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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6319648 No.6319648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ exercise?

I was in bed for over 95% of the time in the last week and my joints feel like shit.

>> No.6319661

I don't. I also cut down on masturbating, so instead of multiple times per day I do it maybe five times a week. I've noticed that now my arm gets sore whenever I masturbate.

>> No.6319656

Last time I did any sort of exercise was about 5 years ago.

I can feel my muscles atrophying.

>> No.6319663

Not really, I go for a walk now and then to prevent my joints from feeling like shit. It works.

>> No.6319666

Erryday, but not like those /fit/ guys.

I ride my bike and jog because I enjoy doing it.

>> No.6319668

What the hell were you doing, a 5 day dxm binge?

>> No.6319670

I used to be a fatty, a couple of years ago. I burned all that shit off though. I should start exercising again.

>> No.6319675

Every few months I decide to do a whole bunch of exercise, do pushups, situps, run for a couple of weeks, get up to sets of ~70 then stop. Start again with sets of 10, months down the road. Maybe some day I'll be able to keep it up and get in shape.

>> No.6319689
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I don't exercise, but I should probably start soon.
I had to pick up my sister from school the other day. Her friends said I had a huge ass. Filthy whores.

>> No.6319692

Just didn't have the motivation to do anything. ;_;

>> No.6319697

I don't. Exercise just makes me feel bad.

>> No.6319706

Yeah, I grab a fixed bycicle and some light weights and work out. Then some crunches.

>> No.6319713

>I don't. Exercise just makes me feel bad.

I highly doubt that. Dem endorphines man.

>> No.6319720


doing this at the gym

>> No.6319717

I go to a gym. So yes.

>> No.6319724

80 fist pushups
60 crunch/variations

Everyday. I guess I feel better when I'm playing eroge? Whatever.

>> No.6319725

I guess i'd better go for a bike ride then.

>> No.6319732
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>Have You Ever Vomited During A Workout?

>> No.6319741

I hurt my shoulder doing bench press. I'm just doing running and bodyweight exercises now until I get better.

>> No.6319746


I bet the reggaeton playing in the background didn't make it better.

>> No.6319742

the other day i went during rush time and all the bromodes and guidos were doing stupid shit and the room temperature was around 30º and there was almost no oxygen and there was guido sweat in the air and i literally wanted to vomit

>> No.6319760

i practice aikido with my 1000 times steal folded katana everyday

>> No.6319757

thankfully i had my ipod with me

Emiya playing during deadlifts is a mind opening experience

>> No.6319758


None of that at my gym. It is awesome.

>> No.6319773

Yeah, I bet.
I'm seriously gonna have to get a decent MP3 player or some shit before start going to the gym again, it's impossible to stay motivated if I know I'm gonna have to listen to their shitty radio.

>> No.6319779

got 2 10 lb dumbells i use, not too great but i just have to do more reps and different exercises, getting back to shape after taking a year off

before that i felt so tired and shitty midday and my back was messed and that wasn't because i have some bone problems

>> No.6319787

I have no motivation to exercise, and there's no body fat to burn.
