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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 215 KB, 880x660, 1288133830875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6386489 No.6386489 [Reply] [Original]

Yukari offers to transport you to Gensokyo.

-You become a fairy or animal youkai, your choice.
-You will have no real responsibilities in life other than finding your own food.
-You will life many times the normal human lifespan.
-If you work hard, you can become incredibly skilled in anything you choose.

-No more internet or VNs.
-You will be the stage 1 boss of TH13.
-You gonna get master spark'd.
-You will be lumped in with team ⑨.

>> No.6386499

[x] accept

my body is ready

>> No.6386503
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>-You will be lumped in with team ⑨.

>> No.6386504

>first stage boss

That's bull. I wanna hang out with the cool ladies at the extra stages.

>> No.6386505

I'm going to be a little girl, right? Most of the stage one bosses are little girls except one or two, like Letty.

>> No.6386511

[x] genuflect

>> No.6386515

None of your cons are cons.

>> No.6386516

You can be extra stage midboss for the lulz. Just don't complain when Reimu goes into I am a motherfucker mode on you.

>> No.6386518

No problem. Where to sign pact?

>> No.6386519

wait wait wait.. i cant choose to be my human self

>> No.6386520
File: 687 KB, 1000x1294, WOMANnousuke..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRB Just minding the shop ok

>> No.6386525 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 381x473, YOURS TRULY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRB Just minding the shop OK.

>> No.6386523


Pff, fine.

But I want a silly hat. Surely that's part of the contract?

>> No.6386527

Humans are a type of animal, right?

Do I get to be female, and is that a pro or con?

>> No.6386533

First, I ask her if there's absolutely no other way for us to reach the place.

If she replies yes, there is, I tell her to fuck off.
If she replies no, there isn't, she obviously doesn't know humans. I tell her to fuck off.

>> No.6386534
File: 205 KB, 850x612, sample_81cf5e2cbbfeb19fb266bcee2ffd390d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can choose between a standard-issue ribbon or cloth cover like most Touhous wear, or you can opt to provide your own.

>> No.6386535
File: 12 KB, 498x414, 20 - Giygas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can be any kind of yokai?

>> No.6386539


>> No.6386553


>> No.6386556

If I have to become a female, then I choose to be a hyena yokai. Hyena females have bigger dicks than their males.

>> No.6386567

How are your cons bad?

Also, YES

>> No.6386572

>You will be lumped in with team ⑨.

With cons like that, who needs pros.

>> No.6386580

YES. Do it, Yukari, please!

>> No.6386581
File: 76 KB, 580x620, 1288119035948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become a tanuki youkai
>team up with coon marisa to cause an incident
>get promoted to stage 5 boss as her assistant
>candidate for playable in next game like a boss

>> No.6386591

Of course I would take it. The only real loss is the internet. Being a cute lesbian touhou more than makes up for it, though.

>> No.6386593


So you're expecting 13.5, eh?

To be frank, so do I. Along with 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.6, 13.7, 13.8, 13.9 and 13.999.

>> No.6386599

It will be magical.

>> No.6386603
File: 303 KB, 850x435, sample_da0d116548581d2fe5e1a1d0a1327cb46da83f30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet sucks, living as a ⑨ would be a lot more interesting as long as finding food and keeping warm in the winter aren't too difficult.

>> No.6386609

Can I be some kind of insect or flower related fairy? So that I can go and live in the Garden of the Sun with Yuuka? :o I'd do that!

>> No.6386614


All the fairies hang out in her garden and listen to music, most notably the Prismriver sisters. It's mentioned in one of the print works, and directly shown in a PoFV ending.

>> No.6386615

Fuck that, I'd rather stay here. thanks for the offer anyway.

>> No.6386617

As a fairy, you don't need to eat, period. As a youkai, you can just go scare some humans. Not a problem.

Shelter would be harder, but hey, you have all the time in the world, all the necessary materials lying around, and some magic powers to help you, you can build yourself a home in no time. And then you're set for life.

>> No.6386620


>> No.6386630
File: 278 KB, 500x800, 1682b4164282bf939452b73f91f6a79764a5a71d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirin youkai reporting for stage 1.

