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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 354 KB, 800x600, ronery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
640809 No.640809 [Reply] [Original]

how ronery are you?
scale of 1 to 10
1 being not feeling lonely at all (regardless of how many friends you have), if your the self-chosen loner type, who is indifferent to being alone or being with people, your probably a 1

10 being your dying for even a speck of human contact, but you cant make that dream a reality because NO ONE UNDERSTANDS A FREAK LIKE YOU

>> No.640815

Im probably a 2. I can handle being all by myself, but sometimes I wonder what its like to hold a woman.

>> No.640819

Please learn the difference between your and you're.

>> No.640820

4. I get lonely sometimes. Really lonely.

>> No.640821

Why doesn't that washing machine have a window?

>> No.640822

I'd say 15 out of 10 lol...

the fate worse than complete isolation is to interact with people that you will never trust so share your feelings or to show your real identity.

it's like you are watching your life from a 3rd person's perspective. You act your life, not live it.

>> No.640824


i happen to live with 9 other students, who I try to avoid.

>> No.640839


Fine usually, though the occasional bout of roneriness sometimes bites me in the ass. Hard.

>> No.640836


>> No.640840

I'm a 3

so ronery ;_;

>> No.640845


I can't wrap my mind around why someone would crave companionship.

>> No.640853

I feel your pain anon.

>> No.640851

10. Loneliness is my happiness.

>> No.640852

Yeah, those fucking freaks.

>> No.640856

1, maybe 2.

>> No.640857

10. I find joy in being alone and I'd rather keep it that way...

>> No.640860

3 for the girls i spend with, but without them 9

>> No.640862


without my niece living here (she's 4) I would be about a 7

I would just miss her so much

>> No.640863


general paranoia, everyone in the universe has them.

>> No.640876

didn't read op.
If you're happy with it it's 1, not 10

>> No.640882

Probably. What's the improbability of that?

>> No.640887


After a certain period of time being a NEET, you really stop caring about this shit. But it's not like some normalfag telling you "it's not that great." I have transcended mere emotions such as these feeling of loneliness, and I feel nothing but apathy for it, at most.

If you think you've been a NEET, and you're "ronery" even after living a shut-in life for 3+ years, then you're exposing yourself to human contact too much. Constant isolation is key, and then after a while, it all sinks in down to the core.

>> No.640888


>> No.640891


>> No.640892

Realistically, about an 8. I have friends and family, I care for all of them, and I see them often. Even still, I still feel lonely even though I'm always trying to be as happy as I can. It's not an empty feeling per se, I just feel like my life is missing something so it makes me feel lonely.

Also, pig disgusting 3D, so don't even mention a girlfriend.

>> No.640893

10, I wanna be social but I suck at it.

>> No.640897

a 4 for me.
despite i go OUTSIDE, and go to work, but during weekend, i'm all alone in my room ;__;

my parents has been asking me when i will intro my GF to them
halp ;__;

>> No.640905

its over 9000 for me...

>> No.640908

2-3 I have lots of friends but wouldn't mind a non 2d girlfriend.

>> No.640909


ask deep thought.

>> No.640911


why? i wouldnt really care if humanity got blasted off the face of the earth EXCLUDING a few select friends and myself.

>> No.640922


>> No.640923

who's going to provide you food? service? medicare? electricity? water? erotic escorts?

>> No.640927


Underage b&

>> No.640929

Truth. True isolation isn't very lonely. Human contact makes you crave more human contact. Simple response feedback. Cut off response, you acclimate pretty quick.

>> No.640931



>> No.640932

havent you ever watched i am legend?
...we get a black guy to do it all for us

>> No.640933

1. I live more or less completely self sufficiently by myself out in the country. The perfect life.

>> No.640936

I'd say probably about a 5 or 6. I only interact with people because of my job - if I was a NEET I'd never encounter another member of the species. I see my friends once a month, at the absolute most. Most of them I see 2 - 3 times a year. I've tried to convince myself that I don't need or want a romantic relationship, but the harder I try to convince myself of that, the more I realize I'm lying to myself. But even if I managed to pique a girl's interest for 3 seconds, I wouldn't know what to do. So I figure 3 seconds is about the longest relationship I can maintain, unless I'm paying the girl by the hour.

>> No.640941

same kid

>> No.640946

I'm an 11, which is funny, because I wish I lived in Area 11.

>> No.640954
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>> No.640975

About a 2 or 3.

Usually okay by myself. The ronriness comes at night, when I'm trying to fall asleep, and I realize not only am I the only one in my bed, but it'll probably be that way my whole life.

Then I realize, wait. If I'm alone in bed, I can fart whenever I want without someone bitching! So that keeps it to a 3 or lower.

>> No.640986


I'm getting there, all right.

>> No.640987


>> No.640994


I interact with people at uni. Every night/weekend is spent alone.

>> No.640995


Really? Bedtime is actually the time I'm most comfortable being alone.

>> No.641010


I have no friends. I just sit in class and then go directly home. I don't own a telephone because the only person who would call is my mother.

I went an entire day without speaking. I'd say if I keep this up, I could honestly see myself becoming an hero no matter how gutless I am.

>> No.641012

10. So ronery, I became transgendered and fell in love with a man. Beat that.

>> No.641015

ive been like an 8 until recently, when in a drugged stupor i asked an old high school classmate that i still talk to online to have lunch with me. the next day i had lunch with her and went out to watch ironman with a bunch of other old friends of ours.

id range between 1 and 10 a lot, depending on how long its been since i've had contact with other people. 2 months without contact = 10, so im kind of a pussy compared to hikkis. but even at 10 i can kind of hold out

>> No.641018

I go weeks without talking to anyone but myself

not like I can't just go out and talk to people

but why would I do that?

>> No.641020
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Probably a 3

>> No.641022

Isn't it sad, Alice?

