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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 202 KB, 800x499, Meido-Eksi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6387912 No.6387912 [Reply] [Original]

Been a while since the last one died.

General original content/drawthread for /jp/ anons. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed, including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

These threads have been turning worse in the last few iterations, but it's not like the rest of /jp/ is much better. Don't be a hater.

>> No.6387927

You're all bad.

>> No.6387938
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1536, Picture 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with a stock.

>> No.6388073 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 449x298, tenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6388081 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 232x218, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6388083 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 955x794, koroko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stpo poasteng this poctore

>> No.6388103

I don't get it, are you gonna make the stock /jp/ related or anything?

>> No.6388122 [DELETED] 

too lazy for now

but imagine meido sleeping
and there's a bunch of shit going on around her, mobs of people screaming and carrying on
and then far off in the distance, there's a few anons enjoying a cup of tea with Sa'ten
they are having a good time, and then one of them mentions Sa'ten by name
there is an echo that resounds "Sa'ten... Sa'ten... Sa'ten..."
Meido's eyes burst open and a fierce scowl appears on her face
she flies through the air, past CP spammers and people talking about prop 19, and makes her way towards Sa'ten
in the final panel, the anons and Sa'ten look up with fear in their eyes

>> No.6388132


It's Tonkotsu stock

>> No.6388137 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 1062x695, dsdgsdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6388159
File: 70 KB, 525x394, ba_dum_tssshhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6388173 [DELETED] 
File: 322 KB, 712x1068, 1259667746388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6388203

Meido looks really pretty. She's dressed up for her day off?

>> No.6388230


I don't know why this shitty jokes make me laugh so much.

>> No.6388284

Why are there white spots everywhere? I understand a couple, but this is ridiculous.

>> No.6388287


>> No.6388308

Sparkles and bubbles make the world go round. Didn't you ever watch Kimi ni Todoke?

>> No.6388327
File: 1.03 MB, 3935x3453, sketch_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since I picked up a pencil.

>> No.6388608


It looks more like Hidamari Sketch.

>> No.6388626

I can't see shit.

>> No.6388640 [SPOILER] 
File: 203 KB, 922x816, Ran F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran relieving some stress. Now that you have seen her, she's gonna be a whole lot more stressed!

>> No.6388648
File: 405 KB, 640x480, Miya dance1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hm, it really does, only without the super-SD.

>> No.6388697

That's not really what I meant. I was referring to the light spots on the characters. I guess it's supposed to be lighting.

>> No.6388919
File: 156 KB, 444x627, Amazon_girl1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just his art style. It's pretty nice, actually.

>> No.6388945
File: 37 KB, 132x146, 1278794566470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a picture of Ran, wearing a diaper, flipping pizza dough like you see in Italy where they fling it really high and the dough gets really big

>> No.6388959

I'll always and forever be jealous of those of you that can draw well.

How long does it take for one to get used to drawing on a tablet? I can't seem to get used to it, it's either I'm looking down at the tablet and not knowing what the fuck I'm drawing, or look at the screen and not know what the fuck I'm trying to draw.

>> No.6388965 [DELETED] 

Why were this posts deleted? they were hilarious.


>Anything OC is welcomed, including drawings
> Don't be a hater.

Too much hipocrisy here.

>> No.6388972


You are not me.

>> No.6388991

You shouldn't be looking at the tablet at all.
You just need to practice to learn how the movements of your stylus translate to lines on the screen so you work instinctively - that's why it's best to have tablets that aren't much smaller than your screen.
Don't start with complicated drawings, get used to simple shapes first.
Especially circles.

>> No.6389356
File: 280 KB, 600x941, grayheartfelts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6389365


Also, how much does the sensitivity settings help? When I got the tablet I just started drawing and I got used to the pressure already, but maybe that's a part of the reason why I'm messing up so much.

>> No.6389390

They're pretty important - but first you need to get your lines where you want them, you can play with sensitivity later to see what works for you.
If you're using SAI(you should, it's very... comfortable, you can always move to Photoshop later if you find it necessary) I'd suggest using binary tool at first. Just set it at 1 px and sketch with that.

>> No.6389437
File: 243 KB, 800x922, kagu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most recent thing I did that I colored. my stuff has always been really unrefined though.

>> No.6389466

Please explain binary more, I've never understood it.

>> No.6389473

Binary = either 1 or 0
binary too = either filled or not.

basically, it's your typical pixel/pencil tool. No pressure sensitivity settings or anything. I like to use this tool.

>> No.6389598


Me messing around in my college's audio room. I only started recently so experimenting with different effects and instruments is quite fun.

>> No.6389753 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 706x1024, hanako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realized I am unable to draw nipples.

>> No.6389961

I wish i could draw as well as you... ;_;

>> No.6390246
File: 2.64 MB, 4000x3000, 1276622437349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting someone make a Meido dakimakura. Optional, but I'd like one at least 300 DPI so I can actually make it into a real dakimakura. It doesn't have to be anything too seductive, in fact I prefer when the characters look more comfortable on the design, rather than dickhungry, but that's just me being a bit picky.

I'll let the artist do it whatever size they want and however they want, I'm just pitching the idea. I doubt anyone will wanna do this anyway.

>> No.6390258
File: 161 KB, 500x720, 509b76fbb52f1273b7300e8a43e6058a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this is what I was imagining. Nothing too sexual at all. Of course, I'm only expecting a single side, it's up to the artist to put whatever pose they want on her and such.

>> No.6390339

To you dakimakura requesters in general:
You are not planning to actually use them for an actual cover of a pillow, are you?

>> No.6390351
File: 244 KB, 845x1000, 101102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My NDS is ready.

>> No.6390584

I like this one a lot.

>> No.6390761
File: 106 KB, 1674x1049, ovumzoroastraeum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

medicine degree is so busy
have not drawn in a while..

>> No.6390776


>> No.6390816

Just curious.

>> No.6390860
File: 262 KB, 850x650, 101103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6391276

Woah, really nice man.

>> No.6391758


>> No.6391839
File: 137 KB, 735x980, DSC06160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working with this one...
I think it's my best pic I ever draw - but I'm still not satisfacted with it
I've also started more moe Marisa for friend... But I'm too lazy to finish her

>> No.6391844

Love it.

>> No.6391847

That's beautiful, no sarcasm.

>> No.6391859

I will take the one on the right.

>> No.6391860

Holy shit, saved.
Why's her gohei/staff only got one line of paper seals though?

>> No.6391862

Holy tittyfucking Jesus, that's really awesome dude. Excellent job.

>> No.6391870
File: 148 KB, 800x449, 02afa7dbfb2f7238977304d4706b3270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting Stephen Hawking throwing danmaku.

Maribel and Renko related.

>> No.6391871

Wow, this is good, please make a scan of it and post it here if it's possible.

>> No.6391874

Can we get a better scan of this? Besides the little details difference here and there, the only thing I see wrong with this is that her upper body feels a bit too short compare to her legs (or the hip is too high up and the legs are too long). If you measure with her arm length, they are pretty much reaching her knee, and that's close to impossible in that pose unless she got monkey long arms. Keep up the good work.

>> No.6391875
File: 118 KB, 735x980, DSC06161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was random, I usually don't draw gohei ect. and that's why it's like that
And thanks guys - normally I'm called dA faggot - even trough I don't have an account and I draw only for fun - or for friends

Never finished Halloween Marisa ... I'm trying to get use to more moe style (that eyes )
>Does someone have that pic with these panties/pantallons ? - I've did'nt saved it

>> No.6391880

When I finish I'll post if ya want

>> No.6391883

I remember those bloomers.

>> No.6391890

Seeing all of the people replying to an invisible poster made me want check who you were. I wonder why I had you on my filter.