>> No.6386632


>> No.6386634

I wish to be a pretty little flower youkai

>> No.6386640
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>> No.6386646

I would do anything just to do it ;_;

>> No.6386657
File: 74 KB, 604x453, 28377_409362198240_621773240_4192780_7963418_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wan't to bee a tohou

>> No.6386667
File: 558 KB, 690x690, 7ea2d766a98aa8cd6b55c480a50d3926a474fb9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stage 1 boss welcome party

>> No.6386674

I'd be a fairy so I can whore myself out.

>> No.6386681

>You gonna get master spark'd.


I see no Cons here

>> No.6386686

>fairies have no reproductive organs

Better hope ZUN draws you with a purty mouf.

>> No.6386689

Cirno, Mystia, and Parsee are not stage 2 bosses. Shizuha isn't even a boss.

>> No.6386690

citation needed, etc.

>> No.6386695

Cirno is also a Stage 1 MID BOSS on PCB.

>> No.6386706
File: 554 KB, 800x600, b35d27d5d0fb81ec95721f47ab3db0580341c758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

⑨ thread?

⑨ thread.

>> No.6386709

Become an immortal fairy in an interesting world with beautiful and awe inspiring locals where literal gods and goddesses walk amongst man and humans with enough hard work and tenacity can challenge the gods themselves, associate with a lively bunch of misfits and actually have REAL friends or at the very least relationships or miss the next shitty VN game and stop coming to the internet where there are random trolls and idiots.


>> No.6386784

>Cirno, Mystia, and Parsee are not stage 2 bosses.

You meant to say they are stage 2 bosses.

Parsee may not belong, indeed, but Cirno and Mystia are stage 1 bosses in PoFV.

>Shizuha isn't even a boss.

That's discrimination.

>> No.6386830

I don't see any Cons.

>> No.6386881
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>stage 1 boss of TH13
>lumped in with team ⑨

One can only hope.

You know, my biggest grip with the fandom as of late was that Kogasa was not. She's a perfect fucking fit and a great addition, faggots, stop making her having lesbian sex with Sanae. Goddamn. I mad.

>> No.6386896

I'd do it.

On a side note, would I have to become female?

>> No.6386902

>would I have to become female?

I wouldn't take the deal if I wouldn't become female.

>> No.6386913

Sounds like a good deal.

>> No.6386915
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>> No.6386921
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>captcha: Annual trancest

>> No.6386925
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>> No.6386944
File: 89 KB, 332x473, TheStrongest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only real con here is getting master sparked. But no one ever dies in gensokyo, so it's not like it's that big of a deal.

>> No.6386945

>-You will be lumped in with team ⑨.
What if I start my own team, one with demure, respectable people like the Aki sisters, Yamame & Bucket and Nazrin?

>> No.6387069

>fairy or animal youkai

This is too hard to choose. There is a certain midge, Serromyia femorata, of which females "kiss" the males after mating to deliver their digestive juices and suck out the male's digested innards back through the mouth. Further, the male's penis usually breaks off at this point, still attached to the female. On one hand, you could be a youkai version of this midge and seduce lolicons as a cute young girl, only to suck out their liquefied innards while their disembodied dicks are still cumming inside you. On the other, a warm and pure yuri romance between two fairies is the perfect relationship.

>> No.6387078

>-You become a fairy or animal youkai, your choice.

I'm not seeing the pro here, chief.

>> No.6387115

You just made my vodka gut start aching more, fuck you.

>> No.6387129

Yeah, sure.

Nothing better to do than smoke some weed with team ⑨

>> No.6387132

> Lumped with Team ⑨

Feels good bro, where do I sign up?

>> No.6387137

How would I be lumped with ⑨ when I'd go underground to fuck my waifu as soon as I reached Gensokyo?

>> No.6387142

Underground is dangerous and filled with hostiles. Wait it at the hakurei shrine

>> No.6387145
File: 67 KB, 282x322, 1274155105826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Become an animal youkai
>Find Ran or Yukari
>Become a shikigami
>Become a fairy
>Embodiment of nature
>Never die unless nature dies
>Team 9

[x] Sign and Deal

>> No.6387153

>You will be in th13
>You will have at least 4 more friends than you have now

I don't think those are cons.

Anyway, I Can't accept right now cuz I have a debt to pay. in a few years I'll go. say goodbye to my family and stuff.

>> No.6387181

I have no business with the shrine, my goal is Chireiden.

>> No.6387196

Who's your waifu?

>> No.6387216

1. Become a fairy
2. Pretend your a zombie fairy
3. Follow Rin underground
4. ????
5. Profit!!

You're Welcome

>> No.6387225
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npnp because of SSiB

>> No.6387229
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I guess the animal youkai choice would be a good pick.

