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File: 498 KB, 1125x1313, 985392d5bfdf4782c06ee232f2fa382f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6390936 No.6390936 [Reply] [Original]

Previous >>6367135
Current version: v1.10
Wiki: http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/wiki/Main_Page
External IP: http://whatismyip.com/
Portforwarding: http://portforward.com/

>> No.6391091

How do you beat Suika?

>> No.6391095

Push buttons.

>> No.6391103
File: 9 KB, 230x182, That fucking dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6391179

Can anyone host?

>> No.6391190

Soku caster is just around the corner!


>> No.6391201

This looks pretty neat actually.

>> No.6391353

Thanks for the help.

>> No.6391447

just block a lot. suika is really hindered by an opponent that isn't reckless. watch out for her graze and frame traps and respect her bullet cover.

>> No.6391724


>> No.6391838 EU

>> No.6391881
File: 279 KB, 599x343, 1286723646069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6391881 Hosting
North Mexico~

>> No.6391907
File: 68 KB, 700x473, 49aabb7d9b1feacfebff83c720ba72ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you for the matches.

>> No.6391915

>> No.6391941

If you were still hosting, "Connection failed"

>> No.6391976


Good games, gotta go now.

>> No.6391981

Good games, thanks for playing with me

>> No.6392183

Hosting at (Canada East)

>> No.6392240
File: 652 KB, 985x830, 95fefdb0d6f108efc4384b8672ea96ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you for the matches, I learned a lot. I might be back in an hour or two if you'd like to play again.

>> No.6392262

good games... a,u... dat suwako its always scarry
uhm.. sure, ill have to wait then. . .
anyways... thanks for playing with me~

>> No.6392284
File: 748 KB, 1200x1600, 2d63542a54baffbb262c930d00146941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Just woke up -tier.

>> No.6392305

I didn't really know what to do against Sanae. Okuu I know a little bit more what to do but I need to re-learn a few bread and butters in order to do reliable damage, i'm kind of just doing things as they come.

>> No.6392368

Good games etc

>> No.6392381

GGs. Trying to keep away won't win you many matches, though.


>> No.6392541
East Coast

>> No.6392605
File: 118 KB, 850x637, sample-0cff821be53a1fe7de1ecbd5cab0b538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Central Mexico

>> No.6392713

GGs, don't have much time to play today. I'm not sure why my internet died in the middle there, but sorry for that.

>> No.6392728
File: 221 KB, 551x743, d1175324236bdaaed9f17af713486e45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, aki. I'll need to modify my main deck for Meiling, some of those alts are rather useless to me. When blocking Youmu's Slash of Life and Death, you might want to block the second hit high from lv.2 onwards if you're not sure you can react in time to the C version.

Anyone else around? Rehosting.

>> No.6392832

>> No.6392859

Thanks for the games, my computer went down like a pile of bricks at the end there, which is probably a sign that I played enough soku today. Good games, hopefully I'll be good enough to pose some sort of challenge soon.

>> No.6392864

GGs practice your aproach to the opponent, cover with bullets and get close for melee and blockstrings


>> No.6393041

Good games aaa. You should be blocking more, a lot more. You were getting hit by stuff that shouldn't have hit you.


>> No.6393068
File: 171 KB, 570x929, 1282430575938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bored and average tier. EU

>> No.6393088
File: 281 KB, 640x800, 1250517900320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you for the matches.

>> No.6393090
File: 482 KB, 1024x1280, 8c5b815cae3b59e5a7926795c6a8366a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games Birdget. It's been quite some time since I've last played against a Suwako, that 5-card spell caught me by surprise a couple of times. I guess it's been changed in 1.10.

Hopefully I didn't bore you with my Cirno, I would've played Meiling or Youmu more if not for the delay; I don't really fancy playing melee-oriented characters with such input lag.

>> No.6393094
File: 232 KB, 700x962, 4a27fba74ab77f5ffe4c38ebef1055fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was a treat facing such a nice Cirno and finally someone else who appreciates the mighty catfish card. I felt kind of silly for most of those matches though. I kept forgetting that their are vulnerable frames while jumping so I would think I am safe as long as I jump back and block even though it doesn't work that way. Another thing that got me was how much trouble I had approaching Cirno. I learned a few more things though so I'm happy for that.

>> No.6393103

Ok, so I just got this game...

Linked it with 10.5 by adding the line in the config file, have all but the two characters you have to unlock in storymode.

However, I'm looking at the wiki and saw:

"However, by placing both games in the same folder, upon first running th123, cards from SWR will be imported. If you have already begun playing, you can delete your score123.dat file, which will erase all cards you have unlocked in th123."

Does that mean I can gets cards like Reimu's "Bomb" in 12.3 by installing in the same folder?

Or should I keep them separate and just use the one line in the config file?