Good job, what materials do you use to draw? And what size is that paper?

>> No.6391891

More highlight on the sleeves would be good, or lighten the whole thing if possible. They feel too gray as oppose to the other white parts of her dress.

You've inspired and motivated me to work. I'll do some drawings later this week.

>> No.6391903

Failed CG Cirno and anc chibi Marisa on last thread...
Promarkers, and just A4 normal sketchbook
Yeah, I know, I used too much gray marker and it look like that - I'll try to change it a little

>the only thing I see wrong with this is that her upper body feels a bit too short compare to her legs (or the hip is too high up and the legs are too long). If you measure with her arm length, they are pretty much reaching her knee, and that's close to impossible in that pose unless she got monkey long arms. Keep up the good work.

I always had problems with proportions, I need to learn some tricks... or stop drawning in bus or school

>> No.6391914

Nothing photoshop can't fix. Hell I'll even do it for you later when you are done if you want. I'm more than happy to help tune up a good piece of work.

>> No.6391935

I often see even professional artists having trouble with proportions too, so you're not alone in that.

>> No.6392056

One day you'll give me a site, right? Right? ;_;

>> No.6392067

Oh my... I love your art.

oh captcha : pretty one

>> No.6392075 [DELETED] 

ITT, people go to a random board on 2chan, find a Touhou sketch, and post it here, claiming it to be their own work


>> No.6392082

We'll they'd have to be pretty good considering drawfags here actually take requests and stuf...

And draw /jp/ relevant material thats not tied in with the standard 2chan material.

>> No.6392085 [DELETED] 

Those are some pretty serious allegations you're making there, friend.

>> No.6392090

Still waiting on my Okuu cosplaying as Sanae request ;_;

>> No.6392093 [DELETED] 

I'm detecting serious jelly here.

>> No.6392097

But the wings would get in the way.

>> No.6392105


Don't be silly. The wings are the loveliest part of her!

>> No.6392103 [DELETED] 


Stop that.

>> No.6392109 [DELETED] 

u jelly?

>> No.6392110 [DELETED] 

>Stop that.
Stop that.

>> No.6392132

I was making > got saged > now I only pick ones I like and draw them when I have time...
Right now I have to finish Cirno and "everyone-calling-baka girl " from previous thread ( no, I did'nt forgot )

>> No.6392139 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 596x123, 1286896912056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is that /a/'s drawfag threads are a million times better than /jp/'s drawfag threads.

Mods agree.

>> No.6392160 [DELETED] 

You should stay there.

>> No.6392164

/a/ has a drawthread too? Link?

>> No.6392169 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 500x500, 1287173363439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Make me, you homo.

>> No.6392181

I look at those threads, too. /jp/'s threads tend to die before reaching the autosage limit, but in that amount, the actual content is at least double /a/'s. /a/'s threads are usually 80% requests, 7% delivery, 2% original content. The rest is shitposts. Go and count if you like.

>> No.6392187

'cause on /a/ most of drawfags are girls (and some guys maybe ?) who do nothing but draw all the time

>> No.6392205


There has been more than 200 drawfag thrads in the last months, they are always on the frontpage.

>> No.6392208


>> No.6392211 [DELETED] 

If the /a/ threads are so good why don't you go there?


>> No.6392221 [DELETED] 

>on the internet
>on 4chan of all places

lol. good one.

>> No.6392222 [DELETED] 

>in the last months

Oh, I guess they are just copying /jp/ then.

>> No.6392223 [DELETED] 


I am, i browse /a/ and /jp/ at the same, i've been doing it for 1 year.

Deal with it, nerd.

>> No.6392228

Well at least we have the legendary ones like Veloxiraptor and Shroedinger while 95% of /a/ threads are requests which nobody answers, including a few circlejerks at the start of every drawthread posting their shitty idea in case some artist is bad enough to adapt it.

>> No.6392234 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 41110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>★ Vessel_of_Stars ★
Fuck off cunt

>> No.6392236

Wow that thread is almost entirely requests and off topic chat

>> No.6392238 [DELETED] 

>Deal with it, nerd.

You are obviously just a /jp/er who is trying to make /a/ look bad.

>> No.6392247

trust me ... there are girls on 4chan

anyway I'm gonna go sleep now - tommorow I'll post finished Reimu (if thread will still be on )

>> No.6392256

>Wow that thread is almost entirely requests and off topic chat

This thread: ~85 posts, ~10 OC posts.

'Kay, just thought I'd clear that up.

>> No.6392251 [DELETED] 

they fling "autism" around on /a/?
suddenly I understand where that came from, just ret/a/rds bringing in their fucking shit

>> No.6392257 [DELETED] 

A /jp/er like...Suigin?

It's more likely than you think.

>> No.6392269

Not really fair, considering it was pretty condensed and on topic up until about 35 posts ago.

>> No.6392282 [DELETED] 
File: 337 KB, 761x1000, 13777833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you and your kind have been feeding the /a/ troll with responses, so you have nobody but yourself to blame. It's a fair characterization.

>> No.6392316 [DELETED] 

You drew this?

>> No.6392324 [DELETED] 


We all come from /a/ newfriend.

>> No.6392331 [DELETED] 

As if there was anyone on /jp/ who could do that.

>> No.6392335 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 419x508, sikipchataug18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6392422

I'd really like to do a short story with illustrations. Any artists interested in something like that? ~_~

>> No.6392583

More info please.

>> No.6393129

Yes, I do. Whats makes you think I won't use it on my pillow? Because I don't want her looking like a cockhungry slut?

>> No.6393145

She lost the other one in the war.

>> No.6394417
File: 43 KB, 567x568, fake.dskN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6394421
File: 205 KB, 816x931, paintchat-10-11-04-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6395795

Great work as always a.a.


>> No.6395831

Who's this?

>> No.6395848
File: 2.26 MB, 1169x1668, Reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished ...
Fuck it look bad now, next time I'll try harder
Nice one - I like your style

>> No.6395938

Good fucking lord man, this is excellent.

Also really nice.

>> No.6395940

The mute girl from Katawa shoujo. I changed her hair a bit, but it will look like her when I color it.

The girls in Katawa shoujo are really cute, I'll draw more of them in the future.

For now, any requests?

>> No.6395953

Draw Wriggle Nightbug in a cute dress. Or just a portrait of Wriggle.

>> No.6395957
File: 31 KB, 230x325, 230px-Ore_no_imouto_novel_v1_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody draw the medio doing this bitchy pose?
I don't know who should be in the background. You decide.

>> No.6395960

Maybe Anonymous in the place of the brother?

>> No.6395992

"/jp/'s meido couldn't possibly ignore more shitposting."

>> No.6395999

"There's no way my meido can be this lazy".

>> No.6396005

Draw a Zulu touhou.

>> No.6396048


>> No.6396156

Oh, I'd give it a shot. Would probably take a while, though, I don't have a lot of free time to draw.

>> No.6396200

Take your time. Not like the thread is moving anywhere (unless Meido rages again and nukes everything).

>> No.6396253 [DELETED] 

I might try this.

Would be interesting to this several versions of this drawn by different drawfriends.

>> No.6396270

I might try this.

Would be interesting to see several versions of this drawn by different drawfriends.

>> No.6397199

Sorry I come from another land (board). An am checking out the drawthreads from different boards... I'm usually at /a/'s. May I ask who is medio.

>> No.6397215

could somebody draw this for me?
First panel is some normal bro dancing at the disco
Second panel is the same bro dancing at the library
third panel contains one of the library workers telling him to stop being a fucktard
fourth panel is the normal bro reacting in a hostile way shouting OMG Y DO U GUYS NOT WANT FUN?? WHY R U ALWAYS BEING SO BITTER? Y U DONT WANT FUN HERE GOSH
the girl on the left in the OP pic
we refeer to our janitor as "meido"

>> No.6397221
File: 199 KB, 500x500, 1286428926667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Meido is /jp/'s janitor.

