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6332293 No.6332293 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my Fallout New Vegas character, /jp/.

>> No.6332304

Reported and added to filter list.

>> No.6332303

Why does New Vegas look exactly the same as Fallout 3?

>> No.6332305

wait one year, get game of the year edition.

Pay 20 bucks less get almost 100 more content.

>> No.6332311

Because they used the exact same graphical engine?

All they changed were gameplay elements.

Which from what I've heard a good thing.

>> No.6332312
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not enough wasteland loli

>> No.6332318


And why does fallout 3 look exactly the same as oblivion?

>> No.6332326

Why do people keep paying for this shit?

>> No.6332329
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>> No.6332334


They just tweaked it so autistic No Mutants Allowed users would stop bitching about "OUR FRANCHISE!" QQ

Fallout 3 is superior, unless you have the previously mentioned hang-up.

>> No.6332353

thats a manly huge hand for a little girl.

>> No.6332359

Well, the engine didn't age so well.

>> No.6332366
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It's a singleplayer game for fucks sake, pirate it and all the DLCs.

>> No.6332376

But if a games good and I have money why not support the studio so they can make more games?

I wouldn't pirate a car (unless it was something like an isuzu gemini which is unpossible to find in the states)

>> No.6332381
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>> No.6332384

>They just tweaked it so autistic No Mutants Allowed users would stop bitching about "OUR FRANCHISE!" QQ

That's funny, it still looks like a first person shooter with 3D models instead of an isometric strategy game with 2D sprites.

>> No.6332389

>implying its good

>> No.6332387

Fallout 1 and 2 were great but play either now and the shit feels dated as fuck.

All the great point and clicks are like that.

>> No.6332401
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I want this game, but there's no way I'm paying $50 for it.

>> No.6332402


Well, yeah, given they're the only people in the world who would buy that sort of game in this day and age. They just added some intelligence checks and fucked about with the lore some, that was enough to sate the greybeards.

>> No.6332404

If its not then why are you playing it?

Do you really have nothing better to do with your life than play shitty videogames?

>> No.6332412

i want to know if this shit gets better later on
which so far it doesnt

>> No.6332418

When Fallout 3 came out, I replayed both Fallout 1 and 2. Fun games, not dated in the least. They aren't even DOS games, after all. That's dated.

>> No.6332445

He probably is just playing it because it has "Fallout" in the title. Kind of like how some people will play any game that uses Touhou characters on this board. Pathetic.

>> No.6332446

If you aren't enjoying the game now you probably won't be later on. Did you even play Fallout 3? It's essentially the same game. However you felt about F3 is likely going to be your sentiments towards New Vegas.

>> No.6332457
File: 449 KB, 1920x1080, Mister Malkom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you seem to think that a Fallout 3.5 is somehow good using a 2006 engine with 2008 game design, and still being buggy as hell. I mean it's a mess, and seriously I know >NVIDIA but a 460 GTX should run the game just fine on high, but it doesn't it starts to suck ass when a lot of NPCs are around.




I don't want games like that, thats why I don't buy them. I buy games like Civilizations 5, Starcraft 2, LEFT 4 DEAD, BLAZBLUE, RORONA BECAUSE I LIKE THEM.

>> No.6332471

Also why people are still playing the game even though it's shitty?

Because I want the story. I want to know stuff, imagine playing Fallout 3 and having no idea what the Enclave was/is and having no idea how super mutants are born, having no idea how dog meat is relevant. I want to be prepared for a good Fallout 4 if it comes, I played both Fallout and 2 and Tactics before Fallout 3 came out.

>> No.6332472

kids loves dem shootan
deal /w it

i blame xbox360

>> No.6332475

I feel the whole point and click engine is old.

I mean it had tons of amazing games but we can do so much better with current technologies if we would just learn to use what made those games great (You know like an actually half decent story)

>> No.6332485

Download the instruction manual, that's 40% of the story right there. The remaining 60% can be found from spoilers on wikis. There, I just saved you from playing a shit game.

>> No.6332486

I blame it too. Too many people have a X360. It's just a shooter console and the PC get ports from it all the time.

>> No.6332492

It's one thing to see a picture of the Master on the Wiki and an entirely different one to play the game and fight him and hear people ingame chatter about him.

I know this, I read the wiki in hopes I'll get everything from it for Fallout 3, turns out it's not like that at all.

>> No.6332493

>I feel the whole point and click engine is old.

It's the same damn thing as your operating system. Windows 7 doesn't have first person perspective, why should video games?

>> No.6332510

What the hell are you trying to argue?


>> No.6332516

Also a game like call of duty modern warfare 2 takes a year to make, but costs like 5 fucking movies.

And I ask myself what do they spend the money on?

Going out recording 20000 gunshots from every single gun, hiring shit ass expensive military advisers, spending shitton of going in the field to drive a tank, doing extra super detailed textures for some teacup on the table.
They make so many unnecessary stupid expenses.


