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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 91 KB, 800x600, cherrymaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6409737 No.6409737 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know Japanese, have some free time, and want to do some fun VN translation for /jp/?

If your answer to all of the above was 'yes', then join us in the Flyable Heart Translation Collaboration!

How do I participate?
If you haven't been granted access already, post your IP and role in this thread and wait to be granted access.
Go to http://rechan.eu.org/go/fhtrans
Click on 'Go forth and translate'
Choose the new AJAX interface if you're using Firefox.
Click on any file you want
Click on column 2; now you can see the original and what you'll be translating
Pick any page to start from, which hasn't been translated yet
Write your translated lines into the left column, you can click on the one you want or use alt+shift+J or alt+shift+K to move between them
Fill in the code at the bottom and click submit
Repeat for as long as you feel like it.

Have fun and don't let the trolls get in your way!

Use English punctuation and leave lines with only a name alone. Keep honorifics.

Progress: First 51552 lines done. More than 0.25k throughout the rest in discontinuous patches.

晶, Crystal
結衣, Constipated Clothes
あきら, Getting Tired
天音, Sky Noise
くるり, Turning Around
すずの, Of Bell
茉百合, Jasmine Lily
桜子, Cherry Master
奏龍, Report Dragon
繚蘭会, Bound Orchid Meeting

Userscript for using arrow keys instead of j/k

>> No.6409743


Why did you delete your previous thread?

>> No.6409748
File: 27 KB, 358x450, Moogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6409749

So, you're now blocking all IPs by default? That's quite funny.

>She starts to move slowly from the root to the tip, and the small movement of starting to move seemed to be giving a new stimulus again.
>The feeling of taking up other's views and opinions and licking continues.
>When I think Yui is performing it orally, more than that feeling I felt something like a virtue was transmitted.
>The gentle stroking was pleasant, and Yui again turned her look here only slightly, and violently pumps the meat stick.
>Her lips shine with saliva glossily, but only that is startling.

>> No.6409751

Does this mean my reports got through? That's nice.

>> No.6409757 [SPOILER] 
File: 123 KB, 600x450, 1288701114294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god. !FH4JP0E0zs is Moogy. It all makes sense now.

Also good job guys. You're going to make him ragequit and then this will never be translated.

A spectacular win for the Super Elitist We Speak Japanese Club! Congrats all around.

>> No.6409759

Leave anything going on /jp/ long enough and trolls will infest it.

>> No.6409766


That's because this is /jp/- Troll Culture.

>> No.6409768

Or it could be they delete their own posts in an effort to keep the thread alive longer. I used to do the same thing on the Hatsukoi threads before I quit them.

>> No.6409782

Since it got deleted with the last thread I'm wondering, how many lines have been translated by this translator and how many by people using machine translation in an effort to troll the project?

I cannot honestly believe that a human can create the lines people are pointing out as evidence of how shit the project is. I can only imagine people creating them purposefully to make the project look like shit.

Can we have someone clarify this please?

>> No.6409788


This translator IS a machine translator.

>> No.6409791

OP is doing the machine translations.

>> No.6409803

You are free to OPs post in previous threads to form your own opinion.
I know it's hard to believe, it's really sad.

>> No.6409817

Who honestly cares if it's being machine translated? The devs for this project are making people happy, delivering the translation of a visual novel which nobody else will work on. Either shut up about it, or help make it a better translation.

>> No.6409823

>or help make it a better translation.

It was the OP's initial rejection of that which started most of this mess.

>> No.6409825

Don't take their word for it, just take a look and come to your own conclusions.

>"I don't understand! Even if such a thing is aid, I understand nothing!"
>Although until only a short while ago, even as for me, nothing changes from the students around me, it should be as always.
>"Although I said we'll be together until I graduate......despite this, I may have become full with Shou-kun."
>"My heart is also becoming very very very precipitous."

And the best version of The Wizard of Oz ever.
>"Thereupon, the girl was returning to her house, and together with a lovely colleague she met on the way, and shortly thereafter goes to a magician who can grant any wish."

>> No.6409827

Get one of the pre-alphas and play it yourself. It doesn't read like a real English one but it's understandable enough. The trolls are just bitching because it's different from usual "translations".

>> No.6409835

>or help make it a better translation.
From what I gathered in the last thread, people did try to do that.
OP replaced their improved lines with machine translation though, since it's clearly superior.

>> No.6409843
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>> No.6409848


>> No.6409856
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>> No.6409892

So what? The translator wants to have a few laughs (I know I sure did when I read that.) WHY SO SERIOUS?

>> No.6409896

Sup OP.

>> No.6409917

'sup troll

>> No.6409952

Now call him a TLWiki shill. You know you want to.

>> No.6409958

Silence, shill

>> No.6410565

>Flyable Heart -51352/73560 (69.81%) lines translated, partial patch may be released soon
Damnit, secondary sources are always late.

>> No.6410925

Because the future has already begun

>> No.6410985

Today's total: 1100
Fifth file: 3500
Remaining Subtotal: 8788
Subtarget: -15
Total: 52652
Remaining: 20908

Back on schedule.

I know, the spelling and prepositions need to be fixed in those. That's why there's editing.

