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6339090 No.6339090 [Reply] [Original]

Just curious, how many of you claim to play or have played untranslated VNs using AGTH+Atlas?

pic related, it's my countenance when the majority of VN playing people on /jp/ you actually do this

>> No.6339095

At least 90%

>> No.6339100

only seems to work on certain games. too much of a pain in the ass to constantly switch around between multiple windows, anyway.

>> No.6339101

It helps if you have at least a basic understanding on Japanese grammar. Otherwise, NOPE.

>> No.6339105

I use mostly Translator Aggregator instead of ATLAS, but yeah.

>> No.6339106

I'm fairly confident that most people on hongfire and a part of /jp/ "play" VNs using agth and atlas

>> No.6339113

I tried once, horrible fucking idea

>> No.6339115

I tried, but it's too much of a pain. I honestly just don't feel it's worth it.

>> No.6339120

I keep AGTH open to be able to quickly lookup kanji I don't know. Otherwise, no.

>> No.6339124

Well that's normal and nothing is actually translated to you. Atlas + Translator Aggregator, I understand the urge to play VNs but why people use these instead of learning jap, why.

>> No.6339127

AGTH and atlas masterrace reporting in

>> No.6339129
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, Yuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never used it.
Rather wait for translation, or learn how to read moonrunes

>> No.6339138
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>> No.6339142

I played Umineko ep6 with it when it came out.
Upon reading the actual translation, I found that it turned out to work pretty well.

>> No.6339148

I have used it to play one VN. And I also have a couple years of Japanese knowledge so it more just helps me out a bit, because I still can't play with no translation at all.

>> No.6339149

Same here. Atlas is terrible, but AGTH is a very good crutch if your Japanese is lacking.

>> No.6339688

Fuck atlas. It's easier to just use AGTH + mecab to give yourself a furigana extention. Plus if you're a total nublette you can just mouseover for definitions.

>> No.6339701

I've taken Japanese before so I understand basic grammar and such.

I do use AGTH because when I need to understand kanji I don't recognize rather than look them up in my dictionary by hand I use Rikaichan

>> No.6339746


I use context when I run into kanji problems.

>> No.6339780

I tried playing Wriggurui with it. The text just kept getting duplicated.

>> No.6339821
File: 187 KB, 814x772, hoshiikana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading VN without knowing a single kanji? Feels good, man.
And learning spoken Japanese is easy as fuck.

>> No.6339844

What is this program, hoshiikana isn't giving me anything.

>> No.6339847

I tried playing Umineko 5 with is once. Holy fucking Jesus.

>> No.6339848

You guys still don't know Japanese? Jesus christ, get to work. It's not that fuckin hard, guys.

>> No.6339861

How about I use a machine translator and just pretend I know it?

>> No.6339863

AGTH + Translation Aggregator + Mecab

>> No.6339878

You fucking moron, take 10 seconds and learn Hiragana and Katakana.

>> No.6339888

>10 seconds

Did you also learn 3000 kanji in a week with heisig ?

>> No.6339893

That's 10 second more for playing VN. Not forgetting about reading speed.

>> No.6339896

You are just annoyed that you wasted all that time learning those symbols when you could have had a program to do it for you. Kind of like how hackers get annoyed at people who use scripts.

>> No.6339931

Yeah, I do. Machine translation is fucking terrible and my brain literally feels like I huffed a can of gold spray paint after playing for a while but it's better than waiting around for them to get translated by a group.

>> No.6339940

>3 responses

Sure is butt hurt. You must be pretty embarrassed about how dumb you are being unable to learn a few characters.

>> No.6339952

I don't have the kind of determination it takes to teach myself another language. Also, I'm in college and stretched pretty thin with work and that already doesn't lend itself to a lot of taking it easy. Planning on taking Japanese at school next year. I think if I have a teacher to keep me on task I'll catch on pretty quick.

>> No.6339955

Having time to learn language just for reading Japanese porn is more embarrassing.

>> No.6339960

how long should it take to be able to read a normal VN 90% unassisted studying several hours a day

>> No.6339968


>> No.6339974

If you seriously spend 2-3 hours every single day, probably under 2 years, but given realistic motivation, probably plan on 3 or more.

