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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6325098 No.6325098 [Reply] [Original]

why do you always bash Japan /jp/?
Who do you think you're kidding with the hurr fuck japan line? or are you so deluded you actually think you're current locale is better?

>> No.6325105

Reported for trolling.

>> No.6325104

I'm not deluding myself. I accepted the fact of Japan's superiority long ago.

>> No.6325108

Phoenix, Arizona is pretty much the worst place in the world

>> No.6325112


>> No.6325114

It isn't a matter of liking it or bashing it, it's a matter of not giving a shit.

>> No.6325115

/jp/ is a changed man op.

>> No.6325120


we'll see if you say that when mr.fbi knocks on your door for downloading loli

>> No.6325122

ITT: Hikkimoris who proclaim to be weaboos but are actually homosexuals.

>> No.6325124

An increasingly irrelevant, declining power with a stagnant economy and an aging population crisis? Japan sounds like shit to me. Plus their almost officially-sanctioned xenophobia is stupid, especially considering their current needs.

>> No.6325126
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Well at least it's better than Carthage.

>> No.6325130

>xenophobia is stupid

At least they are all of the same race.

>> No.6325136

Because it's better here.

>> No.6325140

>xenophobia is stupid
Says the white neckbeard racist.

>> No.6325148

>America:religious harassment,charity fags, dumb sluts

>Japan: no religion, no one feels cosmic do-gooder urge,and sluts at least dont make it obvious in public

keep saying its better here until you believe it anon.

>> No.6325155


>Japan: no religion

Let me guess, you're saying this to troll us. Nobody is genuinely stupid enough to believe this, or even think it. Am I right, gentlemen?

>> No.6325161
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>> No.6325163
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Who's the one making assumptions here? I think you're the racist.

>> No.6325164


The vast majority identify as non-religious. Also beat it blackie

>> No.6325174

Yeah, I think most locations are better than Japan. The majority of the population are worked like slaves and just live pretty shitty lives in general. Yeah, it's better than being in some third world country and starving maybe, but that's about it.

>> No.6325175

niggerfag status:

[]not told
[] told

>> No.6325176


>> No.6325177

Was the "FUCKING TOLD" really necessary? I think that meme functions just fine with its original two options.

>> No.6325182

>The majority of the population are worked like slaves and just live pretty shitty lives in general.

That's actually some false information spread by mass media in various countries. But whatever, it's not like any of you would know anything other than what TV shows you.

>> No.6325195


>The vast majority identify as non-religious.

Pretending Shintoism doesn't exist isn't going to make it go away. You may as well quit while you're ahead.

>> No.6325199

Anyone who examines Japan's current situation can clearly see that they are causing their own downfall and are basically meekly accepting their fate, while throwing little hissy fits about anyone/anything not Japanese. It's fucking pathetic, they aren't fighting it at all and their population is complacent.

Their xenophobia was, as a kid, intriguing to me, but people like me who have put up with their petty racism for over a decade now are just fucking sick of their retarded bullshit. Their backwards mentality is costing them; as their economy shits itself more and more they NEED to get over their fucking stupid aversion to foreigners if they want to at all be relevant on the world stage within even another 10 or 20 years. They need immigration badly, and yet won't let themselves ruin the pure glorious nippon ethnicity (even though it's pretty much fucking genetically identical to other East Asians), plus they need new ideas and strategies and yet employ a staunch conservatism that is pretty much a reverse of when Japanese businessmen were bold, risky and inventive during the 80s.

The real problem they have is a deflating currency. On the world stage the yen is at a 15 year high, but in the homeland land values have been dropping for decades when they are expected to fucking rise, costing people equiv of hundreds of thousands of dollars with little they can do about it. Deflating currency is making them pull back when they should be investing and hence we now have two Lost Decades.

I swear if it wasn't for Japan's amazingly weird/unique culture I'd hate the place almost more than I hate China's government.

>> No.6325200

They don't know the difference between religion and tradition. The Japanese are, in fact, very spiritual people.

>> No.6325211


What you 2 fail to grasp is that shinto is part of Japan's cultural heritage. Sure they go temples twice a year but its tradition. Nobody seriously thinks there's a fucking moon god or shit like that.

>> No.6325213

>Who do you think you're kidding with the hurr fuck japan line?
Retards like you? Seems like it's working. Enjoy your shithole island with weird fetishes and shitty videogames and cartoons, nerd.