>> No.6393107

evening /jp/
East Coast

>> No.6393194

This seems like a REALLY good way to fuck yourselves over... giving out external IPs and open ports...

You all really should be using a vpn.

>> No.6393196

once again what happened Kos-mos?
rehosting again

>> No.6393226

GGs, Duckator. Always nice to fight someone who knows their character so well. What was up with those desyncs in the beginning? Actually, it was more like a different person playing, or something...

Or you could just, you know, like, have some fun.

>> No.6393238
File: 146 KB, 850x601, sample-084b6a95fa33d64abbb395c63fa5152f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand injury started to open again, not playing soku is hard, thought I was okay to play. =(

Sorry for wasting your time.

>> No.6393258


please dont hax our toehoes...

>> No.6393260

stop playing lol until your wound is fully healed, we dont want a bath blood on your keyboard/pad
take care then

>> No.6393269


Use an xbox controller. MUCH easier if you have a damaged hand (like myself).

Also, I'm curious about >>6393103 also.

>> No.6393279


Not so much the bleeding, its just such a clean cut it doesn't want to stay shut, not many games I can play apperantly, any suggestions for a good VN? thats about all I can do at the moment, still have 10 hours to kill until I can go home too x.x.

>> No.6393286
File: 153 KB, 593x443, bawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said average tier, not slap your shit with gimmick decks tier. But whatever, GGs.

>> No.6393296

Anyone still hosting a game? I'm pretty damn bored.

>> No.6393297

Good games Storywriter. Your Komachi was fun to play against; I haven't seen that many j2A crossups since SWR. Was it just me or did timeslow ignore the slowdown from Komachi's pink tower?

>What was up with those desyncs in the beginning?
I thought you were having controller problems or something but I guess a desync would explain it better. I haven't had any desyncs before so hopefully it was just a one time thing.

>> No.6393298
File: 241 KB, 1200x950, e8f6e85a8219ebe36b3a8d0bd565c7b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was refreshing to see a Suwako player as well. Lately it's just Okuu and then the usual Reimu, Remilia, Marisa etc.

>finally someone else who appreciates the mighty catfish card
Trust me, if catfish decks were still possible, I'd host with them only. I regret that I never played a fishdeck match when I could.

I still have an installation of 1.02 in hopes that some day I'll be aple to experience a genuine catfish match.

GGs Nitori. I'll stop here, I'm hungry and my head aches.
>I said average tier, not slap your shit with gimmick decks tier.
Lately there's not much to choose from when looking for hosts, you know. And what's wrong with catfishes and weather control? It seems I do better with my gimmick decks than my usual ones.

>> No.6393304

Damn, this is what happens when I try to write something at 3:30 AM. Meant able, obviously.

>> No.6393313

Wounded on the job?

>> No.6393318

He's in one of those workplaces where if they catch you playing off task at work, they cut you.

>> No.6393327

I don't play soku that much and come to /jp/ looking for fights even less so I don't know the sitation on hosts. I'm not resentful that I lost though, if I were I wouldn't be playing fighting games.
It's just that I see people normally go for gimmick decks when they're sandbagging for personal amusement and it doesn't feel great when your opponent is putting away their main decks and whipping out the catfish and frozen frogs, while still handing your ass to you.

But GGs. Me and my soku buddies could stand to learn something from all that.

Still hosting at >>6393068

>> No.6393348

You won't get the SWR specific cards to soku, but they all have their equivalents anyway and I'm not sure whether you'll get them according to your SWR profile (eg. Card Gauge Booster -> Ibuki Gourd). You will get all the skill and spell cards from SWR, though.

>it doesn't feel great when your opponent is putting away their main decks and whipping out the catfish and frozen frogs, while still handing your ass to you.
I'm sorry about that, but it's not like I did that as an insult. I use the gimmick decks against all players I play against if I have time, and like I said, sometimes it actually improves my performance. Catfish is actually a very good card, and with frozen frogs I aim to manipulate the weather to my advantage since the timer cycles to the next weather every time I get knocked down.

>> No.6393360

Yeah, sorry Nitori, it's not gonna work out. Doesn't helps to be in another continent entirely.

We can still try it out if you want, though.

>> No.6393372

I'm up for whatever. If you feel it's too laggy that's fine.

>> No.6393396

I cried inside when that timeslow ignored pinkpillar. I want to run other decks sometimes with Komachi, but with the way everyone moves in soku now, I have to have that alt22 or something to get people to block me. Oh well~...

>> No.6393403

Any US eastcoasters hosting?

>> No.6393436

GG's. Three losses are enough for my daily fix, I guess.

As usual, I cannot handle pressure in this game and insist on trying to interrupt your combos with mine's. That leads to unpleasant results. The lack of knowledge of any sort of combo also doesn't helps.