>> No.641025

Oh yeah especially at night. Because then I don't have the pursuits of the day to occupy my mind and I DO NOT HAVE PRE-SLEEP FANTASIES OF FALLING IN LOVE WITH TOUHOUS HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK IT

>> No.641054

2; ronery by choice and mostly indifferent, though sometimes I do wonder what it would be like to share my life with someone.

>> No.641056

6, I'm alone and I don't want to be alone but I don't want to be around the people I've met in my life. Aside from a few select people I feel like people are horrible and just not worth it. Naturally the people I want to be around rejected me, and in reality I probably only wanted them because I didn't understand them enough to realize that they're just like everyone else.

I want impossible tailor made people in my life only. I can't handle real people.

>> No.641066


>> No.641067


Night time when everybody else is asleep for me is just so calming, alleviating. Everything becomes so quiet and I enter a feeling of total solitude. There's no one to bother me either. It's unquestionably the best time of the entire day.

>> No.641081

Right now I'm an 8.

I'm naturally an introvert, but I would really like one person to be especially close to.

>> No.641087


Damn. Got me beat, Anon.

>> No.641088

sage for ronery

>> No.641102

2, I hate other people but I wouldn't mind a girl in my life.

>> No.641104


>> No.641107

1 and 10

i like to be alone, but as my financial situation needs me to have a job, i have to interact with children on a daily basis(english teacher)

plus, a lot of people refuse to talk to a foreigner, even thought i speak fluent japanese

other than that, i sit in my apartment and play video games, play guitar, masturbate, and internets

>> No.641109

Most of us are too occupied fapping to hentai or playing video games to be feeling ronery.

>> No.641112

About a 7, I guess. I don't have any friends (I'm friendly to kids in class but I don't meet with them outside of school except to finish reports and whatnot) and I couldn't care less about having a girlfriend. It usually doesn't bother me but sometimes, especially if I really like a girl in a VN or something, I get really depressed and can't sleep or do anything. Those "episodes" usually don't last too long, but I feel like shit when they do.

I've gone days without speaking, too. It's kinda weird when you think about it.

>> No.641152
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>I've gone days without speaking, too. It's kinda weird when you think about it.

>> No.641160


>> No.641161

I'm a 1 because I'm married lulz

>> No.641179

Sure is underage around here.

>> No.641180

Married and on 4chan?

>> No.641184

The feeling of being married and not being able to leave is the ronriest ronry of them all.

>> No.641197

2- I have friends, and come in contact with them much much too often, but sometimes I go for days without actually talking to anyone. When I get out of my trance of (CODING) I feel terrible.

But then I'm better again...right?

>> No.641215
File: 260 KB, 800x600, 1211084495357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have family around all the time, but I really would like a special companion for myself.

This may sound strange, but I'd prefer a robot or an AI to a real girl. Might be my playing too many VNs, but I think they could transcend all the boring shit that comes with real women.

>> No.641218

6 - I have an extremely lucrative job but no friends in town. I drive 4 hours home on fridays to spend the weekend at my parent's house so I can talk to someone.


>> No.641219

-5. I keep having my private space invaded by either my friends or my co-workers. I really don't mind my friends bothering me when I'm busy but... my co-workers really need to lay off my ass.

I'm tired of having to tell them that I do not enjoy going out and get drunk in the middle of the week.

If I te them I am a weeaboo, do you think they'll leave me alone?

>> No.641238

4 maybe?

I have people I socialize with, but rarely. I've never been the biggest fan of dating, but recently I've been making conversation with people I usually would just brush off. It's kind of strange, really.

With summer break upon me, I feel as if I'm getting ronrier and ronerier.

>> No.641244

I'm not lonely even though I have no friends, am a NEET and rarely got outside.
In fact interacting with humans in rl is really draining and annoying for me. I don't miss the interaction at all.

>> No.641249

3. It's great to have people you know around, but It's easily something I could do without.

>> No.641253

I'm kinda the opposite. I sometimes feel the impulse to socialise, but then regret it completely and don't talk to anyone for a long period till I feel the impulse again.

>> No.641261

as for the scale, 2 sounds about right, I don't care that much about being alone.

>> No.641267

Have few friends but could use some more.
Have girlfriend, but won't be seeing her for a long while; fuck you long-distance relationship. I miss her kisses.

>> No.641270

This guy again. After reading the responses, it would seem like I fit more into 2 rather than 3.

>> No.641280

Probably around a 7, ;_;

Just a girlfriend would be nice.

>> No.641281


I'm a 2.

>> No.641285

my family says it's close, i never really believed them

today i found out that all of my relatives my age are friends on facebook, even though we interact a lot

i have never felt more empty in my life

>> No.641286

Animu expert here, over 500 series seen.

I was a 9 years ago, but sorta improved myself as a person (lol) and am now a 3. Got friends now, get along well with people at school and work, and am now dating 3D pig disgusting girl

I don't know if I really prefer being around people, but it has been a new + learning experience. Can only learn so much while being a NEET. I'll probably get sick it if eventually, due to anime ruining me. I would easily choose my 2D waifus over dating 3D girls IRL.

>> No.641287

2 here, I got friends who I talk regularly and is willing to help strangers when they ask me for help but at most of the times am fine being alone though having some female company would be nice.

>> No.641289

fuck you!!!


>> No.641297

try to make one somehow, dude ;_;
i only have one through sheer luck.

>> No.641300

zero, since 4chan won't accept 0

>> No.641304

4 I guess. I can't really complain about my circle of friends. I dug myself into the loser crowd when I started watching anime and there's no escape now.

All my friends are too socially withdrawn/hideous to go out on the town with though so I have to go by myself...which is hard. Picking up girls solo is difficult as fuck.

>> No.641306

2. i hate my friends and i feel pressured around my parents. therefore, i like being alone but sometimes i just wish i had a more normal relationship with someone.

>> No.641307


>> No.641311

Genetic manipulation and cloning on that scale is illegal I think.

