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6329755 No.6329755 [Reply] [Original]








Should I do it? First figurine purchase ever.

>> No.6329762


>> No.6329767

My stories are not that cool, little sister.

>> No.6329772



>> No.6329811

And why is that?

>> No.6329812


Didn't want the Misaka figure after all?

>> No.6329828

I was really indecisive with this one. The fact that the anime series is still ongoing, and there's a railgun ova planned means there will probably be more models. I really want one that you can see that she's ''the shocker''. I fucking love the griffon Remilia, I was fucking sad it was sold out but it got restocked, I know for sure I'll get this one. I think the smile fit her personality, she also looks just fucking bad-ass.

>> No.6329849


Well, it sounds like you have enough willpower to buy it. Buy it if you really want it. I personally hate the Youmu face. I also really hate figmas too. But if those are your preferences, then by all means, buy what you like.

The Remilia would be the only one that I would get if I was forced to make a decision.

>> No.6329872 [DELETED] 

I see that you're ordering a fig for the first time.

For reference, if you like Miku, Touhou, Haruhi and Lucky Star and have merchandise of this plastered all over your room, this is fine, but posting room pics will usually end in you getting ridiculed and/or picked on for having bad taste.

As for figure quality, the general consensus is: Alter > GSC > Kotobukiya > Orchid Seed > Kaiyodo > Wave > HEMMP > Sega =/= Square-Enix =/= Play Arts, etc.

I'd recommend looking at not what figs you want to buy, but what characters you like (regardless if figs exist of them) and what figs are already released and are most desirable to you. In this case, personal attachment to characters dominates quantity and buying for the purpose of "it looks nice". Only rare occasions should you purchase a fig of a character you don't have attachment to, in my case, such as Kotobukiya's Marisa or GSC's supercell Miku.

Browse around http://www.foobarbaz.jp/figure/ and see what you like. Find out the Japanese names and use a proxy service for Y!JP. The figure category is http://goo.gl/KAEi - use Chrome and Google Translate or Rikaichan if you can't read the categories on the left, or search for your figure in Japanese, in the search bar.

Hope this helps.

>> No.6329879

I see that you're ordering a fig for the first time.

For reference, if you like Miku, Touhou, Haruhi and Lucky Star and have merchandise of this plastered all over your room, this is fine, but posting room pics will usually end in you getting ridiculed and/or picked on for having bad taste.

As for figure quality, the general consensus is: Alter > GSC > Kotobukiya > Orchid Seed > Griffon > Kaiyodo > Wave > HEMMP > Sega =/= Square-Enix =/= etc.

I'd recommend looking at not what figs you want to buy, but what characters you like (regardless if figs exist of them) and what figs are already released and are most desirable to you. In this case, personal attachment to characters dominates quantity and buying for the purpose of "it looks nice". Only rare occasions should you purchase a fig of a character you don't have attachment to, in my case, such as Kotobukiya's Marisa or GSC's supercell Miku.

Browse around http://www.foobarbaz.jp/figure/ and see what you like. Find out the Japanese names and use a proxy service for Y!JP. The figure category is http://goo.gl/KAEi - use Chrome and Google Translate or Rikaichan if you can't read the categories on the left, or search for your figure in Japanese, in the search bar.

As for stores of in-stock material, Amiami > HS > HLJ > toylet or any store that attempts to sell outside of Japan > Play-Asia.

Hope this helps.

>> No.6329882

If you really like it that much then you should buy it. I'm assuming you're not planning to get all four figures from the links you posted considering this will be your first figure.

I suggest you get Remilia and decide if you want more after you receive it. Having a few exceptional figures you like feels a lot better than having a bunch of mediocre figures. At least to me anyways.

>> No.6329907

I was actually going to buy all of them. Well the Youmu one and Remilia one.

Thanks. Also, I can understand being ridiculous having shitty star or harushit merchandise, but I don't get Volcaloid characters or Touhou.

>> No.6329911

Anything popular will have a shitty fanbase. The hate starts from there.

>> No.6329918 [DELETED] 


Miku and Touhou everywhere just screams American otaku. There are really not that many good Touhou figs out there, apart from Kotobukiya's Marisa, as pictured.

