x1156, 1287682096524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There wasn't any belmonts in order of ecclesia.

And have the belmont women ever actually fought vampires?

No they have a habit of getting turned into monsters and having their soul turned into vampire killers.

>> No.6438612

Sonia Belmont. Erased from Castlevania's canon, but who care now anyway since Castlevania is officially over.

>> No.6438613

No one is immune to the allure of loli vampires apparently.

>> No.6438617

What about Maria?

>> No.6438647

did she get to be a belmont at some point?

I remember renarde being her last name.
Everyone got erased from canon, lords of shadow reset the damn canon. Though the series isn't over and just because yahtzee from zero punctuation didn't like the game doesn't mean its bad, I'm wholly enjoying it and its not denial enjoyment like aliens vs predator was.

Also Fucking castlevainia legends I always forget it exists, along with the kid dracula games.

>> No.6438653

Her last name is Renard, but she's a distant relative of Belmonts, like Morrises.

>> No.6438670

Does Lords of Shadow become better after the part shown in the demo? Because I played the demo and it was meh. The gameplay felt like any other modern action game with no signs of Castlevania anywhere.

>> No.6438671
File: 228 KB, 500x500, 11011004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess if you count that. But yeah I admit my earlier post was wrong as I completely forgot about Legends on the basis that I've never physically owned the thing, emulated it when I was younger but long forgot it existed.

>> No.6438680


Time to go play SotN again

>> No.6438683
File: 27 KB, 236x326, alucard-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sequel will have Alucard.

I wonder if he will look more like his Castlevania III incarnation.

>> No.6438687

Replaying it here too. Always try to slide, all the fucking time.

>> No.6438690


Some new Castlevania tracks came out a few days ago. Lots of guitar.

>> No.6438693

Well the big points for me is that the story besides not having nearly enough dracula is all incredibly well voice acted and not terrible, There are about 1000 cutscenes thanks to kojima's hand in the thing and you get enough weird awesome powerups to keep you mashing the hundreds of werewolves ,vampires etc and you get the whole starting the belmont legend aspect which is cool.

Oh and the puzzles are simple and fun.

Honestly the only thing I hugely dislike about the game is that on the higher difficulties it can take 6 minutes to kill a baby troll.

But I'm biased as fuck as castlevainia is my favorite game series. I even beat the ones on n64.

>> No.6438696


>> No.6438698
File: 27 KB, 231x377, CV3_J_Manual_Alucard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure hope so. It's the best Alucard. I like Kojima's visual style, but I don't like how she makes even Simon a faggot.

>> No.6438700

I hope so, Bela Legosi Alucard was awesome.

Bishounen alucard, well at least SOTN WAS AMAZING.

>> No.6438719
File: 12 KB, 150x203, Alu0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see others like his older design.

Legends had a nice design, I have to admit, as well.

>> No.6438723

The thing I dislike about SotN is that the input for Soul Steal has been forever ingrained into my muscle memory, which essentially fucks over any chance of it having any challenge for me ever again.

>> No.6438727

>There wasn't any belmonts in order of ecclesia.
Exactly. Sakuya = missing link

>> No.6438729

For some reason, when /jp/ has CV threads they are quite good.

>> No.6438732
File: 110 KB, 300x300, Castlevania3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's a slow and relatively mature board.

/v/ makes me ill.

>> No.6438734

Lords of shadow Dracula is scottish.

Wait, does this mean he's going to fire fireballs from his kilt?

>> No.6438735

Remilia looks like Yuuka in that comic.

>> No.6438745
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is.

>> No.6438747

Blame the green hair.
This theory pleases me. I need a doujin about it.

>> No.6438749

They don't need missing links, there have been a couple titles where no belmonts are present.

Unless you're saying that she has Belmont pups at some point, and you touhou guys and your purity stuff, just saying.

>> No.6438755
File: 205 KB, 897x1400, 1289278899768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm perfectly okay with that.

>> No.6438762
File: 48 KB, 375x500, castlevania_sotn_death_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want moar theory?