It's funny all that time spend with gun and they make a shooter that let's you reload in a second, guns have no recoil so you can sprint and fire or have a fucking tripod and you have the same accuracy. Also fucking UVAs, Helicpoters, Nukes and shit.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 is decent, but it's a long shot from the good old BF2,CoD2 day...

I bet BF3 is going to be shit too.

>> No.6332517

An interface is nothing more than a tool that helps you interact with the game, it is the same thing. The game itself is what is fun, not the GUI.

>> No.6332518

Anyone who thinks Fallout 3 was better should be shot on sight.

If only it didn't use that shitty engine.

>> No.6332525

Seeing a person's face when you shoot them is more fun than seeing the top of their head.

>> No.6332531

Wow, where can I find this mod?

>> No.6332535

If you enjoy looking at shitting 3D animation. I prefer awesome pre-rendered 2D death scenes.

>> No.6332538
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the beginning on the end

>> No.6332540
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Okay let's take that.
Now you have Valkyrie Chronicles.
See no need to turn it into a FPS.

>> No.6332546

Nevermind, it's just a fucking HUD mod and some guy who's good at working the character sliders, I guess.

>> No.6332549

Am I the only one actually having a bit of fun with this game ?
Sure it's not worth buying but still pretty enjoyable, particulary with that so called hardcore mode and all the little references from FO1&2.
I really wish they would get rid of gamebryo though, horrible engine is horrible.

>> No.6332556

The story is okay, the voice work kills it. The engine too kills it. The bugs too.

On paper it's pretty good and fun.

>> No.6332559

I played FO2 a few weeks ago for the first time and I'd say it kicks the shit out of most modern games.

If modern means lame ass ragdoll physics and horribly generic FPS action instead of the kickass unique death animations and strategic battle system from FO1/2, then I'll stick with my dated games.

>> No.6332589

In the end its all about personal preference.

Honestly if fucking bioware had made fallout 3 instead of bethesda no one probably would have bitched and they would have probably done it as a third person kotor jade empire esque. But the huge shift from, Point and click to FPS ruined the fallout experience in alot of peoples opinions (I'm surprised fallout 3 still managed to get released after brotherhood of steel flopped so hard).

I ended up enjoying fallout 3, yes it lacked in the story elements but you got to see alittle more of the world and watching a raiders head explode is always fun no matter how its animated.

>> No.6332644

You make it sound like people don't complain about modern Bioware.

>> No.6332674

I remember fallout 3 ran fine, super ultra settings, with my 8800GTX. This game I can't do a fight with more then 5 npcs with out it sputtering to shit. What the fuck happened.

>> No.6332688

Good question. I had a 8800 GTS it run just fine... 460 GTX and it can't do shit.

>> No.6332699

I guess I'll buy another 8800gtx and sli them maybe. Or just not play the game, I can only play video games on weekends anyway. Maybe not worth it.

>> No.6332701

I was just using it as an example becuase they used make their games more RPG'ish and closer to the original formula.

>> No.6332711

My PC runs every game out there with max settings on everything. But New Vegas lags like fuck, more than 5 npcs on screen, like playing on a 5 year old machine.

>> No.6332723

I enjoy this game, but I don't really want to bum rush the ending because after you do the main quest the game ends.

>> No.6332753

For you people having npc problems
Just stick the file in your new vegas and the problem should be gone, I use it and never had any more stutter afterwards.

>> No.6332762

Come on....can you provide some sort of source or something? As much as I love being part of the botnet.

>> No.6332769

I want to be a bot, no need to think and just follow commands from my superior loli queen.

>> No.6332777

it works
i downloaded the dll off some other site though
boosted my fps from 40ish to constant 60 because lol vsync

>> No.6332790

How do I make a female character that isn't as ugly as me?

>> No.6332797


Make her in Oblivion. She'll be uglier.

>> No.6332885

It really is a glorified mod of F3 with the same bland landscapes. They even managed to make the Vegas strip bland.

I wonder how long they'll recycle the same shit from 5 years ago without even trying to improve upon it. It's 2010 and this game has no environment shadows. No wonder it looks so bad.

Anyway I got bored of it after a couple of hours and started to replay STALKER. I'll wait for mods.

>> No.6332895


I agree with you, prerendered deaths have the potential to be a lot more gory looking than a ragdoll with joints you can sever. However I do like tearing apart rag dolls as well, if I got tired of hacking heads off I can start removing limbs instead.

I reckon incorporating prerendered (or maybe preanimated) deaths with ragdolls would be best. Like, you can rip arms/legs/heads off with total freedom but a critical hit that does enough damage triggers a sequence where the death is more detailed due to being prerendered.

Really, I just miss seeing bones poking out of flesh like in F1 and 2. But I'll never get my dream, why bother animating and modeling a unique death when ragdolls are more flexible and thus cheaper? That's why F3 has a shitty ending, no boss that breaks apart painfully before your eyes. You cut Frank Horgan in half then cut his goddamn head off for fuck sake, The Master bubbles and explodes while his lieutenant's life support armor breaks down and he chokes to death! Fallout 3 failed us in that department.
