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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6361335 No.6361335 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6361341

So, basically, you are showing us that robot technology hasn't improved at all in the last two years?

>> No.6361350

Call me when I can put my brain into one and finally be a girl

>> No.6361361

They have put a mouse brain in a robot and it moves by itself. It's amazing.

>> No.6361371

Shit really? Got any videos of that?

>> No.6361378

I'd rather have a fully immersive MMORPG that I can control with my brain. Basically matrix-level virtual worlds

>> No.6361380

Third thread about this.

>> No.6361385

The face doesn't look as frightening. "As" being the key word

>> No.6361402

It will be like the movie Surrogates only not as awful. I'll personally be thatmurdered fat guy in the beginning who was the hot girl

>> No.6361412


>> No.6361416

Come on Japan, it's like you really don't want your birthrates to improve anymore.

>> No.6361428

Those comments make me sad that religious people will never let anything cool happen ever

>> No.6361431

Robots like these will replace 2D waifus. Naturally, okatu in Japan will be so repulsed by the robots, they'll have to have sex with real women in order to make up for the lack of good porn.

>> No.6361452

It makes me really hope we discover aliens in my lifetime, just to see the shitstorms it causes among the religious.

>> No.6361457

We found some bacteria on Mars, does that count?

>> No.6361469

if the hydroplate theory is correct and a slurry of mud from the Great Flood traveled to Mars and poured itself out upon it, then such a slurry would almost certainly contain microbes. That some of these might be extremophiles, and thus capable of long-term survival even in such a harsh environment as that of Mars, is entirely possible and would allow complete harmony between the finding of microbes in such locations and the Biblical account of earth pre-history.

>> No.6361477

And tings are falling because god pulls them towards the ground with one of his invisible tentacles amirite?

>> No.6361478

Wait what

>> No.6361480
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>> No.6361509

I was going to post stuff from the conservipedia article on gravity but it actually seems pretty accurate at first glance

>> No.6361512

When you download an eroge, this robot will show up and make twitching movements in front of you. It will be like a horror movie.

>> No.6361523
File: 158 KB, 422x392, Untitled-1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Payback for feminism. Eat it women.

>> No.6361768

This is the angle of death.

>> No.6361786
File: 77 KB, 800x529, 1276050830573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Robot with a rat brain

>> No.6361799

>I feel fantastic hey hey hey

>> No.6361828
File: 1.99 MB, 195x173, 1288247733251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was kinda..Creepy.

I cant wait to laugh at Japan though when the birthrates plummet to 0 after the release of waifu robots.

>Picture unrelated.

>> No.6361848
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1283251622736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah god damn it anon, you made me spill my coke.

>> No.6361884


What is the green shit people always drink over there? Bottled green tea?

>> No.6361889

I thought bottled green tea was popular everywhere.

>> No.6361891


Is it sweetened like the shit over here?

>> No.6361899

Depends on whether you buy it sweetened or unsweetened.

>> No.6361903

It will everywhere

>> No.6361908


Whats the majority of the tea you see in those square bottles littering the floors of neet rooms?

>> No.6361905
File: 6 KB, 189x267, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you live? In the US, it comes without sugar.

>> No.6361913

Robots will never be as good as pure 2D. They will look creepy no matter what.

>> No.6361934


but there are things you can do with a loli-bot that you can't with a 2-D girl. I'd be worth the trade off, once the price drops below a few hundred million yen.

>> No.6361938

There is nothing you can do with a loli-bot you can't already do with your hand and a good imagination.

>> No.6361944

It would definitely add to the experience if you have a good imagination

>> No.6361949

You could try thinking outside your dick for a second or two.

my hand can't look at me and say "onii-chan" in either Rie Kugimiya's or Norio Wakamoto's.

>> No.6361951


>> No.6361952

B-but i cant drink tea/chat and play monopoly with my hand alone?
Besides my hand is used goods, and is a complete asshole.

>> No.6361965

>B-but i cant drink tea/chat and play monopoly with my hand alone?

You can. It has more to do with your imagination than your hand. Just pretend someone else is drinking with you or playing with you.

>> No.6361980

>and a good imagination

>> No.6361997
File: 267 KB, 1024x768, 1286275518454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I.. I see! You are quite clever arent you!
