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639578 No.639578 [Reply] [Original]

Imperishable Night netplay thread.

>> No.639589

>> No.639596


>> No.639604

Get a new connection, fag.

>> No.639601


>> No.639607

we need more pofv threads

>> No.639613

PoFV is for faggots, Imperishable Night netplay is where it's at. Also, OP still hosting.

>> No.639614

What, delay 6 is fine...

>> No.639618


>> No.639619

You really expect me to play with delay 6? Come on.

>> No.639625

I hate you elitist delay faggots.
Don't hide behind the ping when you lose.

>> No.639629

Fuck you, Imperishable Night is unplayable on delay > 3

>> No.639635

It's not like you need lightspeed reflexes to dodge the regular danmaku, and the cards aren't that fucking fast anyway.

>> No.639639

Is this the greatest troll ever, or am I missing something?

>> No.639641

Well, excuse me tourneyfag.

>> No.639644


>> No.639650


>> No.639646


You're missing the netpatch faggot.

>> No.639654

Anyway, I have to recon that the lag was massive during that Reisen card.
Probably processor strain more than ping though.

>> No.639657

Holy shit! Netplay danmaku? How does it work?

>> No.639666

Alright who the fuck was co-oping with me and lost ALL HIS GOD DAMNED LIVES on Wriggle?

>> No.639672

It's not that damn hard, just download the patch and connect to a host, rest is like regular danmaku but against something else than stupid fairies.

>> No.639671

sorry, i'm used to easy modo

>> No.639674

GG, although you need to learn to use focus more during the boss fights.

>> No.639676

Yeah, these coop IN threads have been around since the dawn of time.

>> No.639677

Well, it's okay since the game gets harder anyway but damn, easy mode ?

>> No.639681

Can you be more of a tourneyfag?

>> No.639692

What, too ranked player for you ?

>> No.639700

>Can you be more of a tourneyfag?

In other words BAWWWWWWW I SUCK.

>> No.639711
Eu hosting, Lunatic mode only.

>> No.639746

Can anyone point this anon to the right direction for the netpatch?

>> No.639773


You're welcome.

>> No.639848

Hosting, normal modo.

>> No.639875

GGs but why the bomb ? You got scared of a dozen little fairies ?

>> No.639880

Also, Sorry for the DC but I have to go.

>> No.639887

ITT Trolls

Everybody knows that IN netplay patch is incomplete.

>> No.639895

No it isn't, geez, gb/2 2007

>> No.639903

ITT trolls.

There is no netplay patch

>> No.639904


Google doesn't do shit here, cap'n.

>> No.639913

how can IN have netplay? There has been no links to any patches, not even on Touhou wiki.

>> No.639928

it's a troll you retard

should have given it away, considering he gave his network ip and other people pretended being able to connect to him

>> No.639930

You got trolled

>> No.639933

You really, really suck at Google.

>> No.639945


It's for vippers only.

>> No.639950

Just to clarify for idiots being trolled: There is no netplay for Imperishable Night. There is no reason for netplay to exist for it, because there are no 2 player modes in it.

>> No.639954


nice try, we all know there are only 4 touhou games that support netplay, and IN is not part of them.

>> No.639956

>There is no netplay for Imperishable Night

Shows how much you know, what have we been playing for the past hour then?

>> No.639959


A game of pretend.

>> No.639961

trollan gaems

>> No.639969



>> No.639971

Just because we joked a 'lil about the 192.168, they think they knw it all, disregard them.

Hard modo. HOSTAN

>> No.639972


How about a game of putting people like you to the sword? That sounds fun.

>> No.639963


It sucks that you can't figure out how to play it, having one player be the human character and another be the youkai is very fun. Opens up whole new strategies.

>> No.639976


your hosting has no audience.

>> No.639980

Ladies and Children first, you go.

Nice Job, Marisa Team Guy !

>> No.639984

not really an ip

>> No.639987
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That's MAGIC team, dammit!

>> No.639983


the TCG, PoFV, SWR, and IaMP

>> No.639995


I know about the last three, but I've never heard of the TCG.

..... If TCG means what I think it means, I don't wanna know either.

>> No.639999


RSO, aka Rumbling Spell Orchestra, which most newfags never even heard of. It's ok if you didn't it's a lame card game.

>> No.640005


Exactly what I thought it was. Not interested in card games.

>> No.640023
File: 225 KB, 500x236, 1211070056415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it would be cool if they made the cards not character cards but danmaku spell cards. And by netplay I meant on a tabletop.

>> No.640039

oh just in case anybody is interested, here are the scans:


>> No.640062

I hate that name.

>> No.640089
File: 188 KB, 1280x960, 1211070884466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody have the translated versions? A few people earlier posted some translated ones.

>> No.640133


>> No.640141


moar like trollan amiright?

>> No.640157


>> No.640176

I want to play Touhou TCG

>> No.640308

An online system does exist for it. But unfortunately I can only find cards with moonrunes.


>> No.640321


>> No.640344

So, there aren't any 2-player modes in Patchcon, and that'll have netplay.

>> No.640387


Here, I found translated cards, goodnight now, /jp/