>> No.6397227


>> No.6397357
File: 276 KB, 478x600, 1285198504797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a song I made some days ago: http://tindeck.com/listen/yuxv

>> No.6397552

I see what you intend with that.
Someone should really draw it.

>> No.6397573
File: 251 KB, 873x990, Komachi stretch sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practice, practice...

>> No.6397623
File: 404 KB, 1124x1600, Mei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6397635

make a good and old greenface anonymous in suit in the background.

>> No.6397638

You should change the face a bit. Make it more similar to the original draw, it will be better that way. Also I agree with this: >>6397635

>> No.6397641

Nice job so far.

>> No.6397661

This looks actually very good.

>> No.6397737
File: 249 KB, 1000x800, Meido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just killing time, a fast-drawed Meido.

>> No.6397812

Sorry im this guy. I could somebody post the original draw, I'd appreciate it.? I am just a wandering drawfriend.

>> No.6397849

It's on this very thread.>>6395957

>> No.6397895

Plenty of her can be found at bunbunmaru archive

>> No.6397907

Oh, that's what you meant. Ok sorry, I misread.
I thought you had meant the original Meido picture or something.

>> No.6397920
File: 42 KB, 281x218, 1264893606397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out bun devs and Joneses.

>> No.6397919

Awesome thanks.

>> No.6397933
File: 50 KB, 352x365, incredulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bun devs and Joneses.

>> No.6397942
File: 36 KB, 300x300, 1265678337820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to understand. So you are going to use that trip again? couldn't deal with the lack of attention?

>> No.6397948 [DELETED] 

/projects/ is just an extension of /jp/ drawthreads, but you already knew that, right, troll-san?

>> No.6398115
File: 312 KB, 764x731, IMG0144A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(bloody captcha)
I'm not sure of how to finish this ...

>> No.6398122 [DELETED] 


Make it Saten in the background instead of anonymous.

>> No.6398142
File: 174 KB, 881x1000, Komachi stretch 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More practice!

>> No.6398248 [DELETED] 

No. This Saten crap has to end.

>> No.6398303 [DELETED] 

>mfw drawthreads are basically one single drawfag who migrated from /a/ making the threads on /jp/ 24/7 with a few rogue drawfags coming in every now and again

Honestly, who in their right mind cares about some maid-up character (see what I did there rofl so random xD)

Dragon Ball /jp/ doesn't count since KoG is psychotically autistic

>> No.6398314 [DELETED] 


Notice how drawthreads have virtually zero sages in them, and all negative criticism is deleted? Check the archive if you don't believe me.

Check in point: OP IS the janitor, and there's not a single thing anybody on this board can do to stop it. 2011 will come and go, and there threads WILL STILL BE HERE. Don't like it?

gb2/a/, where you came from

>> No.6398318 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 400x299, howaboutidelele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6398322 [DELETED] 


*the, I meant the, not a misspelling of their, since it's only one guy making them, so it's not supposed to be plural

>> No.6398330

I like this.

>> No.6398796
File: 366 KB, 653x1021, FUNDOSHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not terribly good with coloring bare flesh, or coloring at all, any pointers you can give me?

>> No.6398806

The picture as a whole is bad in different aspects. Don't use Reisen for such shitty stuff.

About the coloring I think it's good.

>> No.6398813

you have highlights

plenty of them

you should add shadows too

>> No.6398820

I love it.

>> No.6398824

Missed this, but sounds rather nice man. Good job.

>> No.6398836
File: 43 KB, 432x742, jp maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better drawing of Meido for the wandering drawfag. She's also the blue haired girl in OP's image.

Also, here's a zip with a large chunk of her images. Bit out of date, but meh.


>> No.6398871


Is that on paper or canvas? Ever do works on canvas and sell them? I bet plenty of people would pay hundreds for art like that... I know I would.

>> No.6398967
File: 389 KB, 656x1024, FUNDOSHI2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Could you go into further detail?


There are shadows, but it was limited to the hair for the most part. I've added some to this newer version, and thickened the outer lineart.


Thank you.

>> No.6398984

Liking the work I see. Keep at it guys.

>> No.6399020
File: 557 KB, 1024x768, Stoner-Tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Sakuya, looking a little baked

>> No.6399025

Anyone taking requests?

>> No.6399030
File: 508 KB, 705x500, 1282931922433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure that's not just Yakui with knives?

>> No.6399041


I'm sure, but you're right that it bears semblance, because it WAS going to be her (hence "Stoner-tan"), but made Sakuya instead.

>> No.6399048
File: 124 KB, 500x723, 9fdc7888f50fde572f2114c82dbc2041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just save it in my Yakui folder as a cosplay image.

>> No.6399510


It's normal paper, and promarkers
I usually don't sell pics - not untill I'll be better with drawning.
But if I draw something I can be proud of - the price isn't higher than 10$ - I just draw for fun

>> No.6399524

Is that Yuka?!
It seems pretty nice already. A good scan and colors and you are done.

>> No.6399543


Sure, what's the request?

>> No.6399593
File: 109 KB, 540x999, コピー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I'm redoing it in SAI right now. It might look different though because I don't have a scanner (and that other picture is more or less a sketch anyway)
I wish I could bring that ball into my PC though ... drawing it was a pain.

>> No.6399629


Sorry for the late response.

I'd still love to see someone draw a picture of Utsuho cosplaying as Sanae as requested in the previous thread.

>> No.6399632 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 757x813, template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... this is a WIP... still need to do the hair though... final will be high resolution...

>> No.6399654


Sure thing anon, can't promise it'll be amazing but I'll try. Haven't been following these threads recently since I've been busy, so I didn't read your earlier request.

>> No.6399707


Thanks anon. Looking forward to it.

>> No.6400054
File: 368 KB, 900x1600, okuu_sanae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Delivered. Sorry it's not in full colour, the GSL ro4 is about to start and I want to watch it.

Hope you like it regardless anon.

>> No.6400058 [DELETED] 


>first post in this thread in over 2 hours
>CP thread and Cirno thread now mysteriously gone at the same time

Yeah, you so totally aren't the janitor. By the way, I'll be making a thread about this coincidence on 5 separate boards on 4chan and taking screenshots of them. I hope you enjoy the hunt.

>> No.6400060 [DELETED] 


So what if the janitor is a drawfag? Does it really matter?

>> No.6400064 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 1000x1000, ಠ_ಠ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>does it really matter

it says a lot of all the maid-tan pics were actually MADE by maid-tan, don't'cha think?

>> No.6400071 [DELETED] 

Yes. We need to know more about Meido-san so we can fantasize about being raped by him.

>> No.6400074 [DELETED] 

>mfw every post talking about >>6400054, whether it be positive or negative, are automatically deleted by a buttmad janitor

>> No.6400067 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 250x250, (☞゚ヮ゚)☞.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A maid who gets rid of the invasions and produces quality art? What's so bad about that?

>> No.6400085 [DELETED] 


>> No.6400082 [DELETED] 


You know, having the maid reveal himself might not be such a bad idea.

>> No.6400087 [DELETED] 



>> No.6400101 [DELETED] 


>over half the posts in this thread have been deleted

Why does the janitor defend these threads so badly?

>> No.6400111

What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.6400106 [DELETED] 


Because they're actually good?

>> No.6400115 [DELETED] 


I don't like it very much. There are many areas for improvement.

>> No.6400122 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 500x500, maidshocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Constructive criticism?


>> No.6400125

It's pretty good, Ya really have talent !

