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6383507 No.6383507 [Reply] [Original]

anyone got good sites for share and perfect dark node lists?

>> No.6383509

Yes but I won't tell you.

>> No.6383512

Why not? I thought we were bros

>> No.6383513

Boom, headshot.

>> No.6383516

I'm not your 'bro'. Don't call me or anybody here that.

>> No.6383517

This is relevant to my interests.
I reinstalled Perfect Dark, but http://p2p-db.net is dead.
Node list would be appreciated.

>> No.6383525

While I'm at it, any english communities still have an active forum to help people troubleshoot problems related to jap p2p?

bbs.chiisai.net hasn't been relevant for years

>> No.6383549

Need answers

don't you guys use this stuff anymore?

>> No.6383553
File: 957 KB, 1200x1800, AlyonaG01_060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PD: http://perfectdark.benri-tool.net/node/nodes.txt

Share(TCP): http://sharehash.s13.dxbeat.com/cgi-bin/nodes.txt

Share(UDP): http://sharehash.s13.dxbeat.com/cgi-bin/nodes_nt.txt

>> No.6383566

I use it, but I don't like people like you.

>> No.6383574


do these get updated regularly?

>> No.6383584

Yup. You can also submit your node.
Click "ノードを登録する" = submit


>> No.6383599

Great, that's exactly what I was looking for!
