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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 130 KB, 664x1028, 1289313039757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6422740 No.6422740 [Reply] [Original]

I like my woman healthy.

>> No.6422749

brace for the "/jp/ is legion XD" guys telling you to go back to /a/

>> No.6422751

Thats not healthy, according to the department of health she is obese. Enjoy your diabetes.

>> No.6422761

Ultra mad! Take it easy, friend.

>> No.6422760 [SPOILER] 
File: 286 KB, 900x1100, delicious Lynne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I will.

>> No.6422762

I don't really have one. Bloomers and flat or developing chests I guess, the only thing that has gotten to me.

>> No.6422766
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>> No.6422769


Kekko desu.

Unlimited frustration, do you have it?

>> No.6422784

In 2D even brits look good.

>> No.6422789
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>> No.6422792

Pregnant lolis

>> No.6422794
File: 269 KB, 700x989, 16c5953c2bcf96e7b3cbba38cac5a2cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably pretty common but still.

>> No.6422796

I lol'd

>> No.6422797

The truth hurts.

>> No.6422801

The tooth hurts in their case.

>> No.6422823

You will never live in an old-style Britain where you befriend and romance a young blonde girl in a such a cute school uniform and buy her a bag of fish and chips. ;__;

>> No.6422830

I'd buy her a pair of pants.

>> No.6422838

>You will never live in an old-style Britain where you befriend and romance a young blonde girl in a such a cute school uniform
What? Before sex?

>> No.6422840

I hope you mean a skirt.

>> No.6422847

Oh if only I could be the little lesbian girl at an all girl's academy in late 19th century Britain.

>> No.6422851

As a filthy American, I was unaware fish and chips came in BAGS.

>> No.6422857

That's what romance is! Sharing a bag of chips and wandering your old-style British village!

Maybe even getting the steam-train to London together!

>> No.6422858

It does if you get it to go.

>> No.6422866
File: 180 KB, 989x806, oldclass40s1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, my friend!
In past life, you were!

>> No.6422873

Why are 3D people always such ugly blobs of flesh.

>> No.6422880

Don't put yourself down so much.

>> No.6422882
File: 33 KB, 461x440, 1266979959855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a LIE, those cant be LOLI's.

>> No.6422892

I'd prefer to be the guy who steals the virgin present-giver's girl and has sex with her on the first night without paying a single dime.

Of course, then I'd offer her back, if he still wants her.

>> No.6422901

That explains the dreams.

>> No.6422905

There's not a single girl with long, straight hair.

I think I would die. What a horrible place. What a horrible world.

>> No.6422914

That was the norm.

>> No.6422919

I think some of them might not be that bad if they had different haircuts. Their hair is too short, too curly, and their forehead is showing. That would make anyone instantly ugly.

>> No.6422920 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6422938

Don't worry, my Scottish friend, I support your independence.

>> No.6422932

You're a horrible person! You have no place in Fantasy Britain!

>> No.6422931

.....technically, I guess.

>> No.6422939

Again, what a horrible world. How could that happen? Tragic.

>> No.6422958
File: 653 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Soredemo_Machi_wa_Mawatteiru_-_04_[5E34D898].mkv_snapshot_20.15_[2010.10.31_04.33.42].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retardation is my fetish.

>> No.6422973

Come now, be a good ol' chap. Sex has no sway on true love, right?

Fantasy Britain should be a place where all types of people can get along. I consider my offer to be pretty generous.

>> No.6423004

Fantasy Britain is a place of chip-chip hoorrah and all that.

Amoral characters like yourself have no place, except villains who are ultimately doomed to be defeating by a dashing young fellow.

And your plots are never sexual. Just crown jewels or German spies.

>> No.6423015

Feet, armpits.
Basically I love every part of the body.

Also bondage. I like arms behind the back.
Arms above the hear are awesome too because then you get armpits as well.

>> No.6423017 [SPOILER] 
File: 313 KB, 572x800, 1246442455059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erect nipples, clits
Rolled back eyes
Female ejaculation
Bracing for orgasm

Too much to list.

>> No.6423025


>> No.6423033

>Bracing for orgasm
Is this a tag I can search for on pixiv or the boorus? It sounds literally glorious.

>> No.6423064 [SPOILER] 
File: 713 KB, 768x857, 11015879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know.

>> No.6423175 [DELETED] 

I'd rather be a lesser noble acting as a lady-in-waiting to a young princess. I'd be her tutor and confidente on the surface, but secretly we'd share a lesbian romance, for which we'd surely be accused of sodomy and put to death should it ever be revealed. Consequently, since I'd be in constant danger of losing her, I'd end up being overprotective of her, acting as her responsible elder sister and ensuring her comfort to the best of ability while treasuring every moment I spend with her. Likewise, despite her greater status, she wouldn't care about such things and treat me as her older sister, causing me to blush and tell her she shouldn't spoil me with such honors (covering cheek with one hand and saying "ara ara" strongly encouraged at this point. )

As her lady-in-waiting, I would accompany her in all things, so I would be present even during her baths, where we can drop our daily masks and act as lovers. She'd already have a full figure despite being younger than me and would be the aggressive one in our relationship, so she'd tease me in bath by kissing me and rubbing her ample breasts to my flat chest, watching my blushing face as I try to keep my composure. After bathing, I would help her dress and I assist her in her studies, and at night she'd demand I sleep with her, claiming that since she's not even the age to marry, no one would suspect us even if we were found out. I'd eventually give in and join her but her hands would immediately reach under my frilly dress and towards my crotch, and she would continue teasing me for the night, giggling softly and thrusting her fingers into my slit even faster the more I try to muffle my moans.