1. last time i checked time stopping and manipulation was only available to a select few in CV if you notice only Aeon and Saint Germain (members of some sort of order that oversees the flow of time) So how did Sakuya a Belmont no less Get Her Powers? i think this guy might have something to do with it.

Death i'm in ur belmonts tainting ur bloodlines

>> No.6438765
File: 208 KB, 840x1200, 1289281061572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuka becomes a vampire

I think you know very well how okay with this I am.

>> No.6438769

Wait wait wait, You're using a judgement only character in your theory?

Thats like punching your credibility in the nuts, repeatedly.

>> No.6438778

That and the whole
"Oh yeah you have to endure Fierce training and many a hard labour for you are being raised to hit a God-hating spastic in the head reapeatedly until he dies after going through his huege castle" thing might have been a bit overwhelming.

>> No.6438780

Korean laugh?
>>how did a Belmont get [time-stopping powers]
Through the use of the watch sub-weapon. It's usually not worth picking up.

>> No.6438784
File: 19 KB, 450x532, 1289206014446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wouldn't be okay with that?

Are you saying Death boned Sakuya?

>> No.6438787

Look Judgement did happen but it technically at the Same time didn't consider the concept of time travel loop holes etc.

>> No.6438788

Nope he just boned Someone then Sakuya popped out.

>> No.6438793

Well that covers some of Sakuyas Time-stop ability but keep in mind that the Watch ONLY stops time it dosn't accelerate it or allow the slowing down of time if you recall.

>> No.6438801

Seeing as mothers in a Belmont line are like what, rarely mentioned except for someone who was wiped from canon?

>> No.6438802
File: 32 KB, 400x565, Angel_of_Death[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! Oho.

>> No.6438807

one of the crush's might have

Can't remember always used daggers or sacred fist.

>> No.6438809
File: 29 KB, 487x504, Castlevania_scorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6438812

It works as slowing down on some enemies. Though it can hardly be called "time control". And Sakuya can even reverse time to some small extent.

>> No.6438813

So it's only shown. A subweapon's portrayal in-game is not necessarily the extent of its power or use, I'd imagine, and sometimes a subweapon varies from Belmont to Belmont. Richter introduced the Item Crash, for example, pulling off previously unseen attacks, Juste combined the subweapons with magics, etc.

Maybe Sakuya mastered the watch? I dunno.

In any case, any connection with her being a Belmont is like her connections with Dio Brando. Neat and coincidental, but not necessarily substantial.

>> No.6438814

Don't Forget to keep in mind that Death does have, Well as much as i can bluntly put it, A life outside of Dracula's Domain Keep in mind that After Dracula Trolled Leon and got teh Soul of a vamp in teh crimson stone it gave him the power OVER death so initialy Death pops up in a physical form to work/assist Dracula for all we know death may just hate Vlads guts. So he probably has had some parters in uhh unlife? life? Death? Whatever.

>> No.6438815

>In any case, any connection with her being a Belmont is like her connections with Dio Brando. Neat and coincidental, but not necessarily substantial.

But so, so awesome.

>> No.6438817

Be a good ground for Doujin/CYOA making though wouldn't it?

>> No.6438823

Death is dracula's only true bro.

Thats why he sacrifices his life to save him in portrait.

>> No.6438824

True but then again that would mean that every belmont could just timehack the fuck out of everything and Pimp whip Mathias when he was about to Soul steal Walters soul.

>> No.6438835

>Thats why he sacrifices his life to save him in portrait.
Power OVER Death? hellloooooo Vlad has him on a dog's leash.

>> No.6438841
File: 55 KB, 176x240, castlevania4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death also puts up with Alucard's shit in SotN for a loong time.

Even, after leaving a huge path of destruction, Death during the second encounter still asks him to stop and doesn't want to fight.

Death is Bro of eternity.

>> No.6438842
File: 466 KB, 471x600, Dracula Cullen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6438845

Sakuya is obviously a descendant of some unknown Belmont mother (they're never mentioned anyway) and Dio. This would explain everything.

>> No.6438847

Death doesn't say FUCK MY NONLIFE when he does it, no he says some sappy thing about his masta.