I replaced lines which did not follow the same style as the rest of them, obviously looked different, or otherwise didn't fit. I'm just coming up to a section where someone decided to remove the quotes from the lines he submitted. THERE ARE QUOTES SO YOU KNOW SOMEONE IS SPEAKING, AND THERE ARE NO QUOTES SO YOU KNOW THE PROTAGONIST IS THINKING. What part of that don't you get?

>> No.6411458

And who's doing the editing? You? Because you're already doing such a bang up job at that.

>> No.6412005

new patch where?

>> No.6413412

Patience. They release early Monday 4chan time.

>> No.6413796
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>> No.6415023


>> No.6415515


>> No.6415531
File: 28 KB, 500x559, akg_240studio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

semi open?

>> No.6415616

Sexy foreplay is sexy!

>I put my lips upon the lips of Suzuno who clung as it is and faced up.
>But, the pleasant thing is pleasant.
>Although I don't know the structure of the girl's uniform, if I take it easy, I can unclothe her without any problem.
>I remove the mantle put on the blouse, apply a hand to the skirt and take it off.
>Suddenly, I look at the skirt with an old feeling.
>Thereupon, there was the embroidery trace which became notched somewhere there.

It is like I reading pornography of Mother Russia. It has so much sensuality. Like mighty Russian potato.

>> No.6415629

Everyone knows PortaPros are superior.

>> No.6415639

Oh my god.
You have got to be fucking with me.
Here's another one to go with
>"Nonexistence or existence..."

>"Wow bloody murder."

Every single incident of きゃ is translated as "bloody murder." Every time I think the bar is as low as it can go, they find a way.

>> No.6415646

Cry harder, TLwiki shill.

>> No.6415654

You have to try, or if you know anything about it lol Hurr understanding of tlwinker Sakura Sakura, this is the correct translation.

>> No.6415662

Riveting tale, chap. Your tears are most delicious.

>> No.6415675
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>> No.6415676

This is just pathetic, OP. Can't you even try? Actually, I guess that answer's alread self-evident.

>Suzuno is an eidolon

Oh boy.

>> No.6415680
File: 36 KB, 591x224, flyable-fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6415696

Oh lordy...
>"Bloody murder, there cowabunga."

>> No.6415700

>if I take it easy

Yukkuri shitteite ne!

>> No.6415706

>2. A phantom, a ghost or elusive entity.

Are you the same guy who complained about MG using 'hamlet' in Higurashi?

>> No.6415718


It would have been really funny if that was translated as "cylon" instead.

>> No.6415725
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, 1289106083875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to translate an entire game with babelfish

>> No.6415727
File: 55 KB, 400x400, gespenst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is better when you throw in random foreign languages instead of regular English, right? Should have gone with German though. That way she could have been a gespenst to be the moest.

>> No.6415745


Go back to /m/, lol

>> No.6415748
File: 107 KB, 327x240, Gendo_Ikari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on guys. I want a VN with a troll-translation. It'd be just like those hilarious abridged series or that Voodoo-Uzumaki -manga. It's all the better if they put something completely different in the erotic scenes.

>> No.6415800
File: 7 KB, 100x100, NVIDIAGFORCE4TI4200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's total: 700
Fifth file: 4200
Remaining Subtotal: 8088
Subtarget: -12
Total: 53352
Remaining: 20208

>> No.6415812
File: 19 KB, 320x400, XavierTrainYou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6415835


This is build PA20101108061819.61 based on the state of the repository at approximately 2010-11-08 06:18:19 4ST. Contents:

5fca72763da74478a17f39bb7ff8d77e1efda4db 6543 FHTRANS_README.TXT
289e214be2fabb83e8eef7036bbaea85b360174c 4642308 SCRIPT.SRC
b48b331f62969e649493660acf43fc0865bb8dbb 2935720 TEXT.DAT

>> No.6416432 [DELETED] 

Have a bump.

>> No.6416440 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna play this and have fun with it when it comes out and there's nothing you can do about it, I don't give a shit if it's machine translated because I can't read jap. you mad?

>> No.6417842
File: 51 KB, 324x246, 1287949948378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6418583 [DELETED] 

Up up up!

>> No.6419948


>> No.6419988

Please don't.

>> No.6420021

How do I Englishing?

>Thus, I was mightily vomiting semen into Suzuno.
>Because it's that ""to consider a topknot"" of Sakurako which won the victory in that cake king championship is edible, it's natural.
>Well, the cake was totally delicious without a problem. In addition, I'd like to eat it.
>There are a lot of delicious looking stores of food carts, and we were perplexed at which to eat from.

>"It's torn off, it's torn off, it's torn off."

Herp a derpy derp da derpy derp

>> No.6420058

>complaining about pre-release versions
for fuck's sake, it's not even fucking ALPHA yet.

>> No.6420076

Pre-alpha means that completely retarded mistranslations are okay? Got it. All aboard the Dumbass Express. Next stop, Retardville.

>> No.6420083
File: 49 KB, 400x400, 1280534117410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It's torn off, it's torn off, it's torn off."

>> No.6420106

You should know by now it's the same samefags and to not even respond to them. They don't want you playing this game in any form.

>> No.6420111
File: 46 KB, 340x255, tinfoil-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6420112

You can't really be THAT retarded, can you?

>> No.6420120

>"Bloody murder, there cowabunga."
>"Nonexistence or existence..."