I guess I like being the punching bag.

>> No.6393455

Don't sweat it. That's basically exactly what happened when I was playing Idler. You learn much faster being the punching bag rather than being the puncher.

Still hosting at >>6393068

>> No.6393543


That's actually not a bad idea. If we had a VPN just for 12.3 we'd have A.) some semblance of security and B.) a real good way to know who was up for a game (assuming people didn't stay logged in when they weren't)

If I started one would anyone use it?

>> No.6393552

Kibeth here.
Great matches. Sorry I only play Sakuya really, was my first net game. And please forgive me for the sudden leave, accidentally pressed start on 360 controller, which apparently is exit match...

Thanks for the game!

>> No.6393559

Nah, that was my internet pooping out. I think it's telling me to go to bed. Good games.

>> No.6393850

Hosting at (Canada East)

^ read, Canada East, so be close to EC, or something.

>> No.6393952


>> No.6394106
File: 79 KB, 827x567, eb4af1ade06f282934e2348519bbda7d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US East

Ready to fight after doing boring soku wiki editing tier

Also >>6393543, hold off on that for now. dotMaiku's Caster might accomplice what that VPN is meant for and more.

>> No.6394120


>> No.6394199


god ;_; I feel bad right now ;_;

I knew I was bad but damn

>> No.6394204

eh, ggs anon, you have really good guarding skills, not all of my crossups worked, hats off to that, I think your sakuya could use a bit more b knives and 66c

>> No.6394206

You get used to losing every single game you play sooner or later. Eventually it'll stop, either because you gave up and quit what a loser or because you learned something from losing over and over and over again.

>> No.6394215

Nah, he was pretty good, it's just that I'm too good.

>> No.6394301

Kibeth here. Great fun, good matches, even though I lost miserably. Goddamned guard break brooms!

>> No.6394330

Good games Kibeth. Sorry but I'm out of time for hosting. You seem to have the basics of Sakuya down and towards the end your corner pressure was starting to get scary. Also, if you hate those constant guard crushes, go fight Renee or Rabbit-box. Games with those 2 will either make you use yours more or will make you always ready for a guard crush.

>> No.6394390 WC, not very tier.

>> No.6394475


GGs g2g bed now

was nice facing someone who didnt perfect me 10 times in a row ;_;

>> No.6394478

To tell you the truth it's almost the same feeling here, I usually get slaughtered silly. Good games, though, see you around.

>> No.6394587
File: 172 KB, 500x600, 8ab3e297917c999813e6ba59891f7ae7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-hosting for a bit.

>> No.6394726

Unsurprisingly, nobody wanted to play against Okuu spam. No longer hosting.

>> No.6395403 [DELETED] 


>> No.6396642


>> No.6396664

Well I'm glad you can see WHY you fail, at least.

>> No.6396674 Hostan a few, Canada East

>> No.6396690

Confirmed, outer continentinal connections are not going to work, and I feel stupid for trying them. Please forgive me.

>> No.6396710

From the looks of it cross-continental isn't going to work either. I've had it work sometimes, but I guess not today.

>> No.6396825


There seems to be a heavy distortion in the connection today. Oh well. east coast

>> No.6397897
US Midwest

>> No.6398137
File: 134 KB, 284x300, 125263488266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got chunky all of a sudden.

>> No.6398155

Yeah that was strange. Good games anyway.

>> No.6398342
File: 48 KB, 367x359, 1282194676172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while /jp/~

I've missed you! (US east yo~)

Chinese tea leaves in my Sanzu River water? It's more likely then you think!

>> No.6398353
File: 2 KB, 124x122, Territorial Oak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6398357

No, Tree. I hate you.

>> No.6398370


>> No.6398411

We miss you Tree! ;_______;

>> No.6398424

His name is Dr. Territorial Oak, esq. You should refer to him as such.

>> No.6398474
File: 142 KB, 640x480, th123 2010-11-02 06-54-45-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for a little experiment. I doubt I'll get anyone to join, but it's not like I'm going to host a serious match this late.

Hosting a fishdeck game at
Finland (Anyone who can bear the delay is welcome)

Naturally this means anyone trying to join should have version 1.02, and a fishdeck of their own.

>> No.6398534

Well, I got a couple of firewall alerts just now, even though I'm sure I already set it properly. Did someone try connecting?

>> No.6398623

Thanks for the games, hope you had fun as well. It's been a while since I've played games that weren't completely one-sided. I take it you're one of the only China players around?

>> No.6398631

GGs perfect. God fucking damn, either that delay was strong, or I'm rusty as fuck.

I only took a week break... Seemed like my Komachi did a lot better then my Meiling, since she suffers a lot less from delay then my Meiling. I didn't finish a single one of my air traps or combos. I was also absent minded on half the bullets you fired.

