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6344936 No.6344936 [Reply] [Original]

I never beat this game. I did beat Persona 4 though.
Is it really worth it? Is it really such a good game even though the battle system is broke compared to P4?

Is it really worthy of 6 fucking remakes?

>> No.6344943

expect a lulzy stupid ending

>> No.6344940

Ask /v/.

>> No.6344951

Meh, I know the ending, just asking about the general experience. For someone who'se finished the obviously better sequal, is it still worth it playing though this game? Or should I wait until the 12th remake which will be better than the 11 that came before it?

>> No.6344954

They actually like this game, so don't even pretend that its more /jp/ related.

>> No.6344965

If you get it, get P3P in order to avoid AI stupidity as much as possible.

>> No.6344967

not really

maybe for some of the tartarus bosses, but that's it. not a very good game overall

>> No.6344970
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>Is it really worthy of 6 fucking remakes?
>Or should I wait until the 12th remake which will be better than the 11 that came before it?

>> No.6344974

You're reading a parodying joke on the fact that those guys KEEP making fucking remakes. It's getting pathetic by now.

>> No.6344975

Well, /v/, but.
I personally liked it, just brace for the character ai being shit all through battles.
I don't think it really needed the remakes.

>> No.6344985

Exactly, what's with all those remakes? OP, I liked the game, but as you said, P4 was better. If you have the game, finish it, but don't buy any of the remakes, that's just money-milking.

>> No.6344992

Remake of what ? Of the first persona game ? Or are you talking about the fact that P3 had P3fes then P3P ?
Troll thread then.

>> No.6344997

And P3mobile.
Not trolling, just frustrated.

>> No.6345008
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Do yourself a favor and play through Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga instead.

I can't say this enough.

>> No.6345023

They never made it to Europe though, I'm afraid. I'd have to gt my PS2 "fixed" in order to play those games. Are they really worth it? As far as I see it, Shin Megami Tensei games get better each installment, so why bother with the earlier games?

>> No.6345025

i played it sometime ago and i just got bored because it got a little repetitive and you pretty much grinded through

decent game i had fun with for a bit, not so sure about the remakes

>> No.6345026

but Digital Devil Saga friggin blows ass, LOL

play the first two SMT games instead. 1 is kinda easy, but it's still a classic.

>> No.6345029

Get the fuck out.

>> No.6345036

I liked it better than persona 4. I can't really explain why.

>> No.6345040

I hate how everyone in P3 treats you like you're "just that guy who lives in the dorms with us". In P4 you get the chance to tighten your friendships early on in the game and everyone actually LIKES you.

I can't stand Junpei being mad at me ;(

>> No.6345046

it's good, but if you have the time and patience, try dling persona 2 innocent sin, the TL patch, and playing it. The combat system is annoying as shit, but the story is great, and the music is awesome. all the good things from 4 (shadow selves, rumors becoming true, etc) are all copypasted from 2

>> No.6345048

Play as FeMC, everyone loves you as the slut you are
