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6418109 No.6418109 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else get that empty feeling after finishing a visual novel? Once you get attached to the characters, it's really hard to let go. It's really hard to accept that it just ends, so you just end up in a spiral of depression for the next few days/weeks/months. Hell, you may not ever completely get over it.


>> No.6418114

Ah yes it happens a lot to me.

There is a VN I finished 7 months ago and still feel really attached to it, even after playing several other titles. Just hearing the songs makes me cry.

>> No.6418113

I don't think it has ever lasted for more than a few days for me.

Maybe you should get that checked.

>> No.6418123

You are such a fag. It's nerds like you who keep me comming back to /jp/ for a good laugh

>> No.6418124

Don't tell anyone, but of dozens of VNs I played, I completely finished only two. I usually leave a route, sometimes an ending if there are no routes.
Precisely because I don't want them to end.

>> No.6418133

This is the reason I can never finish RPGs. I always stop right near the end.

>> No.6418137

I'm glad my misery can be used for your happiness then. Not that I dislike it though.

>> No.6418138

I did that with Kana, Crescendo (especially), and to some extent, YMK.

>> No.6418149

All the time, especially since when I start playing a VN, I greatly dislike quitting without at least finishing a route. I become a girl when I'm sleepy and being sleepy is inevitable after playing for hours, so every VN ends with tears.

The only exception is Kanon, where the "Holy shit, I was fucking a fox all along?" factor in Makoto route outdid whichever sadness that might've been there.

>> No.6418177

Fucking Cross Channel.

>> No.6418179 [SPOILER] 
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Of all the pictures...
I just finished Chie's route. Favorite heroine by far, d'awwwwwwed my way through the entire third chapter, and yet after finishing it I realize I haven't felt this hollow since I read Planetarian.
Why can't my waifu be real ;_; Kirari True is going to be sitting on standby for a while...

>> No.6418187
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Thats why i still replay F/SN to this day op.

>> No.6418213

Yup, that's why I immediately start another one after finishing.

>> No.6418221 [SPOILER] 
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I'm so glad Realta Nua knew how to kick the encroaching feeling of emptiness in the ass and send it packing before it ended.

>> No.6418224

YMK was the only one thus far which gave me a somewhat melanchonical feeling of roneryness, after finishing all 3 routes

>> No.6418230 [DELETED] 

3? Aren't there 5?

>> No.6418243

I really didnt like the fate route, nor saber, but i can see what you mean anon.

>> No.6418251

Ef left me feeling completely drained, fucking great game.

Playing Da Capo now to wind down. Feels okay man.

>> No.6418264

I still feel the after-effects of finishing Clannad.

>> No.6418280

I get that feeling after I've watched anime as well, and some times video games.

>> No.6418281
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There's still Curtain Call to play through.

>> No.6418340
File: 198 KB, 795x1000, Chie Isurugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the one thing bolstering my flagging morale right now. I can only hope Chie gets her fair share of the spotlight, but I can't help but worry that Kirari is going to pull a Nagisa-level hijack.

>> No.6418367

I felt really sad after beating Mass Effect 2, but that's not really a VN

>> No.6418400

This is what I do too.

>> No.6418402

Its been half a year and I still dwell on Kirari's normal ending even thought it isn't the canon end.

>> No.6418445

>Anyone else get that empty feeling after finishing a visual novel?

Hey, that goes for books too.

>> No.6418461

At least you can rest well knowing that it isn't over yet.

>> No.6418472

Yeah, happens with Idolmaster also.

But then again theres Idolmaster 2 to wait for.

>> No.6418478

Happens to me, its like withdrawal. Sometimes I might stop before the end so it isn't over.

>> No.6418479

hue hue. I hope you enjoy NRT.

>> No.6418483

when i was a kid, on rpgs, yes

>> No.6418507

Yeah, ef hit me pretty hard with this feeling as well.

>> No.6418720

I'm also going through Da Capo right now, bro. I'm almost finished with it. Even though I already finished 2 other routes after her's, Kotori hit me hard. I've never felt so attached to a VN heroine.

>> No.6418725

you still have more 20 fandisks to play. It's too early to cry.

>> No.6418729


>> No.6418743

Nicotine Replacement Therapy.

Can't just quit smoking cold turkey, you know.

>> No.6418744

I went looking for more Kotori and was overwhelmed with how much of a milking cow she is. Not that I'm against it, since I get to enjoy her more.

>> No.6418758

Symphonic Rain did it for me.

I want to see the daily life of Chris and his waifu.

>> No.6418857

I didn't even feel anything when I finished Cross Channel.
But I woke up that night crying with a sense of loneliness.

>> No.6419870
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And this is why I will never actually finish Nagisa's route.

>> No.6420729

I understand that, shit was mind crushing.

>> No.6420758

it's because you realize your escapist fantasy isn't real and you're actually pathetic and alone

>> No.6420763

Swan Song's normal end

>> No.6420766

too much backlog to dwell on a single novel.

>> No.6420767


>> No.6420803 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 803x599, SnI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sekein no Inganock.
I cried at the end and I still got teary eyed at this CG.
Also kinda cried at the end of the webnovels.

>> No.6420854


>> No.6420866

I cried at the end of the Kirari route.

When it comes to F/SN, yeah, I wanted all of it to continue forever. I still feel like shit.

>> No.6420916
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Kinda, but not really, I feel so little regularly that I avoid VN's and animu's because feeling to much towards anything is excruciating and disorienting..

>> No.6420918

This is why I write fapfiction after I finish a VN I really like.

>> No.6420919

fanfiction is shit and you're shit for writing it.

>> No.6420920

All VNs are fanfiction.

>> No.6420924
File: 34 KB, 451x316, anikibrowses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After playing yume miru kusurim I cried for 2 days. Aeka was so lovely. It took me allmost a year to start the other routes because I could not let go of Aeka.

>> No.6420927

You're quite possibly homosexual

>> No.6420929

I get attached to settings, usually. Characters tend to be interchangable, but a really nice setting is much harder to come by.

>> No.6420950


>> No.6420963

Originality is impossible. All things are fanfics. Even you are a crossover of your mother and father.

>> No.6421083

Things are what they are. The only value they have is what the individual attributes to them.

Saying all VNs are fanfiction, or you are a crossover of your parents is so meaningless. Whatever it is "you" are is only what you think of yourself and what others think of you. When it comes to VNs, you talk more pretentious philosophy than I do.

>> No.6421783

I'd regret the time spent on any medium if I didn't miss the characters afterwards. Fun things excluded.

>> No.6421837

sure it's sad, but i love that feeling! VNs are pretty much the only things that keep me from feeling emotionally dead inside anymore.

for me, finishing a good nakige is better than sex.

>> No.6421852

I'm watching Umineko anime now. Never understood appeal of VN's, never will.

>> No.6421864

You're just parroting nonsense. Originality is quite possible.

>> No.6421872
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