>>Try to make more dynamic poses, stative one just make it booring

>> No.6400129 [DELETED] 

It's okay, but it could have been better.

>>Try to make more dynamic poses, stative one just make it booring

>> No.6400126 [DELETED] 

Inb4 deleted.

>> No.6400133 [DELETED] 


>> No.6400134 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 250x250, delelele.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6400135 [DELETED] 

Why is the janitor making a mountain out of a mole hill?

No one would have cared, but now that he's causing such a commotion...


>> No.6400138 [DELETED] 

Now I know why the drawthreads have went to shit...

>> No.6400139 [DELETED] 

What the heck does she think she's accomplishing by deleting everything anyway? Well, okay, keeping the thread clean and all, but doing it right away will make people like me cling to the topic more.

>> No.6400144 [DELETED] 



>> No.6400145 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 674x667, 1279748767786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to board about "Otaku Culture"
>expect it to be anything but bad


>> No.6400147 [DELETED] 

So now we know who was forcing the "Meido" meme and image.

>> No.6400149 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 400x299, howaboutidelele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6400151 [DELETED] 


Can somebody explain this to me? I don't understand what Cricketot has to do with deleelele. Is it some new forced meme on /vp/?

>> No.6400155 [DELETED] 

Why do you want to know about /vp/ memes?

>> No.6400157 [DELETED] 

pretty much this lol, people on /jp/ are so brainwashed that they'll still worship him, either seriously or just to troll outsiders

>> No.6400158 [DELETED] 

Encounter one with your volume up.

>> No.6400159 [DELETED] 

It all makes sense now. Ordinarily I would not mind, but this sort of preferential treatment towards his own threads is distasteful and wreaks of abuse of powers for personal gain. I do not approve of what has transpired.

>> No.6400160 [DELETED] 


Go listen to the cry of a kricketune.

>> No.6400161 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 1000x1000, ಠ_ಠ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6400162 [DELETED] 


Does it really matter? People like Suigin will praise the ground he walks on.

Sad, really.

>> No.6400163 [DELETED] 

Or just follow this link.

>> No.6400172 [DELETED] 


delelele lelele whoooooooooooooooooooop BASHIIIIIIIIING


>> No.6400179 [DELETED] 

this delele garbage is worse than the garyface meme.

>> No.6400182 [DELETED] 


I'm tempted to Garyface every single one of the images in this thread.

>> No.6400186 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 640x420, all Oakording to plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6400187 [DELETED] 

Love that comment that says "NO, DAD NO!"

>> No.6400189 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 293x208, howaboutigaryfaceyourthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6400189,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you, OP. Fuck your stupid meido shit.

>> No.6400195 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 479x232, jp-janitor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such hubris from our janitor.

>> No.6400197 [DELETED] 

in during everything negative towards the janitor's drawing being deleted

>> No.6400195,1 [INTERNAL] 

What's your people's problems anyway?
Damn you're horrible.

>> No.6400197,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hello, janitor. We do not enjoy you abusive behavior.

>> No.6400197,2 [INTERNAL] 

gee, it sure is buttmad janitor all up in this thread

>> No.6400203 [DELETED] 

Thanks janitor. You just killed any chances of anyone ever participating in these threads again.

Go get people to cocksuck your drawings on DA.

>> No.6400203,1 [INTERNAL] 

>KoG has his 6.4M Cirno GET thread on /jp/ deleted
>KoG invites /vp/ to invade /jp/'s meido drawfag thread
>meido gets frustrated and deletes the /vp/ invasion
>/vp/ is wondering why the meido is so bad


>> No.6400208 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 126x95, RageFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6400208,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hurrr he's not participating in our drawfag drama, he must be the janitor
I just don't get what the problem is. Shitting up threads just because you're hurt is fucking childish and it's the main reason /jp/'s been so shitty those last few months. Be happy we're actually getting some sort of moderation compared to all the other shittholes on this site.

>> No.6400215

No offense but your drawings look kinda lifeless.

>> No.6400217 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 411x466, 1284335562059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck Janitor. You're such a little pussy, you can't even take critique.

>> No.6400221 [DELETED] 

What just happened?

>> No.6400222 [DELETED] 
File: 289 KB, 1170x720, fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the janitor can't even take positive criticism and just DELETES EVERYTHING

>> No.6400222,1 [INTERNAL] 


Is that what this is all about?


>> No.6400225 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 268x314, 1288513734781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6400226 [DELETED] 

What? And become a REAL artist?

>> No.6400227 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 450x262, 1284339984837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, I get critique on DA... And this guy can't take ANYTHING?

>> No.6400226,1 [INTERNAL] 

You know, janitor. You're posting on the SAME EXACT thread that actually proves you were doing otherwise.

Reading this thread from the beginning it is clear that you were abusing your power of deletion long before any so-called "/vp/ invasion".


>> No.6400231 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 661x566, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6400234

Hey, your perspective is looming in a little more from her head than it is from her feet, it should be the other way around bro.

>> No.6400232 [DELETED] 

Do WANT.jpg

>> No.6400233 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 600x600, 1287703596870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his thread is nice anCHECK 'EM

>> No.6400237

Unless she's actually supposed to be leaning in on you, then it's fine

>> No.6400236 [DELETED] 

Oh boy here we go.

>> No.6400236,1 [INTERNAL] 

cuz his post ended in quints, duh

>> No.6400239 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 320x272, 1287267312682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6400239,1 [INTERNAL] 

Someone posts a drawing, someone starts going "HOLY SHIT THREADS HAVE BEEN DELETED JUST NOW, U HAV 2 B MEIDO", everyone starts spamming shit like crazy. And you actually like this sort of posting? There wasn't even any critic in those posts, it was pure bullshitting

>> No.6400241 [DELETED] 

Ugh... okay. Let's get this thread back on track. Meido's a fucking newfag.

I'm liking this!! Maybe add some more color depth to the eyes.

>> No.6400245 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 132x167, 1287654100788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then check THESE

>> No.6400241,1 [INTERNAL] 

The janitor is:

- A H!P astroturfer
- Obsessed with Aya Hirano and Rika
- A KS dev
- A bitter female who cannot stand seeing sexist opinions on /jp/
- An artist with an ego fit for dA.

It definitely makes sense. It's much more plausible than the alternative theory, where he is doing little more than clearing another thread of bitter shitposting.

>> No.6400248 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 430x539, I-DONT-ALWAYS-GET-DOUBLES-BUT-WHEN-I-DO-CHECK-EM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6400249 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 400x300, 1286527425937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>miss dubs on the board thanks to somebody saging on page 7

this board makes me lol

>> No.6400251 [DELETED] 

GO AWAY /vp/.

>> No.6400253

GSL 2 is having a break, and I come back to see so much drama.

Not sure who the anon is that thinks I'm the janitor, not sure if it even matters, but I'm not. Take from that what you will.

It's sad that I even have to mention this, I've participated in quite a number of /jp/ drawthreads previously, and used to draw on /a/ before that. This is the first drawthread I've actually drawn in for a few weeks now, and I'm a little bit disappointed how bad of a reaction it's gotten.

Thanks to those who critiqued, I'm still trying to get back into drawing after not doing so for awhile, it's much appreciated.

>> No.6400251,1 [INTERNAL] 

>- A bitter female who cannot stand seeing sexist opinions on /jp/
Oh yeah, I remember that incident. The beginning of my hate. This thread just cemented those feelings.

>> No.6400255 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 251x251, 1287267438523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But tripfag, we are ALL /vp/


>> No.6400257

Is her nose supposed to be missing?
Are her cheeks supposed to be fat?
Are her arms supposed to be uneven?