GGs though, you're probably new, but I can see you're making progress. There are a couple of habits you should quit, such as not timing As when your opponent is waking up, and less of both air and ground teching.

GGs again.

>> No.6398648

I'm from the West Coast, so it might have just been delay, although I didn't notice it that much. Thanks for the advice.

>I didn't finish a single one of my air traps or combos.
If I only ever ate half air combos I'd hate to see the full things.

>> No.6398912 [DELETED]

>> No.6399035
Still teaching myself new characters before actually learning the first ones tier.

>> No.6399093

Good games. It was interesting to see just how much has changed since 1.02. After playing 1.10 for so long it feels like a different game.

>> No.6399097

His name is Chump and Betrayer.

>> No.6399113
File: 486 KB, 1170x1116, 747008f6946b89f43a397a7fc04bfbb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, I'm really too tired to go on, I forgot a couple of times which character I was controlling.

>It was interesting to see just how much has changed since 1.02. After playing 1.10 for so long it feels like a different game.
Indeed, even the catfish itself has been buffed a lot in 1.10.

Thanks for joining, now I can stop worrying that I've permanently missed an important part of this game.

>> No.6399121

What the hell? Nobody?

>> No.6399124

It wasn't working when I tried a few minutes ago, so I assumed that you stopped hosting.

>> No.6399131

Odd. Still not working? I was playing yesterday fine, but I did have to roll back some system stuff this morning. Maybe something got fucked up.

>> No.6399135

Still a no go for me.

>> No.6399139

Huh. Thanks. I'll investigate then.

>> No.6399161

Mind trying again? It looks like in its failed Windows update, Windows 7 nuked all my firewall rules when I rolled it back. I think that should be fixed.
Let me know if it doesn't work.

>> No.6399168

Still not working, maybe your router got reset? Might want to check the ports, if you haven't already.

>> No.6399173

Fucking Windows7. What the fuck did it do, god damn it.

>> No.6399209

Third time's the charm. I hope. There should really be a self-diagnostic for this shit. I can see that Melty is open and forwarding correctly. Why not this?

>> No.6399246

So... No? Anybody?

>> No.6399280

I can connect to the point where it says "Game not yet started" so I think you're fine. Not going to play though due to distance and wanting to get something else done related to the game

>> No.6399293

Okay, good, it works. I'm not playing in that kind of lag though.


>> No.6399615

Enough for me. GGs.

>> No.6399635

Good Games, seeing Meiling's 5a hit from such a distance really baffled me in that one round.

>> No.6399638

Seriously. I came back that round to actually make it competitive and then you hit my 5A fan's extended hitbox with a dinky little jab to end it. So sad.

>> No.6399736 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 495x700, tumblr_kzk5paTqDE1qzph89o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Sanzu river stoner tier.

>> No.6399745
File: 186 KB, 495x700, tumblr_kzk5paTqDE1qzph89o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Sanzu river stoner tier.

>> No.6399753

We need to do a roll call one day and see who plays who.

>> No.6399781 [DELETED] 

Only a few games, it's rather late for me~

>> No.6399832

Thanks for the games, KOS-MOS~

>> No.6399843


GG's do you know all of the frame values or something that was rough ;_;

>> No.6399867

>do you know all of the frame values or something
Eh? If I did, I wouldn't have let you hit me with a free dial A on wakeup so many times. After I noticed you were mashing on wakeup, in pressure, and during combos, I fought fire with slightly more experienced fire. Poking me out of the air with Komachi's 5A a dozen times was cute though.

That's probably not the answer you wanted to hear.

>> No.6400180
File: 715 KB, 1417x1240, 5457746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kos-mos isn't here, is he?

>> No.6400184
File: 43 KB, 595x553, 1623590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you better..

be ready

>> No.6400242

still a round?

>> No.6400638


>> No.6400867

still hostan

>> No.6400925
File: 59 KB, 732x779, 1274044966478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops, I forgot about this.
lol, I'll wait until some other day.

sweet dreams toots

>> No.6400957

Good games.

>> No.6401301
File: 46 KB, 400x396, Fragment Reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make me wait to long =/

>> No.6402367
File: 2 KB, 62x61, Hostile Elder Oak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6402458

Wanna fight?

>> No.6402501
File: 2.26 MB, 1756x1052, epicflandestroyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've missed you /jp/~ (US east yo~)

Hoping I can get a good groove tonight~

>> No.6402557
File: 220 KB, 800x800, b6eff32572340f68fa3ce3151adcf38e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Central Mexico

>> No.6402583

Good games renee. Connection seemed to have went down.

>> No.6402587
File: 151 KB, 508x590, 1283626963966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck Anon, I know that's me lagging like that. I've been so pissed at my internets hosting again for you. Or if Anon's not coming back, GGs and I'm hosting for anyone else~

>> No.6402725
US Midwest

>> No.6402783

GGs Johan. Was fun, sorry bout the lag in any of the matches, like I said before my internets been acting up a lot. Really frustrating.