Death lurves dracula and thats why he would go out of his way to keep him alive, revive him, fuck with his son, etc

Galamoth is the starscream of the castlevainia universe.

>> No.6438848

maybe that was because Dracula wasn't all like
SON I AM DISSAPOINT before that.
keep in mind Death would be a pretty nice guy outside of Dracula's place I guess they would be freinds but then again you don't mic pleasure and work do you? so thats probably why death Offered his powa lvs in POE

>> No.6438849
File: 41 KB, 655x580, lightning rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dracula Cullen
Why you do this

>> No.6438852

I now have the image of Dracula on top of galamoth Mr.Satan style. with death Acting all Ygore like.

>> No.6438855
File: 624 KB, 1258x595, Dracula Cullen Dissapoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6438858


/r/ing "my dracula can't possibly be this sparkly"

>> No.6438860
File: 22 KB, 451x340, edward-cullen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6438863
File: 423 KB, 464x750, Pimp whip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whip.

It was made for your Face.

>> No.6438864
File: 16 KB, 890x599, Ima Chargin ma hpimp whip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6438868
File: 23 KB, 451x340, Oh shi-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my!

>> No.6438870


>> No.6438872
File: 159 KB, 700x300, 1260270242644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6438877

Really needed to show a heart floating down...

>> No.6438881

>mixing touhou fandom with a castlevania spin-off to try and explain touhou canon

I have no idea how you even came up with this

>> No.6438882
File: 65 KB, 604x453, fuck the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm obsessed with little sister edits.

But as far as twilight goes whatever.

>> No.6438884
File: 26 KB, 449x355, Headshot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6438888

overreactive imagination.

And a lot of Sleep.

>> No.6438920
File: 258 KB, 831x600, What isa touhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyhow. let's Disscuss something else.

Dracula in gensokyo
(erm... he fucked up with the summoning of castlevania in AOS and ended up there)

>Dracula learnss of Remilias False Claims towards his name.
>Drama ensues.

>> No.6438925

Dracula is constantly killed by some guys with a whip. He gets beamspamed into oblivion in Gensokyo.

>> No.6438942

How about, instead of Dracula, Soma Cruz ends up in Gensokyo. Sure he's weak, but Power of Dominance basically makes him the Megaman of Youkai.

>> No.6438947

Well the whip does have the power of GOD in it.
that and last time i checked there was no christianity in Gensokyo.
also remilia dosn't seem to have Full blown Vamp powers so we are at an advantage.
And then again even if this didn't mean anything it might just occur to vlad the the teleport around the room flashing your enemy wit hcrappy fireworks is NOT a good stratedgy, when he could punch someone in the face.
if he fought More like this then People would have issues fighting him That and if he used familiars like alucard from hellsing the whole i suck at fighting issue would be a thinf of the past and don't forget most of gensokyos population is female and last time i checked thats a good thing seeign as vamps can incice the opposite sex.

>> No.6438964

And Don't forget about Dark meggido.
It is the Equivilant to a nuclear blast after all.
That and we have our minions + castle And death so then that means death can Arrange things wit hour dear yama Like kick her out of office seeing as death is the emobodiement of the concept of death thus he must have complete controll over it.
Also i wonder if deat has multiple Saigyou Ayakashi's growing in the netherworld.

>> No.6438965

The most terrifying part of OoE was when Dracula started walking around.

>> No.6438969

And the punting.

>> No.6438981

In other news Castlevania meets touhou has now become a reality.

>> No.6439020


>> No.6439060


>> No.6439077

I've been wondering:

There aren't any Belmonts in OoE, yet in AoS Julius shows up... HOW?

>> No.6439085

My Sakuya has rather thin legs in OP's pic.

>> No.6439118

Everyone you rescue in the village is a Belmont descendant or something.

>> No.6439120

Dude OOE was in the early 1800's
the belomonts line went dead during that time
Julius was aroung the 1990's
so julius is a decendant of Jonhathan from POR because after jonathan became able to use the whip he was an official belmont

>> No.6439345



He still was a morris, therefore the whip slowly keep sucking his life, after PoR the pure Belmonts somehow reappeared and then Julius was born

>> No.6439417

>i checked thats a good thing seeign as vamps can incice the opposite sex.