>> No.6400257,1 [INTERNAL] 


>this post is made
>all the posts in the thread are deleted again


>> No.6400260 [DELETED] 




>> No.6400264 [DELETED] 

you belong on dA or /ic/, not here

thread reported

>> No.6400264,1 [INTERNAL] 

This would be so hilarious if it didn't seem like you actually believed it.
What's with people flocking to drama? Get a trip already so I can ignore you, faggot.

>> No.6400266 [DELETED] 

super cool thread guys lol

>> No.6400266,1 [INTERNAL] 

haha, oh wow

>> No.6400273

haha, oh wow

>> No.6400273,1 [INTERNAL] 

haha, oh wow  

>> No.6400273,2 [INTERNAL] 

This thread is proof. Please read the deleted posts in this thread. Eat your words.

Janitors are not allowed to delete posts based on perceived slight deviations. Everyone on /jp/ thinks only they know what is allowed and isn't allowed on /jp/. When a janitor espouses these subjective views and acts on them, he is abusing his powers.

Poketrolling pics getting deleted? Acceptable. On-topic content getting deleted because OP thinks people aren't taking his meido-forcing thread seriously? Unacceptable.

Do like the rest of us and deal with it.

>> No.6400273,3 [INTERNAL] 

You created the drama, fuckstick.

>> No.6400273,4 [INTERNAL] 


And just what the HELL are you going to do about it? Whine and complain about it on a ghost board that barely 10 people per year look at? Nobody cares about your opinion bro, he can abuse his powers as much as he wants, AND THERE'S NOT A SINGLE THING YOU CAN DO TO STOP IT.

Get a life.

>> No.6400273,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6400273,6 [INTERNAL] 

Which incident are you referring to?

>> No.6400273,7 [INTERNAL] 

Settle down men you're being knuckleheads

>> No.6400273,8 [INTERNAL] 

I did look at the deleted posts and I stand by what I said. They were posts by people trying to stirr up drama shouting "hurr you're the mod KNOW I GOT YOU". That probalby was you, even?
Posts like that are not constructive, stirr up shit storms and deserve to be deleted.
>Do like the rest of us and deal with it.
But you're the one throwing a fit like a little child.

>> No.6400273,9 [INTERNAL] 

Threads being purged of Athens posts. Deleting his shitposting = janitor is a butthurt woman. Just like deleting shitposting ITT = janitor is a butthurt drawfag. Such is troll logic.

>> No.6400290
File: 4 KB, 172x288, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very shiny, sweaty?

The eyes really set it off as Okuu, but maybe adding the hair ribbon will help for those who didn't read the filename. I like it.

I really admire your work, always good to see traditional media instead of just lineart and photoshop.

I bet the person who originally wanted this doesn't even play Elona anymore.

>> No.6400293 [DELETED] 

Have you not seen what is going on in this thread?

>> No.6400293,1 [INTERNAL] 

This isn't the first time moot has had to deal with renegade mods/janitors on /jp/. What little you know.

>> No.6400300 [DELETED] 

Ghosts are invisible, friend.

>> No.6400300,1 [INTERNAL] 

Except the janitor went berserk then and deleted everything, including many legitimate posts. You really are the janitor, or are you just an idiot?

>> No.6400326

Where are her wings?

>> No.6400346


Didn't have time to finish it, was trying to finish it in time so I could watch the GSL. I could add them now if you'd like.


I considered adding the ribbon but then the anon requested for her to be dressed as Sanae, so I figured that meant ditching the ribbon entirely.

>> No.6400472
File: 414 KB, 656x1024, FUNDOSHI3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't always draw noses, sometimes it just fits whatever I've drawn to go without at times.

The 'fat cheeks' is a perhaps unfortunate drawing habit I've been trying to correct for years now. I'll admit I find it somewhat aesthetically pleasing most of the time though.

The arm I didn't think too much of at the time, but I've tried to correct it here, instead of just shrugging it off as 'perspective'.


Possibly. I suppose it's why she's wearing a practically nothing.

And Elona sprites? Oh my.

>> No.6400483
File: 28 KB, 276x276, 1255658737531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, you niggers are really whiny, aren't you? The dude just made the drawing without asking for anything, and no one makes a single fucking positive comment. No wonder /jp/ is so low-tier on OC recently.

>> No.6400488


>>6399629 here. Amazing job! I will cherish this. Thank you so much.

>> No.6400498
File: 218 KB, 900x1650, okuu_sanae_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey anon, really happy to hear you like it, always the most flattering response I could hope for.

Here's the most updated version I was working on. Added some shading, I also tried adding wings, but it really overpowered the Sanae outfit.

Thanks to the anon who suggested the ribbon though, I was skeptical at first, but after adding it I realized that it really does complete the picture.

>> No.6400510

/jp/ is not Deviantart, people can leave criticism other than "OMG IT'S SOOOO GOOD! x3".

>> No.6400512
File: 109 KB, 423x310, 1285806348275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God damn she is just too freaking cute. Nice job on the shading and adding the ribbon, it really brought out her potential. Thanks again!

(Also, just curious, but how were you thinking of drawing the wings?)

>> No.6400520

I'm sure the artist enjoys criticism and tips, but I also think that saying at the very least "thanks" is just as important. The drawfags make pretty good stuff just for the sake of our entertainment, without asking for anything back. Most of them don't even sign their drawings or try to attribute their names to them.
I'd be pretty frustrated if after a while of drawing to fulfill a request for an Anonymous, the first comment I got was "What the fuck are you doing".
It's not a matter of sucking their balls dry, but at least have some fucking respect to these guys who actually input some original content for us instead of spamming anime caps just to get attention.

>> No.6400521
File: 104 KB, 894x872, okuu_sanae_wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The wings were just going to look something like this. Once i sketched them out I felt that they were too overpowering and decided to just go without.

I could always draw a version with wings included, but I'm a bit tired right now.

>> No.6400543


That's fine. Was just wondering if you wanted some ideas for how to make her wings. I have quite a few if you're interested later; references even.

>> No.6400558

This is a kinda silly request, but, I might as well ask. Could I get a picture of Hisui and /jp/'s meido? Nothing important, so feel free to put it on the back burner for a while, but, yeah, if someone has any free time, could they draw it up for me? Thanks.

>> No.6400561


Sure thing, I'm always open to ideas so if you'd like to see them done in a specific way I'd be more than happy to try and fit it in.

That being said, I'm notoriously lazy, and generally how much/well I draw depends on my mood at the time. Often times I just prefer to draw something new entirely, but feel free to suggest ideas regardless.

>> No.6400566

>Once i sketched them out I felt that they were too overpowering
I agree, this is true for Okuu in general. I like her so much in casual clothes, but her ZUN-official outfit is so all over the place I can't get used to it.

>> No.6400608
File: 2.62 MB, 1887x1887, 1278804513397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree with you that they'd probably wouldn't do much for the picture if they were drawn that way. IMO, she could do without the cape entirely, since its a major part of her costume, and probably more intrusive than the wings themselves. I think it may be able to work if she had them folded downward halfway, or just in a rested, non-spread state. Here's a pic of what I mean by folded halfway.

Entirely up to you if you want to draw it. Just throwing out ideas for the picture if you're enjoying working on it.

>> No.6400612 [DELETED] 


And completely rested, pointing downward. Might not be the best example, but just to give the general idea.

>> No.6400619
File: 185 KB, 1200x600, 1278784113097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And completely rested, pointing downward. Might not be the best example, but just to give the general idea.

>> No.6400669

I love your style, Zange?.

>> No.6400669,1 [INTERNAL] 

hmm lets see what happened here
Brian got butthurt over the janitor deleting his shitty posts and calls for a raid on /b/6.0
The janitor deletes their posts.
Now everyone hates the janitor because he actually does his job instead of attentionwhoring like mdgeist on /a/.
I wish we could ban all these newfriends, or at least make them grow a brain or something.