Seems like I'm still weak against bullet heavy play, but it doesn't matter to me as long as it's not too cheesy and still fun. So GGs yo~

>> No.6402799

GGs Renee, I wonder why you stop to attack me like the first games, i wanted to see more of that China. Also you need to play more on mid screen that just the corner, its easy to stay out of it and catch you in the middle


>> No.6402815

Thanks for the advice,My internet has really been cutting out and spiking for about a week now, I was getting really frustrated with whenever we got some lag spikes. I guess I got more and more careless as it went on, even though the lag cleared up. I'll take it to heart, but I tend to not notice when my awareness declines. It still was fun though, sorry I couldn't keep up with the games :(

>> No.6403783

Thanks for the games, Duckator~

I think I'm getting worse at this game. It must be boring when I fall for the same things over and over.

>> No.6403816
Hostan Canadia

>> No.6403882


>> No.6403965

Good games, it wasn't boring at all. l wouldn't say that you fell for the same things over and over, you just guessed wrong most of the time. I think it would help if you didn't dash out of pressure so much and used more border escapes. Punishing a border escape is much harder than punishing a dash.

>> No.6404086

I've only just started using border escapes since I didn't even know how to do them for the longest time. I'll try to kick the dashing habit. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.6404241

Good games orangeGuy

>> No.6404251 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 850x739, flying citrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, Rabbit. You were less mindlessly aggressive at the beginning of the matches, though you also used flying and the ceiling way more than I've ever seen you do before! It was a shame about the game-crippling lag, though; it seemed like it was greatly hampering our gameplay.

>> No.6404275

Eh? I was way more mindlessly aggressive in the Suika sets. The later ones I adopted a very wait and see strategy and learned that I could out lowpoke Meiling on the ground. Since I don't really have the ability to punish your hjc I just tried flying in circles until the bullets cleared on the ground.

Haha, the lag is likely my fault since I'm hosting from wireless.

>> No.6404293 [DELETED] 

Hmm, it sure didn't feel that way during the some of the Suika sets. Oh well~

And yeah, I noticed you using the Renee-Rabbit school of 2A against me. Playing Meiling again feels a bit strange, I ended up relying more on grazetraps and pokes than in-your-face pressure.

>> No.6404310

I got the idea from your low pokes into rainbow ball from a long time ago, so don't blame me!

>> No.6404340
File: 243 KB, 1225x1395, e9bbbea64ae599bdd0e9a2435a79fb0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey kos, you on your computer?

>> No.6404343

Someone fight.
I wish to watch matches.

Don't feel like fighting though.

>> No.6405259 [DELETED] 

hosts where

>> No.6406435

dear #hisouten
take your videogamer555 back plz
sincerely, #iamp

>> No.6406688

dear #iamp
there is no such player as videogamer555
sincerely, #hisouten

>> No.6406711

dear #iamp
maybe you should play a real game, like unl
sincerely, #unl

>> No.6406759
File: 32 KB, 114x120, fny55l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
North Mexico

>> No.6406838

dear #unl
wait there's an #unl?

>> No.6406895

#dear unl
That is all.

>> No.6406896

Yeah, no offense, but I'm not playing in lag like that.

>> No.6407282

Damn, strat, that was way laggy, maybe I should host next time, other than that GG's you got a good patchy going on.

>> No.6407313
File: 65 KB, 425x383, ZUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lag? where? D: oh wellz
Good games
Thanks for playing with me

>> No.6407766
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 1283124741759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone hostin?

>> No.6407786

Not for an Okuu player.

>> No.6407794

You are wrong. Komachi is mai waifu.

>> No.6407806

can you host?

>> No.6407823

No, she's mine. I'll fight you for her.

>> No.6407862
File: 40 KB, 377x304, sdsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about Utsuho?

>> No.6408251 [DELETED]

>> No.6408592


What about a real character?

>> No.6408601

Utsuho is more broken than SF2 Akuma.

Use Yuyuko.

>> No.6408604
File: 2.10 MB, 1700x1406, 1288317056042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting, WC, twenty minutes or so.

Airtech like crazy tier.

If you switch to Okuu, I'll take that as a sign for me to switch away.

>> No.6408787

Okay, lagmo. That's enough for me.

>> No.6408797

Ah, well, thanks for the games. GGs.

>> No.6408819

Yeah, yeah. GGs. Just pissed at the lagspikes fucking up everything I was trying to do the last few games. Command counter? No, have a lag spike. Punish giant whiff? No, have a lag spike. Basic AAA2B623B combo? No, have a lag spike.
Always fun to beat on Okuus with a character whose spellcards don't even do as much damage as Okuu's dial A though.

