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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6390559 No.6390559 [Reply] [Original]

>Otakukin (a combination of the terms Otaku and Otherkin) is a term used to refer to those who, like Otherkin, believe that their physical forms do not define or fully encompass their mental states, personality, psychology, or spiritual nature, but, unlike most Otherkin, view such attributes within an anime-, video game- or manga-centric context. It is often interpreted within anime fandom circles as a term for describing those who have human bodies and the souls of anime or manga characters.

This... isn't real right?

>> No.6390561


>> No.6390566

>>grown men who feel they are really the little anime girl who wears frilly outfits

Gee I wonder where this happens on the internet.

>> No.6390567

They're only slightly more delusional than we are. I don't mind if they keep their shit away from us.

>> No.6390572

well, I am skeptic because I am studying Physics and tend not to believe supernatural hokum,

but sometimes I like to think I have the soul of one or more Touhou characters residing in me...

maybe one day I'll be able to Master Spark...

>> No.6390582

>and the souls of anime or manga characters.
What is this I don't even
Seriously. How retarded do you have to be to really believe this? Furries at least attach themselves to things that've been in nature for as long as we have...

But... believing they have the SOULS of anime characters? How does that even work?
I can't fathom how you could possibly think this way.
This is...
I don't know man. Trying to understand this stupidity has left me...
I can't even describe...
Why would...

Holy fuck!

>> No.6390586

They're taking it easy.

You're not.

>> No.6390587

>their physical forms do not define or fully encompass their mental states, personality, psychology, or spiritual nature
well, if anything this is obviously true.

>> No.6390615


This is the world which had cults springing up literally the day after Avatar opened.

Idiots need something to believe in so they can forget that one day they're going to die.

Fucking cowards.

>> No.6390618

I'd rather become a Nightkin.

>> No.6390634


It's one thing to wish to be the little girl.

It's one thing to pretend to be the little girl.

It's one thing to dress like the little girl.

Hell, it's still not so bad if you think you're the little girl stuck in a /jp/er's body, however weird that is.

It's completely another thing to think that you are *actually* a *fictional character*. What the fuck?

>> No.6390638


Welcome to like 5 years ago.

>> No.6390643


>It's completely another thing to think that you are *actually* a *fictional character*. What the fuck?

Dude, let me in your house! I'm a True Ancestor princess.

Don't you believe in vampires and princesses?

>> No.6390652

are you Flandre.jpg

>> No.6390653
File: 17 KB, 448x336, ASSASSIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if you think you're a fictional character pretending to be a fictional character?

>> No.6390656

yo dawg...dowwe

>> No.6390659

But otherkin are furfags.

>> No.6390661



>> No.6390665


It's shouting for no reason, for starters.

Look around /jp/ for a bit, dear visitor, you'll see precisely what's wrong, in a nutshell.

>> No.6390671
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He only called himself Sasaki Kojirou to simplify things. He was never Sasaki Kojirou, and he himself is not fictional.

Here's how it is.

Fake Assassin: [Nameless (Non-Heroic) Spirit]
Fake Assassin: uses Tsubame Gaeshi
According to legend, Sasaki Kojirou used the Tsubame Gaeshi. However, Sasaki Kojirou never existed.

Instead of having to explain to everyone he met that he had no name, when they would probably call him Kojirou anyway since he used the Tsubame Gaeshi, he just rolled with it.

>> No.6390673


>look around you

I see...Tripfags pooping everywhere.

...Yeah, I see what you mean.

>> No.6390674


But then you'd be crazy from Stealth Boys.
It'd be better to be a first generation true Super Mutant.

>> No.6390675

/jp/, my sister found my skirt collection. I don't wear them often, so they're in my closet, far away from the rest of my clothes in the drawer. She must have been looking for something when she found them. I didn't notice until I went to look for a particularly cute one to wear while I browsed /jp/. I started to panic, but then realized that I could have very well misplaced it or something. I checked the other spare room. Not there. Washer? Not there. Dryer? Not there either. Did someone steal it? Did my parents discover it and keep it for some kind of black mailing object? All kinds of questions and thoughts went through my mind while I stood there in the hall with a dumbfounded look on my face.

I heard a door open and quickly looked over to the sound source to see my sister emerging from her room with my skirt in hand. As soon as she looked out and saw me standing there, she shut the door. She knew she did something wrong. I ran up to the door and began knocking and trying to open it. "Why do you have my skirt! Give it back!" I yelled. As soon as those words left my lips, the door flung open and I found myself face down and tasting carpet. It wasn't nice. I scrambled to my feet and looked down to my sister. I was mostly glad she didn't find any of the other stuff in my closet, but still upset that she'd take something from me behind my back like that.