>> No.641312

if i had the means to do that, i would've gotten myself a girlfriend before i discovered 4chan.

>> No.641327

i'm in your exact position.

>> No.641329

maybe like 4-5.
i'm a research programmer, so i don't have to leave my house at all for work. my current friends are boring. also, only other person i live with is my dad, and we both basically just stay in our rooms when we are home. tonight, however, we cooked together! it was glorious, i was taught by my father how to make home-made fajita tacos! Fucking delicious.

but we ate in our rooms, alone. ;_;

>> No.641349

so ronery ;_;

>> No.641356

why must you remind us of reality...
i was having a great time killing shit in mabinogi with my guildies...then i remember that they're probably 14 year olds...while im a 18 year old

>> No.641361

I just watched a movie and hung out with my friends. We then ate Korean BBQ and then I went home and posted about it on 4chan, which is not personal blog.


>> No.641363


I'm 20 and I play Mabinogi too. I feel fucking ancient in that game.

>> No.641365


Introvert, most folks IRL disgust me. I know a couple people who don't suppress power level and they're pretty cool for company, and they're likely the only company I'll ever need.

>> No.641366

>but we ate in our rooms, alone. ;_;
What the fuck? You cooked together and then ate alone? That's just fucking.. bizarre.

>> No.641380

6, Why can't all of you embrace and enjoy your roneryness? Accept who you are and make the best out of it.

>> No.641389

1 = 10.

i say i could care less about people and most of the time that's true. but for the care that i do have, it's almost to dangerous levels (PAH)

>> No.641391

ugh, I understand so much

first time that happened to me was when I watched NHK ni yokoso, I felt like shit for a good week

now I get this feeling most of the time when I finish an animu/manga/VN with romance and stuff

so ronery ;_;

>> No.641415

I am about 3. I have a good amount of friends, including girls, but have never had a romantic relationship. I feel the roneriest as I come home from a party.

>> No.641418

I don't doubt myself in many things and have great friends and a great family, but I'm absolutely terrible at approaching people for anything at all. Also I have never seen a female that I actually wanted to strive for ;_;

>> No.641432

lower your standards.

>> No.641437
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>> No.641461


I also go into a depression for a couple days after I finish an anime/VN. Eureka 7 had me depressed for 2 weeks, but usually it only lasts 2-5 days.

>> No.641468

I'd say about a 5. I have a few good friends I keep in touch with (different states) on a regular basis, but I wish I could find some more people I could actually find some affinity for. Of course, I'd like to find a girlfriend, but my lack of such is mainly due to my disinterest in most individuals who might qualify.

>> No.641484


yea well...i usually eat while watching animu or something. he likes watching the history channel or stargate. the only person who uses the living room is my sister, who doesn't even live at home.

>> No.641494


>> No.641498

I was about an 8 a few years ago til i met an otaku girl that regected me
now im easily a 10 only girl ive ever been interested in

>> No.641516

1, I'm sure everyone here met tonnes of people in their lives... now, knowing what the majority is like, why would anyone miss being around them?


>> No.641528


>> No.641539

>10 being your dying for even a speck of human contact
>human contact
I'll have to go with 2.

>> No.641542


These threads suck, not your blog

>> No.641551

lol humans

>> No.641555

bout a 2 I'd say. I betray this option in the fact that I have friends that I chat with from time to time, but as far as the opposite sex goes, I've chosen to be on my own. Sometimes people will ask me why I'm not dating or seeing anyone, I just tell them I enjoy my solitude.

>> No.641557
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mere humans.

>> No.641563

You're not alone, this has happened to me too.
All the otaku girls i know have standards that are high as fuck, and are also superficial as fuck. Seriously, if you're gonna be into the same things as otaku guys, they have the most in common with you and would probably be a better match than some "hot" guy who has no fucking idea what "animu" is. This may sound forceful, but i'm not asserting that otaku girls should hook up with guys with similar interests, im just saying they need to wake up from their little fantasy world and get practical. Also, if the girl in question isnt that great looking but goes for guys based on looks, she shouldn't be disappointed when she gets rejected cause shes not good looking.
tl;dr otaku girl i knew needed to wake the fuck up, and stop looking for a meaningless superficial relationship that lasts for a day. Sucks for them to end up like that, but I dont get an otaku girl because of it, so sucks for me too.
I'm an 8 by the way. I feel alright having 4chon and my vidya games and animu to comfort me, but sometimes I just need someone to hug or even just sit next to.

>> No.641566


>> No.641593

Glad im not the only one. And ya, the otaku girl I liked was prolly only a 5-6 on the looks scale.

>> No.641599

best be trollin'

>> No.641612


I dated one who was a fucking clinger. Calls me 8 times in half an hour to know what the fuck I'm doing and then goes and has massive mood swings. Fuck the otaku girl.

>> No.641614


>> No.641617

pass her my way then

>> No.641623


I like doing whatever I want without someone to interrupt me unless it's planned ahead. I dislike most people but do have a few friends to hang out with.

I could care less about a girlfriend and when I do think about it, it would just be a hassle in my lifestyle. Most people don't seem to understand this.

>> No.641671

Your scale is too big, 1 to 5 will be better for a next thread.

>I could care less about a girlfriend and when I do think >about it, it would just be a hassle in my lifestyle. >Most people don't seem to understand this.

You are so fucking right, people dont notice that that if they had a girlfriend there will be a lot of things they will miss from being alone, seriously fags.
But also have a gf has his good things.

