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631175 No.631175 [Reply] [Original]

What heroic spirit would you summon?... theoreticly speaking if we could.

>> No.631185
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Bruce Lee as Berserker.

>> No.631187
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A washing machine.

>> No.631189

Erwin Rommel

>> No.631191
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>> No.631192
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>> No.631197

Kitiara from Dragonlance as Saber

>> No.631200
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>> No.631203
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ryougi as an assassin

>> No.631208

I'd summon Ultros.

To PUNish my enemies.

>> No.631210


>> No.631207

Siegfried as Berserker.
He could kill Saber.

>> No.631213
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Seibah. And then I'd give her mana every night.

>> No.631691
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I'm thinking Bruce would be more Lancer . . .

That's who I'd summon, Berserker class of course. He'd kick EVERYONE'S asses.

>> No.631743
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Musashi as Saber.

>> No.631745

Don't you mean Archer?

>> No.632272
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Uboa as Berseker

>> No.632280
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>> No.632286
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Should be a no-brainer, guys.

>> No.632288
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>> No.632291
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Chikane as Archer.

I'd put my arrow in her bow, if you catch my drift.

>> No.632293

Belgarion as Saber

>> No.632294
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>> No.632297
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Fits all classes

>> No.632300
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Shiki as Assassin.

>> No.632304
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Narukana as Caster.

>> No.632307
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>> No.632309

Dian Wei as Lancer.

>> No.632310

Jack Churchill as Archer.

Motherfucker fought Nazis with a bow and claymore while playing fucking bagpipes jesus christ.

>> No.632308
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>> No.632311
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Nanaya <<< Shiki

>> No.632322
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The Gardener.

>> No.632324

Nanaya worse than Shiki?
I figure that's why he said Shiki.
In b4 newfag, lurk moar, etc.

I'd go with Satsujinki personally.

>> No.632326
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Id make her go berserk on me

>> No.632328


Servant Shiki comes with all personalities.

>> No.632329

Omega Tom Hanks.

>> No.632333


If I know what you mean?

>> No.632340
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and by berserk I mean... see image

>> No.632345


>> No.632344

A caster.

>> No.632351 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 480x387, 1210959963542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hai, I found me a caster.

>> No.632353
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Belgarath as Caster

>> No.632364

I am so gay for Gene

>> No.632365
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>> No.632370


But she'd only kill japanese servants

>> No.632378

no... she is just extra effective against japanese heros and masters

>> No.632377
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Oh hi, I upgraded your Saber.

>> No.632379
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Marisa as Caster

>> No.632380
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>> No.632392
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Excel, assassin.

>> No.632395
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Star Sapphire? Wouldn't she be prone to goofing off?

>> No.632401


That's Frederica.

>> No.632405
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>> No.632407
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Kaoru as Berserker.

>> No.632421
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Caster, Archer, assasin, AND Berserker, all in one small sweet nine year old package.

>> No.632424
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>> No.632433

Fuck. I obviously meant Nanaya >>> Shiki.

>> No.632440


Did you mean Tohno?

>> No.632441
File: 88 KB, 385x476, 1210961868523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ash as an archer.

>> No.632435

Haha, Assassin? Where'd you get that idea?

>> No.632436

Nanaya = Shiki

>> No.632444
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Griffith as Saber, fuck yeah.

>> No.632466
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Hitlerchu as Caster.

>> No.632471

They say Master summons Servants that are alike in their goals or personality.

I fucking hate you from now on.

>> No.632478
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Kabapu as Caster.

>> No.632479

I LOL'D. Yeah, Griffith is an asshole.

>> No.632490
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>> No.632492

I'd summon Rin as Caster.
Then she'd probably summon Saber as Saber.
Harem end.

>> No.632501
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>> No.632503

No wait.
Make Rin summon Medeia
and she summon Rider for you
and then rulebreaker Saber for you.

Now your harem is 4 girls large.

>> No.632506
File: 37 KB, 532x464, 1210962666554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Archer

>> No.632509

Think about it anonymous.
If Shirou was such a douche and yet became so awesome when he was summoned as Archer, just how awesome would Rin become if she were summoned as Caster?