>> No.6387246
File: 112 KB, 825x900, sample-2d92af3746d3c749bb6ab822d8e2b051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I still be with my waifu? I wonder if she likes stage 1 bosses

I'll earn her love even if it kills me

>> No.6387256

Well, we know she hates Yamame and is pretty xenophobic in general.

>> No.6387263


Touhou 13.999... == Touhou 14.0


>> No.6387282
File: 319 KB, 453x570, 17575723da99878a8f73b14c98f1bf0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eeeeh...I don't think showing up at her saying/thinking "HEY SATORI LETS FUCK" would work out very well.

>> No.6387311
File: 359 KB, 500x1500, baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem is, there won't be a touhou 13.999...
there will be touhou 13.999....9 and than 13.999...99
and so on but only a finite number of nines.

...Than again, even I don't know how drunk can ZUN get.

>> No.6387333
File: 859 KB, 1117x1000, 1265409752209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, of course, it wouldn't turn out like that right off the bat. We'd have to get to know each other first and build a relationship and not rush it too quickly. I don't just want sex, that was more of a figure of speech. If that was the only thing I wanted could hardly call her my waifu.

But even then, maybe she wouldn't even like me and I'd end up not being with her at all. That would suck.

>> No.6387390 [DELETED] 


>> No.6387402
File: 98 KB, 400x519, 0b4e4808da58ecd0d915548788344af0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually kind of surprised to hear from someone who thinks the same as me, and from /jp/ no less

>> No.6387416

Actually a couple of people on /jp/, including me, don't want to have sex with their Waifu(Unless she asks or begs)

>> No.6387445

You are both good people. I'm sure your waifu's would at least like you.

>> No.6387456
File: 400 KB, 708x1000, 7e817fb8280b6401b89133a05bc7cbea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just that I love her too much to push the idea of it on her, I just want to be happy with her

sure I get looked down on for this by others but that won't change how I feel or think

>> No.6387457
File: 274 KB, 1600x1200, 1265414274974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said I don't want sex with her, in fact I would find that highly agreeable. But I want it to be in the context of a serious relationship which has to be built up with time and not just because I lust after her (and I do!).

>> No.6387470

>Monkey youkai = human
>Don't be ashamed of being a furry or a weak little cannon fodder

>> No.6387543

>You will have to live with the knowledge that you'll be sexualized and spammed incessantly on the internet, as well as having a stupid meme attributed to you, which will also be spammed incessantly

Added another con for you, no need to thank me

>> No.6387553

Nazrin's already part of team Myouren.

>> No.6387560

Yeah but only 2 places have internet in Gensokyo. As a member of team9, I don't think you really have to worry about seeing it. Unless Yukari decides to taunt you with it.

>> No.6387564


Even with that I wouldn't mind. Hell, I'd like to inspect a bit of it. Only the yuri doujins though, everything else I'd rather ignore.

>> No.6387565

I dont care. I just would like to be youkai.... (just not animal one, because being animal youkai doesnt suit me)

>> No.6387602

I'll become some sort of beast youkai, it doesn't really matter. The DBZ clause of

>If you work hard, you can become incredibly skilled in anything you choose.

is what makes this awesome, since everyone in Gensokyo is lazy and never trains. I'll adapt my already tuned shmup skills and train at danmaku every day. I'll hold back for Stage 1 then come back as the EX boss.

>> No.6387612

Am I still a male and do I retain my age? I almost don't want to become a little girl in this case, unless magical penises are readily available outside of Yukari and Eirin.

>> No.6387613
File: 354 KB, 840x910, 3afdc38eb753ac72a257431910f77ebc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least being a youkai lets me have the same lifespan as my waifu

I also wish to have half-youkai half-kappa children one day

>> No.6387672
File: 217 KB, 1280x1000, 8337067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fetish is to be attacked by Reimu and scolded for being a bad youkai who does bad things who needed to be punished. I'll gladly throw my little panda-girl body in her way.

>> No.6387717
File: 213 KB, 650x613, e5ec5dbfc0c13be36bd0dda9c5b05bd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Nazrin would take a weak little mouse youkai under her wing and teach it to be a great dowser some day. And then hopefully there could be a student/teacher romance between us.