>> No.6390679

No, I can understand sheltered upbringing combined with the internet creating a lot of social phobiac, reclusive outcasts and how that could in turn lead to /jp/. What I can't understand is being stupid enough to actually believe you have the soul of a fictional character. Are people really that... uneducated?

Is it even a matter of education?

>> No.6390680

No. It is a matter of faith.

>> No.6390688

I suppose that faith, then, is for the transient people.

>> No.6390690

It's just a matter of what you want to believe in.

Gensokyo is no less a suitable target of belief than God or the gods.

Whatever brings happiness and comfort.

>> No.6390693

"FEEL the spirit of the LORD inside of you my boy!"

>> No.6390694

>matter of faith

Pretty much this.

We live in the world where the majority of people believe in various kinds of invisible sky fairies. They just don't usually shock you because what they're doing is common, whereas believing to be a cartoon character is not.

>> No.6390697
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>> No.6390698

Come to think of it, it doesn't make any less sense than other religions. Call me Master Asia from now on.

>> No.6390704 [DELETED] 


No, it's a matter of stupidity and delusion.

The only people who believe in bullshit like this are crazy idiots. And because they're so insane and stupid, they'll believe that they're the embodiment of something else.

>> No.6390708


A combination of two things:

1. Wanting to believe something.
2. Social pressure.

I would love it if I was actually Yukari taking a lifetime off as a nobody. But society has told me that this is obviously really fucking silly and stupid, and so I don't believe it.

But with otakukin (and any other really stupid belief like that), if you get together enough people who want to believe it, they convince each other that it *isn't* stupid.

The same happens with plenty of other things. There are a lot of people today who have political opinions that don't even make logical sense. Or crazy new-age religions. Or whatever.

The job of society is to remind people when they're being fucking stupid. But in today's Internet age, you can easily get together a group of people who all believe a single stupid thing, and get them to convince each other that it's not stupid. It's all a big echo chamber.

>> No.6390709


No, it's a matter of stupidity and delusion.

The only people who believe in bullshit like this are crazy idiots. And because they're so insane and stupid, it won't be long before they get bored and they believe that they're the embodiment of something else.

>> No.6390710
File: 218 KB, 570x799, saberrighted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping that if I live a good life, I will be united with mai waifu upon death. Feels good.

>> No.6390712

Stupid, delusional faith is still faith.

>> No.6390718



>> No.6390721


The Aztecs regularly sacrificed people and cut off portions of their flesh so the sun would keep rising.

People have been crazy and delusional for millennia, bro.

>> No.6390720

Lies and deceit only bring happiness and comfort to the mindless.

>> No.6390722


actually one of these has figures who really existed, has been one of the key forces in all of human history, has basically defined an entire culture to the point that ignorance of it is tantamount to locking yourself out of it entirely, and jury's out on the real bit

the other's an empty masturbatory fantasy for losers who can't achieve any relationships outside of the internet and whose cultural and historical impact upon the course of human history could kindly be described as utterly negligible

>> No.6390724

You deal with it every day and you don't even know it. It's called politics.

>> No.6390723

Sure are a lot of mindless idiots in our modern world, then.

>> No.6390725


Most insightful thing I've read on 4chan in years.

>> No.6390727

>job of society is to remind people when they're being fucking stupid

Judging from the number of people who attend churches, it isn't working.

>society has told me that this is obviously really fucking silly and stupid, and so I don't believe it

If you need a society to figure that out, something's horribly wrong.

>> No.6390729

>People have been crazy and delusional for millennia, bro.

Did I ever say that wasn't the case? People believe things that are convenient for them at the time.

>> No.6390731

>If you need a society to figure that out
You may form your own opinion, but it will be based solely on your upbringing, education and other stuff you heard from people. Face it, you are shaped by society from birth.

>> No.6390732

>But tell me, by Jupiter, what part of man's life is that that is not sad, crabbed, unpleasant, insipid, troublesome, unless it be with seasoned with pleasure, that is to say, folly? For the proof of which the never sufficiently praised Sophocles in that his happy elegy of us, "To know nothing is the only happiness," might be authority enough, but that I intend to take every particular by itself.
- In Praise of Folly, Erasmus, 1509

>> No.6390733


The reason religions work is exactly *because* of the societal effect -- if enough people around you insist that something is not silly and stupid, you will also believe that it isn't silly and stupid.

(Also, religions in general have quite a lot more to them than faith -- i.e. moral systems, rules to live by, etc -- things which have validity outside of the existence of their supernatural elements. Belief in Gensokyo? Not so much.)

>> No.6390734

>Judging from the number of people who attend churches, it isn't working.

That's because religion is acceptable to society. Believing that you're the reincarnation of Reimu is not.

>> No.6390735


But you seem surprised that they're still doing it now, for some reason.

>> No.6390737

Yeah, that's obviously not right. At least pick Akyu or something.

>> No.6390739

>The job of society is to remind people when they're being fucking stupid.