>> No.6423189

I can fap to almost anything. Favorite would have to be drill hair, though. It's been a more recent development.

>> No.6423204

I'd rather be a lesser noble acting as a lady-in-waiting to a young princess. I'd be her tutor and confidente on the surface, but secretly we'd share a lesbian romance, for which we'd surely be accused of sodomy and put to death should it ever be revealed. Consequently, since I'd be in constant danger of losing her, I'd end up being overprotective of her, acting as her responsible elder sister and ensuring her comfort to the best of ability while treasuring every moment I spend with her. Likewise, despite her greater status, she wouldn't care about such things and treat me as her older sister, causing me to blush and tell her she shouldn't spoil me with such honors (covering my cheek with one hand and saying "ara ara" strongly encouraged at this point. )

As her lady-in-waiting, I would accompany her in all things, so I would be present even during her baths, where we can drop our daily masks and act as lovers. She'd already have a full figure despite being younger than me and would be the aggressive one in our relationship, so she'd tease me in bath by kissing me and rubbing her ample breasts to my flat chest, watching my blushing face as I try to keep my composure. After bathing, I would help her dress and I assist her in her studies, and at night she'd demand I sleep with her, claiming that since she's not even the age to marry, no one would suspect us even if we were found out. I'd eventually give in and join her, but her hands would immediately reach under my frilly dress and towards my crotch. She would continue teasing me for the night, giggling softly and thrusting her fingers into my slit even faster the more I try to muffle my moans.

If only ;_;

>> No.6423206

Hmmm, where to start?

Formal Wear
Tits of good size
Sadistic tendencies
Lacy lingerie

That's just about it.

>> No.6423207

Great men think alike.

>> No.6423210

Lets see...
Bondage, vibrators, rape, tickling, peril, direct clit stimulation. And fear. Lots of fear.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something...

>> No.6423219

Red hair, long hair, thighhighs, modest breast size, heterochromia, side-tie panties, pointy ears.

>> No.6423221 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6423237
File: 427 KB, 1500x1450, sanae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my women unhealthy.

Do these even count as fetishes?

>> No.6423245

I suppose I'm just too ''normal''.

But, there they are.

>> No.6423282

Got to the end, and this word ruined it for me for some reason.

>> No.6423302
File: 267 KB, 1278x721, Ecstasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my fetish.

>> No.6423324

gts/vore(not graphic, to an extent)
class/quality difference/contrast; i.e. rich/poor, gifted/not gifted, perfect body vs. average or ugly
jealousy, especially breast envy

fatalism/cruelty of fate? complicated, but the fatalistic nature/philosophy related to the above 3; as a simple example the advantage the rich, naturally supple-bodied girl has over the poor girl is absolutely ridiculous, and there's nothing the poor girl could have done about it or the rich girl did to "deserve" it. it just naturally happens, and the idea of having it so good in comparison to others for no reason turns me on.
as another, better example, a younger twin sister having a vastly better body(and thus sex life) than her elder sister despite sharing at least one parent is an incredibly stimulating idea.

hourglass-type figure
huge breasts
large ass, up to a point
purple or red eyes
long hair is a must; the longer the better until near the floor

that's... about it. i know many of the above contain fallacies or do not reflect reality. tricking the part of yourself that deals with the aroused state into not questioning the realism of a fantasy is part of what makes for the biggest turn-ons.

>> No.6423336

Long straight hair
Shy girls
Unrealistically large breasts, especially on girls of slight builds
All monstergirls, especially if they have real life inspirations (and even better if they're based on a certain species)
Skintight clothing
Gentle elder sisters
Loving consensual lesbianism
Gender change (male to female only, and doubly so if combined with the above)
Devotion in general

>> No.6423337

The amount of pig lovers in this thread is disgusting. If you don't like lolicon, you need to get the hell out of /jp/.

>> No.6423342

I have no fetishes. I am not a sexual person.

>stop liking what I don't like.

>> No.6423351

this, except add in BE and take out glasses

>> No.6423356

>if you don't like lolicon

>> No.6423359
File: 124 KB, 670x504, CrucifiedReimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a normalfag.


>> No.6423369
File: 86 KB, 400x565, 1285612771429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most normalfags have sexual desires of some sort. Your point is invalid.

>> No.6423373

/jp/ is legion gtfo XDDDDDD

>> No.6423418

Past-life-me on the far right, second row from the front.

>> No.6423428

Your troll fu is weak. Go practice at /b/ for a few years.