>> No.641695

I'm something around a 7. I just finished first year and after switching programs after first semester I didn't keep in contact with any of my first semester friends (it was CS anyways) and not making any friends in my new program (since I took night classes because my school is retarded like that so it was all adults). Throughout the year my high school friends would call me up when they were back in town and we'd chill. I live downtown away from home so I don't get any human contact otherwise, apart from buying groceries and stuff. I basically just eat, play vidya, lurk internets, fap, watch TV, and workout. It's summertime now so I see people more often, but I'm still downtown so it's less convenient. I like my friends but I'm too insecure to actually call them out instead. I've had a couple of girlfriends in the past, but haven't had one in over 2 years, so I get a pretty ronery feeling sometimes, especially when my friends talk about the crazy things they did over their school year. It gets me down knowing that while they partied and met tons of people, I was at home posting on /jp/. I can still talk and socialize to people though, and I party every now and then, but sometimes I wish I lived as a more fulfilling university student.

>> No.641719

about a 2 mostly cause i want a girl friend again but other than that I'm fine. bored out of my mind right cause I'm unemployed, but other than that i spend at least 3 or four days hanging out with several friends then weekends i eather spend drunk at a friends house or at the local hobby shop

>> No.641723

where do you get money to live away from home if you dont work

>> No.641726

I'll err on the high side and guess seven.

>> No.641756

Hmm... hard to say. Sometimes I wish I had more people to relate to, but when it comes down to it, most of the people I meet aren't worth the time. Yet at the same time this effect is starting to wear on me, so I'll go with a 4.

>> No.641758

I'm currently a university student. I've been to one party, I was scared as shit since i knew nobody and it was my first time drinking, never partied after that. I just feel that going to parties to meet people is a waste of time, since the connections you make are brief and superficial. The way I felt was that everyone already had their own friends, and didn't care much for adding me to that group. Sure, you can go out and drink with people you don't know and have a good time, but in the end, the time would probably have been better spent studying or something. I don't get the point of it.

>> No.641763

...am i the only person who wants the sauce of OP pic?

>> No.641780

My parents pay for it. No I'm not rich, but my family is comfortable enough to afford it. It's just like a student living on residence.

What? I like partying though, and no you're not supposed to get into the cliques of every person you meet. That's the whole point, to mingle. Sometimes you do keep in touch with people you meet, or you'll see someone you knew before and bond with them etc...

>> No.641786
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I'm not ronery, cuz i just take it easy~

>> No.641789

i assume they are paying for your college too, sounds rich to me, grats2u

>> No.641804

Investing in education funds for over a decade =/= rich.

>> No.641806

paying for a luxury like living away from home = rich

>> No.641811

i dont know why you rich people are so offended by the word

>> No.641812

Around 5 or 6. Slowly going for 8 or 9.

>> No.641814

Hmm, makes sense to me. Too bad I'm never invited to any.

>> No.641816

Not being poor =/= rich.

>> No.641823


what the shit fucking fuck

>> No.641828

yes...yes you are
im pretty sure OP's pic is from "they are my noble masters" VN
the anime exists, but VN is adult...

>> No.641839

I don't know why poor people think anything that's not shit is rich. I live in a townhouse at home for crap's sake. Rich is international students coming here and driving BMWs downtown.

>> No.641847

sauce is ToHeart2

>> No.641865

i suppose youre right, sorry, just a habit after being poor forever

>> No.641976
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2 I guess, because it's a self-chosen thing. I have friends at uni and people I talk to but mostly keep to myself and outside of uni don't really socialise and instead spend my days fansubbing, watching anime and playing eroge/drinking and such. I get along with girls fine but don't really care or go out of my way to talk to them since 3d pig disgusting etc. etc.

But I don't care, I'm happy and wouldn't trade this awesome lifestyle which other lonely people seem to take for granted.

Would you really want to trade anime and that for a normal, boring life?

>> No.641997

1-2, leaning more towards the 1
i have a good group of friends, and really
i'm not ronry whatsoever, i mean i wonder what its like once in awhile, but oh well

>> No.642004

I'd most likely be 4 or 5.

>> No.642011

Should be called ToRONERY 2

>> No.642060

I've noticed this.

Anyone else noticed that nerdy girls are absolute sluts?

>> No.642069

in b4 yuki is a slut

>> No.642082

Do you mean slut as in assholes? Or as in dressing provocatively and flirting with everyone? Or both or something else?

>> No.642094

Probably as in, they will suck your dick while hanging from a vat of Jell-O if that's what you're into.

Maybe that's more like desperation though.

>> No.642102

Well I, for one, haven't noticed this. I would however like to know where you notice it, and how I can get there.

>> No.642111

/r/ing Kurenai subs. BSS isn't fast enough.

>> No.642135

Sluts as in promiscuous.

Well, good luck, but sluts are more shallow than other types of girls. If you're only purpose is to sleep with different guys then you're going to be very vain and shallow as there is no need to look any deeper than looks.

That's the real reason average guys hate sluts.

>> No.642140

It's Yukari'n all the way down.....

>> No.642145


University is hell if you dont like partying or clubbing, absolute hell.

>> No.642152

From the way you said it before, I got the impression that they were open to other nerds. But now, it just seems like the superficial type that is only in the relationship for looks and such, and I think this is what you meant before as well (correct me if i'm wrong). And yes, I do hate sluts as well.

>> No.642155

5 or 6. When I'm not at work, I mostly talk to my cat, and my figurines. It's not all bad though, Kohaku can be pretty interesting conversation at times.

>> No.642159

How do I go about getting invited to a party? Do i need to be invited? I'm really clueless about the whole thing. The only time I partied before was because people were holding the party in my suite, so I kind of lucked out.

>> No.642161

I have friends that share similar interests (yet I am such a extreme goddamn weeaboo in comparasion.)
Never had a girlfriend, never had any kind of physically contact with someone other then family willingly, and I have crushing social anxiety.
But I am just out of high school, hoping I might be able to kick myself in the ass to be somewhat sociable in college.

>> No.642166

Well, they aren't looking for relationships - that's why they are superficial. If you are looking for a relationship you take more into account than just someone's looks. Which is why sluts are superficial.

