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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 970 KB, 1200x1440, 55a79acd2fbf42734d9ec555a328d02a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6382745 No.6382745 [Reply] [Original]

>Why are loli threads permitted if you don't like CP?
>we don't "allow" them, we just don't catch all of them. they're against the rules and are removed on sight.
moot is a faggot

>> No.6382754 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 301x267, thumbs up loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moot is a faggot
What an original insight, I'm sure this isn't apparent to anyone else.

>> No.6382756

he's slowly becoming lowtax

>> No.6382757

News at 11

>> No.6382758

He is gay, yes. What about it?

>> No.6382759

Goddamn, I really hate moot for that. What a fucking faggot.

>> No.6382761
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>> No.6382762


It's true.
to get moot's name+trip put Moot#faggot in your name field.

>> No.6382764
File: 40 KB, 388x282, create_lunachild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well post some fairies

>> No.6382774

Yes. He said it in the Thread.

>> No.6382775 [DELETED] 

But where else on the internet is there for people like us to talk?

inb4 bunbunmaru

>> No.6382777

>uppercase M

>> No.6382780
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>> No.6382782 [DELETED] 
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No, I mean, appreciators of loli, not child molesters.

>> No.6382787

You're right.
Jesus christ, moot, I didn't like you much before, but...god damn...

>> No.6382788
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oh. how about notfourchan then?

>> No.6382789

otakutalk is better

>> No.6382791

It might be against American law for moot to run a 4chan where loli isn't deleted on sight.

>> No.6382795
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>> No.6382798

I know that another international forum, hosted in Britain, where I frequent is required - by law - to delete Holocaust denial on sight and ban offending users - because Holocaust denial is illegal there.

>> No.6382801 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 360x360, parsee watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys all know he primarily meant loli on /b/ right?

>> No.6382800

I'm fairly sure he meant 3D loli.

>> No.6382805

What thread did he say this in?

>> No.6382806

>we just don't catch all of them.
Well, he's certainly right about that.

>> No.6382809

>>ps. do you check your e-mail?
>i read all of it, usually within minutes
For everyone who thinks mailing moot is of use.

>> No.6382813

That would be an incredible stretch.

>> No.6382818
File: 54 KB, 135x196, aicolonel[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I value protection of important truths over freedom of speech.

>> No.6382819

>no, but i'm probably one of the least girl-crazy guys on the planet
not a complete faggot.

>> No.6382821

No, read the thread.

Also, since they were talking about /b/, he is saying he deletes it even from there.

>> No.6382824

I don't think I can believe that.

>> No.6382824,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

You have been banned from all boards for the following reason:


Your ban was filed on November 1st, 2010, and expires on November 8th, 2010, which is 7 days from now.

>> No.6382833

>I'm still here. So do you actually REPLY to any of it? I immagine you must get hundreds, if not thousands of emails a day.
>some. i get less than a hundred, and most is unban request/spam/complaints/etc

>> No.6382836

Which thread?

Also, for future clarity, just call 3d loli CP.

>> No.6382837

>nope. i haven't followed anime in years.

He has completely become a normalfag.

>> No.6382841

If this is news to you, you really haven't been paying attention for the last few years. 4chan has died, its owner has revealed his true colours, people have moved on. I suggest you all do the same. When 4chan finally goes offline, there are places for us to go.

>> No.6382848

>there are places for us to go

>> No.6382849

Let's not ruin a potential fairies thread.

>> No.6382855

I'd like to hear of those places before that time.

Because I know none.

>> No.6382857

He says he frequents /b/ the most out of any board.

Why? Honestly, it's facebook 2.0 nowadays.

>> No.6382859
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It's kind of like copyright enforcement. You probably won't be seen doing it, but if you are then you get a boot print between your legs.

>> No.6382859,1 [INTERNAL] 

Wait, what?