>> No.6325214


Japanese don't really identify themselves ,with Shinto like people identify with Abrahamic religions. It ain't the fucking same at all. No one would die for shinto, or truly believe that they need to ask the gods for guidance on moral, business or ethical matters, which other people ask God or Allah for all the fucking time. As a whole, they operate day-to-day without religion whatsoever and don't see it as a relevant part of society. Just because they might go to a shrine to give an offering or something once or twice a year, basically as a cultural thing aka they are fucking expected/forced to do it, doesn't mean that they're the same as bible-thumpers in the southern U.S.

>> No.6325222
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>> No.6325228

>implying keeping your race pure isn't the best thing ever

And they are the only country doing that. Better dying than mixing with subhumans, this is what being a real man is all about. Obviously, an American wouldn't know about that.

>> No.6325230


>> No.6325236

Just like Catholicism here where no one is going to the Church except on Christmas.
When they have the time.

>> No.6325237
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>> No.6325259

Exactly the average Japanese is being worked to death karoshi. for shit wages.

If anyone wants to live in Japan they should be forced to pass a 1400 question test followed by mandatory 1 year in JSDF.

>> No.6325264


>they practice their religions differently

I don't know where you two are from.

But I sure would like to know where you two found out that you can only be a wild-eyed, bible-thumping, Jihad-ing extremist, or atheistic.

Like this, for example:

>basically as a cultural thing aka they are fucking expected/forced to do it,

Sounds similar to the way people force themselves to go to Church on Sunday and celebrate other Christian holidays that are socially acceptable, such as Easter.

>]Shintoism and Abrahamic faiths] ain't the fucking same at all.

They are both creeds. Both brands of a religious faith. Howsoever you may try to twist the definition of Shinto, it is a line of faith like any other, and people in Japan still revere it. Temples dotting the landscape of Japan, the Imperial Family and the Imperial Treasures, Tori Gates...I could describe the many pervasive influences of Shintoism in Japanese Culture at length, but I shall not. It is their indigenous faith. To say Japan has no faith or spirituality would be a grievous error?

Did you really think you could pull the wool over my eyes so easily? I will concede that you successfully trolled me into arguing semantics with you, if you so desire.

>> No.6325281
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This is the most venomous poison against /jp/. I shall use it sparingly.

>> No.6325286

if people dont want to go to church they dont. only children and betas are forced to do so.

>> No.6325288

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.6325291


The one that says "I WISH [fat neckbeard.jpg] TO BE THE LITTLE GIRL" is more accurate of /jp/, anyway.

>> No.6325303
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There is one that is more deadly, but I haven't got the heart to use it.

>> No.6325309

apan's two traditional religions are Shinto, the indigenous religion which is as old as the Japanese people, and Buddhism which was introduced from the >Asian mainland in the 6th century. Basically, the two religions have coexisted harmonically for most of Japan's history and have even complemented each other and melted together to a certain degree. The first Christian missionaries entered Japan in the 16th century, but the foreign religion was later banned from Japan for most of the Edo period that lasted until 1868. For more detailed information about religions in Japan, visit our religion information pages.

>In the first question, the participants were asked to which religion(s) they feel to belong. A majority of 52% indicated that they do not feel to belong to any religion. 36% feel to be Buddhists and 11% Shintoists. A large group of 11% indicated to feel closest to Christianity. As in the Christmas survey, female teenagers are especially attracted to the Western religion with 17% feeling to belong to Christianity.

>If we look at a few other surveys and statistics published on religions in Japan, the variety of results is amazing. A survey conducted by Asahi Shimbun in 1995 asked national voters in which religion they believe. The results were similar to ours with non-believers in the majority (63%), followed by Buddhists (26%), Shintoists (2%) and Christians (1%).

>> No.6325311

seconding this

>> No.6325316

Obviously Japanese people, being citizens of the inferior nation of Japan, and infused by inferior Japanese culture, are simply just too fucking dumb to realize know what religion they are a member of.

>> No.6325322


Or they could be lying to deceive stupid gaikokujin, have you considered that?

>> No.6325324


The only thing I will concede is the fact that you don't know fucking shit.

Let me put it like this, in Japan you can go take a shit at a shinto shrine, and get only some petty fine for public indecency or some stuff like that. If you went and shat in a church you'd get something similar. If you went and shat in a mosque in Iran or Saudi Arabia, you seriously could be put to death.

>> No.6325325
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All nations and cultures have their positives and negatives. It's just a matter of getting into it and enjoying yourself.

>> No.6325325,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Let me put it like this, in Japan you can go take a shit at a shinto shrine, and get only some petty fine for public indecency or some stuff like that.

I wonder if that would be before or after the shrine's visitors and the shrine staff beat me into a coma....