>> No.632510

Awesome game.

>> No.632520



>> No.632521


That was only because Shirou went through 20-something years of pain and suffering, losing all his morals and everyone he loved. He wasn't Shirou anymore.

>> No.632535


B-b-but archer = shirou

>> No.632537

Name does not make a person.

>> No.632540

More like 20 years of being a hairstylist.
Almost tempting to bust out the Archer went down to the hairstylist copypasta.

>> No.632541

F/SN is the best visual novel ever.

>> No.632542

The Servant went down to Rocco's, he was looking for a facial peel
he was in a bind cause he left cash behind: he was wantin' to make a deal
When he came across this young man cuttin' on a hairdo and makin' it hot.
And then Archer jumped upon a hickory stump and said: "Boy let me tell you what:

"I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fashion stylist too.
"And if you'd care to cut some hair, I'll make a bet with you.
"Now you work a pretty good clipper, boy, but give yourself your due:
"I bet a curler of gold for a free hair roll, 'cos I think I'm better than you."

The boy said: "My name's Shirou and it might be a sin,
"But I'll take your bet, your gonna regret, 'cos I'm the best that's ever been."

Shirou you polish up your comb and work your scissors hard.
'Cos hells broke loose in Midgard and that Servant styles it hard.

>> No.632606

Is this some sort of strategy game?

>> No.632601


Nanaya would be a noble phantasm for Shiki. That said, of course Nanaya >>> Shiki must be true.

>> No.632610

It is now.

>> No.632673

Tohno Akiha. As... Caster I suppose. Doesn't really fit any class and I don't want her to be Berserker. I'd use the first command spell to make her change the target of her affection from Shiki to me and then enjoy the tsundereness. I'd never get the Grail but I'd still be the true winner of the war.

>> No.632734


>> No.632765
File: 523 KB, 866x1196, 1210965196498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin summons Akiha. What happens next?

>> No.632771


>> No.632782
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Servant: Archer
Noble Phantasms: Master Sword, Silver Arrows

>> No.632785

Fucking hawt angry lesbian sex. Akiha summons Shiki to start a harem route.

>> No.632851
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Looks like I just won.

>> No.632860


Integra? Is that you?

>> No.632869
File: 972 KB, 4096x3866, 1210965995465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minamimoto as Caster, perhaps (Taboo noise summoning)? Or maybe Beserker...

>> No.632887
File: 182 KB, 278x300, 1210966105058.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, my servant just killed your servant with a math equation.

>> No.632893


/thread. You just can't top this.

>> No.632919
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That doesn't work unless he gets eaten. Go ravage most of Fuyuki City and then we'll talk.

>> No.632922
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Class: Archer.
Noble phantasms: Manly aura, volleyball.

>> No.632918


Something so win that I'd like to see it more than Tsukihime remake, HF translation and F/HA translation combined.

>> No.632931



>> No.632960

Except Excel would literally take him apart while blindfolded and tied up in tortoise shell bondage.

>> No.632975
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>> No.632982


Wouldn't their geas mean that this battle would never fucking end?

>> No.633012


She'd try, try, try as hard as she might to do it, but she would keep screwing up the entire time. Excel is an unrealistic servant because she's just so damned incompetent. She'd never get anything done right, let alone kill Alucard, who is, ya know, Alucard, let alone anyone else for that matter. Sorry. You've failed.

>> No.633021

looks like you just summoned carmen sandiego

>> No.633029


Her noble phantasm is that NOBODY knows where she is.

>> No.633035
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>> No.633040


Actually, berserker.

>> No.633054

No, Microsoft Excel.

>> No.633056
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You lost me.

>> No.633076
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>> No.633090

At least we know her momentum.

>> No.633124
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>> No.633219

Har har

>> No.633292
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Alucard is more applicable to being an Archer, given his skill with long-ranged attacks, both magical and firearm.

Also, Lancer.