>> No.6382861

>potential fairies thread

huehuehuhe It never was and it's even less likely to be now. I would enjoy if people stop posting about moot though

>> No.6382862
File: 115 KB, 407x313, police-state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorry, but i'm not going to jail for someone who broke the law. we comply with all valid subpoenas and search warrants, as required to do so by law.

moot works with the fbi and police to bring you down.

>> No.6382863

Hardly a proof. I haven't followed anime in years either, and I've seen many people on /jp/ admitting to the same.

>> No.6382867


I go to /bun/, Tohno-chan... After 4chan goes under, traffic on those sites will increase hundredfold. It'll be like /jp/, only hopefully not quite as shitty. At the moment, moderation is pretty good, but traffic is slow.

>> No.6382875

Because it's the main source of 4chan's popularity and fame.

It's the heart of 4chan actually. You may like it or don't but it's true.

>> No.6382876

i got it more like he´s talking about the NSFW-kind of loli threads

>> No.6382879
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>> No.6382882


>Honestly, it's facebook 2.0 nowadays.

You said it yourself.

>> No.6382885

He is such an apathetic faggot

>> No.6382886
File: 86 KB, 400x565, don't sexualize us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute not pedo

>> No.6382888

>It's the heart of 4chan actually.

More like intestines.

>> No.6382889
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>> No.6382895
File: 69 KB, 446x600, 1286745160989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck moot, is there anything wrong with you? You seem WAY too fucking normal.. like too much. Tell me something that is NOT normal about you for once.
>You seem like a pretty cool dude either way.

>a journalist asked this to my father. he spent a day with me and interviewing my friends/colleagues and didn't understand how i could be the one that created 4chan, and as he put it "couldn't understand how to fit the square peg into a round hole"
>the best way i have of describing it is "i didn't define it, and it doesn't define me"
>4chan is a framework of pictures and text. i've always been extremely hands off with dictating what gets posted, past general categories and rules. i support providing a place to discuss anything, although i don't agree with everything that's posted.

>> No.6382897

Get out, faggot. bun and tohno are just as bad as /jp/, the only difference is that /jp/ is bigger, but they would be exactly the same if they had the same number of users.

>> No.6382898

He also says he hardly ever playes videogames and that he hangs out in /b/ the most.

Also, Snacks thought he was gay up to last year.

>> No.6382905


Yeah, well, at least they're not run by moot.

>> No.6382910

If they're not any better or worse, then why wouldn't we go there in the event that /jp/ closes for whatever absurd reason?

Also why the fuck are people even posting in this thread, myself included.

>> No.6382914

>yeah i guess. wtsnacks thought i was gay until last december.

>> No.6382915

Instead they are run by other retarded people. How nice.

>> No.6382918


I'd take those people over a complete fucking normalfag who doesn't care one whit about his own website any day of the week.

>> No.6382920

That's true but if he was comming to 4chan just to fuck around on the internet why not go elsewhere? I'm sure even he realises it's full of scene kids and clueless internet faggots now.

>> No.6382926

At least they allow loli there, one of the essences of /jp/'s being. And they also see a distinction between it and real CP.

>> No.6382927


>I'm sure even he realises it's full of scene kids and clueless internet faggots now.

Which is exactly why he comes here. Don't you get it?

>> No.6382935

>consensual and in the missionary position
moot loves it like that

>> No.6382936

That's not true, anon. That only applies to /jp/ and some other boards.

And you speak as it is easy to keep track of such a huge website.

I dislike moot as well, but I won't ignore nonsense.

>> No.6382944

Do you think moot moderates /jp/? He pretends it doesn't exist half of the time.

>> No.6382945

The problem with moot, it seems, is that he completely lacks any kind of balls. He's began living this carefree, humble existence with no desire to prove anything to anyone or attempt any self-improvement. It's kind of sad, as he is obviously intelligent and has potential. If he didn't choose to be this pathetic and was at least a bit of an asshole, he could accomplish great things.

>> No.6382952

He does exactly what /jp/ wishes they could do with their lives until the day they die.

"Taking it easy" bullshit.

>> No.6382953

To the people who say that 4chan will close down. It is fucking true, just google moot canvas.

