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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 261 KB, 731x1100, not_so_innocent____by_floatyman-d2z65ly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6380799 No.6380799 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6380806

I though that was Flandre for a second.

3D Pig actually somewhat attractive

>> No.6380810

Damn I want a donut

>> No.6380815


>> No.6380818

You mean the doughnut, right? The girl looks as ugly as every other 3D pig.

>> No.6380819

Sorry it's not Nitori instead, Shifty.

>> No.6380826


I'd eat both.

>> No.6380832

You can get diseased that way.

>> No.6380838


>> No.6380850


yeah man, you don't know where that donut has been.

>> No.6380854

The most you could get from eating food off the floor is a bacteria infection that will go away after a week. People, on the other hand, will give you actual diseases.

>> No.6380865


What the fuck happened to this place? Back then you would just ignore threads like this one with 3d women and obvious /a/ refugees who think the more "waifus" they have the cooler they are.

>> No.6380871

It's nice that you woke up from your dream world were /jp/ ignores threads it does not like.

>> No.6380872

Cool bump after 10 minutes.

>> No.6380875
File: 2 KB, 108x126, 1272136639956s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'll never kiss a girl because I'm afraid of their germs

>> No.6380879


>> No.6380881

You can't get diseases from kissing. I just don't live in Europe, so we don't kiss people as a way of saying hello.

>> No.6380884

Oh look, one of our female posters is offended.

>> No.6380886

You can't refute my argument, so you point out my typos.

>> No.6380888
File: 285 KB, 720x720, 1283994313388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


herpes, mononucleosis, any communicable disease like flu, cold, strep throat, etc.

>> No.6380897

I find this picture a strange mixture between appetizing and gross.

And OP girl is very attractive on a 3D standard.

>> No.6380899

wait, what does that have to do with women? I thought we were arguing about 3d and the treatment of it

>> No.6380902

I, for one, would not turn down any girl willing to cosplay SUGOI

>> No.6380904


>> No.6380907

The form of herpes you get from saliva is so weak, it's hardly worth calling herpes. You might as well call them cold sores.

OK, I didn't know about this one.

>flu, cold, strep throat, etc.
Unless you are suffering from AIDS, your immune system should take care of these just fine.

>> No.6380909

No, she isn't very attractive even for 3D. Even toothy grin girl is more attractive than she is and that's not even a very cute girl.

>> No.6380910

No, I'm not a female. I just don't like the way /jp/ goes to now. /a/ taking us over and bringing their faggotry. 3DPD term was used for every 3D woman not only because of their appearance, but also their personality. Fucking normalfags and gaiafags who like their cool anime chicks having problems with talking to real girls but having interest in them came up with a brilliant idea to add the "delicious" part just "for teh lulz". The "waifu" thing ain't about collecting them, "switching" them every season and show off just because someone came up with a prettier design. Don't really wanna make a speech about it, think about it in peace before you go sleep tonight.

>> No.6380912

you kidding?

>> No.6380917
File: 64 KB, 600x800, Hero_On_Medium_by_OlliRage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




She's a narcissist deviantard, so there are plenty of pictures of HER.

>> No.6380922

Hey, toothy grin girl is not unattractive.

>> No.6380927

Stop that. I'm not even trolling right now. Her face is fucking ugly and making those expressions ain't helping her. Especially knowing how much of an attention whore she has to be.

>> No.6380938


who is toothy grin girl?


I wasn't trying to troll you, just pointing out that she is, in fact, a female. For what it's worth I think she's semi-cute but hey, chocolate and vanilla.

>> No.6380944
File: 428 KB, 716x1009, grow_a_dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3DPD stands for Three Dimensional Pig Disgusting. Delicious was a deviation that is seldom used. I don't get what you're after.

>> No.6380951
File: 6 KB, 189x251, toothy grin girl thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have her image saved, so you'll have to do with a thumbnail.

>> No.6380968

Stop calling her toothy grin girl. Her name is Rebecca.

