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6326765 No.6326765 [Reply] [Original]

So I don't get it.
If Mokou inherited traits from both the Hourai Elixer and a Phoenix, gaining double immortality, couldn't she be able to be the only being that could kill Kaguya?
So why doesn't she?

>> No.6326771

She merged with a Phoenix, gaining a second immortality and her spellcards.

>> No.6326768

What is this secondary bullcrap?



>> No.6326776
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> Implying Mokou is better then Kaguya in any way

>> No.6326778
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>double immortality

>> No.6326784

And because of that, since she has double immortality, she is on a plane of existence higher than Kaguya, meaning she's the only one whom could kill her.

>> No.6326785

Mokou is possibly the worst Touhou.

Butthurt over Kaguya not becoming her stepmom because her father wasn't good enough.

>> No.6326788

Kaguya has Fire Rat's Robe, which makes her completely immune to fire. That's why Mokou can't do shit to her

>> No.6326789

Except Kaguya essentially killed her father.

>> No.6326792

And the reason Kaguya sends assassins to fight Mokou is because, due to the double immortality, Kaguya can't even scratch Mokou.

>> No.6326803



>> No.6326818


>And the reason Kaguya sends assassins

... she does? Do tell. Who are the assassins?

>> No.6326826

It's part of the IN story. The two girls who you play as in Extra mode.

>> No.6326832



>> No.6326841

>double immortality
...How the hell does that work?

>> No.6326848

It's a bit stretching to call them assassins. Even though I guess it's technically correct, it was more of a 'fuck-you' to Mokou than an assassination attempt.

>> No.6326854

Wait, why did the girls even listen to Kaguya to go attack Mokou anyways

>> No.6326903

It think that would be more of a prank than anything else. Obviously she wasn't dying for good, so it can be seen as nothing more than Kaguya poking fun with Mouku albeit a little extreme.

>> No.6326934


Er, no. That's something some fans made up.

The "phoenix" stuff is just symbolism, which ZUN loves. There are no phoenixes (as far as we've seen) in the Touhouverse.

At least if you're going to be a secondary fan, learn the primary source material.

>> No.6326947

Beat me to it.

>> No.6326978

Touhou immortality isn't really immortality.

Youmu and I think Tenshi can hit spirits with their swords.
Blowing up Mokou's body and then destroying the spirit should kill her.

Same with Kaguya but her manipulation of Eternity probably makes her robes and skin an impenetrable armor.

>> No.6327022

Which explains how the heroines beat her.
Wait, no it doesn't.

>> No.6327030

Beating =! Killing
No one dies in Touhou, not even Yuyuko.

>> No.6327033

No one cares about PC96 characters.

>> No.6327032


>> No.6327036

I care about them, they are the best.

>> No.6327038


>> No.6327051


>> No.6327053

There really was a PC96, though.

>> No.6327056 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 467x470, 1286531844652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i hear double

>> No.6327070

Stop it KoG, just go spam some Cirno images in the Cirno thread you just made.

>> No.6327081

By the way, is that the sprite Mokou was supposed to have in Hisoutensoku before she got cancelled? They should really patch her and Kaguya in it like they did with Meiling in IaMP.

>> No.6327083

I meant character portrait, my bad.

>> No.6327148 [DELETED] 
File: 617 KB, 600x800, 1281138179185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, Keine could kill both of them by proxy in hakutaku mode. She'd simply need to re-write history so that someone else drank the Hourai instead, or it never existed or something. Normal Keine can't actually re-write history but just sort of hide it or nibble on it, the Hakutaku actually can do stuff like this though hence that was an Ex-boss.

Actually, I think the main reason ZUN made Keine and Mokou a pair is that, due to this pairing, anyone who drank the Hourai actually is pretty much immortal, because the only known being around that could stop it would never dare do anything that could hurt even a hair on Mokou's head.