No, this is not the job of society. Society has no job. To imply that the whims of the mob are in some way objectively right or any less retarded than the musings of some hikki is just a giant bandwagon fallacy.
The only time society steps in to tell people they're doing something wrong is when they're doing something they don't agree with, usually because it works against their interests.

Go look at some of the nuggets of wisdom that group think has brought the world and tell me that societal pressure is around to bring balance in some way.

>> No.6390740


I think that now that we're aware of how delusional beliefs form we should be able to look back and laugh at how silly people were to believe in sky fairies.

But nope, we're still idiots. Although I suppose that's not unexpected.

>> No.6390742

atheism is also increasingly a reaction against American-style Christianity or a rebellion against parents, rather than a position one found oneself reasoned into

do not ever assume that you came to your viewpoint through a fair, scientific and objective process, you and I are utterly blind to the forces and prejudices that compel us to believe what we believe

>> No.6390745

>hey guys I'm just pretending! Seriously!
face it, OP describes /jp/ to a T

>> No.6390747

I believe society does not mean "a sum of human knowledge".

Yes, your beliefs are based on what you know about the world, and you're mostly limited to what other people tell you, but that's not how social pressure works.

>> No.6390749

>a rebellion against parents

It's somewhat telling that the people who spent the 60s smoking pot, wearing blue jeans, and listening to shitty music are all devout followers of Christ now.

I really hope I don't end up like them.

>> No.6390756


>It's somewhat telling that the people who spent the 60s smoking pot, wearing blue jeans, and listening to shitty music are all devout followers of Christ now.

to be fair, the only reason they came to do those things was as a reaction to the post-war prosperity boom (which lasted until the OPEC crisis in 73) and the 50s return to the family and new conservatism

one imagines the same fate awaits the atheists

>> No.6390763


Thankfully, I'm not an atheist.

>> No.6390767


you can still expect the same fate as your parents, either through drifting to their position or remaining stuck in yours while the younger generation moves on

let's be honest, future looks pretty shit if you're expecting to avoid that fate

>> No.6390781


Unlike my folks, I have the internet to keep me in touch with popular culture. And god do I hate it.

Also unlike my folks, I'm actually going through post-secondary. No matter what I do I will be better off than them.

>> No.6390795


but you and I are already moving slowly but surely out of touch, there is no escape. education will shape your opinions and make them different from those of your parents, but it is not entirely their opinions so much as others' perception of you. additionally, things outside of education like jobs and being the head of a household will shift your opinions to ones more like your parents*

it is the fate of every human who does not die young to become conservative

(* DISCLAIMER: becoming the head of a household may be a dream that was only ever really achievable in the 50s with massive government subsidies and thus this may make the older generation a historical anomaly qua this issue. that people became their parents long before this subsidy, though, points to it not being anomalous at all. Becoming Your Parents is Certain)

>> No.6390824

>it is the fate of every human who does not die young to become conservative

Most of my sociology profs have been extreme leftists (to the point where even I disagree with them), so no, that isn't true. It's fatalistic.

>Becoming Your Parents is Certain

And again, I disagree. Because I am aware of this common occurrence, I strive to avoid it. It's not as inevitable as you say.

>> No.6390857


I'll admit to fatalism, yes, but you have to admit that the odds, as they say, are Not So Good

>> No.6390859


> I strive to avoid it

Keep reachin' for that rainbow.

>> No.6390867


Hey, the odds are in my favor. I'm Canadian.

>> No.6390876

>Most of my sociology profs have been extreme leftists

So i'm not the only one getting this then? I'm taking sociology now and it almost feels like a propaganda campaign for Liberals and political correctness.

>> No.6390880

why the fuck do you keep capitalizing words?
are you a tvtroper or something?

>> No.6390882


some things require emphasis for the stupid and defiant

speaking of tropers, those are p. much guys struggling to remain 'cool' and 'with it' so basically if you don't become your parents they're the most likely alternative

>> No.6390887


It's happening to my brothers and my sister. Won't happen to me though. And it's a good thing because I'd hate to be anything like my parents.

>> No.6390888


Why aren't you capitalizing ANY words?

>> No.6390894

Suddenly becoming like my parents seems like a decent alternative.

>> No.6390895


then one day you wake up, realize you haven't watched anime or anything like that for years, look in the mirror, and you see your dad's face

your destiny awaits

>> No.6390898


Dylan Thomas was fucking wrong

some nights just aren't worth raging against

>> No.6390914

As a frequent user of DXM, I'm forced to say "HAHAHA THESE MOTHERFUCKERS ARE INSANE".

>> No.6390968


I'd kill myself if that ever happened. I happen to like my hair. And not having a beard and glasses.

At least I will never be morbidly obese like he is. I hate eating things and don't understand these fat people who eat as a hobby.