>Poole is still remaining tight-lipped on the exact details of Canvas, but he did tell us that it is “a re-imagination of the online community– a look at what forums might be if they were invented today.” A few months ago, Poole told The New York Times’ Nick Bilton that he was “working on a new project to reimagine what an image board should be today using the current technologies available.” It also appears Poole has bought the domain “Canv.as” for the project.

>Whatever Canvas really as, it has to be fairly innovative, considering that some of tech’s most notable and astute investors are betting on the product. Poole may share more details on the stealth project at TechCrunch Disrupt next week, where he will be speaking at the conference. Poole will be sitting on the “Digital Crowds Into Dollars” panel along with Judy Hu, Global Executive Director – Advertising & Branding, GE;
Brian Pokorny, CEO, dailybooth; and Andrey Ternovskiy, CEO, Chatroulette.

He wants to create some kind of facebook/forum/myspace. What do you think will happen once he finishes this? Either you get thrown out or you have to go over there.

>> No.6382955

the only problem with loli on /jp/ is, that it´s intentionally belongs to /b/ (even the global rules say that.. )

>> No.6382959


I know, but I'm not comfortable knowing my favourite board on the internet could vanish at the whim of such a person. /jp/ only exists because moot tolerates it, and knowing that he hates it, I can't help but be a little anxious.

>> No.6382963

Okay, so can we fucking agree on a place to go to now? Whenever a few valid alternatives are mentioned it's "lolno those are shit".

>> No.6382966

You do realize moot just said he deletes loli on /b/, because he considers it the same as CP.

>> No.6382969

It doesn't belong on /b/ anymore than anything else does, /b/ is a catch-all board. Look, VNs are filled with little girls whom you can have sex with, it's appropriate to have it here.

>> No.6382977
File: 16 KB, 350x150, bun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6382980


That's impossible. There's always people who'll hate one board and like another, and everyone has a different opinion. Even if we were to create the perfect evacuation plan, the community would certainly be split up. /jp/ as we know it will stop existing the moment moot deletes it, and that's final.

>> No.6382982

Honestly Tohno-chan seems like the best alternative

It's more active than /bun/ and iichan, has a waifu board, and even though it's on ib4f there are plans to move to a new host

>> No.6382984

I actually expect that normalfags will swarm this site, leaving us finally alone. God, where do I store all this hope.

>> No.6382985


I'd probably actually cry if /jp/ were deleted.

I love this board so much.

>> No.6382989

Get out /bun/ fags and devs and joneses.

>> No.6382994

Yeesh, what do you expect him to say? "Loli is fine, post as much as you want. Screw the laws (potentially depending on your location), we're 4chan!"? If anything, he's stating what the rules should be, legally speaking, even if they may not be enforced. Plausible deniability.

The most extreme shit might get deleted if it goes too far over the line (then again, it's always been like that), but for the most part it will go unmoderated. Why? Because the FBI and other law enforcement agencies DO watch 4chan, and if moot said anything different, he'd be in shit.

>> No.6382995

You know that moot will pull the plug when everyone leaves and only 1/4 of the normal people are here?
4chan is something like a disgrace to him, he would gladly delete it from his file and show the world that he can do 100 times better with his new site.
That is how normal people think, my friend. Use something as a stepping stone and let it disappear into the darkness.

>> No.6382999

Loli isn't illegal in the US. The only reason moot doesn't like it is because the advertisers don't like it, which makes him look like a corporate suck-up.

>> No.6383001

yeah, people don't realize such obvious things.

>> No.6383010

moot is convinced /jp/ hates him and refuses to police /jp/ out of fear that any moderation done by him will come with a massive backlash.

Gentlemen, mission accomplished. We have no problem here.

>> No.6383017

he will take that back once he realizes his fame is gone.

4chan is moot's pride and joy. It's the only successful or popular thing he will ever achieve on his entire life. He DOES care and like a lot this website.