>> No.6420138

You guys should work on Subahibi instead of Hatsukoi after you finish Flyable Heart. I hear it's pretty good.

>> No.6420179

There's a reason why software companies and the like take care to NEVER release anything preliminary. The amount of broken functionality in those is on par with this. Work in the industry and you'll know.

>> No.6420184

Seriously, people, stop pointing out the bad translations. It'd an open project, any idiot can "translate" a line with Google translate (like >>6420120).

It'll be fixed once a real translator gets to it, or during QC or whatever the hell the steps are.

>> No.6420185

>software companies
Why are you comparing them to linguistic issues?
>The amount of broken functionality in those is on par with this.
Yeah, no.
>Work in the industry and you'll know.
You don't work in one.

>> No.6420187

>once a real translator gets to it
The problem is there will be no "real" translator.

>> No.6420200

I, for one, I'm eagerly waiting for what kind of guess work they will do with this "translation" when editing. It will sound english, I guess, but you might as well just look at CGs and write your own story instead of trying to decrypt what
>"Bloody murder, there cowabunga."

>> No.6420205

The thing is, it's not a translation at all. Most of the time it's just few random lines thrown in and sometimes definitions and concepts are straightly copied from dictionaries which are all wrong. No amount of editing will fix that if the original "translator" doesn't even know what he's doing.

>> No.6420215

I've edited for 5 translation projects and not one of them produced anything like this garbage.

>> No.6420216

> trying to decrypt what
>"Bloody murder, there cowabunga."
funny thing is, it's just a scream. I can't possibly imagine someone being retarded enough to mistake it for anything else, so it must be the translator "having his lulz" again.
It hurts seeing this game ruined by such asshattery

>> No.6420225

And even if one did, why would they even look at this shit? It's an unreadable mess. You need to know both languages to be able to translate from one to the other. This yahoo can't even use machine translations correctly.

>> No.6420229

It's "Kyaa"
So "Bloody murder there cowabunga" makes perfect sense!

>> No.6420232

The only asshats around here are you samefags shitting up these threads and constantly bumping them.

>> No.6420239

You sound mad OP.

>> No.6420242

Main translator guy (!FH4JP0E0zs) doesn't seem as bad as people make him out to be. He makes some spelling/punctuation mistakes but nothing too terrible. Seems to be pretty much on par with what I've seen of pre-editing fansubs back when I dealt with this faggotry.

Seriously you guys, it's just Google translate.


It'll be fixed once someone who knows what he's doing actually gets to that line. There's a reason why it's only semi-open now instead of completely open. This is part of it.

>> No.6420246

Sup, OP?

>> No.6420249

>It'll be fixed once someone who knows what he's doing actually gets to that line.
Again, you seem to think anyone would be attached to this project OP. How more wrong could you be.

>> No.6420259

OP why you bully loli?

>> No.6420262

You know, I thought Hatsukoi was bad with its
>「A good man is lost love of the suicidal explosion readiness; this; this; to be enough… I am ashamed」

But at least it was mostly only bad instead of a complete disaster outside of that one script.

>> No.6420263

I'm not affiliated to this project in any way, I've dealt with translating before and I don't feel like doing it again.

I'm just tired of the stupidity in these threads. How could you possibly think "Bloody murder, there cowabunga" is going to stay in there?

>> No.6420267

Because, OP, you're an idiot.

>> No.6420268

So, you're supposed to retranslate every line 3-5 times untile someone happens to actually get it right? That's effective.
If you don't know what the fuck you're doing, why not just leave that line alone for someone who might?

>> No.6420277

Did you even read my post?
>you seem to think anyone would be attached to this project OP

Refer to >>6409848 for one the reasons.

>> No.6420281

Jesus fuck you people are dense.

It's an OPEN (well, was) project. Anyone can go to a random line and say it actually translates to "penis penis penis". If it's not reverted immediately, it'll stay there for a while until someone gets to that line and translates it properly. This is what happens with most of the examples given out in these threads.

>> No.6420286

"Bloody murder, cowabungaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

I like that, in an absolutely twisted way.

>> No.6420290

Would you like me to take that script you posted earlier today, extract it, and look at some of the scripts you've 'translated' since closing the project then, OP? I still haven't finished going through the garbage I had cached, but I could put in the effort if you insist.

>> No.6420292

Continuously, continuously, continuously?

>> No.6420299

I did, and it made no sense. Like I said, the Main Translator on this "project" actually seems to know what he's doing. Even if no one else translates, he'll eventually get to that line and fix it himself.

As for the quoted post, he wants to fuck around with some lines as a joke, who gives a shit as long as it doesn't make it to the release? Are you pissed about the name "Constipated Clothes" too?

>> No.6420300

Since there's no way to search for lines in Retrans and the mistranslations are consistent across multiple thousands of lines, what you're saying then is that Cudder/!FH4JP0E0zs used search/replace to insert fucked up translations.

Great plan, genius.

>> No.6420304

ITT people who are so mad and needs to go to back to their favorite visual novel forum/IRC.

>> No.6420306

OP, just shut the fuck up already. You're not convincing anybody.

>> No.6420318

>he wants to fuck around with some lines as a joke
>who gives a shit
Are you serious OP? Some random translator translated the line perfectly fine and you go fuck up his translation by implementing your own lines and then write it off as "lulz i trolled" when he confronts you. Why would anyone want to work with an idiot such as yourself? Keep on deluding yourself that any decent translator will join your shitty project.