Runs into the issue of nigh everyone important in Gensokyo not being human, though. Well, that, and there's as always the issue that if you make too much of a ruckus, an overpowered shrine maiden, a klepto witch and quite possibly an utterly broken old hag will come and kick your ass right up between your ears.

>> No.6439454

Last time i checked the Bitch can't gap Mist.
Death has place in diplomacy here.
Does the non human thing really have to apply?
besides if reimu were to come to CV then rather than chat with her the moment that botch enters the keep we punch her. HARD keep in mind that touhous lack in the area of physical comabt and Drac has like wha tthe strengh of a thousand men? we'd fuck that miko up and she'd be so scarred she wouldn't come withing 10ft of the castle again. keep in mind she may be powerfull but we have the field advantage that and i doubt anything along the lines of random worshipped deity would od shit to an actuall vampire seeing as remilia Could be considered weak by our standards that and Drac melds the majority of his mody with shadow enabling him to avoid most attacks (the reason why his head is the weakspot so we could conceal that and leave said enemy guessing.

>> No.6439466

As for Marisa
Wait till she shes our army of witchs.
that and Dracula is a master of magic himself.
master spark? Pft. overpower that shit with dark meggido and hatred Then she'd wish she's stayed with mima to train moar

>> No.6439468

IIRC, the current Touhou games take place in modern times. So Dracula is currently a teenager. That and the monsters in Castlevania and the youkai in Touhou are waay different, you just can't compare the two franchises.

>> No.6439492

>seeing as remilia Could be considered weak by our standards

Sure. So that's why sunlight is mostly annoying to her. Not to mention that whole thing about her liking crosses.

And the hag can gap whatever the fuck she wants. Yukari Yakumo is, when it comes down to it, a fucking major-league reality warper that wouldn't be wrong in place with a lot of the more powerful beings in the Lovecraft Mythos.

>> No.6439498

1062. Drac's at leat more than 1000 years old were not really a teenager but then again you were probably thinking of yukari and she pretty much predates God when you think about it.

And besides Yukair cannot gap the Castle as the castle as stated in the CV wiki "summons to our location" as a vampire we can eat things and turn them into familliars so If that miko Steps on our front door I know exactly what out impaler will Do. after all if he OM NOM NOM NOM's on reimu in such a way i'm very sure that would make him take her place in turn meaning that interferance from yukari would result in GB collapsing then we eat her.

>> No.6439511

Aria of Sorrow, Dracula's permanently dead since 1999. He then got reincarnated. And can you at least spell check before you post?

>> No.6439514

>or I know exactly what out impaler will Do

Getting bitchslapped from outside reality for breaking the rules. Pissed-off Reimu without spellcard restrictions = You Just Plain F***ing LOSE!

>> No.6439526

>Sure. So that's why sunlight is mostly annoying to her.
What? Based on what? I remember in one game she was complaining about the sun melting her.

>> No.6439531

That depends if it's full power Dracula or not.
If it is, need the VK to kill him.
Of course, all those stupid cults never think to consider that when the resurrect him a couple decades early.

>> No.6439565

Late to the party, but...
>Castlevania is officially over

>> No.6439566

somewhat relevant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_-uxNyfxKs

>> No.6439571

what do you mean

>> No.6439572

She can go out and visit Reimu in the middle of summer with nothing but a parasol during the end of EoSD and begins to smoke a bit after standing in the sun completely unprotected for a minute.

>> No.6439588

>implying that Yukari isn't at least as strong as Yog Sothoth or Azathoth

Dracula would last until Yukari got bored. And then he would be killed off for good, resurrection cycle ended (gaphax)...

The Belmonts would have to start trying to kill Remilia rather than Dracula.

>> No.6439619

While I'm pretty sure that Yukari can easily kill Dracula. Isn't Dracula supposed to be the incarnation of evil, the being that is opposite of God or something? Julius Belmont killed Dracula 'permanently', but Soma Cruz popped up a few years later.