>> No.6408988

shut up, tbb

>> No.6409010

People using keyboards, have any of you managed to get 421 or 623 combos to work?

Maybe my keyboards just shit, but I can't hold down, left and c or x at the same time. It wont register.

>> No.6409032

Yes. It works fine for me. It depends on your keyboard.
You could try using a different key config, but otherwise, the only real solution is a new keyboard.

>> No.6409128 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 640x480, Picture0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am at work atm, I can only connect to others ;_;

>> No.6409141
File: 47 KB, 640x480, Picture0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am at work atm, I can only connect to others ;_;

>> No.6409156

>Instant noodles.

I guess that makes up for leaving your house to "work".

>> No.6409595

How is this on the first page again?

>> No.6409597
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>> No.6409609

I am new to this netplay thing and I wanted to ask, aside from Utsuho, what other characters are considered cheap to use?

>> No.6409613

None, including Utsuho.

/jp/ sure is whiny.

>> No.6409473


Working is not NEET, even from home. If that is what you're implying.

>> No.6409654


host bamp

>> No.6409675

Trying to find bomb....weirdness.

>> No.6409734

Utusho for sure because of her ridiculous hitboxes and damage. Iku if you pick up certain cards and learn her air scarf, also because of her ridiculous hitboxes.

>> No.6409832

Ggs is there a trick to air blocking in a corner? I think I am missing something.

>> No.6409858

There's next to no chicken blocking allowed in Hisouten.

>> No.6409927
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6409927 WC

switching to okuu yourself is a sign for me to switch to someone else

>> No.6410041

Thanks for the games. Your Okuu is surprisingly fun to play against.

actually nobody joined my game

it made me sad

>> No.6410320

stop hosting after midnight then

>> No.6410453


Oh another player who has great stamina. Thank you very much.

>> No.6410455

Thanks for the 64 games, Ariokize~ I should be sleeping~

Got my ass kicked 2/3 of the time, but that was really fun.

I would have played you.;_;

>> No.6411118


>> No.6411158 (EU)

>> No.6411440
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>> No.6411477

GGs, Idler, but it got a bit repetetive, and ultimately boring. There are som keep-away tactics I'm just not patient enough to deal with.

>> No.6411505

GGs Su. There's not much I can do against Komachi with Cirno, I only have extremely weak bullets and one graze attack which is rather predictable. Icicle Lance is the only attack that stands a chance and for that I'll need to be pretty far away.

>> No.6411512

anyone hosting?

>> No.6411530

Well, I'm not really in the position of blaming anyone other than myself. Just had to throw it out there.

>> No.6411603

It's not the first time someone's been bored by my playing style, though. It's just that approaching with Cirno is a lot harder than it is with Youmu or Meiling, so usually my playing turns into 5C and alt 214/623 spam.

>> No.6411659

I don't really understand why anyone would play Cirno. It's not even a directly concious stance on her from my side; I don't even bother finding her weak points. To me, she's just there - nothing more. I'd say her only asset is the fact that she's Cirno.

>> No.6411872
File: 1.08 MB, 320x240, th123 2010-07-22 19-23-35-66.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd say her only asset is the fact that she's Cirno.
It's true that she's ridiculously weak on many aspects, with the puny range of her normal melee and most of her bullets are very fragile. But she has strong points as well. Ice Charge is among the fastest and best ranged melee moves in the game while relatively safe, Icicle Lance eats through Okuu's Charged 5C and Hell Wave Cannon in one shot at lv. 1, her 5C catches many opponents off-guard if they're assuming I'm going for a melee charge and she has great potential for combos, since most hits can be comboed into 5C -> Icicle Sword.

>I don't really understand why anyone would play Cirno.
Couldn't the same be said about Meiling or any other low-tier character? I find them both infinitely more amusing to play compared to Okuu, Tenshi or Iku for example, and isn't that all that counts? It's not like any of the characters are so bad that you just can't win.

>> No.6411935

>stating meiling is low tier

>> No.6411940

>you are all tierwhoring in a game which shoul be taken easy

>> No.6411964


Chances are it's her playstyle and how she plays. I've mained low tier characters in almost every fighting game because of how they play. Admittedly it's a bit refreshing to see a character I main in Soku make it to high tier, though.

>> No.6411979

Sorry, what move is Icicle Lance? I can't find it on the wiki.

>> No.6411991
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I don't follow tier lists but I remember her being the lowest ranked in some of them. But like I said, does it really matter?

Pretty much this. I do main Youmu and Meiling besides her, so it's probably just that I have a liking for the faster characters.