>> No.6387736
File: 239 KB, 652x693, 9833678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I get a big warm onee-san to get me through the hard days?

>> No.6387738
File: 589 KB, 720x540, take it all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-You will be the stage 1 boss of TH13.
-You will be lumped in with team ⑨.

>> No.6387774
File: 617 KB, 560x747, ef67822f54535c2b981fc9a38f13ff75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sends my life in your hands, Yukari. Send me there, no matter of cons!

>> No.6387792

Wait what. I assume that's from the three fairies manga. Why is Marisa a tanuki?

>> No.6387829

I'd do it in a heartbeat.
I'm having trouble choosing between fairy or animal youkai though, so I'd just flip a coin beforehand or something.

>> No.6387869

In respective hyphens:

- I'll have to go Tengu here. I'd go with Nekomata, but I don't want barbs on my penis.
- I'll just hang with the human village and be a Stage 1 Boss for a living.
- And I'll piss it away the same as I am now.
- With no responsibilities, I can get right on that.

- I'll work something out. Marisa or Rinnosuke must have at least, like, an old IBM. I'll manage somehow.
- Sounds pretty badass to me: naive newcomer manages to be considered a stage boss, bitching.
- And I'll enjoy every moment.
- I get all this AND daughters to raise? This is the greatest deal ever ;_; Or maybe that just means I can become their leader and be the star of TH14.

>> No.6387880

[x] Accept
See you on the other side, /jp/.

>> No.6387885

Silly anon, you will become a little girl.

>> No.6387924

I wish this actually happened....

>> No.6387929

I swear to god, the only way for this deal to get sweeter is if the Buddha himself appeared and gave me paizuri.

>> No.6387969

-Solid, solid. Something that involves fire to reflect the BLAZING SOUL WITHIN.
-This is -the perfect life-. Seriously.
-Nice, I love living.

-Everything else will be significantly more exciting than anything the Internet or any VNs could offer.
-I'm a boss? That's already a pretty awesome role. Way better than being one of those derpy things that fires one bullet and dies before it leaves the screen. No issues here.
-This is me giving a fuck.
-This is perfect. They're the ragtag band of misfits I need for my hotblooded squad of heroes, living day to day on the ragged edge of disaster. We'll take down Reimu and make her stop ruining everyone's plans for parties and resurrections. Cirno will be my second in command.

>> No.6388008
File: 20 KB, 168x142, yukkureimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukkuri offers to transport you to Gensokyo.



>> No.6388027

>No more internet or VNs.
But, but... The best part about going to Gensokyo isn't becoming the little girl - it's showing everyone online that I did!

>> No.6388050
File: 467 KB, 1141x1600, reimu average day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Team ⑨ steps in and beats up Reimu because she's a bitch to absolutely everyone
Why is this not a game yet?

>> No.6388056

Reimu could take all of team 9 firing spellcards at her at once.

>> No.6388076

Because it's stupid, just like you.

>> No.6388082
File: 428 KB, 1333x1000, 1288710544048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Immortal, or rather last as long as nature itself
- Zero responsibilities other than existing... you don't even have to get involved in youkai/human affairs

Being a fairy really wouldn't be so bad.

>> No.6388084

Do I get to choose which power I get?

Also, I can probably bypass the internet thing by befriending the moon people or the kappa.

>> No.6388085

Look, just make your disappearance into a big news piece complete with a note stating that you have ascended to little girlhood.

>> No.6388091

Sign me up.

>> No.6388101

I'd be a Tiger Tank Youkai

>> No.6388125

No genderswap, right?
I'd be the first man-fairy then.

>> No.6388134

I'm surprise people want to be fairies. You do realize they don't have vaginas, right?

>> No.6388139

But then you'd get all the Tiger's horrible technical problems.
You'd be pissing all over the place, constantly.

>> No.6388146

Very well.

Can I work hard enough to also be a higher-level boss? Stage 5, 6, and so on?

>> No.6388162

You'll have to make friends with a stronger, final-boss worthy youkai who's apt to start an incedent. The upper reaches of bossdom are reserved for plot-relevant characters.

This would be difficult, considering you're part of team ⑨.

>> No.6388202
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x960, 1288448943190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least then it's impossible to get dicked. Assuming that mentally I'm still the same as I am now, that's ideal.

I guess I better I hope I don't end up with a mouth like Luna's then..

>> No.6388208

three invisible dicks.jpg

>> No.6388220
File: 341 KB, 640x480, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Luna, what's "sex"?