>> No.6400719

I really like it, I'm looking forward to it!

>> No.6400796
File: 80 KB, 735x980, DSC06165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to MOEnize Marisa and try to draw with different style. It's gift for friend, so It must be girly,pink, cute, and pink and... I'll be pucking rainbows
>I want spring... It's too cold

>> No.6400859
File: 199 KB, 1286x1200, zepar3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6400859,1 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck i'm agreeing with Suigin

Today has been a strange day indeed.

>> No.6400895

Tiny pupils are not moe. they are psychotic

>> No.6400903

Yeah, it'll probably look less creepy when colored.
Personally I prefer creepy, though.

>> No.6400923

Pretty nice, looking forward to it.

>> No.6400923,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks for turning the /jp/ drawthreads into dA 2.0, meido!

>> No.6400949
File: 81 KB, 612x816, DSC06166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just sketch I need to redraw it on better paper (it's normal paper for printers ect. )
... I always mark where pupils should be - and it look little scary
> Eyes will be more like that, but pupils will be brown

>> No.6400953

Whoa, and suddenly it starts looking awesome.
I still think creepy is good, though.

>> No.6400953,1 [INTERNAL] 

Do you really believe that any of the posts that got deleted were worth reading?

>> No.6401008
File: 87 KB, 612x816, DSC06167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still think creepy is good, though.

I do love creppy things, but I'm not good with drawning them...
>Most creppy of all my last sketches - never finished or even tried to improve

>> No.6401057

You drawfags and your self-evaluation, seriously...
Also, I have to say it not being finished and fading into the sketch kind of adds to the creepyness if you ask me.

>> No.6401083

Yeah, my self-evaluation is pretty low, I know that I can draw well when I want...
I feel like a damned Drawfag right now - fuck it! !, I'm gotta' get my ass up and practice !

>> No.6401113
File: 355 KB, 480x359, 1269261973697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music anon here again.
Finished a new track.
This time it's an arrange of "In Regards to Fairy Brilliance" from the Eastern and Little Nature Deity CD.


>> No.6401113,1 [INTERNAL] 

What happened here? First it seems people accused Pas1990 (>>6400054) of being the janitor because he posted at about the same time spam threads were deleted, then someone also suggested that the OP (Virus VN guy) was also the janitor? They aren't the same person.

>> No.6401122

>★ Vessel_of_Stars ★
Fuck off.

>> No.6401128

He is annoying, but you gotta admit, he is talented.

>> No.6401135

>★ Vessel_of_Stars ★

>> No.6401139

I recommend to drop the horrible name, its fucking retarded.

>> No.6401151

Great work dude, keep it up. But for the sake of the criticism, sometimes it sound a bit too repetitive. Then again I'm not a musician so disregard that.

This is why original content here is so scarce. What did the dude even do besides having a stupid name? You guys(or possibly guy) should drop the buttmadangered act.

>> No.6401156

Sorry, I know I'm just an asshole in your eyes
But it's first time when my arts got some attention
I don't want to make dA account and be another fucking retard when I get "nice art" comment
I need critic, some tips and have fun...Nothing else

>> No.6401171

You're good but still, drop the name.

>> No.6401181

>★ Vessel_of_Stars ★
I don't care if it's retarded or not,
it's easier for me to find threads
( I always liked this Marisa theme)

>> No.6401183

If it matters, I think you're pretty good. Your speech is kind of grating; even if you took the name off it'd still bother me.

Even so, always:
OC > negative criticism
Just keep making work. Nobody can give you shit for contributing.

>> No.6401190

I like it, although synth strings generally bug me.

>> No.6401225


It's a bit repetitive, I agree. Should maybe have shortened the track a bit.
Was intending to add percussion as well, but I felt like it ruined the "Forest-ish" theme.

>> No.6401226
File: 42 KB, 343x397, GRK6058BP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caster and Rider oiled up and wrestling while wearing helmets like these.

>> No.6401502

I'm not into FSN
some info please ?

>> No.6401511
File: 281 KB, 1280x1024, 1273935659713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rider on the left, caster on the right.

>> No.6401514


>> No.6401515
File: 284 KB, 1065x1514, 1288929340009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6401525
File: 64 KB, 630x903, 1287171245815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get the idea.

>> No.6401538

Oh and don't bother with clothes, naked wrestling will do.

>> No.6401626

I'm not sure if this is a good place to ask, but if anyone good with Photoshop feels like helping me out with a logo for a website, that would be great.

It's a pretty small one, around 512x60-100px.

>> No.6401626,1 [INTERNAL] 

OP here: all these comments about me being the janitor are making me smile. I wouldn't apply for a janitor position when I thought /jp/ was good, and I certainly won't do it now that it has gone to shit.

I commend our janitor for doing so much for this board, I would never be able to deal with this like he does. The meido OC is 50% about me amusing myself and being an attention whore, and 50% trying to show some appreciation for what I believe is the last person who still cares about /jp/.

>> No.6401626,2 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't get discouraged by the trolls, okay? I like seeing your art.

>> No.6402552
File: 376 KB, 1224x1632, DSC06171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still just a concept I'll redraw it at weekend
Hope I won't screw this one - I'm fucking proud of this by now
>Any mistakes to correct (except back ribbon and stairs ), maybe something to add or get rid of ?

I need to thank you guys - You've made me want to improve and this is the result
Thanks !

Ah and I suck with photoshop - is there someone who'll help me with editing when I'm done ?

>> No.6402697

Kind of looks like something you would see from a manga page. Keep them coming.

>> No.6402813

You could make a tumblr or twitpic or else like http://raemz.wordpress.com/ and post sketches and shit every day. Limit guest posting or disable comments if you want to cut down trolls.

>> No.6402873
File: 469 KB, 600x600, 234234235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing some saigyou ayakashi, preferably not a generic cherry tree. Preferably seeping with purple magic-y matter that always seems to surround yuyuko in fan drawings.

>> No.6402873,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's probably someone else, but some of that guy's artwork reminds me of some drawings I've seen in one of the /jp/ Paintchats before (e.g. the Koishi in http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/8297/pchat100725byunknown.png).).

>> No.6402873,2 [INTERNAL] 

>404 Not Found

>> No.6402873,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6402873,4 [INTERNAL] 

That's pretty good. Also, what's the picture that has "It's hot" as a part of the dialogue?

>> No.6402873,5 [INTERNAL] 


I don't mind the haters, but the constant bickering over what people think should be the culture of the board is an eyesore. I liked /jp/ when it was a chaotic mix of different people trying to coexist peacefully, but the latest flock of newfriends trying to intervene in every niche thread they don't like, the endless complaining about moderation (which is still one the things that set this board apart), the (anime) spam, the doubles guy, green text blogging and other /b/ memes and general shitposting that make up for 90% of the front page at any time are a sign of the decline and fall of /jp/.

I browse /jp/ no more than a few hours per week lately. I just can't relate to the userbase anymore.

>> No.6402873,6 [INTERNAL] 

It's not a swarm. At least not yet, and unless you're counting the raids we get every few weeks.
For now, it's just a vocal minority of spammers and shitposters while the majority either reports it or ignores it completely.

You're not the only one disappointed with how things have turned out, with a few guys ruining threads and complaining about everything. Please give it a shot while the mods and janitors keep trying their best to fight the spam.

>> No.6403558
File: 233 KB, 600x766, 1286427508471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6403558,1 [INTERNAL] 

Don't remember. Didn't bother to screencap the rest of the canvas.

>> No.6403610

I would shift her left (our right) eye up more. It looks off. A easy fix in Photoshop.