>> No.6411996

It's translated as Icicle Rise in the wiki but shows up as Icicle Lance in the game. It's the move in the .gif I posted at >>6411872

>> No.6412007 [DELETED] 

Meiling is ranked as B- tier, but there is only a 4-point difference between her and Cirno (who is in D tier, the lowest tier). The smallest gap between S and A tier is 6 points, between Yuyuko/Sakuya and Patchoulli. This is as of Sept 7.

There isn't much of a difference between B- and below tiers when compared to the the higher tiers.

>> No.6412021


I can't seem to find a playstyle I prefer most...I play Sakuya/Sanae mostly, but I like to play Meiling, Aya, Youmu, Reimu and Marisa as well.

>> No.6412074

I just started this game when a friend gave it to me on Friday.

So far I am only remotely competent as Marisa against lower-level AI opponents, though I will start playing against friends this week.

I've also tried Youmu, Reimu, Cirno and Aya, but I'm no good at any of them.

Patchy, Alice, Reimu, and Sakuya seem to give me the most trouble. I didn't even realise there were high and low attack types (or blocks) until last night on the wiki, and I need to learn some combos and air moves.

Should I continue playing Arcade mode (I want three more Up Sweepers on my profile, loved that skill when I did get it before) or use practice?

>> No.6412075
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It's not like anyone is forcing you to choose a main. Besides Cirno, Youmu and Meiling I like to play Reimu, Aya, Sakuya, Suika and Yuyuko occasionally, and sometimes random select just for kicks. Just play the characters you find entertaining and develop your skills with them.

>> No.6412116

I'd say play against the AI to learn basic gameplay, practise basic combos in practise mode. Just keep in mind that the AI is not anything like a real opponent and you might learn some bad habits that don't work against human players. You should play against real opponents as soon as you can handle the basics, and can beat the lunatic AI.

Also, in case you haven't noticed, there's a link to a all cards unlock at the wiki in case you don't want to grind for them yourself. If you want to earn them, that's fine too but keep in mind that everyone you'll face probably has them all already. (Which makes earning them easier for you as there's a good chance you'll get cards that the opponent used in the match)

>> No.6412225


It's not really that so much as I have a hard time finding out how exactly I play. I mostly just choose who's my main based on how well I perform with them. Maybe I just like too many playstyles.

>> No.6412456 ec

>> No.6413583


>> No.6414133


>> No.6415163


>> No.6416153

You around skunk?

>> No.6416238


>> No.6416283

Whoops, sorry to leave, but real life cropped up. Thanks for the games~

>> No.6417323


>> No.6417449
File: 697 KB, 1920x2000, e5742af360be7fa1bf37fc830ecbbcfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US East

>> No.6417797


>> No.6417800

Join #hisouten on .rizon if you want to play so much. The players are pretty good there, though, so be warned.

>> No.6417808

Thanks for the games, DarkMageEli~

>> No.6417815

Good games Underscore. Another set of games I go knowing I was doing lots of things wrong, yet have no idea what those "things" are specifically. I swear, I couldn't find a way to reliably get damage on you, yet you could get damage on me with ease.

>> No.6417830

>pretty good
Yes and no, like in any community with a hint of diversity. There are pretty much constantly people hosting there at least.

>> No.6417838

a lot closer to no, though, these days.

>> No.6417849

Your defense is fine as far as I can tell. Look for holes in my offense, since I have gaps everywhere. A well timed forward dash could grant you a free combo, or at the very least get me to back off.

I know little about the concepts of pressure or zoning or whatnot, so I wouldn't be able to give you tips there. One thing I noticed, however, is that you never attempted to punish my forward dashing. Instead of 5A 3A [bullets] and backing off, you could toss a 5A 3A 214B/C occasionally and keep me guessing. I'm dash-happy so that's guaranteed to hit me at least a few times. Witch Leyline does some ridiculous damage at the higher levels, and it is cancellable after level 1 I think, turning it into a real headache.

tl;dr Play mindgames to keep me on the defensive side.

>> No.6417857

True that, esp. in the EU "legue", but overall as well. I don't mind personally as long as the few good ones doesn't get too cocky about it..

>> No.6417876

Rehostan for a little while to blow off steam.

>> No.6418022
File: 306 KB, 800x800, bc439d02b49170fd855279a02f5cba5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Central Mexico

>> No.6418044

gg's Tangential. Is it just me or is there massive lag in our matches? Either way, had to cut it short because of it.

>> No.6418049

Yes, there was. Distance probably. Remember to block.

>> No.6418375
US Midwest

>> No.6418390 ec

>> No.6418459

I see. I usually can't read my opponents well, so I avoid mind games. I'm also pretty slow with learning gaps that characters/players have. But I'll try to work on these from now on. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.6418928

Well that was laggy.


>> No.6419024

GGs, Ario. Somehow I felt like I couldn't do what I intended, and you did a lot of stuff I was sure I was going to beat up. Made me irate and tech a whole lot, too...