My favourite character is Yayoi but I draw the line when they start looking like shit. Sadly, most of the Idolmaster figures are also very poor, well, except for Happy Wedding Azusa.

>> No.6329917


>Alter > GSC


>> No.6329921


>Kaiyodo > Wave

I can see that you know jack shit about figures. Now shut the fuck up and rearrange your priorities, punk.

>> No.6329940
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>> No.6329943
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>> No.6329955
File: 36 KB, 282x348, 1287344141552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good figurine of Murasa or Nue?
also Koishi and Satori

>> No.6329963 [DELETED] 


Feel free to compare them, GSC has only started making good figs around mid-late 2007 when Happy Wedding Azusa came out.



Sorry if your Miki looks like she has downs.

Actually none of the Imas figs have been any good since Wedding Azusa (apart from the custom job as pictured).

Apparently you don't know the sculptors under the divisions of figure developers, like Max Factory being under GSC.

You're also comparing a cropped out image of a Revoltech to a full image of another full scale fig. Revoltechs have always had lower quality. I don't recall the OP ever asking about figmas or revoltechs. But considering your knowledge is limited to the boundaries of Amiami, it's no surprise.
0/10, laugh

>> No.6329977

>> Anonymous 10/23/10(Sat)03:05 No.6329917

>Alter > GSC


Feel free to compare them, GSC has only started making good figs around mid-late 2007 when Happy Wedding Azusa came out.



Sorry if your Miki looks like she has downs.

Actually none of the Imas figs have been any good since Wedding Azusa.

Apparently you don't know the sculptors under the divisions of figure developers, like Max Factory being under GSC.

I don't recall the OP ever asking about Figmas or Revoltechs, but good job trying to compare a badly cropped thumbnail of a Revoltech to a full preview of a full scale figure. Really says something about you and how limited to Amiami you are.

0/10, laugh

>> No.6329989

Feel free to compare them, GSC has only started making good figs around mid-late 2007 when Happy Wedding Azusa came out.



Sorry if your Miki looks like she has downs.

Actually none of the Imas figs have been any good since Wedding Azusa.

Apparently you don't know the sculptors under the divisions of figure developers, like Max Factory being under GSC.

I don't recall the OP ever asking about Figmas or Revoltechs, but good job trying to compare a badly cropped thumbnail of a Revoltech to a full preview of a full scale figure. Really says something about you and how limited to Amiami you are.

0/10, laugh

>> No.6331525


Can't find it anywhere ;_;

>> No.6331597


>I don't recall the OP ever asking about Figmas or Revoltechs

Kaiyodo does Revoltech. You brought up Kaiyodo on your tree of ignorance. Produce a non-Revoltech or Bome figure from them. Go ahead.

>GSC has only started making good figs around mid-late 2007

Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize we were having a discussion ignoring the last three years of figures from both companies.

Don't get me wrong. Alter's got the #2 spot for me... but pound for pound Good Smile is the superior company and has been for some time now.

Also, you do realize that WAVE is also a Good Smile affiliate, don't you? So is Freeing. At least I don't unilaterally create a tree of manufacturer figure quality based on my own inexpertise and then get hoppin' mad when I am proven wrong.

Sorry you just got owned and don't know how to handle it. 10/10 on a scale of 1 to faggot.

>> No.6331598


Oh god, I think it's time to buy my first figurine.

Then hide it in a closet out of shame.

>> No.6331678


Be wary. Griffon has IMHO decent sculpts but sometimes there are fatal flaws in the figures such as creepyface and leaning. Not all of them, though, and you would have to hope that they are learning from their mistakes.

That being said, I preordered Yuka also. She looks like a nice one.

>> No.6331717

So far, and this is in reply to the tier post, from my experience Kotobukiya figures are usually worse than Griffon. So far most of them have bad paint, bad sculpts(FUCK YOU HAIR SEAM) and ugly bases.

Now Griffon has a reputation for sameface and leaners, and since I haven't bought Griffon figures that are prone to leaning, I can't comment on this. As for sameface, my Kotobukiyas are on the same level of sameface. Which isn't always bad but some are.
