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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6416454 No.6416454[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No fucking way I am reporting posts anymore. I wake up to this. What the fuck, moot? How am I supposed to easily report people who are breaking rules now?! Now my 4watch userscript doesn't work anymore either.

>> No.6416460

Quit bitching and keep reporting just like I do. We all want to get rid of /a/ and /v/ shit from /jp/. Reported, by the way. Captcha style.

>> No.6416462

hahahah for some reason I can't even report threads
every time i click on the little [!] button nothing happens

>> No.6416465

Considering how much this function has been abused in the past, I am not surprised this wasn't implemented as soon as captcha came up.

Maybe now reporting shit on /jp/ will actually have some meaning, because I really, really doubt mods even cared to look at this board's report queue before this.

>> No.6416467

So type the captcha. How fucking lazy are you?

Oh right, this is /jp/.

>> No.6416479

There were too many rules being broken constantly to report them, automated reporting ques were the only way I could keep up with reporting all the off topic threads on /jp/.

But hey, maybe the mods will take the reports they get more seriously now! We can hope... ;_;

>> No.6416487

Bitching thread No. 42355

You are fucking reported.

>> No.6416498

>typing captchas for each post
>typing captcha for each report
This has nothing to do with being lazy anymore. it´s just annoying to constantly paste captcha, especially when you´re providing something. And using captcha for reports? THat´s especially retarded, because it WILL prevent most of the users from reporting -> the few, overwhelmed mods will have to spend even more of their time on checking threads, while spammers are encouraged to shitpost even harder now.

>inb4 captcha for each F5

>> No.6416500

I hope you didn't feel the need to post "reported" in each and every thread you reported.
If you did, you're as bad as them for attention-whoring your reports.

>> No.6416509

I didn't, I used 4watch script, and that silently reported all posts. Now it is broken forever due to the CAPTCHA on the report form.

>> No.6416514

isnt there a way to bypass captcha with bots?
something like skipscreen

>> No.6416520

It's amusing because /jp/ is responsible for this.

Also, reported.

>> No.6416526
File: 21 KB, 131x225, 1288895040453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This /jp/'s fault for being huge retards who love to report everything.

>> No.6416531

At least the 4chan X report button still works. It's a pain to scroll to the bottom of the page whenever you report.

>> No.6416530

You do not personally need to report every single off-topic thread, unless you are that one samefag responsible for all the posts on /jp/. Somebody else will do it for you. Deal with it.

>> No.6416533


And people like you are responsible for this shit.

Good job moron.

>> No.6416539

HAHA, the mods have got to be laughing about this one.

Almost as good as when the Spam/Flood option was added and they were doing absolutely nothing about it.

Of course this will effect our board a lot but I think it is a relatively acceptable move. Because we all know the same flooders and trolls abuse the report system, problem is their autism levels are so high that the same pace of shit posting anime screencaps will probably be no hindrance to typing out the captcha code.

But hopefully they are that lazy and stupid to shy away from abusing it so much.

>> No.6416541

Not really, it's because of some script which multi-reported threads with proxies which lead to their deletion, or something like that (was apparently used on /b/). I saw moot being told about this on that interview thread he did a couple weeks ago.

>> No.6416543
File: 10 KB, 664x146, awyeahbitches.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you man. I told you about them autists.

>> No.6416547

It does, but for some reason, it takes ages for it to pop up the little report box for me.

I, too, used an addon to queue my reports. It even had special automatic-thread-hiding capabilities, so all it took was a rightclick to report and hide a thread.

If a thread is reported as illegal 5 times, it gets automatically deleted, yeah.

>> No.6416544 [DELETED] 

it was added because of this >>http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/S6219140
some moron told moot about it and killed reporting for everyone

>> No.6416549

I just reported everyone in this thread.

>> No.6416551

it was added because of this http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/S6219140
some moron told moot about it and killed reporting for everyon

>> No.6416555


>> No.6416559

Reported for being a 16 year old.

>> No.6416565

its ok my mom is always posting with me

>> No.6416561

Reported for /a/.

>> No.6416569
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Ok but don't let other boards know that this is /jp/'s fault, if other boards know this is /jp/'s fault there will more shitposters and spam.

>> No.6416571

So, who else will officially be leaving now? It's been pretty clear for a long time that moot has no interest in cleaning up the mess that is 4chan, but this new feature that will only serve to make the board more poorly moderated settles it for me. There's no way this place can even be at a tolerable level anymore.

My only problem now is that I kinda feel like I'll miss you guys. You people were the only thing that made me want to stay here this long.

>> No.6416576

I don't think there's actually boards beside /jp/ who use the report function.

>> No.6416578


We could even get raided because of this.

>> No.6416579

About to tell /sp/ and /b/

>> No.6416580

it was posted on other boards too you know

>> No.6416581
File: 450 KB, 926x534, umadib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also /co/ /tg/ /a/ /g/

>> No.6416583

that'd imply they ever use the report function

>> No.6416585

you are a fucking retard if you ever thought reporting made a difference. This changes /jp/ in absolutely no way other than preventing report spam and making people who thought reporting a thread was the peak of board etiquette against barbarians angry.

>> No.6416590

>I've been on 4chan for 1 whole month but I've had it

>> No.6416592


>some moron told moot about it and killed reporting for everyone.

I'm sure it was meido, who else could tell Moot about it?

>> No.6416589


>> No.6416594

Who gives a shit reported

>> No.6416595

You report the thread, not every single post in it you autists.

>> No.6416597

it was some tripfag on /b/
it was in the Q&A thread moot advertised a few days ago with that useless redtext below the adds

>> No.6416606

>It's been pretty clear for a long time that moot has no interest in cleaning up the mess that is 4chan

He likes the mess that is 4chan as shown by the fact he browses /b/ the most, he just doesn't like their CP.

>> No.6416601

But it did make a difference. While there were times we had no active moderation to deal with reports, most of the time a thread would get handled relatively fast and spam didn't matter much because it took more effort to post it than to report it. Now it takes roughly equal effort, and there's more incentive to spam than to report. That can't end well.

>> No.6416602


>> No.6416607

reported for metathread

>> No.6416610

I thought the only reason that animu screencaps get deleted was that everyone reported them.
