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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 96 KB, 788x670, future-japan-by-ake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6420954 No.6420954 [Reply] [Original]

Why are 5-10 pages getting deleted off /jp/ every week or so?

>> No.6420958

you mean 20+ pages

captcha : coliatio reported

>> No.6420961

Me pretending to check my watch while my eyes undress the little girl from behind my sunglasses.

>> No.6420992

You mean ever day? You need to visit more often.

>> No.6421457

Any particular reason? Which type of threads are deleted? Or is it something more along the lines of the board moves slow enough the same repetitive threads are just collecting dust?

>> No.6421475

Is Japan going to have blonde girls in the future?

>> No.6421479

Threads that aren't relevant to /jp/ are deleted, relevant threads often last a long time.
Add that to the fact that we're a relatively slow board which happens to be target of a lot of hate, and you've got the recipe for a half empty board.

>> No.6421619

I would let her get on the train before me, and ensure that no bastard checking their watch would push her out.

>> No.6421626

Dude she clearly has dog ears you sick fuck. Stop undressing her with your eyes. Take her to a public restroom and jam it in all ready, she clearly wants it if she's wearing dog ears. Or are you secretly gay?

>> No.6421631

Yesterday evening about five full pages of Chie were deleted. It happens.

>> No.6421638

I don't see the connection between dog ears and wanting to have my pedophilic penis inside her but I'll take your word for it.

>> No.6421643

You monster! She clearly just wants a pat on the head. It's not like she's wearing bunny ears!

>> No.6421651

Wait, bunny ears are the coclkust ones? I always thought it was cat.

>> No.6421652

You'll be late for work!

That punishable by dishonor.

>> No.6421659

There are plenty of relevant threads that are deleted as well. It seems like it's totally arbitrary.

>> No.6421688

I've always seen the bunnies as the slutty ones that will fuck anyone no matter what, and cats somewhere in the middle of pure and slutty.

>> No.6421692

It sure is Agent Smith in that pic.

>> No.6421700

I always thought of the bunnies as the shy/nervous variety.

>> No.6421706

That's just how they announce that they want to fuck.

>> No.6421779

>Loli with kemonomimi
>She wants to fuck

>> No.6422262

Dog ears are waifu material

Cat ears are quirky or finnicky.

Bunny ears are sluts.

>> No.6422280
File: 204 KB, 977x800, Koromo 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bunny ears are sluts.

Fuck you!

>> No.6422286
File: 854 KB, 1949x2280, autistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame autism.

>> No.6422303

That is beautiful.

>> No.6422317


>> No.6422323

It is called the shit-o-meter.

>> No.6422324

No posts of mine are in that image. There are three that would be in it if the craps of certain threads were just a bit bigger.

I should probably be glad, but I'm disappointed.

>> No.6422328

CP spammer if that you?

>> No.6422337

Fuck yes, like a good 1/3 of those posts/threads are me.

>> No.6422353
File: 395 KB, 250x250, 1288980000928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those posts marked in red circles are mine, why are they highlighted among the other posts?

>> No.6422354

I just felt all the rage I've felt in the last 2 weeks at once.

It was a weird crystallizing event.

>> No.6422365

I don't see how you could be angry at their autism. The most I can manage is a vague sense of ennui.

>> No.6422367

For me it was strangely enough a sense of peace.

>> No.6422395

1/3? But it's like 3/4 Sion

>> No.6422400

Because you're surrounded by idiots

>> No.6422401

Because they're the worst posts. I would rather see spam all day than someone from /a/ saying things like that.

>> No.6422412

Did he hurt your feelings? There, there anon. Mommy will cheer you up.

>> No.6422423

Pretty sure 1/3 of that is me, I regularly post those images, text.

>> No.6422434

You aren't my mom. I haven't seen my mom for years.

>> No.6422438

Spam all day can be arranged if you would like.
Also, a lot of /jp/ posters go on /a/ they might not post on there but a lot definitely look.

>> No.6422440

sad story bro