It's why I always laugh at average guys on /a/ and /jp/ who advocate hedonism, they have it in their heads that if we ever had a hedonistic society it would be some kind of society like Brave New World where it's considered like a societal and social obligation to sleep with each other. It wouldn't, any hedonistic society would just be superficial with the best looking guys with the best physiques absolutely cleaning up.

>> No.642190

people will just ask you when they see you, i always said no after the first few times (never enjoyed it) though.

>> No.642197

>It wouldn't, any hedonistic society would just be superficial with the best looking guys with the best physiques absolutely cleaning up.
And the difference to this society is...?

>> No.642194

Isn't that already what our society is like to some extent? A good looking guy out to rape someone but who knows how to smooth talk could easily outdo a "creepy"-looking guy who's just looking for someone to talk to. In general, good looks prevail over good intentions.

>> No.642201

I am still in high school (blah blah blah underage B&) I have some friends (more like aquantiences by hobbies really) but the only reason I even talk to them is their someone to play the videa with or discuss animu. Whenever I enter a social situation with someone I dont know I cant hold a conversation and always divulge into awkward silence. I always hear from ronery threads to "just act natural and you can socialize" but the thing is natural to me is not saying anything unless I really need to. Any why even bother trying to fit in with all the fags, most of my classes are filled with your average douchebage going OH MAN THAT PARTY LAST NIGHT WAS BALLIN or CHECK OUT MY SWEET NEW TAT DUDE ITS A DRAGON.

>> No.642206

>University is hell if you dont like partying or clubbing, absolute hell.

HIGHLY depends on the University. I went to a small liberal arts college in Seattle and met a group of mostly fellow weeaboos who were also pretty socially adapted people but would just rather not go out and party hard on a Friday night and do other things instead. They were the kind of people I meshed instantly with and I wish I could have stayed there. Alas I transferred to a much better private university in Houston (about the same size student body) where I happened to be placed in the dorm which was most renown for parties. I never connected with any of those people on the level of the group in Seattle.

>> No.642209

Strange, it's been a few semesters and I haven't been asked. Is there something I need to do?

>> No.642210

There is a difference. Believe me in that, there are girls who aren't superficial, who find the bravado and narcissism of the 'alphas' quite distasteful. Though I'll agree there are parralels it's more of a matter of degrees. In a hedonistic society superficiality and shallowness would be prevelant to a much greater EXTENT.

To some extent, not to the same extent it would be though, as I mentioned above. I mean, there are still ways you can meet women who aren't superficial, and they do exist. The opposite of course are nightclubs, they are the most hedonistic of all environments, in a totally hedonistic society the whole world would be like one giant night club.

>> No.642215

You're right, I mean, I still get on well with the 'party hard' group of people in my halls. They're nice and I'm friends with a few of them. It's just that we don't really connect on any more developed level. I mean, I spend my friday nights at the computing society on big Dawn of War/UT2004 LAN matches. So there are ways to enjoy yourself.

>> No.642220

The problem is, the ones who cant socialize well and have similar interests would probably get along, yet they cant socialize well enough to meet each other (at least in RL). Hence, most end up on the interwebs.

>> No.642221


Err, just ask someone you know if anything's going on tonight? I don't really think you need to be 'invited', just for someone to ask you 'Hey [whatever your name is], wanna go out to [such and such place] tonight?'

>> No.642226


I don't like partying either and I go to a large university in New York famous for having lots of geeks. I thought I would get along with lots of the kids since I figured they'd all be nerds. Turns out that they all party because there's nothing else to do around here since it's the middle of farm country. Weird reversal.

>> No.642228

3: I've went entire summers in seclusion from peers without major effects. I have some desire for companionship, but it is efficiently repressed.

>> No.642238

I agree with you for the most part, but I think your conclusion that the world would be like a nightclub pertains to the situation in which our society transformed into a hedonistic society. In other words, the values ingrained into us by our current society would still be present in this scenario, but after a few generations, or if our society were hedonistic to begin with, it could differ greatly from this. In fact, I think looks would hardly matter if by hedonism you meant seeking sexual pleasure. As for seeking other forms of pleasure, intellectual pleasure and other forms of sensory pleasure are highly comparable to sexual pleasure, if they do not outrank it.

>> No.642244

I wont go into details but I have pretty much accepted that I will never have sex but I really dont care, its just the feeling of waking up in the morning and realizing that there is no one who even thinks about you or knows your alive.
Then comes that cold sinking feeling in your chest
just another day

>> No.642247

>In fact, I think looks would hardly matter if by hedonism you meant seeking sexual pleasure.

I disagree. I think there are countless examples of societies that have degenerated into hedonism and anecdotal accounts of just how *more* superficial that society becomes. As I've said before, shallowness and hedonism are inextricably linked. You only need look at the last generation of the Roman Republic for this.

>As for seeking other forms of pleasure, intellectual pleasure and other forms of sensory pleasure are highly comparable to sexual pleasure, if they do not outrank it.

That's more utilitarianism and epicureanism though. Mill in the Enlightenment and the Epicureans as well to some extend DID say this, they clearly stated that there were qualitative properties to certain forms of pleasure and that, say, reading your most beloved book is a superior form of pleasure to sexual pleasure because it lasts for longer and is more enjoyable by any objective definition as a result. 'Hedonism' is different, it's more a result of 60s type thinking. In fact, if Epicurus could be alive today and see how the meaning of 'Epicureanism' had been twisted he'd probably be quite shocked and disgusted.

>> No.642252
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>> No.642265


>> No.642276


Totally agreed, I mean, even on 4chan there is evidence of it.

All of those 'fem/a/nons' who /a/ and /jp/ idolize most likely go to /b/ and camwhore for the fratboy like /b/tards every so often. Why? Because they like the attention of guys telling them they're 'hot shit' and so on. A woman's life is nothing more than a neverending quest for external validation. Nerdy girls never got this validation in school so they go all out in trying to get it when they turn 18 and become massive sluts as a result.

