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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 188 KB, 1100x945, 8e5a33d61c390691604d9ba9241e43343c3f7231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6316145 No.6316145[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does /new/, /v/, and pretty much every other board have great moderators, but /jp/ has a shit slamming fuck face who gets off to deleting threads night and day.

Maybe if you would stop the over moderation, /jp/ wouldn't be so incredibly shitty.


Look, /new/ has a thread about K-ON!
The same exact thread here would of been deleted within seconds.

Fuck you janitor / mod.

>> No.6316147

meido is just doing her job

reported for meta

>> No.6316150

K-on isn't /jp/ though.

It's /a/ flavor of the week moe or /mu/ troll run.

>> No.6316153
File: 117 KB, 444x580, 73f229238c968d68ef96d8994ef4a3641244729d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /jp/ has 4 pages of deleted posts when ever I come here.

they sure put an autis in charge here

>> No.6316152

It used to be "Where are the mods??" and now it's "Stop all this moderation!!" Being a mod sucks.

>> No.6316156
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Seems you used the wrong image OP, but dont worry here you go.

>> No.6316159

I see nothing wrong with deleting shit threads. Carry on meido.

>> No.6316162


same fag

>> No.6316163

Although the making background music in a thread thing is new too me.

Thats kinda cool.

>> No.6316164

K-on is /a/. IF you create spam/shitposts/trollthreads they get deleted.

>> No.6316166

modpost much?

>> No.6316169

Reported for violating the global rules.

I have no problem with the mods deletions. I only which they would spend more time here getting rid of OT shit like this thread.

Stick a large sharp object up your ass and sit down forcefully. /v/ is a shit hole go back there.

>> No.6316170
File: 231 KB, 950x1300, 1281286587159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I get it. It's a Meido appreciation thread in disguise.

>> No.6316173

what does mfw mean

>> No.6316178

Moderation is good, but only in moderation (no pun intended).

As of now, /jp/ is pretty much just a faster version of /bun/, only with more spam because interesting threads get deleted.

I'm all for deleting "CHECK MY DOUBLES" and "What does this translate to?" threads, but when it's something like an imouto or onahole thread, it's to the point where the deletion policy is too strict. One of the reasons I never moved to /bun/ was because the mods there are NO FUN police, the whole place is shit because of that.

>> No.6316181

OP is an asspained /a/spie mad that his shitty threads get deleted.

>> No.6316184

>The same exact thread here would of been deleted within seconds.
Wouldn't that be because a certain group of faggots decided to "protest" by spamming anime screencaps every night and day?
You reap what you sow, son.

>> No.6316185

Nobody can tell that OP is actually praising the mods?

>> No.6316187

My face when

Its usually combined with a reaction image of some sort.

>> No.6316189

take your "fun" back to /v/ or /a/

>> No.6316191

Sounds like you're jealous, OP. Our maid cares about keeping /jp/ clean.

/new/s is filled with babbies and Stormnuts, so no one really cares if you take a dump on it.

>> No.6316196

yup, thanks mods

>> No.6316194

Honestly there is more trolling on /jp/ than sarcasm, so its really hard not to just make the generalization.

>> No.6316197

Those threads usually remain alive for a long time, at least unless there's someone buttmad because their bad off-topic threads were deleted and the other ones not.
Sion (or whichever group of people is using that name now), it requires serious dedication to be so retarded. I congratulate you.

>> No.6316199
File: 645 KB, 1000x1000, 1281218120459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is mad as fuck that he got spanked by the Mod.

>> No.6316203

No, those are the types of threads that have always been on /jp/. But nobody knows what's "/jp/ related" anymore. VN thread? Sometimes that belongs in /a/, or /v/! Touhou thread? Always welcome on /jp/, probably the only thing welcome on /jp/. Light novels? Psh, /a/ shit. Interesting new Japanese game? /v/ shit, even though most of those kiddies probably won't be interested in it anyway.

Take a look at Bunbumaru right now. That's the future of /jp/, minus the /a/ threads there since they don't have a board for /a/.

/a/ shit makes up a large portion of /bun/, by the way.

>> No.6316208

You're telling me onahole threads and imouto threads are deletable now? If that's true, /jp/ has lost its soul.

