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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6317882 No.6317882 [Reply] [Original]


Also, doll thread?

>> No.6317895

I don't know, there usually is doll thread alive. So you should have checked for that first. If you haven't done that, you're shitting up the board. If you have, and there was one, you're shitting up the board. If you have and there was none, you should have just said "doll thread" and post pictures.

>> No.6317903

This thread reminds me of Team Fortres 2

>> No.6317907
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Trap Aoto is now official.

Not sure if want...

>> No.6318972
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>> No.6318994

I always ask this but noone never answered

Is there a Shanghai-doll doll?

>> No.6319002

cause if there is I'd buy it for sure

>> No.6321231


>> No.6321242

Hey Kordox, or Xodrok if you want, what do you think about Azone dolls? The anime-themed, Pure Neemo ones.

How are they compared to Dolfies? I know they're probably of lesser quality, but does the lower price justify the lower quality? If it is lower at all.

>> No.6321964
File: 295 KB, 450x526, serasexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Kordox but I'll speak up in favor of Azone dolls.

They aren't "low quality" at all, just smaller--about the same height as a Barbie doll. The bodies are made of hard PVC and very well proportioned. There's a huge lineup of clothing available for them, from schoolwear to casual clothes to fantasy RPG-themed outfits and accessories. And of course the faces are extremely cute. Personally I prefer Azone's painted faces to the molded faces I've seen.

>> No.6322012

Alright, thanks.

Are you talking about Pure Neemo Character Series, Hybrid Active Figures or EX Cute?

I'm asking because Pure Neemo usually seems to fit my wallet, but the Hybrids are as expensive as one of those Touhou Dolfies at 500 bucks.

Oh god I want a Sanya now. ;_;

>> No.6322739

The only dolls I own are Ex-Cute, but the character Pure Neemo dolls use exactly the same bodies and head molds, just with different faces, hair and clothes.

Hybrid Active Figures are much larger (50cm) and I don't know anything else about them.

>> No.6322769

I like the new Azone flection-based dolls. They're not as flexible as their older obistu-based dolls but their hnnng factor is through the roof. Plus their more aggressive release schedule blows Volks away and can be addictive like crack.

And remember: they're dolls so a static photo-worthy pose is all they need.

>> No.6322871

You guyyys ;_; Shit I'm going to buy one. But this'll mean I won't be paying rent this month. Time to beg. ;_;

Anything a soon-to-be doll owner should know?

>> No.6323015
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>Anything a soon-to-be doll owner should know?

Yes. Your first doll won't be your last.

>> No.6323054

Doll threads are now my favorite threads.

>> No.6325113


>> No.6325295 [DELETED] 

u mad?

>> No.6325301
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u mad?

>> No.6325346
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Hello doll thread

>> No.6325350
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>> No.6326370
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And they make great camerabag buddies

>> No.6326395

Where can I get this one?

>> No.6326403
File: 201 KB, 950x631, DSC_7335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long gone. Bring and $2000 to yahoo!japan if you're desperate. You'll also need a wig since the default one is red.

More camerabag buddies courtesy of taitan

>> No.6326413

Ouch. Thanks anyway.

>> No.6326455

no prob, that question comes up every time. I swear there should be a faq on her.

Base model : DD Tamaki Kousaka
Wig : ??? (looks like a Volks wig, trimmed and tied up in a ponytail with a zip tie)
Body : Obitsu 60 ball joint version - (other pictures will show the distinctively smaller feet and some will show screws in the wrist joints)

>> No.6326464
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>Dolls that cost more than 15 bucks.

You. Cannot. Be. Fucking. Serious.

>> No.6326468

Tarnish notte the majesty of her towering pillar of hats.

>> No.6326471
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evidence of obitsu body in wrists

>> No.6326485
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and the shoe and tights friendly, but aesthetically unappealing small feet.

>> No.6326489
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honestly i just don't like the obitsu aesthetics but if it's all the same, each body has their advantages:
limbs of elastic strung dolls hang naturally, Volks has the best aesthetic and Obitsu has the flexibility. choose your poison.

>> No.6326492
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>> No.6327659

Doll arrives on monday... but her clothes arrive in two weeks.

Should I cover her in a towel?

ALSO: Should I spray her with a sealant? To prevent clothe stains!

>> No.6328034

You're overreacting and taking the Tim Taylor approach to the problem and not thinking like a doll enthusiast. Please don't coat your doll in a layer of glaze before you enjoy it. Otherwise you're really better off with action figures.

Heat and humidity combined with cheaply dyed fabrics (especially synthetic) is the enemy. Don't store your doll in said areas while wearing dark clothes.

I have a lot of dark clothes and had NO issues with stains for a year and a half. When I started opening windows during the summer to conserve energy combined with some cheap Dollmore synthetics is when i started experiencing staining.

>> No.6330203
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>> No.6330206

Either way it's going to get coated in a layer or something huehueuheuehueheuehueheuheueheuheu

>> No.6330229

i want a sahra hello again ;_; where can i buy her? on hobby search it's compleately sold out

>> No.6330264
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>> No.6330384

you're supposed to reserve / preorder.

>> No.6330402
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>> No.6330406

i know, and then i wanted to buy the next one... Mia but in 10 hours (i was sleeping, because in italy it was night, and then went to work and checked from it) it appeared, started reservations and ended the reservations ;_;

>> No.6330461
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>> No.6330484

is there like

an intro guide to all this? I googled and found obitsu stuff but it's all a bit overwhelming

>> No.6330499

First, you must develop autism and weigh over 400 pounds. Then it will all come naturally.

>> No.6330884

what site is that?

>> No.6330940

It's not glaze. It's a matte sealant eg. Mr. Super Clear Matte UV Cut.

>> No.6330989

It won't help.

>> No.6331077

Why wouldn't it help.

>> No.6331281

It's absorbed into the vinyl just like the dyes that stain it. At best it prevents custom faceups from coming off but not the vinyl form absorbing the infinitely smaller dye molecules. That is why it's application doesn't go beyond faceups.

You need to ask yourself: why isn't this rumored precaution widely used? Because it's a placebo based on a misapplied theory.

Chill out, it's a doll, not a new car. put it aside and wait for the clothes. Which one did you get anyway?

>> No.6332249
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1275277679471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP pic

>> No.6332251

I heard about that. I feel sorry for you guys.

>> No.6332261

I was considering getting into playing this, but things like OP
s pic always make me think twice.