>> No.642283

So, how've you been Anonymous? I realised that feelings such as "love" are merely caused by the chemical messages produced by our brains. If you think about it logically, it's just nature's way of getting us to find a partner so we can mate. It's just a means to an end. You don't need "love" to live. In fact, by not "loving" you are defying nature, going against animal instinct! Therefore, cry no more, Anonymous! We have evolved! We have become superior beings! We are
no longer controlled by nature and its propaganda messages of "love"!!

We have evolved Anon!, that Roneryness we feel can be turn into something productive into an unmatchable force!
Those 3D pigs can burn in hell! because when we turn into KINGS! they'll be all over us!, we'll have them by the dozen and even have the pleasure to discard the ones you want!


>> No.642296

>Those 3D pigs can burn in hell! because when we turn into KINGS! they'll be all over us!, we'll have them by the dozen and even have the pleasure to discard the ones you want!

how have we evolved, when in the end it's all about girls anyway?

>> No.642303


Ive surpassed the ronery stage yet sometimes it still bites me in the ass

Infact i might aswell say that i enjoy this solitude, i find being with other people annoying yet sometimes i cannot help to feel like theres something missing in my life.

Plus other people continuesly telling me to get a girlfriend and socialize more doesint help, they cannot get it in there thick minds that i like the way i am living.

>> No.642305

What I meant was that in a society where good looks and those possessing them are put on pedestals and admired, hedonism and shallowness are undoubtedly linked, but in a society that was hedonist from the start, or hedonist for a very long time, these values may not have been created to begin with. However, in the case that our current society becomes hedonistic, i agree with you in that it will become even more shallow than it is already.

And yes, that argument does seem somewhat utilitarian to me too, and I do see how hedonism is not always for the greater happiness of society, and is thus different from utilitarianism. I should be getting to sleep, final exam coming up. It was nice having this discussion with you, and to all you fellow roneries, hang in there...

>> No.642310

Are you one of the fags from that thread on /a/ last Sunday?

>> No.642316

We don't need them at all.
We simply reproduce out of NEED, NOT OUT OF LOVE.

Look at our entire planet, thanks to the "concept" of love.

The nation is going to hell.
Our science is going to the shithole (LOL GAWD).
The world can't hold people anymore, fucking reaching the limit.

Think about it, it all revolves around "LOVE AND EMOTIONS", what if you take Instinct out?
what if you add Knowledge, Intelligence, COMMON FUCKING SENSE, Logic, into the plate instead of this shit we call Love and Emotions.

The world would be a perfect place, and We who have give up this to be pioneers will guide it!

>> No.642324

I bet, you think being Ronery is the "next cool thing to be special.", you're wrong.

You think you're LOL NEET HIKKY because your life is like Satou's...

Stop treating this like a fucking fad, it's repulsive.

>> No.642325

This quite possibly one of the worst threads I've seen here in the last few days. Congrats anon, you've outdone yuorself.

>> No.642327

You mean a different thread that's not.
a real discussion?

>> No.642335

I have 2 people offline I could hang out with that I can tolerate, they're not so bad. But I never choose to hang out with them. I'm a NEET who spends all day at home going on the internet. I have about 10 really "close" online friends I'm always talking to. I'm going on the road in a month with one of them to pursue potentially criminal ventures. Going to rob people and live in abandoned buildings and out of a van and shit. I want to be a real badass. I want to live like Akagi or Spike Spiegel or Revy or something, I want to make that shit as close to a reality as is possible.

Also I've been very seriously in love with Haruhara Haruko for over 3 years now.

I'd say I'm about a 2-3.5

>> No.642337


Why? Are you a butthurt camwhore?

>> No.642338


>> No.642340


It's a visual novel

>> No.642355


I'm not lonely...
What's this?
Why I am crying?
It's not like I have feelings or anything.
Oh god it hurts...

>> No.642354

Yeh, I enjoyed it too. You made some good points. Catch you later.

>> No.642358

So, how've you been Anonymous? I realised that feelings such as "hunger" are merely caused by the chemical messages produced by our brains. If you think about it logically, it's just nature's way of getting us to find something fucking food so we can eat. It's just a means to an end. You don't need "hunger" to live. In fact, by not suffering "hunger" you are defying nature, going against animal instinct! Therefore, cry no more, Anonymous! We have evolved! We have become superior beings! We are
no longer controlled by nature and its propaganda messages of "hunger"!!

>> No.642361


normalfag go home.

>> No.642375

10 ;_;

>> No.642389

I've pretty much given up hope that someone would want my companionship. Its not taht i'm fat or ugly or an asshole, i'm decent looking and i exercise thrice a week. its just that no one seems to notice me.

>> No.642396

Wow, if you're not then... wow. You idiots all sound the same.

>> No.642400


Why the butthurt though? Are you a camwhore yourself?

>> No.642416

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

>> No.642431

This is terrifying! You're like the same person! The same accusations using the exact same words.

No, I am not a fucking camwhore.

>> No.642440

Well I can only say I'm glad there are people who think in a similar way to I do. What is so bad about what I said though? Plenty of people hate camwhores. It's part of what killed /b/ after all and it's genuinely irritating.

>> No.642449

Yeah ok now the thread is full of camwhores and guys pretending to be girls.

>> No.642456


>> No.642462

What I found stupid was the fact that you jumped to the assumption that I was a 'butthurt camwhore' just because I objected to the blanket statement that nerd girls are slutty.

>> No.642469


>> No.642472

Well, you're right. I should have qualified that with a 'not all', but some other anon did earlier in the thread anyway, so I thought it would be redundancy.

Anyways, yes, not all nerdy girls are slutty - some are very sweet and very enjoyable to spend time with. But there are quite a few who are, and it's an odd phenomenon which is why I suppose it attracts attention.

>> No.642485

I was only concerned that broad-brush faggotry was starting to occur in this thread. But you appear reasonable. Sorry for jumping, carry on.