>> No.6316211

>forgetting VNs, the only good part of /jp/

>> No.6316212

Are you seriously telling me that /v/ has a great moderator?

Fucking /v/? That place moves so fast that the slow nigger can't even keep up with it. Shitloads of threads go under his nose and end up never being shut down as early as they should if at all.

Get the fuck out

>> No.6316219


Oh right,and reported for attempted shitstorm.

>> No.6316221

Lots of threads that nobody (except Sion and the gang) had a problem with before are now taboo, for whatever reason. Threads that have been /jp/ related, by the old name, but I guess aren't anymore now that we're "Otaku Culture"

What the fuck does that even mean? Moot doesn't even fucking know the meaning of Otaku. Fuck everyone who agreed to the name change, I wasn't even on that fucking week and come back to "/jp/ - Look at our weeaboo asses, come here from /a/ and /b/ or wherever and troll us"

>> No.6316224
File: 4 KB, 208x191, moot-new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6316231

I am glad the Bunfags are at bun.

/a/ shit goes in /a/ always has. Let them enjoy their naked spoilers two seconds after the raw is out.

Trolls and their friends need to get the fuck out as well go back to /v/ or /a/. There is nothing wrong with a slow board with a limited focus.

>> No.6316239

I did address VNs. The problem with those is that the discussions get stale, because there aren't enough translated ones coming out fast enough for us to discuss, and those of us that know Japanese have the courtesy to not spoil crap for others.

So what does that lead us with?
"Hey guys, I just finished Saya no Uta"

Guaranteed asshole thread. Maybe even a few people telling them to go to /a/.

You guys are even hostile to VNs now, so I wouldn't be surprised if those threads eventually get deleted as well.

>> No.6316241
File: 143 KB, 600x600, 1256012946441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at all the ass kissing niggers in this thread

>> No.6316244

Look at all the doom-and-gloom bawwwww in this thread.

>> No.6316245

Do I smell and angsty teenager?

>> No.6316246
File: 701 KB, 826x1234, 104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical /jp/, licking the taint of any authority figure in their life.

>> No.6316248

Go DDoS someone. We don't need you here in /jp/.

>> No.6316250

You start off saying you hate bun, and end off describing your ideal board to be bun.

>> No.6316252


>> No.6316252,1 [INTERNAL] 

I used to actually have an occasional /a/ related conversation on /jp/ that would be impossible to have on /a/ due to the trolls and underage kids over there. Of course, this was in moderation, being one thread a month or so, and not many people were bothered by it because it stood in one thread.

But I guess I have Sion to blame for generating shitstorms with his spam.

What happened to the days when /jp/ would mostly take it easy? Sure, we were always elitist pricks, but not to the point where we'd just troll the everloving shit out of each other.

On that note, when the fuck did this "reported" bullshit become popular? It's the same thing as saying "sage" with your post. Nobody needs to know that you reported a poster. The poster doesn't need to see the attention they're generating. Just report and hide the fucking thread.

>> No.6316252,2 [INTERNAL] 

When you push things to the extreme, people would react in an extreme manner as well. It's an endless circle.

>> No.6316252,3 [INTERNAL] 

I can't post anything in /jp/ anymore.

What criteria do i need f=so that my

>> No.6316252,4 [INTERNAL] 

Well, just don't post anymore.

>> No.6316252,5 [INTERNAL] 

Can't take it easy anymore

Since /v/ seems to think it's their board to shit post and do anything they want in. I have zero tolerance of "vydia" shit and the retards that seem to go with it.

The first time I saw a spolier my tolerance of anime in /jp/ vanished. The trolling with anime didn't improve my opinion or soften my current absolutely no anime stance. I enjoy anime and I want to watch it at my own pace and be surprised when something happens.

You wonder what we can't take it easy? Why don't you ask all the griefers, trolls and fucktards trying to kill /jp/ off that question.

>> No.6316252,6 [INTERNAL] 

OK I just finished VC2. I feel the need to tell everyone on the Internet that because the story is extremely shitty even though the gameplay is fucking awesome.
And what the fuck is wrong with the last and second last bosses? There's no fun defeating them at all, both of them took exactly 3 turns to defeat.