>> No.6403749

invisible posters

>> No.6404312

@Vessel_of_Stars - there ya go
I'll be posting sketches there

Thanks - I will
Yeah, I see, I'll change it - thanks !

Just only youkai-tree ? (or whatever it is )
or with Yuyu-chan ? It's been long time since I drawed her

>> No.6404389

Good work. I'll be watching~

>> No.6404819
File: 407 KB, 601x830, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hand bugs me

>> No.6404824

I don't see whats wrong with it, overall awesome picture.

>> No.6404860
File: 764 KB, 1124x1600, Meido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If anybody wants the transparent I can deliver that so somebody else can do the colors. My coloring is bad.

>> No.6404882

Sexy. Now to the cover template.

>> No.6404886


Does anybody on /jp/ other than the janitor, Vessel of Dicks, and one other anonymous dude actually LIKE these?

>> No.6404888 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 320x240, yugiyamiv4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For what it's worth, I find them amusing.

>> No.6404890

I enjoy meido fanart occasionally, I wish I could draw meido.

>> No.6404891 [DELETED] 



I'm tempted to report you, but I know if I get you frustrated, your will do something autistic again like make /vp/ invade us and cause nothing but turmoil in this thread for another couple of hours, so I'm just going to accept your opinion and move on.

>> No.6404892
File: 6 KB, 250x250, ‍ಠ‿ಠ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



If only it were like this all the time...

>> No.6404894

I have a folder with meido art work and am happy to fill it up.

>> No.6404899
File: 98 KB, 518x625, 1280274115080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these too. She's not like the Nijiura maids, but it's still some original content.

>> No.6404922

I enjoy it yeah, it looks nice and it's nice to see we have something actually made on /jp/ for a change.

>> No.6404930


>> No.6404948

Too bad it all looks like shit, but one out of two ain't bad.

>> No.6405065
File: 183 KB, 490x535, 1286547721557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at my maido folder most of the picture look prettty good.

>> No.6405314
File: 497 KB, 300x320, medoi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, those silly nijura maids.

>> No.6405560

the hand is backwards.

>> No.6405577

Uhm... I'm pretty sure it's _supposed_ to be the right hand.
I don't think left arms bend that way.

>> No.6405589

Requesting OC-tan with the Chiaki Minami/Luna Child face

>> No.6405589,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why do I feel I've heard these exact same complaints a year ago?

>> No.6405589,2 [INTERNAL] 

We have entered an endless recursion of time.

>> No.6405863

Hey, fix Anon's face.

Remove those lines on his face and add an "No picture available" like it's supposed to be.

>> No.6405906
File: 680 KB, 1124x1600, meidoxanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not author, though I could help.

>> No.6405916

Awesome, thanks.

And to the author: Great job, thank you.

>> No.6405936


>> No.6406111
File: 509 KB, 640x480, beabat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I can probably post this in here since the thread fell off.

Battler player character for Touhou Danmakufu, perfect for JohnnyWalker's Beatrice spellcard set.

The unfocused bomb does more damage based on the number of bullets you cancel while it's up.

>> No.6406142 [DELETED] 


>> No.6406507

Now we just need the text "Our meido can't be this lazy" or "our meido can't be this bias"

>> No.6406731
File: 725 KB, 1124x1600, Ore no Meido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, same guy as >>6405906.

>> No.6407768
File: 628 KB, 1600x1200, menumockup 2 no logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this for a VN me and a couple of other Anonymous are working on. Opinions?

>> No.6407772

Looks pretty nice.

Though as with the textbox, blue/yellow/red immediately evokes Sumaga. Since you've chosen those colors to begin with, I guess it can't be helped.

Good luck on your project, Sumaga devs.

>> No.6407774

very pretty

>> No.6407790

Where do you put that to make him playable?

>> No.6407805
File: 752 KB, 854x483, DanmakuFighter6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for artists for a project. I'm making a different Touhou fighter, currently using the previous fighters' art assets. But I'd like to have some original art in the game. Anybody interested?

>> No.6407811
File: 503 KB, 850x700, oniichanwocover2.5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't even disagree with you. Though, I chose to use the RYB color scheme for plot related reasons, Sumaga is definitely the first thing that comes to mind. Not a bad thing if you ask me, I love that game. Hopefully the comparisons will stop at the colors, but this VN also involves women using overpowered magic.

>> No.6407817

You draw like alphes but paint kinda like kuraneko does. That looks really cool.

>> No.6407928

The cartoonish clouds put me off.
The sky/other clouds are realistic but not those two ones, kinda weird.
Other than that it looks great.

>> No.6408013

What's the VN about?

>> No.6408135

Duly noted, you're not the first one to say that. Thanks.

I'll make a more detailed thread about it later since we kind need more people to help, but basically it's a danmaku/visual novel that's about a sister who's also a mahou shoujo trying to save her brother. She has a chain-smoking bear as a familiar.

It's not completed yet, but you can watch the half-assed henshin scene I made for her:

Sorry if it's too crappy, I'm trying to improve it.

>> No.6408194

>chain-smoking bear as a familiar
sounds interesting, is the bear going to be given eccentric character features?

>> No.6408218

>go into ghost archive
>see that 75% of this thread's posts have been deleted

>> No.6408225

is this bear going to be a more realistic style huge bear or some chibified puppet teddybear for kids?

>> No.6408247

That's the plan. Considering the main character is a 14 year old girl, her familiar's going to be an uncaring bastard who's always "BITCH DO SOMETHING, DAMN" on her. Of course this is played for comic relief like all familiars, so nothing too rough.

Huge, black bear.

>> No.6408288

I can't wait for the bestialityscenes.

>> No.6408325

No H for you, Anonymous-san.

>> No.6408369

That looks awesome, keep it up.

>> No.6408657

>/a/ tag

Only if you let me change the original Okuu's hair a bit too.

>> No.6408763

>Huge, black bear.

>> No.6408822
File: 86 KB, 626x622, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like the clouds, though they remind me of 'shining spiral unko'.... maybe if you tilted them to reflect the angle of the buildings like so?

>> No.6408949

Unlike what you like to believe, not every single poster from /a/ is a retard/normalfag/casual. I can understand the origin of this notion, but saying stuff like "lolol hes from /a/ this shit suxxx" makes you a even worse of a shitposter.

Can't believe I missed that, you're totally right. Thanks a lot for the tip.

>> No.6409191

While I don't mind you come from /a/, the fact that you didn't include /jp/ tag when you are posting in here irritates me.

>> No.6409197

That's rather pretty

>> No.6409242

Say what? I don't "come" from /a/, I've been posting in /jp/ every day ever since the split. In fact I post here way more. The thing is, the team making this game was born in a thread created at /a/. But I'll be fucked in the ass if I'm going to ask /a/ for creative input, I'd much rather ask here where people can think for more than ten seconds before posting.
I understand why you are pissed off, but believe me when I say that I plan on making this project worthy of that "/jp/" tag very soon. For now, I'm very sorry, just wanted some creative input from the posters I'm used to already.

>> No.6409563

Sorry for the delayed reply, but Danmakufu characters should go in the player folder inside the main Danmakufu folder. If there's a Rumia there, you're in the right place, I believe.

>> No.6409572

Once again, Anonymous proves himself to be a crafty bastard. I wanted to draw the buildings, but since I'm not a drawfriend, I had to use existing pictures. Well played, sir.

>> No.6409493

>Only if you let me change the original Okuu's hair a bit too

May I ask why you would need to? There's nothing wrong with that, though.

>> No.6409498
File: 44 KB, 640x480, towers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That middle section is definitely Coal Harbour, cool beans.

>> No.6409678

A few of her sprites have her frontbang split too high up, way too evenly, or something. I don't quite remember since I haven't touch the game in a while, but something just throws me off. It's just going to be minor editing, most likely adding a small strand of hair or two in the space.