>> No.6419027


Thank you very much storywriter. My hands doesn't seem to move correctly today. It is good. Rehosting.

>> No.6419074

Bored, average tier. Europe.

>> No.6419079


Gotta go now, ggs.

>> No.6419093

Good games.

>> No.6419263

I'm not used to play online. I can't even do a 5C to 623B with Cirno : /

>> No.6419296

That's enough for me. Sucks about the lag. Would have loved to been able to actually super jump, especially through that last spell card, but I guess that I'm just not allowed to.

>> No.6419297


Thank you very much tan. It was enjoyable.

>> No.6419303 ec

>> No.6419579
File: 237 KB, 1000x988, 595ec102bb9ec99cb3e3c9b6bb0c3c39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs and all that, I'm heading for bed like I planned to do several hours ago already.

>> No.6419711

GGs. Aside from a few lagspikes here and there, pretty good. The rust is steadily coming off, though my execution's shot and I can't BE.

>> No.6419712


Thank you very much Dire square rabbit. It was much enjoyable

>> No.6420034

host bamp,

>> No.6420125
File: 121 KB, 1150x862, 1281593239481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiya /jp/ (US east yo~)

Only playing for a short amount of time, I really wanna get some sleep tonight :3

>> No.6420280



>> No.6420284

GGs Kos, I get the strange feeling that you don't like playing me~

Either way, was fun, keep in mind though, you'll be the reason I can sleep tonight <3

>> No.6420321
File: 160 KB, 600x800, fae9a563d862b83d3cc695394a2b39b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No ones likes getting their ass kicked but that one win made it worth it, 1 1/2 to 2 mins of grazing and blocking with one hit from anything ammount of health left.

>> No.6420622 EU hosting
varying flavour

>> No.6421309

bump for NA hosts

>> No.6421317 ec

>> No.6421326

I do, but it never happens.

>> No.6422009

four hours? long game is long

>> No.6422396


Thank you very much MSY. It was very much enjoyable. The Yuyuko is deliciously good. I laugh when Reisen use her bullet invul spellcard when your Okuu use the sun. All those games. I am set for today.

>> No.6422435

Good Games, after 84 battles, I think I'm done with this game for today. It was fun, thanks for the games. Hopefully we can play again soon.

I kind of wanted to see more of your Reisen and Iku, since they seem to be your strongest characters. Kind of sad how rusty my Iku has gotten from not playing her in such a long time, but Marisa is more fun anyway!

>> No.6422478


Here's hoping you recover your Iku somewhat, but Reisen and Iku is not my strongest but rather in the area of weakest. I don't think ...maybe Sakuya...and Cirno??? *shrugs* I have to really beware of Marisa's j5a...

>> No.6423775
File: 55 KB, 419x419, e0a1d9c1c4e661a146762275bf484114c377d4ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here, where's the action KOSmachi?

>> No.6423783
File: 379 KB, 720x960, touhou_cirno3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno now rules this thread! Bwahaha!

>> No.6423785
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hosting canada west, about mid

>> No.6423791

May not be able to play long.

>> No.6424022


good ones

>> No.6424032

good games, sorry I'm clumsy.

>> No.6424837
US Midwest

>> No.6425143

Ugh. Enough abuse for me. At least 421 started eventually coming out instead of 214.

>> No.6425185

Good games. Don't be afraid to block, especially if I start using 3A to try and catch your jump / border escape. There's not much I can do after a blocked 3A so once you block it, and the 623 followup, you're free to get out of the corner.

>> No.6425275

I really don't think that border escape traps were the dominant issue.

>> No.6425352

They weren't but that's all I could think of offhand.

>> No.6425497

bump for hosts

>> No.6425746
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Who's still awake? I'm free to host after my tea.

>> No.6425870
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>> No.6426035
File: 1.11 MB, 990x1150, 57625027cb8358801aaf5439297c7cf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good games kos, we need a better method of communication so these matches come easier.


>> No.6426037

ggz skunku

>> No.6426337 [DELETED] 


>> No.6427106


>> No.6427274

There's always Rizon's #hisouten.

>> No.6428267 [DELETED] wc

>> No.6428321

I can play for a little while. May be swapping characters/decks a lot though to mess around.


>> No.6428447

>> No.6428492


>> No.6428657

GGs, anon.

>> No.6428658

ggs, but gotta run.

>> No.6428682

Enough for me. I'm really starting to develop a perfectly rational hatred of this game's need for neutral frames.

>> No.6428684

Thanks for the games~

>> No.6428707

I don't even know what neutral frames are.

I'm guessing that they have something to do with my hitting you with projectiles that have no business connecting, though.

>> No.6429017
US East

>> No.6430587

This thread is close enough to the bump limit. New one up at >>6430581