>Even if no one else translates, he'll eventually get to that line and fix it himself.
That would require good Japanese and English skills, which you clearly don't possess.

>> No.6420319

It's Jones and his pals.

>> No.6420336
File: 67 KB, 1361x416, retrans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are literally autistic.

>> No.6420344

If you're not OP then you're some random idiot who doesn't know what this is all about. I suggest you sit back and shut your trap.

But I'm quite sure you are OP though.

>> No.6420354

Just when I thought OP couldn't get more gay.

>> No.6420362

>Capitalism, Ho!

RCT was mistranslated about as much as this, if not more.

>> No.6420363

Here's the proof that this guy is the overdefensive OP, http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/6299235#p6299343

He sure likes to use word "autist" or "autistic"

>> No.6420364

That's called localization. Why do you even "translate" OP? You don't seem to know anything.

>> No.6420368

Your proof that I'm the OP is someone (also Anonymous) using the word "autist" on /jp/ in a previous tl thread?

Oh boy.

>> No.6420369

And if that wasn't enough, he likes to use spoiler tags as well, all which point to the fact that OP is heavily defending his shitty project by samefagging


OP, you're not fooling anyone. I'd like to see how you skitter away from this.

>> No.6420370

if you play the "localization" card, then any exclamation would fit there. "cowabunga!" and "bloody murder!" being some examples.

>> No.6420379

No need. Those are taken from machine translations >>6420242 and/or straight from dictionary entries instead of translator's own call on improvisation.

>> No.6420382

Okay I seriously loled here.

>> No.6420383

ITT autists from TLwiki/gemot/animesuki cant take it easy

>> No.6420388

Bangkok is OP?!

>> No.6420390

Any claim that anyone is the OP is asking for a huge leap of faith be people seemingly intent on trolling with 'facts.'

References to easymodo are by in large useless as are the people creating the shitstorm around this.

Give it a fucking rest.

In before you the OP hurr durr

>> No.6420395

No, I am the OP.

>> No.6420399

nope, I think these two postsa nd few others are quite solid evidence of OP samefagging


>> No.6420401

Do you know you're on /jp/?

>Search: autism, offset: 4536
>Search: autist, offset: 400
>Search: autistic, offset: 4016

>> No.6420405

It's okay. Just wait until this thread is filled up and about 50 anonymous posts mysterious disappear minutes before OP bumps it again.

Just like last time.

>> No.6420406

bangkok, where you hang out bro?

any irc channels? wanna play some sc2 sometime?

>> No.6420408

The quoted posts all contain actual spoilers and I have never used a spoiler tag once in this thread.

Seriously, the autism, tone it down a little.

>> No.6420411


>> No.6420413

Whatever Jones.

>> No.6420417

Indeed. It's funny how OP promptly deleted the previous thread when someone pointed that out.

>> No.6420422

Lulz. I guess all his different defenders just up and deleted their posts for him!

>> No.6420423

I don't get what's going on here. Anyone explain? All this stuff about posts disappearing and the OP?

>> No.6420428

Yeah, keep on making excuses OP. We all saw you doing this:


>> No.6420436

zup samefag?

>> No.6420452

I was wondering about that as well. Why did !FH4JP0E0zs delete the previous thread after that comment if it's not him samefagging? Care to explain op?

>> No.6420453

I only made one other post in this thread. And it's not the OP.

>> No.6420462

ITT few anons reading OP like an open book.

>> No.6420469

i only idle on MSN/Steam bro
my mail is on the email field

my steam account is japanese bird cooking spaghetti

>> No.6420471 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 319x243, YouMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6420479

It's far more sinister than that. OP is Moogy... and the Meido!!

>> No.6420483

Sup OP, trying to crack a light joke to divert people's attention from the facts?

>> No.6420487

I cannot be OP. I nokosage.
Unless I'm OP and I don't even realize it. Oh God, what have I done?

>> No.6420494

"You break it, you bought it."

You are now obligated to buy reality itself. Good job.

>> No.6420594

>CAPTCHA added to reports due to tons of abuse. people were botting reports in an attempt to get posts deleted/overwhelm the reports queue.

Isn't that too much of a coincidence? The meido accidentally turfed the thread after trolls started botting the reports.

>> No.6420598

OP desperately trying to save face. Behold everyone.

>> No.6420606

The Op is under your bed.

>> No.6420664

Today's total: 700
Fifth file: 4900
Remaining Subtotal: 7388
Subtarget: -11
Total: 54052
Remaining: 19508

I didn't delete it. See >>6409751

>> No.6420770 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 340x330, 2008_allyson_rice_women_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6420786

>implying you or one of your cocksucking pals isn't >>6409751

>> No.6420841

The only people with "pals" in this thread are the trolling samefags. It's fucking obvious. They have used this same MO before.

>> No.6420848

OP as desperate as ever.

>> No.6420872

Sorry the OP is some place in Eastern Europe and I am in Central California. Stop playing these stupid games you fucking retards.

>> No.6421448 [DELETED] 

Flyable Bump!

>> No.6424186 [DELETED] 

bampu pantsu~

>> No.6424370 [DELETED] 

Keeping this above the flood.