>> No.6383021

>a massive backlash
such as? anonymous ddos´ing 4chan or wat? or maybe he´s afraid of crazy jptards spamming his phone 24/7?

>> No.6383029

He will open his mailbox and find it filled with CP.

>> No.6383033


No, just having to enact complete threadbans because they upset him. It seems even he realizes that if you ban an entire community, there's no community there.

>> No.6383052

prolly some filter

>> No.6383075

4chan Global Rule Number One:
>Do not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to, anything that violates local or United States law. This will be severely punished and strictly enforced.

How the fuck this thread got as long as it did, I don't fucking know.

>> No.6383083


Which is ironic given the fact that /l/ was around for a while, and moot only got rid of it because of pressure from advertisers.

Guess his opinions on defending freedom of expression are a bit more tight these days.

>> No.6383098

The authority of the federal government exceeds that of moot, as unfortunate as that is.

>> No.6383108


I am Caesar. My authority exceeds all others.

There will be loli.

>> No.6383111
File: 95 KB, 400x400, wat11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don´t get what´s the problem with those adfags.
- loli isn´t against any law
- 4chan is 18+ anyways
- they´re advertising hentai games (including lolis), pantsu and onaholes themselve

>> No.6383115

The federal government views 4chan as a bunch of harmless college kids. They have bigger fish to fry.

>> No.6383120

There's other things in life besides masturbating to naked crying children.

>> No.6383123


>loli isn´t against any law

Yes it is, Jesus Christ do you faggots live in a cave or som- Oh wait, nevermind.

>> No.6383124


So where's the supreme court ruling on this matter?

To my knowledge a case hasn't been brought to them.

>> No.6383127

Oh boy, the faggots who hang on to every word Lord Moot says are going to make things fun when they visit from /a/ now.

>> No.6383129

yeah on >>>/b/ were it's allowed

>> No.6383135


See: >>6383124

If you can't show me a federal court case, what you say doesn't mean shit.

Regional cases don't count.... especially the Handley case.

>> No.6383136

>I am Caesar. My authority exceeds all others.
maybe two thousand years ago. You're a bit late to the party.
You liked boys anyways, Gaius

>> No.6383137

Boy I sure do love living in a country where you won't go before a judge because you masturbated to a drawing of a fictional character.

>> No.6383144


In nearly all cases it's been evalutated it violates the MIller Test of obscenity, in the US. There are laws against obscenity.

>> No.6383145

Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, 2002, ruled that child pornography can be outlawed due to obscenity under the Miller test. The PROTECT Act of 2003 criminalizes loli doujinishi. Deal with it.

>> No.6383149

The supreme court ruling is that it's protected free speech and they overturn the law. That doesn't stop lawmakers from going back and making the same illegal law over again, though.

>> No.6383154

They passed a new law operating within the confines of the ruling set down by the Supreme Court. The old was was illegal because it was excessively broad.

>> No.6383158

Simulated child pornography, obviously. An important word not to miss.

>> No.6383160

Moot has gone on record several times as stating he HATES /jp/

He even deleted /jp/ once, but everyone invaded /a/ like some sort of VN/Touhou /b/ invasion, and he had to bring /jp/ back up.

Thats right /jp/, you're just as bad as /b/

>> No.6383162

>Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, 2002, ruled that child pornography can be outlawed due to obscenity under the Miller test

Obscene is when you look at something in public. It doesn't affect what you do on your computer at home.

>The PROTECT Act of 2003 criminalizes loli doujinishi. Deal with it.

That part of the PROTECT Act has been overturned by the Supreme Court already.

>> No.6383164

>Regional cases don't count

NEWS FLASH: States and local jurisdictions are allowed to pass their own laws without advance permission from the federal government.

>> No.6383168


He hates the people that made 4chan what it was at its beginning. If it wasn't for people like us there would be no 4chan.

As usual, the most important people are thrown into the gutter and disrespected. Outcasts.