>> No.642495

1. i have a girlfriend that i have sex with 2 to 6 times a week. no need to feel ronery at all.

>> No.642501

No problem. I think this thread has run it's course anyway.

>> No.642509


>> No.642518

congratulations, its the OP here
youve all unwittingly given me a portion of your soul by posting in this thread.

the more posts = the more of your soul that i own.

a day will come when i will venture to collect these soul portions, but until then have a nice day.

>> No.642542


>> No.642546




>> No.642557


>> No.642564


Anonymous of Columbia, is that you?

>> No.642715


I'm a natural born loner and I'm pretty used to it.

I want to be with someone, but I am also a perfectionist and minimalist. I will not find a girl in this world that is perfect and at the same time won't drown me in pointless meta-talk, what I actually want is not human, and I've more or less accepted it.

>> No.642731

When I watch anime, I briefly want the company of people because of the illusion of companionship. Then reality comes back and I remember why I don't like people.

.0000000001 is my ronery, because I'm an American.

>> No.642834

please someone post same picture without the text

>> No.642845
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OP here

>> No.642864

This thread has revealed more women and the underaged than I hoped to expect.

And here I thought /jp/ was one, true sanctuary. We can't ever have it the way we want, can we? ;_;

>> No.642865

That's Saturday for you. Weekdays are a different matter, when the kiddoes have to get the bed ealier.

>> No.642867
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Here anon, have a Makoto.

>> No.642873

>226 posts and 9 image replies omitted.
On topic, probably a 3 or 4, I have friends that I can hang out with, but I never feel a "connection" with them and physical contact of any type is null.

>> No.642878


>> No.642885

Since I've realised that I am a loner, I've deliberately alienated myself from my peer group as well as the chance of ever forming intimate relationships with girls.

>> No.642894


>> No.642902

Quite some people around me, but nothing special and I often think they secretlyor openly laugh about me.
4 years since I the last (and only) time I kissed a girl...

>> No.642914

Quite some people around me, but nothing special and I often think they secretly or openly laugh about me.
4 years since the last (and only) time I kissed a girl...

>> No.642938

Holy SHIT people -- over 200 posts in this shitty thread with an OP pic that has nothing o do with ronery, discussing our-fucking-selves and how emo we all are?!

It's times like this that makes me believe the cancer killing 4chan are just the people posting in it.

>> No.642937

I'm teaching myself to become psychologically self-sufficient so I can do without friends for the rest of my life.

>> No.642943

That is exactly what is ruining it.

>> No.642948

Stop screaming "I am a newfag!" my head hurts

>> No.642954

self-irony? Cool...

>> No.642962

Would you prefer 'mah girlfriend' threads?

>> No.642965

I am looking forward to tomorrow as I shall see the girl that I am attracted to.

>> No.642967

My sister caught me masturbating...

>> No.642972

No she fucking didn't.

Jesus christ there's always a 'my sister' post in every ronery thread, usually by a only-child anon.

>> No.642992

I wish you that it won't turn out to be "Uhm, I don't think of you that way. Let's just be friends, okay? Don't be sad..."

>> No.642998

Her English isn't that good, so there's some hope she can't say that!

Fuck, I are pathetic.

>> No.642997


>> No.643001


Is she a Japanese exchange student?

Then lol, give up.

>> No.643006

Interesting! Might not be that hurting if one doesn't hear the same record over and over again.
Best of luck!

>> No.643007

No, she's a Japanese student in the Japanese university I am attending right now

>> No.643010

Does she know of your weeaboo ways?

>> No.643014

No. She is impressed by my Japanese language abilities, however.

>> No.643018

! or 2, I have plenty of friends and do hang out with them. Though most of them think I'm a sick minded future rapist for going on 4chan. Or did anyways until i got a couple of them on here.

>> No.643019
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うわ... がいじんが告白した

>> No.643025

That's why I would never ever tell them. Like they would know what it is...
Only a few know that I like "that anime stuff". If fear that's too much already.

>> No.643028

I probably won't ever kokuhaku suru, though, so there won't be much of a chance of that sentence being said.

She also knows my name and calls me by it and is always happy to see fuck why am I telling the internet this

>> No.643035
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>> No.643037

Pardon my ignorance, but you would never do WHAT?

>> No.643041

I have shed much of my otaku ways since coming to Japan, anyway.

>> No.643042

Guy, posting these things in a ronery thread is BAD, and you should feel BAD about it.

>> No.643045

It was in response to

告白 means to confess.

>> No.643054
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あんた... マジ?

>> No.643060
File: 104 KB, 750x1100, tripover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok a ronery thread. well I have to tell you a story of the unbelievable thing you think ONLY happens in anime. the fateful trip over.

this is the story of my life! I live in a dorm and about 3 weeks ago a young beautiful girl moved in right next to me from a land far far away. it is called "paradisia asia".

so the weeaboo I am I was like OMFG ASIAN GIRL! and started talking to her whenever a chance occured. we cooked together for a few times and talked a lot. so this went on for about 2 weeks. and yesterday we talked about music and that I'm into Metal. so I told her some stories about my festival and concert experiences. and she wanted to know more about metal. so I said:"no prob. knock at my door tommorrow, I'll show you"

and so she did. it was 5pm and she knocked. I was just fixing my Asuka figurine. she entered my weeaboo room. I managed to let the whole "I'm a weeaboo" topic slip under the table for the last two weeks. but she sees my room and is like:"WOW! you're into anime and stuff? cool. I like cosplay! A friend of mine is totaly into it. I'd like to try it out sometimes" my heart did a small jump of joy.