>> No.6388231


>> No.6388262

-I'll go will a snake youkai
-Sounds cool
-Hells yeah

-Fucking finally. The internet started sucking during 2005 anyway
-Can I come back in the last stage?

>> No.6388282

>[citation needed]

>> No.6388292

Stop trying to bait us into filling this thread with 3 fairies porn.

>> No.6388304

I see no cons here. Be an animal youkai and get to hang out with the 9 squad, get master sparked and make friends!

Sounds like heaven.

>> No.6388310

>animal youkai

Good luck having sex with a man when you're in heat.

>> No.6388316

or be a man and rape everything

>> No.6388319

So, you're a girl now, act like one. What's the big deal.

>> No.6388320

The only problem is selecting what kind of youkai to be...I could be a fairy too...Mantis youkai? Hawk? Gargoyle? Are gargoyles even allowed? So many possibilities...

>> No.6388322
File: 138 KB, 1372x289, Momiji_heat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6388335

that won't be a problem, gensokyo is infested with hordes of faceless men who exist solely for that one reason.

>> No.6388346
File: 120 KB, 874x890, 1287895452282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6388353

>Implying that without proper grade equipment, that Tigers were prone to mechanical failure all the time

>Implying that Tigers even though they had some problems due to sub standard equipment late in the war that they still weren't feared by the western Allies.

>> No.6388447

>you gonna get maser spark'd
best con EVAR

>> No.6388475

Well, who's gonna maintain you?

Adelle leaks oil, ze.

>> No.6388483
File: 146 KB, 945x1299, nitori gloves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who do you think

>> No.6388642

Stage 6/EX bosses may get more respect, but everyone gets to see the Stage 1 bosses! This is the only pro necessary!

>> No.6388656

I don't want to be a fairy, getting raped by mikos and witches all day.
Fuck Animal Youkai as well, Tengu is where it's at. I'd go for Bear Tengu at that.

>> No.6388686
File: 19 KB, 400x300, i am a banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think tengu are allowed to be Stage 1 bosses.

>> No.6388687

When I heard there was an official manga about fairies I hoped it was just about them hearing about something fun happening, going there, and then getting freight trained by a player character.

>> No.6388691


>> No.6388693

Google it, bitch.

>> No.6388700
File: 457 KB, 1056x738, 9429456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me holding the camera.

>> No.6388706

This thread stinks of pooshlmer/CYOA bullshit. Reported.

>> No.6388712

There hasn't been an ounce of CYOA content in here. Are you retarded?

>> No.6388716

Yeah, but it was approved by a janitor the whole day. Sadly.

>> No.6388749

but what kind of animal youkai? the high level human shape ones, or the low level animal shaped mindless beasts?

i'd rather be a fairy if the second one's the alternative.

>> No.6388757


Read the thread faggots. Assuming shit is for lesser posters from lesser boards.

>> No.6388760 [DELETED] 

Fantasizing about Touhou keeps our autism from going into the red zone and overloading.

>> No.6388795

There are no mindless beasts. That's just what humans told themselves while patting themselves on the back after a long day of youkai slaying.

>> No.6388806

I DID read the thread, anon. This thread is really horrible in my opinion.

>> No.6390016

>No more internet or VNs.

Fuck this. If this works, we'll get like 40-50 Anonymous fairies/youkai in Gensokyo. All we need to do is spreading around the place, conducting regular searches for computer parts passing in from the border and putting them together. As for electricity, out of 50 people at least someone is bound to have an ability able to power a computer.

Afterwards, all we have to do is finding valuable items and trading them to more powerful youkai (if they don't beat us and take it first) to take the computer (a laptop would be preferable but most youkai can lift a computer of any size no problem, they may break it in the process though. ) to the outside world, torrent the latest VNs and comiket bounty and get back into Gensokyo for the eager team Anonymous to read.

I have a five-stage plan ready in case /jp/ ever ends up in Gensokyo. A meeting place should be established though.

>> No.6390037


Hmm, a meeting place? How 'bout the Hakurei Shrine? We need Reimu's permission first, though.

>> No.6390042

No offense to /jp/ or anything, but if I made it to Gensokyo, the last people I would hang out with are fellow transformed /jp/ers.