>> No.633299

How is a hero associated with the Master Sword about as much as King Arthur with Excalibur an Archer class Servant?

>> No.633301

He uses every weapon under the sun; swords, bow and arrow, grappling hooks, bombs.. Versatility like that makes him an archer.

>> No.633309

He's a swordsman first, bowman, etc second. Just because Saber can ride horses and has a Riding rank high enough to pilot a fighter jet, doesn't make her a Rider.

>> No.633325

To be more accurate, the hero gets summoned into the class that best fits him at the time. If there's a better qualified Saber or Archer, he'd probably end up as a Berserker (Fierce Deity) or a Lancer (Hookshot), because he has such a wide array of potential skills. Least likely is him being summoned as a Caster.

>> No.633328
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Who cares about mana transfer anwyway.

>> No.633348


Much like in the Link issue, Alucard can be summoned as this as well.

>> No.633350
File: 6 KB, 200x151, 1210972522090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think archer is actually more likely than lancer. Depending on which incarnation you choose, he usually has a fair number of magical phantasms, and in the case of Zelda II Link, can cast many powerful spells on his own.

Plus the hookshot isn't much of a lance. It doesn't really fall into any weapon category, and I can't think of any time Link has used anything lance-like.

>> No.633356

Jesus Christ as Caster

>> No.633364
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I think caster is actually more likely than lancer. Depending on which incarnation you choose, he usually has a fair number of magical phantasms, and in the case of Zelda II Link, can cast many powerful spells on his own.

Plus the hookshot isn't much of a lance. It doesn't really fall into any weapon category, and I can't think of any time Link has used anything lance-like.

>> No.633369
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Right person wrong class.

>> No.633402

shirou was a magus first, yet he was summoned as archer. Hell his main weapon were swords and he still was archer.

I think archer is basically the class servants are thrown in if they dont accel in any specific combat type.

>> No.633405


Archer did have that bigass bow, though.

>> No.633410


but he used swords as arrows

which is fucking badass

>> No.633428


Kendo. It has to be kendo.

>> No.633424


Where do you get lancer from?

Berserker would make more sense due to him going crazy after Kamina died.

Rider would make more sense due to him piloting a mech.

>> No.633425


Tell me. What sports club was Shirou in?

>> No.633430



>> No.633433

Shirou was a great archer (only time he ever missed was intentional), a great swordsman (since he loved them so much, he picked up a lot of famous techniques), and a great (though not at all rounded) magus. He'd also fit well as a berserker, since his natural style is very powerful and energetic, but lacks any skill. Lancer and Assassin are probably the only classes that wouldn't fit him.

>> No.633436
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>> No.633438


Thanks for playing.

Tell them what they've won Johnny!

>> No.633445
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Drills are somewhat lance-like, the one he developed in his hobo days especially.

>> No.633449


Interestingly enough Emiya Kiritsu could be an assassin type servant.

Though it'd have to be flawed or something similar.

>> No.633451
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Kei as Berserker

>> No.633452


Yea but he doesn't ever fight with one.

His legend was that he basically got inside a giant robot and kicked your ass.

>> No.633457

Shirou is a horrible magus. The only thing that he has over normal magi is his Tracing abilities. His level is below that of a beginners' otherwise.

Shirou's skills as a swordsman are not his own. He merely copies the abilities of other warriors, which makes his swordfighting capabilities lower than those of true swordsmen.

Shirou never went berserk in his entire life.

Thus, Shirou can only be in the Archer class.

>> No.633461
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His noble phantasm will be a landmaster.

>> No.633473

Yeah, True Assassins are the only ones with any real chance of becoming Assassin class servants, with that one exception in the seventh war of course. The real thing stopping Kiritsugu, though, is that he lacks any form of fame, so probably didn't become an eiyuu in the first place.

>> No.633487

Part of how strong a servant is is how well he's known.

Doomguy. Beserker, Archer, Assassin. It doesn't matter. Nobody else has actually gone INTO hell with mundane weapons and killed legions and legions of demons that took thousands and thousands of years to make.

Everyone knows about Doom. Everybody.