>> No.6316252,7 [INTERNAL] 

Good thing I watch raws. From now on I'll post spoilers everyday, so faggots like you will fuck off.

>> No.6316252,8 [INTERNAL] 

I'm okay with this. I hardly watch anime anymore and the spoilers would help me decide whether I should bother to watch a series or not.

>> No.6316252,9 [INTERNAL] 

people are unironically complaining about /jp/'s janitor?
I wish he got modded so he could ban these retards.
We need more moderation, the maid is a godsend.
Fuck you all and the shitty board that trumpeted you to this place.

>> No.6316252,10 [INTERNAL] 

You are actually correct. We also don't know how many of the shitposters and spammers actually get banned and just evade.

At some point in the very near future ban evasion will not be possible as IPV4 address are all dealt out. There are no more. You may be stuck behind a single IP address with NAT at the ISP level. You simply will not be able to get a new IP address and evade a ban.

>> No.6316252,11 [INTERNAL] 

Since you are a griefer you would do it anyway. Shitstains like you are attracted to 4chan like flies to shit. No telling how you ended up in /jp/.

People like you need to fuck off and die.

>> No.6316252,12 [INTERNAL] 

We would have switched to IPv6 by then.

>> No.6316252,13 [INTERNAL] 


I guess you are buying all the hardware that needs to be replaced to support IPV6? Most ISPs are going to do NAT instead. They will not spend the money necessary for IPV6. It's going to give them more control over what passes on their networks which will save them big amounts of money. Try torrenting on ISP level NAT. Nope you can't do that. Want a Static IP address. Pay extra; pay lots extra, They are in the process of converting the Internet as you have known it to a Internet that is like TV and they control all the content. No more wild west Internet. No more ban evading. No more DDoS attacks from their networks. Get used to a Internet that is only good for email and watching their content and visiting only big media websites. IPV6 is the last thing they want. Not one major US ISP have a plan for converting to IPV6 or has even announced they are studying how to convert over.

>> No.6316252,14 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't buy everyone digital adapters for their TVs, but that didn't stop them from switching from analogue. Come to think of it, I don't have one yet, so my TV is now a paperweight.

>> No.6316252,15 [INTERNAL] 

Why doesn't Sion spam vidya shit if he wants it banned so much?

Also, I liked discussing animu in /jp/ before it was arbitrarily banned.

>> No.6316252,16 [INTERNAL] 

It was never banned, From day one the day it was made it was clear /a/ was for anime and manga and /jp/ was for everything else. The whole reason /jp/ was created was to get "they other shit" out of /a/. Only a total newfag would not know this.

>> No.6316252,17 [INTERNAL] 

I got a 4 day ban for posting a Persona thread after the Ar Tonelico thread

Reason: videogames thread

>> No.6316252,18 [INTERNAL] 

And you are still spamming at this very moment. There's no stopping you ain't it?

>> No.6316252,19 [INTERNAL] 

Why is Sion so mad

>> No.6316252,20 [INTERNAL] 

Reason tired of your shit posting and looking for a reason, any reason. Found one.

>> No.6316252,21 [INTERNAL] 

Add me to the list. Banned for posting image replies in shitty, unrelated threads. Then the Meido deleted the threads immediately after banning me. Great work!

>> No.6316252,22 [INTERNAL] 

Keeping unrelated threads glued to the front page with replies seems pretty banworthy to me.

>> No.6316252,23 [INTERNAL] 

Good. I'm glad. Fag-enablers like you deserve to be told.

>> No.6316252,24 [INTERNAL] 

I am glad the ban hammer is finally falling on all you shitposting /v/ fags.

>> No.6316252,25 [INTERNAL] 

Were you using sage?

>> No.6316252,26 [INTERNAL] 

Were you using sage?

>> No.6316252,27 [INTERNAL] 


Not the one I got banned for. But he was deleting the saged posts, too.


Changing an IP address takes exactly 20 seconds. I don't care about the ban, just frustrated that the janitor can't simply delete shit threads.

>> No.6316252,28 [INTERNAL] 

And he has to use your definition of shit am I right?