>> No.6409687

Alright, thanks, that's where I put it, but I don't see how to use him once I'm in the game.

>> No.6410094

Time for a new thread? Seems like this one is on autosage.

>> No.6411301

The bump limit is 300.

>> No.6411517

That's fine, if you actually want to help, just contact me at my thread on shrinemaiden's forums.

>> No.6411934

I have no idea where that is.

>> No.6411945

That's good. As far as I understand it, it's the Gaia of the Touhou fandom.

Sup moot?

>> No.6412037

I was asking around where I should post the project, and that's where most people said I should. I haven't actually posted there at all outside of my thread there.

>> No.6412232
File: 68 KB, 510x430, bump limit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for the motivational shit, but it -is- a bump limit.

>> No.6414106


>> No.6415024
File: 93 KB, 900x900, ore-no-meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second opinion.

>> No.6415563

Ok I laughed.

>> No.6415564


>> No.6415598

You're missing a な there

>> No.6415609


>> No.6415619

I don't see it. Where exactly and why?

>> No.6415620


>> No.6415631

The second type of Japanese adjective is made up of loaned adjectives, LAZY is a loaned adjective, it has to be lazy na wake not lazy wake

>> No.6415637
File: 126 KB, 561x370, the_more_you_know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I was thinking you don't need that な since it's already an adjective in English...

>> No.6415642

The way her hair is drawn reminds me awfully lot of Rika.

>> No.6415660
File: 44 KB, 446x400, laughinggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still doesn't know /jp/'s meido is actually grown up Rika who is stuck in the "eternal summer".

>> No.6415674

The weeaboo is strong in these ones.

>> No.6415709

Why so buttranged, Anonymous?

>> No.6415710

dont you mean autism?

>> No.6416106

the image is nicely done. the text, not so much since it's not english.

>> No.6416342
File: 564 KB, 1600x1200, menumockup2logooptions[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6407768 here.
Updated the image and added the logo. Once again, opinions much appreciated.

>> No.6416371

If I had to say on something, I think I don't really like that chromium like effect / gradient on the logo. Also, it kind of looks like the seperator lines float in front of the text (see the C for example), while at the same time the text has a shadow and the lines don't. It kind of fucks with the mind. I say drop the shadows at least, but as I said I don't really like the whole chromium thing, including the 3D part

>> No.6416608

Damn. I'll try fixing the drop shadows and the spacing, but about the gradient/emboss stroke, I can't do much. Seriously, coming up with this was already pretty annoying, thinking of another effect would be even worse. Then again, if you think of anything, please let me know.

>> No.6416652

Well, the effect's not too bad, that's just my tastes maybe. If it is to stay, I'd recommend leaving like 2-3px space between lines and text on each side and either removing the shadow from the text, or adding a shaddow to the lines.
At least I that's how I would like it a bit better

>> No.6416656

Now, I can't really immagine such a title to be properly "western made", but who's idea was it to have a japanese title?

I guess it's fine in a way really, and if you go to check out doujin VNs on say DLsite, then you can't really feel discouraged.
But what boggles my mind the most in the end is basically what makes non-japanese make japanese works.
Media and style are in the end, both global and neutral, despite what followers of certain trends might say.

But things such as language and setting is another issue.
Wasn't really ment to be critique in the end, so no need to worry.
This is of course also just a title screen, but good luck, if the end product is good it might brighten up my day some time in the future, so lets just hope oyu get what you want out of this project.

>> No.6416827

Will do, thanks for the advice.

You know, I really would agree with you some time ago. "Why the hell can't westerners use english titles on their works instead of this wapanese crap?". Honestly this whole "onii-chan wo tasukete" started when I jokingly suggested the title of the game to be "お兄ちゃんをたすけて!★キュンキュンパラダイス★" when we were brainstorming. After a while we were already calling the game this as it was set on stone.
We tried finding another name, converting it into english("Save Brother!!!" just sounded lame as fuck) a bunch of stuff. But in the end I realized that lots, and by that I mean a metric fuckton of doujinsoft have names from various other idioms. English, german, even French. On the subject of the color scheme, even Sumaga did that a LOT("star mine girl", "etoile", "zodiac", "chaldea"). You don't have to worry, it's not going to be a weeaboofest where we try to be japanese developers, but at least cut us some slack on the title choice. I know where your unamusement comes from, trust me.

>> No.6416906
File: 1.90 MB, 1600x1200, rude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be extra rude here.
But here's my opinions.

>> No.6416913 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 451x389, 1263349510392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu : Fairies and Youkais

>> No.6417517

Why did you save it as a .png?

>> No.6417600

Because we're in 2010 and if you care about 2MB then get a decent ISP.

>> No.6417684

Damn, someone was bound to notice that "T" sooner or later. And don't worry about being rude or not, criticism is always appreciated, as long it remains as criticism.

I'll get to work on a fix for that right away, thanks a lot.

>> No.6417702

Why are you such a fucking retard?

>> No.6417710

Because lossy images suck.

>> No.6417749

I've got good eyes for details. I can't miss it if a pixel is off its correct position.
Keep working!

>> No.6419607
File: 211 KB, 1675x1200, gertrude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6419743
File: 26 KB, 370x658, 1288347552228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would kill for a picture sort of like this but with Yukari instead.

>> No.6420701

Bump for critical measure.

>> No.6420712

Yukarin cradling anonymous?

>> No.6420724

That would work aswell.

>> No.6421773
File: 46 KB, 719x697, 1288022361409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

292, Almost at the bump limit.

I do look forward to the next thread.. I've got a request I want to put in.

>> No.6421773,1 [INTERNAL] 

http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/4729/paintchat101109a.jpg (originally paintchat-10-11-09-a.jpg)

>> No.6421773,2 [INTERNAL] 

No new thread?

>> No.6421773,3 [INTERNAL] 


Why was my request deleted? fuck the janitor.

>> No.6421773,4 [INTERNAL] 

Because you posted an /a/ reaction image, ret/a/rd. If I were there around that time, I would told you to go back to the shithole you belong too.Now, go back to /a/ and make a request in the drawthread there.

>> No.6421773,5 [INTERNAL] 


It's not a reaction image, you retard.

>> No.6421773,6 [INTERNAL] 

Retarded /a/ crap nevertheless

>> No.6421773,7 [INTERNAL] 

remember when /jp/ was good

>> No.6421773,8 [INTERNAL] 

Look at this autist who didn't realize that his request was a parody of said image.

>> No.6421773,9 [INTERNAL] 

This was the last OC thread I started, I believe. Can't believe it's been almost two years now.

>> No.6421773,10 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is dead.

-No more fun.
-Ironic posts are not allowed.
-Awful /c/ imagedumps are allowed, tripfags like Clammy will never be punished.
-"Light Novels" are allowed, tripfags like Sakura shitgun will enjoy it.
-No more autism conversations.
-Any Touhou thread is /jp/ related, even if is a "Which Touhou's dirty hairy anus would you lick."
-Implying implications is encouraged.
-Saying "nigger" or "jew" makes you a racist who needs to be banned according to the mod's logic.(I bet he's a jew nigger.)
-There can only be one gravure thread, but it's okay to have 6 "HOW CAN I LEARN JAPANESE" threads.
-/jp/ meetups turned into shit, no more clever posts, just a simple shitty image with the text >/jp/.
-Shitty /a/ reaction pics everywhere.
-Using words like "Waifu", "Imoutou" and "MY DICK" are now encouraged.

>> No.6421773,11 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think I could make a post more worthless than this if I tried.

Maybe this one is a contender.

>> No.6421773,12 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, /vp/ was created two years ago?