>> No.6383172

This thread:
Touhou lolis -> loli boards -> HERP DERP LOLI IS ILLEGAL -> OH NOEZ MOOT WILL DELETE /jp/ SOON -> OMG SICK LOLICONS! YOU CAN´T DO THAT ON THE INTERNET! -> no it isn´t illegal. just let me explain wh-- ->NOOO!! IT`S ILLEGAL! IT`S EVIL EVIL EVIL!!!!!!!!!11oneone

>> No.6383174

This is a buffer board like /new/. It keeps the shitheads mostly out of /k/

>> No.6383176

The only reason why /jp/ was deleted was to fix something with crosslinking.

>> No.6383177

Really? Where you here in 2003?
/jp/ acts nothing like old /b/.
Stop pretending.
Old /b/ had fun for the sake of having fun.
/jp/ is nothing but criticizing other posts.
The board shouldn't exist at all since no one wants to discuss VNs at all.

>> No.6383182

>Obscene is when you look at something in public. It doesn't affect what you do on your computer at home.
It does if people can demonstrate that your images were acquired over the internet, which they obviously were.

>That part of the PROTECT Act has been overturned by the Supreme Court already.
No. It was challenged by Williams, the challenge was rejected by the district court, that decision was reversed by the Eleventh Circuit, which was in turn reversed by the Supreme Court which upheld the law.

>> No.6383186

What the fuck would you expect? How fucking retarded are you?
Let's delete /a/ and see what happens.

Now go back to your garbage dump of a board, faggot.

>> No.6383190


You do realize that neither of those laws would criminalize a drawn picture of Flandre naked, right? There's a lot of gray area, and I don't think many in a city of logical, rational people would consider anything less than outright fucking to be "obscene."

>> No.6383191


We're the closest thing remaining to 4chan's beginning. Though even we barely resemble it, we remain the closest living descendants.

>> No.6383194

maybe if there weren't so many shitty/spam threads or /b/a/v/ies spamming their memes we could discuss everything like the slow, easygoing board we used to be

>> No.6383197

Actually demonstrating why the PROTECT Act magically doesn't criminalize loli doujinishi would be a better use of your time than trying to ridicule the people you disagree with by acting like a retard.

>> No.6383202

No... A-san who has been here since mid 2004 said /a/ is the closest thing 4chan has.
Seriously what makes you think /jp/ is anywhere near old /b/? You guys do nothing but cry ALL day.

>> No.6383211


I say it doesn't count because nothing is stopping you from just up and moving to a more liberal, sane, secular society.

>> No.6383214


I am Caesar. My word trumps the word of your plebian witness.

>> No.6383216

We are not the spiritual successor to old /b/. Deal with it.

The average normalfag thinks that people who jack off to drawings of girls who look like they're ten are sick disgusting pedophiles.

>> No.6383217

highschool dropout detected

>> No.6383226
File: 122 KB, 1733x437, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the post.

>> No.6383228

Yeah and they're correct because the person masturbating is aroused by a child.

>> No.6383231


Mods are in league with moot. They have betrayed Rome. Their word is inadmissable in Caesar's court.

>> No.6383232

>which was in turn reversed by the Supreme Court which upheld the law.

It was revised to disallow loli. He still had other CP, too, so he went to jail, anyway.

>> No.6383235

Still, a picture of what seems to be a toddler being sodomized by a large fat dude would raise more than an eyebrow from any officers, and you WILL get investigated.

- Holy shit, Mike. Take a look at what just arrived to customs.
- Is... Is that a 5 years old girl? What a sick fuck this guy must be.
- Hang on, I'm calling the boys at the central. I think we got another one.

>> No.6383240

Clearly Carthage must be destroyed.

>> No.6383248
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>> No.6383256

Looks like the reason /a/ went to shit wasn't newfag summer after all.

As such
>/a/ is my favorite board
Opinions = invalid

>> No.6383262

I don't see anywhere in the syllabus of the case that any part of the law was overturned. I can't be arsed to read the whole thing since it's fifty pages long. As far as I know this is the only Supreme Court case that has had anything to deal with the PROTECT Act.