>> No.6380978

But I like the nickname, and besides, there is more than one Rebecca in the world.

>> No.6380981

There is more than one girl with a toothy grin as well.

>> No.6380987

But how many of them are called "toothy grin girl" on /jp/?

>> No.6380993

The number of girls called Rebecca on /jp/ (0) is less than the number of girls called toothy grin girl on /jp/ (1). So there.

>> No.6381001
File: 217 KB, 566x800, rebecca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you say Rebecca on /jp/, most people will assume you are talking about the girl from Pani Poni Dash for some reason.

>> No.6381003

...you're right.

>> No.6381005

But that's Becky

>> No.6381008
File: 34 KB, 418x477, 1271410960161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't get diseases from kissing

>> No.6381009

Exactly what do you mean when you say "on /jp/"

>> No.6381027

Well, I doubt toothy grin girl is a commonly used nickname, but I'm just being on the safe side.

>> No.6381032

The majority of diseases are carried via blood or sexual fluids, not saliva.

>> No.6381039

Stop making a fool out of yourself and get an education.

>> No.6381054

What would you rate toothy grin girl out of 10?

>> No.6381061

No, you do. You can get the flu and stuff, but most of the really bad diseases come from sex. As long as you don't have sex, you won't get diseases.

>> No.6381072

Oh god, what a fucking retard.

>> No.6381073

Now you're just being silly.

>> No.6381074


so the last time you caught a cold, it was because someone rubbed their blood and cum on you, not because someone sneezed on you?

majority of [sexually transmitted] diseases
would have been a more accurate statement

>> No.6381080

Life would be crazy if I had to constantly worry about diseases from skin in the air. It's bad enough I have to worry about mosquitoes and ticks.

>> No.6381087

When I say disease, I mean something that is permanent and uncurable. Nobody cares about treatable disease.

>> No.6381086
File: 80 KB, 584x600, lawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6381101

That's what what they teach you in sex ed.

>> No.6381118

>would have been a more accurate statement

It still wouldn't have been. Most diseases CAN be transmitted by saliva : any type of herpes, hepatitis, HPV and others. And with every one of these always come serious consequences : cancers mostly, with hepatitis you get liver failure, with herpes you have an increased chance of getting Alzheimer's disease.

None of these diseases are curable as you can't cure a virus, retard. And I care about them, if stupid fucks like you weren't around, the rate of STDs nowaydays wouldn't be so high. Now it's fucking impossible to find a woman that isn't completely diseased.

>> No.6381154


ah bollocks yeah you're right, I was thinking "moreso sexual fluids than saliva," not that it was "not in saliva at all."

So to summarize the thread:

Eating the donut= least risky
Kissing the donut slut= more risky
Balls deep in the donut slut= most risky

>> No.6381231

Being Rebecca's friend = somewhat risky

>> No.6381288


Oh /jp/....

>> No.6381290

She's pretty cute, isn't she?

>> No.6381774


No comment.

>> No.6381780

No comment and you bump the thread. How curious.

>> No.6381824

I guess he was using innuendo, if you know what I mean.

>> No.6381835

nothing to comment on

>> No.6381853

You can comment on if you think Rebecca is cute or not.

>> No.6381873


>> No.6381903


>> No.6381912


>> No.6381935

You can delete this too.
Just because there is Japanese in the OP it doesn't mean it's /jp/ related.

>> No.6381942

I like how some newfag thinks /jp/ doesn't have waifu and didn't consider 3D pigs like her gross. Just because it isn't spammed needlessly like on /a/ doesn't mean /jp/ doesn't have more waifu actually. True /jp/sie dislike gross pigs like her, but sadly /jp/ has become worse than /b/ lately with normalfags everywhere. Even in this thread some scum normalfag says no one cares about STDs and thinks they're curable. What has become of /jp/? Take this shit to /cgl/ that whore makes me sick.

>> No.6381963

>says no one cares about STDs and thinks they're curable
No, I said that the flu was curable.