>> No.6424493

Don't worry. There will be another translation.

>> No.6424513


>> No.6424544

>「よーし! がんばるー!」
>"Good! I'll persevere!"

>"Hey, just a little, that!"


There needs to be a new word for what you're doing, because translating is not it.

>> No.6424560

I suggest that we just say that he's molesting the script.

>> No.6424679

Seriously, you're overtrolling now. I don't know the context but all of those make sense.

>> No.6424701

Silly, OP. Will you never learn?

>> No.6424702
File: 14 KB, 256x242, hurr i'm a durr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think those are good translations then you fail at either japanese or english.

Possibly both.

>> No.6424723

Come now. It makes perfect sense to say "yacht" when startled or exerting effort. That shows that you're a mighty boat and not to be trifled with.

>> No.6424725


I think you know nothing about japanese.
I sure hope you aren't contributing to the translation.

>> No.6424744

>I don't know the context

>Going on a trip on a yacht?

>> No.6424763

Just because you're being especially lovable tonight, here's your context, OP.

>45364,1535517,"""Oh, uh. I want to help, but glue in my hand......"""
>45366,1535575,"""Yui, you don't need to overstrain yourself. It's all right."""
>45372,1535675,I lift the cardbox which collapsed and put it in the corner of the room again.
>45373,1535730,Although I have to make sure that this time it won't collapse......
>45374,1535785,Again it seems to collapse.

>> No.6424769

It must be a cardboard yacht, and she is in awe of it

>> No.6424776

Cardbox, not cardboard.
Mind you, cardboard would have been correct.

>> No.6424778

A collapsible cardboard yacht, how sugoi.

>> No.6425667


>> No.6425695

Fuck off, OP.

>> No.6425864

sup Moogy?

>> No.6426004

Today's total: 663
Fifth file: 5563
Remaining Subtotal: 6725
Subtarget: -10
Total: 54052
Remaining: 18845

>> No.6427009 [DELETED] 

Stay alive.

>> No.6427022

The first time I look in a Flyable Heart translation thread and I'm bombarded with retardation,trolling and a catfight between what I assume are rival translators or some bullshit.

You're all faggots.

>> No.6427774

It's blatently obvious that retrans doesn't work. Give up already. No-one's gonna download such a shitty patch with a shitty translation.

It's shit. Just accept it.

>> No.6427814

Why are you so mad?

>> No.6427819

Give up, OP.

>> No.6427823

But I'm not even OP, or related to this project.

>> No.6427834

If you post that enough, maybe this time someone will believe you!

>> No.6428989 [DELETED] 

lol internet

>> No.6429406

Why is everyone so buttmad in this this thread?

>> No.6429418
File: 194 KB, 389x297, lol_internet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6429441

Translation groups don't get into fights with each other; none of them are making money in the first place so it's not as if they have anything to compete over. This is ye olde internets flamewar over what favorite color is the best color.

On one side there are machine translators who feel that babelfish output is the infallible word of God and that anything different from this is a "rewrite" which discards the true story regardless of how much human skill goes into it. Each Japanese word has one and only one English word to match up with it, and English grammar / punctuation rules do not apply.

On the other side is human translators who studied Japanese thoroughly and use their own minds and creativity to interpret and carry over the emotions and intents that went into the story itself. The pinnacle of good translation is to instill the same thoughts and moods as if the player were fully fluent in Japanese; to allow a casual player to simply read the text in the translated language and receive the same experience as a native Japanese reader playing the game in original Japanese.

The decision is yours which faction is more worthy of your alignment.

>> No.6429469

What's with all the asspain in this thread?

>> No.6429476

That is an extremely biased presentation of this, you are completely over stating the "two sides"
Before you say anything I feel the latter is preferable.

>> No.6429495 [DELETED] 


I'm too drunk to experience the pinnacle of male emotion, so I'm guessing the only one who is frustrated in here is you.

Sage because I dunno what this game is about so I don't want to bump.

>> No.6429509


I'm too drunk to experience the pinnacle of male emotion, so I'm guessing the only one who is frustrated in here is you.

Sage because I dunno what this game is about so I don't want to bump.

>> No.6429520

Jones and his buddies want to derail this any way they can. It's their usual "user moderation" method.

>> No.6429522

>That is an extremely biased presentation of this, you are completely over stating the "two sides"

Maybe so, but the truth isn't always equally balanced between the two sides of an argument.

Go ahead and read these threads; there are countless duplicates archived. There is a large and growing movement that insists on calling any human creative interpretation a "rewrite," despite the fact that one cannot preserve the original artistic intentions without human creative interpretation. This side asserts that the machine translation is the only "true" translation, where even the machine translators themselves carry disclaimers stating their output is unreliable.

>> No.6429526

It gives a bad impression of Japan's art work Flyable Heart. It asks you not to.

>> No.6429532
File: 469 KB, 701x702, 1289449652576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.6430608

Too bad one side has only 1.7% of the support.

>> No.6430625

That's what happens when one side is Cudder.

>"But, look! Hey! If it's painful, you should cry! Because I'll lend you my chest! Look, it comes in large quantities!"
>"Because I'm a human, and Suzuno is an eidolon......therefore, we can't be together that much lengthily, and to the extent that it becomes important, I think it'd be a painful goodbye."
>Disregarding the cry of Suzuno who questions, I grew an arm.