>> No.6327164
File: 102 KB, 850x637, 1283485028135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, Keine could kill both of them by proxy in hakutaku mode. She'd simply need to re-write history so that someone else drank the Hourai instead, or it never existed or something. Normal Keine can't literally re-write history, but rather just sort of hide it or nibble on it. The were-Hakutaku form really can do stuff like this though, hence she was an Ex-boss.

Due to this funny little power-level technicality, I think this is the main reason ZUN made Keine and Mokou a pair. If they weren't then it wouldn't be so great an immortality, but with this then there is still no known way to remove the elixir's effects, because the only known being around that could stop it would never dare to hurt even a hair on Mokou's head much less accidentally kill her as a side effect of killing Kaguya and Eirin.

Also Keine is just a nice cow. She only fought both times out of defending someone, it's a good thing for Gensokyo's sake that she doesn't abuse her Ex-mode. Nevertheless the existence of Keine means that ZUN could use her as a loophole to retcon whatever the fuck he wants if he ever is compelled to do so.

>> No.6327189


It could even be possible that Mokou went out of her way to be BFF with Keine simply because she realized this possible issue and wanted insurance that she really is immortal. Why doesn't Mokou just ask Keine to kill Kaguya then? Too risky messing with that elixir since all three immortals drank from the same jar of it?

>> No.6327217

So Keine is another one of Gensoukyo's "good girls"?

>> No.6327235

Quotations? Hmmm...
Very much so. If you drop out of the sky into Gensokyo, Keine is the one you hope to meet first.

>> No.6327237


Does ZUN ever state how powerful her history writing abilities are? I thought there were alot of clauses involved for her to edit history.

>> No.6327241


As far as Youkai behavior goes, she's pretty much the best good girl.. only defends people, doesn't start shit with anyone and is actually a good member of society (schoolteacher), rather than a slacker like apparently almost everyone else.

She could also be an old hag, due to her history editing abilities. All she'd have to do is change the date of her birthday every year or some crap like that. It's a SEVERELY broken power honestly, people just don't think about it much because she isn't very popular.

>> No.6327272


Eats it in human form, creates it in hakutaku.

However, the creating thing can also be re-worked to destroy pretty much whatever you feel like. I don't think ZUN put enough thought into the repercussions of such an ability despite trying to handicap it somewhat. She can literally make up history and it's true, she wrote all of Gensokyo's history for example.

So, theoretically if she wanted to get rid of the Hourai elixir, she could write in that there was a brush fire that wiped out an herb needed for it, or that some burglars stole it and dropped it or something.

There is -not- any kind of addendum noting that the present stays the same no matter what she writes as history. After all, if that was the case then she would have officially the most useless ability in all of Touhou, which wouldn't really jive with her being an Ex boss, and so whenever people say some crap like that I think they're just biased against Keine for whatever reason because they want to continue to have their fanwanks over Yukari being the strongest Touhou or whatever.con

>> No.6327299


Keine is also apparently quite principled, and only does what she feels is necessary. She appears to be more of a caretaker for Gensokyo, rather than an autistic kid editing the history books for the hell of it.

After all, if she was apt to troll people on a temporal scale and try to alter all of Gensokyo to her favor, then she'd be a huge overarching villain of the series rather than a quiet beneficiary.

>> No.6327350

So in other words, Yukari is an alter ego version of Keine?

>> No.6327388

Lost. Hard.

>> No.6327395

Also, if I remember right, Keine cannot edit anything that's been recorded by the Children of Miare (Akyu and her past incarnations).

>> No.6327436

>mfw dicks in this thread are trying to make sense of a ZUN storyline

you people are worse than /a/

>> No.6327475
File: 122 KB, 314x352, 1284612779299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending that ZUN still treats Touhou as an anything-goes doesn't-matter-lol story despite the fact that for the past several years he's been working more on manga and character books detailing Gensokyo than he has actual games

>> No.6327496

everyone reported for using greentext wrong