>> No.6439621

But She Can't seem to turn into mist Intice other Drink her fill to reproduce create ghouls, or have familiars. or regenerate from Blood Spilit in her vicinity

In a Sense shes got a sort of lite vampire package
That or due t oher not drinking the blood of her loved ones.

>> No.6439636

Dracula or rather Chaos or whatever you want to call it is like a natural part of the universe, by offing Dracula, all Julius managed to do was cause it to be split into many parts.
Presumably, were Soma or whoever to kill all the others who have part of Dracula's power in them, Dracula would once again ressurect.
Or something, fuck if I know.

>> No.6439651
File: 124 KB, 890x2632, Dracula vs Reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres how the fight between Reimu and Dracula would go.
>No knowledege of Spellcards
>No holding back
>knowledge of spell cards = Non lethal
>Make him laugh his ass off
Look at any Scene in Hellsing where Alucard gets shot up You'll see what I mean.
>the Moulding of His body into shadow means that touhous and potential enemy will most liklely not hit him until they realise where his head is.
>in a fight with flandre he could win but would have to act fast ( and make sure to consume her later) so that she dosn't use her eye ability to destroy any vital powers Dracula has That and she may see Drac as how do i put this.... Odou-sama?

>> No.6439661


Dracula isn't sitting on his throne! That picture is invalid!

>> No.6439678


>> No.6439685

There are so many things wrong with the grammar in that picture.

>> No.6439692
File: 28 KB, 418x270, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odou Sama?

>> No.6439698

and thats what you get for crapping theese things out at the speed of, well whatever speed it may be.

>> No.6439705


>> No.6439723


>> No.6439737

That's really not that moe.

>> No.6439785

Dracula had an easy time of conquering SDM...

... Until he reached the basement, where he met his doom in the form of a little girl's death-hug.

He then decides, "fuck this shit, I think I'll go to the library". Then he and Patchouli hit it off and become friends. Remilia recovers from her fight with Dracula, only to discover he is no longer interested in conquering Gensokyo because Flandre told him not to and goddammit, he doesn't want to be hugged to death, that's embarassing. Eventually, Dracula is made an honorary member of the Scarlet family, and they all live happily ever after...

Until Sakuya remembers that she was a Belmont.

>> No.6439818

Well, if the basement is so dangerous, he can just not go there. It's not like he has reign over all of his own castle either...

>> No.6439838

Yeah, but in Dracula's castle, the things in the basement STAY in the basement.
Flandre does not stay in the basement all the time even though she is supposed to. And if Dracula had managed to defeat Sakuya, that would cut off Flandre's supply of food and information from the outside world, so naturally, Flandre would become curious and escape the basement anyway. So, whether or not Dracula goes to the basement, he will eventually run into Flandre.

>> No.6439911

I guess...but Drac could probably handle her. And if he can't, I'm sure he has something in his monstrous menagerie that could.

>> No.6439948

Don't forget, Flan has immense destructive powers.
Even her sister was afraid of her, which is why she was locked in the basement.
Flandre would "kyuu" all of Dracula's minions... and think it was some sort of game, which I suppose it would be.
I still think the idea of her mistaking Dracula for her father is adorably hilarious.

>> No.6439964

Flandre's ability makes her incredibly dangerous, but it doesn't make her invincible. Kill her before she explodes you and you win.

>> No.6439976

Hang on a sec.

In Gensokyo, all youkai are females.
Youkai are technically monsters (or a type of, I'm not too sure)
Dracula's castle is full of monsters.

So if Dracula's castle moved to Gensokyo, would all his minions/monsters turn into cutes girls with frilly dresses and funny hats? Cause that would be awesome.

>> No.6439989

Yeah, Dracula's minions sure do a good job of killing people, that's why no Belmont has ever reached Dracula's chambers- oh, wait. Well, at least Dracula himself has had some success with killing people. Mostly humans. Which the inhabitants of the SDM are not (Except Sakuya, but she has time hax powers anyway).
'Sides, it'd be hard to get close to ANY of the Touhou cast because they'd be firin' off danmaku after danmaku. Dracula does not have much experience dodging danmaku.
So he'd probably be stopped by Sakuya. Or Meiling, if he's really off his game.