>> No.6339994

As others have said, Atlas is pretty terrible but something to parse kanji into kana or romaji is very helpful. Although most of my understanding comes from the spoken lines (so no unvoiced and untranslated VNs for me).

>> No.6340008

>pic related, it's my countenance when the majority of VN playing people on /jp/ you actually do this
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

AGTH+TA actually. Better than nothing.

>> No.6340051

3 hours a day for 2.5 years I would not consider an "easy" task then

it is roughly equivalent to the effort i put in obtaining a bachelors degree in compsci

>> No.6340061

>it is roughly equivalent to the effort i put in obtaining a bachelors degree in compsci
So basically high school level.

>> No.6340081

I am kinda playing an untranslated one now, and I am not using any of those programs. My Japanese is pretty bad, but I can figure out somewhat on what is going on. I might try using those, but right now I don't have the time, plus its fun just getting caught up in the moment not really knowing exactly what they are saying.

And IMO I dont think the main point in a lot of Eroge games is plot...

>> No.6340085

What kind of shit school do you go to that requires only 3 hours of work a day and gives bachelor's degrees in two and a half years?

>> No.6340134

because i am not an idiot and can teach myself, classes were pointless and I didnt need to pay attention. I had maybe 1 hour of homework/lab per day over 5 years, so 2 hours of work per day over 2.5 years equivalent.

>> No.6340155

I was playing SubaHibi, but quit from a combination of denpa and empty promises of translation.

>> No.6340176

>I think if I have a teacher to keep me on task I'll catch on pretty quick.

Give up now, you'll never know Japanese with that attitude.

>> No.6340185
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I do it with a few Eroge admittedly(Like Lilith games or stuff like Rape! Rape! Rape!) but I dont attempt it with VN's that actually have a reputation going.

Besides,even when I do I usually just end up skipping all the text and mainly using it to translate choices. Picture unrelated.

>> No.6340222

I tried to do it with School Days

After spending 5 hours setting it up, it was still incomprehensible gibberish, only in english


>> No.6340462

AGTH is good for lookup.
I tried ATLAS, but the translation is too hilarious/bad most of the time.

>> No.6340540


>> No.6342211
File: 49 KB, 301x450, 1278312671399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the sssshit??
It takes 6-7 months to learn kanji (about 4 for the 2k joyo, then another 2 for the other 1k) if you're taking it easy, and that is at quite a bit less than 3 hours a day. If you really grinded (ground?) you could do it in slightly more than one month, if you wake up->learn->sleep->repeat.

>> No.6342246
File: 170 KB, 1280x768, Aggregator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is shit really.

Or shit for translating at least, because it doesn't.
If you already do grasp Japanese to some extent already then it can help you with that, but you still have to do the translation yourself.

If you aren't all that great at reading, it can be a great help to remind you whenever you may have a fussy memory of a character.
And it also helps you a lot with looking up Kanji.

From my own experience, I can ready many stories with little to no trouble at all, but it still varies from title to title as the language vary in complexity.
And I still sort of tries to stay off seemingly good titles, as I am afraid that I may not interpret things the way I should, even though I usually don't have any troubles at all.
And while mistakes might not be the most common thing, it is more boring to mess up with a good story than a mediocre or nukige one.

Anyway, as people have said, it is a great crutch.
Though I would say give up if you don't really understand Japanese, because the machinetranslations are next to gibberish most of the time.

>> No.6342275

I've tried to play Violated Heroine with it, but it was really annoying and didn't get me far.

>> No.6343504

I played Fortune Summoners with AGTH+ATLAS like a year ago, but that's a mostly gameplay game. I was barely able to get a grasp of what was going on and sometimes got stuck because I was going to the wrong place due to bad translation. Using ATLAS to translate directions in a guide worked a lot better than translating the actual game, so I got through it.

Currently playing Spitan using AGTH + Rikaichan, which is infinitely better than ATLAS if you know some grammar. I manually paste into the Google Translate input field and mouseover the text there. (occasionally if I'm utterly stumped I'll actually click Translate, sometimes it actually works, like if it's an idiomatic expression that's conjugated differently so rikaichan fails to detect it).

>> No.6343829

Love the butthurt of faggots in this thread who have to justify their idiocy like this >>6339955