>> No.643061


>> No.643064

so she sat down on my bed. and I showed her different kinds of metal genres. Then I stand up and say:"you have to bang your head to it! c'mon try it!" and grab her hand. she stands up and I show how to headbang and we both start and laugh. but suddenly she loses her balance and trips. I try to catch her but because I'm also slightly out of balance my foot gets caught by the bed and we both fall down. it was exactly like NGE. except that my hand wasn't on her breast. so I'm lying on top of her and we look each other into the eyes and she just smiles. in the background Heaven Shall Burn is shaking the floor. I was sweating and my heart was pounding. I never kissed a girl in my life! I'm in my mid twenties the typical /jp/ user. at this moment I thought:"Now or never" and I move my head closer.I must have looked so DUMB but she just smiled and closed her beautiful black eyes and so did I. and then our lips met. It was unbelievable. Heaven Shall Burn shouted on while I felt her soft lips. I stopped and opened my eyes and then she wrapped her arms around my neck and drew me close again and then she kissed me like what Shinji would probably recieved from Misato in case she had survived.

>> No.643070

after that we kissed some more and then she asked if I could turn the music down a little bit. then she smiled amused and said "this was your first time wasn't it?" I felt like a little boy. I mean she's about 3 years younger than me... oh boy...

we talked a little bit after that and I started to explain the different metal genres to her, well at least I tried because all I could think about was her.

we have a date in two days to watch a movie together. I'm just feeling so.. I don't know how to explain this. I mean she's like JACKPOT! it's not that I'm just saying she's hot because we kissed. she really IS hot. I can't believe it... and so do you /jp/ I guess. the problem now is that I don't know how to act the next time we meet. I mean what should I do?! Can I kiss her again?! I'm confused...

PS: yeah yeah /jp/ is not your blog.

>> No.643072

Can't be fucked any more. I'll probably still buy some things to take back before I go home though.

Err, yes?

>> No.643079

Kill yourself. I was just about to go play GTA4 and then read a book for a bit.

Thanks for making me feel depressed cocksucker.

Fucking normalfags...

>> No.643085

Can you feel my jealousy over the net? I just cried. However, it was because I choke on the chips I was eating.

>> No.643090

That's not normal. That's ridiculously lucky...

>> No.643098

yep, luckyfag will soon be polluting /a/ and /jp/ with advicefaggotry on how to be 'confident' though. Just like the rest of the luckyfag hypocrites.

>> No.643106

"Just be yourself"

>> No.643111

Haha, spot on man... spot on...

"Just go up and talk to them"
"Gotta be confident"

>> No.643140

I finally pushed that bastard Caesar out of Rome the other day in Civ 4.

I am advancing on all fronts and my more developed rail network means I can shuffle more heavy equipment to the front than he can, this war is expensive for both of us but I have the resources to advance all across the line, in the first turn alone I decimated his road (and partial rail network), then captured his cities, only problem is I have to bring workers up to rebuild the roads now myself and he's still got plenty of modern armour and marines to harry my workers so I'll have to advanced even further to protect the workers, leaving the cities I have captured open to being retaken if I'm outmanouvered.

Ahhhhhhhhh.... Escapism!

>> No.643141

"You just have to leave your PC"
"Be nice to them"
"Be badass to to them"

>> No.643157


old copypasta is old. it's from a few months ago.

>> No.643167

"Gotta learn smalltalk."
"Girls like you disagreeing with them, it shows you have balls."
"Girls like you agreeing with them, it shows you're understanding and a good listener."

Gah, these faggots piss me off even more than real alphas. At least real alphas, despite their awful narcissism actually have some commensurate achievement to back up their bravado. I just feel like turning around to those fags on /a/ ronery threads sometimes and saying:


>> No.643173

Can we get this fucking thread on topic again?

For me 4 or 5, I am tsundere to being alone.

I dont see my friends so often because we all are busy studying, but they are very fuckwin, weird and smart guys.
I am the kind of cold and indiferent guy you see sometimes, maybe a little shy sometimes, I dont bother talking to "generic people", and people response me the same way, obviously.
If someone looks like and interesting guy to talk, with interesting ideas or If he/she is weird, I am set, if not I dont bother talking to people.
I dont have a girfriend actually, and it is hard for me to fall in love(And this is bad because I have a strange need to show love), this only happened to me two times, actually I am in love with someone who lives too far away, sadly...
I am somewhat handsome and smart IMO, but I very so cold and apathic 60% of the time, so that keeps the people away, sometimes I dont care a shit about that, sometimes it hurts, but whatever, life goes on.

>> No.643175

"They love men with humor"
"They want a man who knows what he wants" (Cause they don't?)
"They don't want a pussy like you they already have one." (Now it gets childish)

>> No.643185

Right that's it, I'm raging pretty hard now.

I'm going to compile a list of where all advicefags live and personally shit on their driveways.

>> No.643189

Apparently I become humorous when drunk and I'm an anti-social, introverted faggot most of the time.


>> No.643199



>> No.643225

Anyway, I tested out my new mobile phone's camera on her and find myself looking at the picture several times a day.

>> No.643267


>> No.643307

Hey guys, I'm from /b/, I was speaking to my girlfriend the other day about the state of 4chan, and my girlfriend was agreeing with me that the general quality of 4chan would be improved if there were more camwhores and more bravado filled fratboy threads. My girlfriend thinks that the smaller boards are too elitist, so I said to my girlfriend, "I agree with you my girlfriend", so my girlfriend concurred and then me and my girlfriend went shopping and we went clubbing (I went with my girlfriend).

By the way, I have a girlfriend.

>> No.643372

Why must you hate

>> No.643384

Dont make us more miserable than we already are. Leave /jp/ and dont come back, the last thing 4chan needs is advicefags or people whose little anecdotes are finely tuned for RAGE purposes.

>> No.643450

But I am just as lonely as you fellows.

21 year old virgin who has never kissed a female.

I just happen to see females on a semi-regular basis.

>> No.643461


No you are:


You will soon mutate into an advicefag who chats shit about how you gotta be confident to 'get the girls'.


>> No.643469

I hope that I will be intimate with a girl some day, however, those are not me, sir.

>> No.643495

hmmm ok.