>> No.6430635
File: 36 KB, 600x420, WOODSCREWS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>totally didn't get the reference

>> No.6430643


>> No.6430704


>> No.6430730

Please stop molesting this game. It didn't do anything to hurt you.

>> No.6430966

Out, troll.

FlyableTrans: The Way It's Meant To Be Translated™

>> No.6430973


>> No.6431039

1.7% yields and translators made of woodscrews that mention pork shoulders often.

>> No.6431072

I see you're back from you clue finding quest to /g/

>> No.6431572
File: 92 KB, 388x490, 6001_l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's total: 438
Fifth file: 6001
Remaining Subtotal: 6287
Subtarget: -5
Total: 55153
Remaining: 18407

>> No.6431590

They are using babelfish because they can't read the text. not because it's more true to the original material or any of that shit

>> No.6431592

It's not babelfish. Babelfish output is far worse.

>> No.6432144

They're probably using TransAgg. Some of it literally is Babelfish. Some Atlas. Some Google. Almost all of it is directly copy and pasted from some machine translator. What's not is even worse.

>> No.6433910

>implying non-machine-translated output is worse

>> No.6433954

No. It's still machine translated. Just whenever there's a word with an elongated syllable or something else that confuses Atlas, he drops the syllables into JDICT and pastes in one of the definitions.

>> No.6435180 [DELETED] 

Flyable Bump!

>> No.6435227

>He's disconnected from common knowledge to the extent that such a thing is handed over at this place!
>"Did you two each too much breakfast and came late?"


>Oh shit!


>> No.6435262


>> No.6436228


I can now only conclude that these threads, the whole project, is just a massive troll by someone that must really not have anything better to do.

If I'm wrong, which I hope I am, then why don't the OP graciously take our help, criticisms and advice when offered?

>> No.6436242

Don't you ever get tired of trolling? Go back to #bun or TLwiki, you'll find yourself right at home there.

>> No.6436244


Excuse me? How was I trolling? And why do you assume I'm from TLWiki or #bun (whatever the fuck that is).

>> No.6436278


>> No.6436301


Can I help? Please allow access to the site.

>> No.6436312

>"T-To the extent that I jump!"

>『Your stitches also rattle too.』

>"I'm frozen......"

>> No.6436329
File: 62 KB, 462x495, 1289377357352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436592

Today's total: 438
Fifth file: 6439
Remaining Subtotal: 5849
Subtarget: -5
Total: 55591
Remaining: 17969

>If you haven't been granted access already, post your IP and role in this thread and wait to be granted access.

>> No.6436655

So, somehow this thread has been going on for days, but how many of you who post things like this are actually going in, editing the lines in yourself, and then posting them here?

I don't think anybody could honestly care that much about hating on this, so the only conclusion that I can reach is that it's a bunch of people in on the project "trolling" and then responding to themselves to keep the thread bumped and active for days.

>> No.6436665

All you have to do is check the recent changes pages to see that's not the case.

>> No.6436713

Man all the trolling on this post is kinda sad.

>> No.6436756

> post your IP
Ahahahaha oh wow.

>> No.6437321 [DELETED] 


>> No.6438289

Flyable Heart and My Girlfriend is the president are the 2 VNs I can't wait to be translated.

>> No.6439657

>My Girlfriend is the president
lol wut

>> No.6439848
File: 99 KB, 574x435, furimc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Osananajimi wa Daitouryou

>> No.6440006


>> No.6441007 [DELETED] 

Have a bump.

>> No.6441145

The blond chick and the girl with pink hair have the same exact face.
I don't understand. You don't have to draw the characters that many times for a VN like you would for anime or manga or some shit, why not make characters that actually look different. Are the artists that bad?

>> No.6441353
File: 113 KB, 800x600, 1289114000239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sky Master and Cherry Noise?

>> No.6441798

can't unsee

>> No.6441816

Whitelisting is easier than blacklisting. You can post your subnet too and we'll allow that, as long as it isn't that large (no, we will not allow /8s.)

Senior Director and Temporary Infrastructure Support Manager
REchan IHG

>> No.6441948

Today's total: 561
Fifth file: 7000
Remaining Subtotal: 5288
Subtarget: -8
Total: 56152
Remaining: 17408

We will be able to put up images for editing soon. That should take us into Alpha stage, and after the initial editing, Beta, then RC.

>> No.6441968
File: 112 KB, 800x600, turningeveryonearound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This had to be done.

>> No.6442003
File: 123 KB, 800x600, flyableleno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6443707

I love the hairstyles in this game

>> No.6443731

I love the durrrrr in this game
"Method, method. And then, and then?"

>"O RLY?!!!"

>> No.6444522


>> No.6444791

>Senior Director and Temporary Infrastructure Support Manager
>REchan IHG
Fuck off.

>> No.6444925

There's no way you possibly can't not be a TLwiki shill.

>> No.6444946

=There's no way you can possibly be a TLwiki shill


>> No.6444956

=There's no way you can't possibly can't not be a TLwiki shill.

>> No.6444991
File: 119 KB, 351x500, My-Limes-Can't-be-this-hold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

=You can't possibly be this TLwiki shill!

>> No.6445237

I was expecting this.

>> No.6445299

>"What to do. From what will we eat? I throbbed."