>> No.6383264
File: 827 KB, 1200x1800, AnjelikaL05_026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just post worksafe lolis.

>> No.6383270

This person is angry because he was corrected.

>> No.6383273

It's his favorite board because of the reasons he listed
And A-san doesn't really watch anime anymore.

>> No.6383275


You sound upset.

>> No.6383277


Doesn't watch anime anymore? Sounds familiar. The name escapes me... moat? poot? Huh. Something like that.

>> No.6383278

Yeah because if someone saw you watch that type of stuff at work it would be "safe"

Its not like you would get fired and killed when you left the building at all noo.

>> No.6383282

/a/? Yeah, that does remind me of /b/ at times. /b/ at the time whilst it was turning to shit but wasn't all there yet. The whole "doubles" thing is vaguely reminiscent of the "guess your fortune" obnoxious crap that eventually led to the feature getting pulled, or to the equally irritating "guess your post number" shit. Green-text threads are the rough equivalent of the "new-fags can't post in >green" rubbish there was.
There is still some worthwhile discussion in /a/, but it is buried under a mountain of shit.

>> No.6383286

U MAD-posts aren´t the best way to convince everyone of the contrary

>> No.6383296


Well, of course. I would never expect such an image to not cause alarm.

>> No.6383297

Whats your point? Most of /jp/ doesn't watch anime anymore. You going to compare them to moot?

Hey, every board turns to shit.
/a/ is really segregated in that the most of the shitty posters tend to the same threads.
If you want to have a good discussion you make it on the right topic.

>> No.6383298

Shit posts get replied to by shit posts.

Correct: What you said is wrong for the following reasons.

>> No.6383307


That I'm a high school dropout? I'm not, but who cares? This is /jp/. That isn't pertinent to what I posted in the first place anyhow.

>> No.6383308


Yeah, it's a funny thing. I have a hard drive full of anime and countless dvds, but I don't really watch them... I haven't watched much for the last two years.

>> No.6383309


>> No.6383318
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>> No.6383320
File: 18 KB, 184x159, nofunnyawllow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advocating child pornography
>expecting to get taken seriously
Maybe some of you guys should team up with NAMBLA

>> No.6383324

No children are actually molested in the production of loli doujinishi, but thanks for playing.

>> No.6383330

It might as well be because it doesn't make it any less disgusting.

>> No.6383331
File: 14 KB, 800x300, RVR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virtual children have rights too! ;__;

>> No.6383333


What turns a board, and the site as a whole to shit is a large userbase. It's sad, but the more recognized 4chan is, the worse it gets.
I still enjoy this place, but I do remember having a lot more fun when I first discovered it in 04. I could actually tolerate /b/, and I do admit to visiting /l/ right before it died.

>> No.6383338

I think a lot of things are disgusting, but I'm not about to put people into jail for it unless involves things like, say, the raping of children.

>> No.6383340
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>> No.6383346

If you think that the real problem with child pornography is that "it's disgusting" and not that it involves child rape, then you have problems.

>> No.6383349

I don't like boys, though. It's child erotica and not pornography, anyway.

>> No.6383351
File: 10 KB, 180x222, 180px-Miles_Antwiler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep reaching for the dream guys! Seriously i've seen furrys less in denial.

>> No.6383352
File: 945 KB, 1200x1800, SashaD08_024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6383355

That's nice. Nobody cares.


>> No.6383357
File: 23 KB, 640x480, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't too list everything that's wrong with it. It should be self evident to anybody who isn't fucking crazy

>> No.6383361

That's nice. Enjoy your feelings of superiority.

>> No.6383366
File: 522 KB, 1752x2628, 1262074032185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you are. Here, try masturbating to this. See if it works out for you.

>> No.6383376

That's nice. Enjoy yours as well. Although mine is more valid.

>> No.6383382

>masturbate to both loli and mature women

I fail to see this making me a pedophile.
Anyways you guys should be arguing something more worthwhile than this.
Loli is fine until is turns 3D then things go the wrong direction.

>> No.6383386


I could do it.