>> No.6390089

Hell no. Reimu's response will be "Awesome, a youkai gathering! I'll exterminate all at once and save myself the effort of hunting them down! "

>> No.6390107


Of course, someone needs to talk to her, that /jp/ just needs a meeting place then move on.

Or we could just use another meeting place? Perhaps near the bamboo forest of the lost, or near Byakuren's ship-shrine thing.

>> No.6390118

Best line in fairy wars.

>> No.6390127


>Yukari offers

I love Madame Yukari to bits, but I wouldn't take any of HER offers, before she gaps my private parts all over my body.

>> No.6390138


But Yukari's a lady, she wouldn't do that.

Unless you fuck with her.

>> No.6390144

None of the pros are pros to me.

>> No.6390145


Yukari enjoys ruthlessly pranking even her closest friends and allies, like Reimu, for little or no reason.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what your chances are there.

>> No.6390156

I'd still take those chances. But if she were to drop me near Keine, Mokou or near Eientei I am screwed.

>> No.6390175

I would agree to it. I will do anything beautiful Yukari says.

>> No.6390206

You now realize that the food source of predatory youkai consists entirely of outsiders who were dumb enough to take Yukari's deal.

>> No.6390216
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Getting eaten by Yuuka; not so bad end anyway.

>> No.6390222
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If they're trying to eat me, they're clearly hostile. I feel it would be well within my rights to employ deadly force in my defense.

(Only fancy stocks work in Gensokyo.)

>> No.6390286

what in the frozen rage lakes of firy'guth makes you think that's important?

>> No.6390415

>outsiders who were dumb enough to take Yukari's deal.
If we were dumb enough, we'd be dead already.


That is one small rifle.

>> No.6390451


It's chambered for the .30-06. That'll take down a bear.

>> No.6390461

Most Touhous could take down a dozen bears in hand to hand combat. The ones who would actually going around eating people, probably a thousand. A direct hit from a recoilless rifle probably only do minor damage to Yuka.

>> No.6390478


If Yuuka wants you dead, you're dead. If random fairy #24601 or someone of Rumia's level thinks you'd make an easy late night snack, it might be enough.

>> No.6390490


Bear youkai!

>> No.6390504
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>> No.6390506


If I can choose, I would be the fairy of TECHNOLOGY.

While they are using spell cards on each other, I'll be pimping with my BFG9000.

>> No.6390511
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Technology isn't a force of nature.

>> No.6390534

I'm sorry.

You can't carry that over.

>> No.6390536

>Reimu could take all of team 9 firing spellcards at her at once.

Cirno and Mystia already beat Reimu. Alone.

>> No.6390609

but will i become 2d in a 2d world?

if yes cont me in,

if not, not interested

>> No.6390934
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Posting ⑨ in a ⑨ thread.

>> No.6390940
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>> No.6390941

PoFV isn't canon.

>> No.6390945
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buttfrustrated miko lover detected

>> No.6390949
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>> No.6390950
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>> No.6390964
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Can I be a ⑨ too?

>> No.6391007
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God, yes! I would kill to get into Gensokyo!
>My reaction if it would happen

>> No.6391011

>-You will be the stage 1 boss of TH13.
>-You gonna get master spark'd.
So long as I don't die I'm okay with this.

>> No.6391035
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That's not funny...

>> No.6391045

-You will be the stage 1 boss of TH13.
-You gonna get master spark'd.
-You will be lumped in with team ⑨.
not cons

Also I accept, I will be a fairy who is actually in a relationship with Cirno, my magic is based on wind

>> No.6391070
File: 64 KB, 750x797, cuelebretouhouawesomeversion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah being a cuelebre

>> No.6391080

- You'll be a target for thousands of fap sessions and you'll be sexualized to no end.

Nah, kidding. It's a pro, we all know we would love it.

>> No.6391096

Will you have a sheltered Xana imouto whom you jealously guard from the harsh outside world, working hard every day and fighting valiant knights (if there's a vampire mansion in Gensokyo, knights wouldn't be out of place either) seeking to kill you so that you can feed her properly and give her the happiest life you can? Obviously, being on /jp/, you'd also be a perverted elder sister and molest her during the night, telling her it's the natural thing for sisters to do.

>> No.6391105

that kinda goes with being a cuelebre, doesnt it?

the question is how many times i will have to say "i am not a dragon!"

>> No.6391126
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Please don't rape me Yuka-oneesama♥

>> No.6391303

I wish so much that master Yukari could appear and do it ;_;