>"Yes. I want to persevere to today's amount."

>Like usual, Suzuno was involved in a chair and a desk and fell down.

Flyable Heart: Sluts fucking furniture

>> No.6445304


Hello. Please stop accusing innocent anonymous posters of being me.


>> No.6445458

No, we know it's the TLwiki shills.

>> No.6445470
File: 61 KB, 644x397, cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please translate this for me?

>> No.6445490

I think it is asking you to put in the disk or something.

>> No.6445495

This isn't the Cross Channel thread.

>The pleasure of inserting a disk inside.

>> No.6445500

Can you link me to that thread?

>> No.6445526

Does a no disc patch for CC exist? I finished installing but I'm pretty sure the error I'm getting for not being able to launch it is saying I need to put the disc in.
It's already mounted.

>> No.6445547

I don't know what the kanji after 交 is.
In google translate
goes to
Please exchange the data disk X

>> No.6445555


>> No.6446522


>> No.6447146
File: 469 KB, 795x742, chara_sakurako1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's total: 811
Fifth file: 7811
Remaining Subtotal: 4477
Subtarget: -10
Total: 56963
Remaining: 16597

The Cherry Master has finally been mastered. Moving on to some unexpectedly common parts.

>> No.6447260

We conjure the spirits of the Flyable Heart Translation Thread with our spells.

>> No.6448842 [DELETED] 

Up up up

>> No.6450350


>> No.6451990

Today's total: 789
Fifth file: 8600
Remaining Subtotal: 3688
Subtarget: -11
Total: 57752
Remaining: 15808

>> No.6452037


This is build PA20101115052746.65 based on the state of the repository at approximately 2010-11-15 05:27:46 4ST. Contents:

5fca72763da74478a17f39bb7ff8d77e1efda4db 6543 FHTRANS_README.TXT
2ab7a4f9e38accacd9992979454a0d6cc2c51516 4642308 SCRIPT.SRC
c8132ebfa8441b6c7333db4219b9de17c144ce14 2956749 TEXT.DAT

>> No.6452040

>5fca72763da74478a17f39bb7ff8d77e1efda4db 6543 FHTRANS_README.TXT
2ab7a4f9e38accacd9992979454a0d6cc2c51516 4642308 SCRIPT.SRC
c8132ebfa8441b6c7333db4219b9de17c144ce14 2956749 TEXT.DAT
get this shit back to >>>/b/

>> No.6452048


>> No.6452059

I wish a license was required to operate a computer on the internet. You would not be posting that shit if it was.

Learn what SHA is and you will never try to us a corrupt download again.

>> No.6452274


>> No.6452892 [DELETED] 

Bampu pantsu~

>> No.6455064

Go fuck yourself, OP

>> No.6455063 [DELETED] 


>> No.6455119

>I leave the dormitory, and two or three steps.
>"Umm. What to say......something bad, Max go first. Because I'll soon pursue."
>"That is. Now, it leisure, leisure! Well, it's good thing that it's uneventful."
>"What do you say! Your father was continuously lonely alone. Although you should've kept in contact."

Someone set us up the bomb!

>A notice of a tripartite interview!

>> No.6455147
File: 8 KB, 319x222, whatyousayhh6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6455182

>It fits, it fits, it fits.

I'd love to see how these clowns would have translated うぐぅ.

>> No.6455200

>Portable terminal


>> No.6455333

>bawwww they're not translating things the way i would've translated them

Give up, you fucking cunts.

>> No.6455362

Whenever anybody attempts to translate anything on /a/ or /jp/ every dumbass NIHONGO EXPERT that ever opened a textbook comes out of the fucking wordwork to offer their two cents. It's a big factor in why nobody ever wants to translate anything around here.

>> No.6455496

OP, by now you should realize that nobody is buying your bullshit.

>> No.6455790

I hadn't realized that being completely wrong was a choice.

>> No.6455929

Funny I was about to say the same thing about you.

>> No.6456127

Keep trying, OP. I can't wait to see you start bitching and moaning that "the trolls won" when nobody plays your machine hack nonsense.

>> No.6456169

It doesn't make sense. If you can read Japanese fluently without translations, why would you care about the quality of the English translation us monolingual peasants will be reading? Because you like the game? I can't think of any other reason, and even then, if you really cared, you could change the mistranslated lines.

>> No.6456296

Not anymore, you can't!

Besides, as OP will be in to tell you soon enough, they are perfect translations. MACHINE TRANSLATION = BEST TRANSLATION

>> No.6456460

Dear OP,

I am writing to you to say that due to the abysmal quality of your translation project, I have decided to play Flyable Heart in Japanese instead.

It is a beautiful game, truly of high art, and I shed a tear everytime I think of the beastly things you're doing to our dear Yui, Amane, Mayuri and their friends.

Therefore, I implore you to stop, before the damage you cause becomes truly irrepairable, and /jp/ becomes a furious mob set on quelling this terrible trend of machine translation.

Yours Sincerely,
A Distressed Anon.

>> No.6456472

>I have decided to play Flyable Heart in Japanese instead
Then get the fuck out, this thread is not for you.

>> No.6456478

I don't mind the machine translation but GOD DAMN, THE NAMES, WHY!?

>> No.6456495


Read it. Read all of it. Especially you, OP.