>> No.6440000

Dracula has perfectly competent and capable minions. Belmonts just have a holy whip and plot armor, as well as the annoying ability to appear outside boss rooms when they die.

Also, danmaku = spell cards = not fatal. Dracula or one of his minions would probably freak out about all the bullets, but this would only last until they dissipate harmlessly on their chest.

>> No.6440001

It's assumed that all the Youkai are female, but that would be a wrong assumption because there have been off-hand references to male youkai, though we haven't seen any of them yet.
Besides, a female Beelzebub wearing frilly clothing would be all sorts of disturbing... and let's not get into what Granfaloon would look like...

>> No.6440008

>dissipate harmlessly on their chest
Maybe on Dracula's, but his minions would be toast.
Also, not everyone fires regular danmaku. Sakuya uses knives.

>> No.6440014

A big floating ball of naked zombie ladies surrounding a tentacle monster.
Dear god.

>> No.6440016
File: 530 KB, 640x482, screen3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised this is still around.

>> No.6440023

Don't forget
>Half-decayed living corpse lady surrounded by flies

>> No.6440572

don't forget the frilly clothing!

>> No.6441713

keep in Mind Vlad Regenerates like Alucard from Hellsing. Getting shot up or blown up wouldn't mean shit.

>> No.6441772

Silver knifes too.
but then again we can use the power of irony to summon death to fight her.

>> No.6442270

I know for a Fact that we can deafeat Patchouli in less than a few minutes, due to her asthma we could either Use our vampiric speed and punch her in the lungs or turn into mist and choke her inside out.

>> No.6442342

Oh lol, I just realised that Death can fire Sikieiki.
i wonder what Komachi's reaction would be?

>inb4 Yama bursts into tears.

>> No.6442778

How so? Protip: The guys doing Death`s job in japanese mythology? They're BELOW the judges on the ladder. In fact, Komachi is a shikigami, which would be the direct equivalent to the Grim Reaper.

Also, what's with people assuming that physical attacks would be super-effective? Take a look at the fighting games. China can punch people hard enough that they're sent flying up and only fall back down like 5-10 seconds later. Not to mention Suika and her habit of throwing rocks larger than she is. (Or turning into a mini-godzilla to stomp people.)

>> No.6442847

Keep in mind CV's death is a physical Incarnation of Death itself in other words he is the concept which the yama governs as for how afterlife works in gensokyo i wouldn't be supried if Higan was the last actuall place in the world that dealt with reeincarnation The grim reaper is death no sombody working under it therefore What he says goes. and if you don't listen all he has to do is poke you. but i assume that power is only available to him when he's acutally reaping other times i guess hes pulling final destination reapings keepin in mind that the death that follows dracula around is only One Incarnation of his form After all death is already everywhere.

>> No.6442863

Good god I need to rewrite that.

>> No.6442879
File: 280 KB, 600x636, c06fe0817a702fee4dd4da01eab332ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is not a reaper. Please ignore the giant scythe.

She's more of a wheelbarrow than a reaper.

>> No.6442882

Keep in mind CV's death is a physical Incarnation of Death itself, in other words he is the concept which the yama governs. As for how afterlife works in Gensokyo i wouldn't be suprised if Higan was the last actual place in the world that dealt with reincarnation The Grim reaper IS death not sombody working under it, meaning that he is not a death god gedddit? Therefore What he says goes he can simply overrule how Higan runs itself. and if you don't listen all he has to do is poke you. but i assume that power is only available to him when he's acutally reaping other times i guess he's pulling final destination reapings. keepin in mind that the Death that follows Dracula around is only One Incarnation of his form this Dosn't actually mean he still dosn't have his authority.

>> No.6442901

Indeed, She's similar to the ferryman from hades and last time i checked he wasn't the reaper. And if you look at castlevania Judgment i think, it is shown that Death CAN send people to hell if he want's too.

Death is more or less the reaper, Yama and ferryman all in one. and if you look at CV canon Death CAN send

here's something i was going to post earlier on but then couldn't be bothered to finish it.

>> No.6443742

