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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 29 KB, 500x533, hujosi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6418337 No.6418337 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you ever had relations with one of these?
Do you think you could?
Can you imagine yourself ever getting lonely enough that you would?

>> No.6418361

If you've ever gone to a convention and seen a yaoi hambeast, that is a fujoshi. if you've still got the stomach to hook up with one of those, you're a much stronger man than i am.

>> No.6418359

so many threads to report~

captcha is no fun~

>> No.6418366
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>> No.6418362

I had to repair the laptop for one of those and there was tons of gay furry porn and images of herself. So, no.

>> No.6418363

I've dated one, who infact goes on /jp/. I regret everything.

>> No.6418369

In theory, I don't have a problem with it, I don't mind 3D.
AND I find them cute in fiction.
I never met one in RL, though.

>> No.6418378

3D? Fuck no

>> No.6418383


You mean interacting with a woman ? You best be trollin.

>> No.6418399

Females do not go to /jp/. Only males, wishing to be the little girl.

You dated a trap, congratulations.

>> No.6418401

I love fujoshi.

I hyperventilate around girls though.

>> No.6418405
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The only way I'd meet one is she lived in my room, and even then I don't give a shit because 3D is gross

>> No.6418412
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>> No.6418438

Hey, the one on the right is pretty damn cute.

>> No.6418432

I don't see why you would be nervous around girls any more than other guys. I can understand being disinterested, though.

>> No.6418441



>> No.6418449

Actually I know one girl that might be considered one. The sister of one of my two friends. She is 27, had one boyfriend when she was 18 and single since, apparently. Scare away every man by being too short tempered and moody. Claim she doesn't have any interest in men or sex. Reads and watches a shitload of yaoi stuff. Always holed up in her room in front of the computer or reading. Her looks aren't too bad, surprisingly, she isn't that fat and has long hair. Never wears any make up and often dresses like a tomboy though. She does shave her legs when her mother force her to wear a dress to go to the theater with me and her brother though.

>> No.6418464
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I never had a girlfriend, the first time i tried to get a girl she used me as her personal bank.

I lost a lot of money and never even got a kiss, she was a "tsundere".

>> No.6418474 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 640x480, 1264183913158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that you Meido?

>> No.6418476

I just hope I can find a relatively attractive one because I realize now that regardless of what acts I put on, how I dress or look, or how ever much money I will almost certainly never make in fast-paced ultra-cool IT careers for attractive people, I will never feel comfortable around any member of the opposite sex that wasn't at least as much of a loser as me.

>> No.6418480

That's you shouldn't even bother with 3D

>> No.6418482


Same here. Never again, though. I learned just how much I'm willing to put up with and if the other person isn't willing to help make the relationship work, it's not going to.

>> No.6418488

I hate to break it to you, but even though they may be "as much of a loser as you" in theory, in practice they can still pick from anyone other than you. A girl doesn't have to have rock bottom in order to find another person willing to be around them.

>> No.6418492


The one on the right is cute. It's a shame she's 15 (don't want to tap 3D loli).

>> No.6418506



>> No.6418519

This isn't even a question, really. It essentially equates to "Have any of you ever had relations with a [real life friend]?" I don't want a companion in real life of any sort let alone a girlfriend.

>> No.6418520


I could have bought like 30 or more expensive Touhou figures with all the money i spent on that bitch, the worst thing is that i was deeply in love with her and she knew it, because she loved to tell her friends how much i loved her but never gave me a "real" opportunity, she just wanted to keep me as her slave.

>> No.6418537

>I don't want a companion in real life of any sort let alone a girlfriend.

I agree. Unfortunately I still have a friend from high school who won't leave me alone. You'd think going months without speaking to him would be a pretty big hint but apparently not

>> No.6418540
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The Fujoshi girls stinks.... I prefer a bitch one

>> No.6418546


Oh I know that.
That's why I'm such a 2D fag.
I'm talking about a waifu-type relation here.
The kind that makes us 2D fags feel uncomfortable to think about.

At this point though, a life committed to 2D seems about just as good, though maybe better.

But all you have to do is look at couples outside to feel the inadequacy, I reckon we 2D fags can only survive locked up in our rooms.

>> No.6418563

Yes and I regret every moment.

>> No.6418570

Fat 3D whores?
No thanks.

>> No.6418582

I knew one online, she introduced me to 4chan actually.

We had some of the most fun I ever had on the internet.

So yes I think I could have a relationship provided she's not physically repulsive. But it's not like I'll ever have a relationship anyway.

>> No.6418587

>But all you have to do is look at couples outside to feel the inadequacy, I reckon we 2D fags can only survive locked up in our rooms.

Seriously? What couples are you looking at? All the ones I see look fat, ugly, stupid or some combination of the above. It's a huge ego boost to know that I don't have to deal with that crap.

>> No.6418593

A Fujoshi that doesn't browse 4chan? Gladly

A Fujoshi that does? Fucking no

The only girls(Yes legitimate girls) I know of that browse this site have huge fucking attitude problems. I've met some decent guy's who live up to that "Bro" meme that gets flung around but the women...


>> No.6418622

It depends where you live I guess.
When I lived in Japan I felt so inadequate I sank so low as to even sign up for dating sites.

>> No.6418639


>> No.6418640

No, yes. No, I don't think I need to be lonely to enter a relationship with someone I love.
It's not that I am afraid of women, it's that I am afraid of failing my relationship like everything in my life and that would be a mean thing to date a girl knowing that you'll only end hurting her.

>> No.6418660 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 600x600, 1280872105744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the time women who mingle with males who frequent board such as /jp/ and /a/ are true sluts; looking for make "friend zone" harems.

It really makes me sick to be around women like that.

I do know one fujoshi, but I'll end up winning the lottery before she'd ever commit to a relationship with me (even though we've gotten very close to that point multiple time). I love her ;__;

/end blog

>> No.6418670
File: 177 KB, 600x600, 1280872105744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the time women who mingle with males that frequent board such as /jp/ and /a/ are true sluts; looking for make "friend zone" harems.

It really makes me sick to be around women like that.

I do know one fujoshi, but I'll end up winning the lottery before she'd ever commit to a relationship with me (even though we've gotten very close to that point multiple time). I do love her ;__;

/end blog

>> No.6418683

Don't blog, Krtiz.

>> No.6418696

I guess because girls are prettier there?
And also because the otaku/normalfag divide becomes more hazy. I saw a well-dressed guy walking with his (reasonably attractive) girlfriend to Shrine on New Years in the crowd, and a Dioxin Cirno key-chain was dangling out of his back pocket.

It's harder to cling to "2D for life!" when your own otaku allies are turning on you left and right as the chips fall.

>> No.6418707

>I guess because girls are prettier there?
They aren't, really. Girls in Japan look the same as girls anywhere.

>Dioxin Cirno key-chain was dangling out of his back pocket
I knew people who play D&D who got married. Just because you like something that's geeky doesn't instantly make you a 2D fan.

>> No.6418717

Huh. Yeah, I guess that would make you feel bad.
But there's an easy way to not feel bad about any of that: just always remember that they're better than you, that no matter how much fuller and more fun their life seems, no matter how inadequate you feel, no matter how unfair it seems that they have everything and you have nothing, just remember that it's because you're not as good as them. Once you acknowledge that your worth is lower than theirs, it all fits into place and you can move on.

>> No.6418727
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Th... Thank you.

>> No.6418935

I'm sorry, it's the only way I know to deal with this overwhelming depression.