And no, I'm not a member of tlwiki.

>> No.6456510

the sole fact that you linked to some dude's blog that we dont give a shit about is enough for people to not give a shit about your opinion

you might aswell go back to forums you came from

>> No.6456524

>propaganda post by traditionalist translation group
When things like this start appearing, you know they've realized the times are changing. It's like oil companies scaring people away from alternative power.

>> No.6456531

why do you even know who the fuck is that blog's owner

>> No.6456541

>see? see? Got told by the teacher, did you? I was right, see?

>> No.6456547

under what stone have you been living for the last year, bang cock?

>> No.6456552

why would i know about some random fuck's blog

>> No.6456562 [DELETED] 

Moogy's translation is so transparent among the others.

>> No.6456565

Moogy's translation is so transparent compared to the others.

>> No.6456595

/r/ that orgchart I've seen before, forgot what Moogy's involvement in Amaterasu is.

But it'd make sense if he's affiliated with them somehow.

>> No.6456603

Moogy-dono is affiliated with everyone. He controls everything behind the scenes.

>> No.6456616
File: 154 KB, 1143x1600, 1271836154941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of dated; should probably be updated. Most still applies, though.

>> No.6456623

Half those groups haven't done anything in years.

>> No.6456627

'affiliation' carries a connotation that some find unpleasant.

>> No.6456643

It says that right on the chart.

>> No.6456679


>> No.6456686

>I'm a faggot who can't even read 10 posts above mine, please rape my face

>> No.6456704

Actually 13, but the point still stands.

>> No.6456746

OP and his one zealous advocate sure got told.

>> No.6456779

This is ridiculous and above all arrogant. The first bit showed that it's completely possible to create understandable dialog with only a little knowledge of the language.

Muv Luv Alternative is OBVIOUSLY highly technical, why should students try to translate it anyway? If someone's translating a simple moege like with Flyable Heart or Hatsukoi they're not going to run into the fucking shit you get from his cherry picked lines.

Go fuck off

>> No.6456789

No one intending to play this game gives a fuck. That includes me.

>> No.6456798

Except that they're completely fucking up the most basic of basic sentences on this simple moege. They can't even get "kyaa" right.

>> No.6456801

That's just the translator fucking around.

>> No.6456805

Hi OP. So your newest argument is that you're intentionally adding mistakes with no way to track them? I bet this will convince people. How do you explain all the other translation errors?

>> No.6456820

All I know about Flyable Heart is it's being machine translated which I don't think is very good. A bunch of us were booted off the Hatsukoi project for not knowing enough Japanese, not for machine translating when some of us have at least a couple years of Japanese language training from college.

Those lines are OBVIOUSLY cherry picked to be hard and contain
A. Technical data
B. cultural innuendo

They were OBVIOUSLY CHERRY PICKED and do not represent 99% of dialog found in a moege.

Now I know who's going around talking shit in our threads. Not about the machine translators but the people claiming those with some basic knowledge of Japanese couldn't create readable material that was fairly accurate and in my case I DID ask for input on lines I felt needed clarification.

I say we reopen the Hatsukoi Project. I'll go back to it. I'm not paying attention to their shit anymore. Arrogance be damned either translate it for us, find someone to translate it for us, or step the fuck aside and let us do our best.

Either way FUCK OFF

>> No.6456833

Here. I'll cherry pick some easy lines for you then.
>よーし! がんばるー!

If you can get a single one of those right, then you're a better translator than FH4dipshit.

>> No.6456837

>A bunch of us were booted off the Hatsukoi project for not knowing enough Japanese, not for machine translating when some of us have at least a couple years of Japanese language training from college.
So this is all it boils down, hurt feelings so you'll stick it to the man? Boring

>> No.6456847

Coming wa
Good luck, Yoshi!
Existing and and and

>> No.6456853

Except machine translators fare better in technical and formal sentences than in daily casual conversation that is prominent in Flyable Heart. You sure got told.

>> No.6456859

Today's total: 401
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Subtarget: -7
Total: 58153
Remaining: 15407

I need to hurry up.

And say what you will, I'm not going to translate this TLwiki-style.

>> No.6456880

>I'm not going to translate this TLwiki-style.
But you could bother to translate it into English.

>> No.6456968

>'affiliation' carries a connotation that some find unpleasant.
This whole thread is just a plot by the Elitist Superstructure.

>> No.6457460

Let's bump!

>> No.6458473

Yeah, Ixrec's experiment shows that. When your dialogue is littered mostly with nouns, a few adjectives and adverbs, but only a few particles, it's likely to give at least something that's readable.

>> No.6458556

Congratulations. You got 0/4 right. You are exactly as qualified as FH4 to translate.

>> No.6458603

Oh shi-
Oh come fucking on...
>よーし! がんばるー!
Fuck yeah! Let's get this shit done!
Owwwwww shitshitshitshit

>> No.6458666

*Looks at thread*

You've got to be fucking kidding me. First it was Hatsukoi, now Flyable Heart?

>> No.6458679

>*Looks at thread*
get out, fast.

>> No.6458685

Don't worry, Satan. Flyable Heart is mediocre too.

>> No.6459624

I hope you know he was trolling you. Honestly all I see in this thread is a bunch of giant babies

>> No.6459697

Let's try a bump.