And BFG as a noble phantasm would levels CITIES.

>> No.633490

>>633487 Part of how strong a servant is is how well he's known.
That's so minimal that it doesn't even need to be accounted for.

>> No.633491
File: 178 KB, 377x290, 1210974302454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of how strong a servant is is how well he's known.

Doomguy. Beserker, Archer, Assassin. It doesn't matter. Nobody else has actually gone INTO hell with mundane weapons and killed legions and legions of demons that took thousands and thousands of years to make.

Everyone knows about Doom. Everybody.

And BFG as a noble phantasm would levels CITIES.

>> No.633493

Well, the fact still remains that just because he's versatile, doesn't make him an Archer. Just means he can be summoned into more than one Class.

>> No.633496

>>633491 Part of how strong a servant is is how well he's known.
That's so minimal that it doesn't even need to be accounted for.

>> No.633497


Just imagine him facing off against Heracles.


>> No.633498
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His noble phantasm will be a landmaster.

>> No.633499

Fair enough.

But BFG pretty much trumps all.

>> No.633501


Guts breaks it, Alucard takes it over, Ash hijacks it, Marisa blows it away, etc, etc.

Get your overused, shit furfag character out of here.

>> No.633502
File: 24 KB, 400x329, 1210974418393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His noble phantasm will be a landmaster.

>> No.633507

You do realise that everyone that has gone crazy while they were alive can be summoned as berserker, right?

>> No.633503


>> No.633504


>> No.633510

>Shirou is a horrible magus. The only thing that he has over normal magi is his Tracing abilities. His level is below that of a beginners' otherwise.
Tracing is one of the highest level skills in magic, close to sorcery according to Rin. He lacks formal training, yes, but his potential is unbelievable.

>Shirou's skills as a swordsman are not his own. He merely copies the abilities of other warriors, which makes his swordfighting capabilities lower than those of true swordsmen.
But strangely enough, his main technique is one he copied from himself, so it could considered his. In the Shirou vs. Archer fight, it's shown that Archer's technique is just a highly developed and polished version of Shriou's natural style.

>Shirou never went berserk in his entire life.
Going berserk in one's lifetime is not a requirement for being a berserker. Nearly any hero can become a berserker since the class molds the hero upon summoning, negating the need for the hero to fit the cast.

>> No.633508

Drills are a piercing weapon, much like lances and spears are. His weapon is basically a gigantic suit of armor that wields drills. Just because he pilots a mech, doesn't make him a Rider. If that were the case, then Saber is one too, because she can pilot a fighter jet (and could probably pilot a mech also)

>> No.633513
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His noble phantasm will be getting shot down in a landmaster.

>> No.633516

There's crazy and there's RIP AND TEAR.

>> No.633522

>>633510 Tracing is one of the highest level skills in magic, close to sorcery according to Rin. He lacks formal training, yes, but his potential is unbelievable.
Only when it is related to swords. He's super-specialised.

>> No.633521
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His noble phantasm will be a differently colored landmaster.

>> No.633524
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Mobius 1. It's all over now.

>> No.633527

Going berserk is a requirement to becoming a Berserker class servant.

>> No.633535

At least once, yeah. That's pretty much the only requirement. You need to have lost it to the point of going into such a raging fury you won't remember what the fuck you were doing, at least once in your lifetime, and you can be summoned as a Berserker.

>> No.633541


So most shonen protagonists qualify.

>> No.633543
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Pretty lax requirements if you ask me.

>> No.633555
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Berserker Emiya would be awesome.


>> No.633561

Tracing is also one of the more useless applications of magic, so nobody really cares about Fakers.

>> No.633566

This thread is interesting.
The choices people have made tell something about their personality.

>> No.633588


*Golf clap.*

>> No.633592


Psychoanalyze the guy who did Alucard. Cuz that'd me.

>> No.633601
File: 22 KB, 637x319, 1210975705594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd summon this guy.

>> No.633605

You egoistic, arrogant asshole
Well, I haven't watched much Hellsing, but this is what I would say

>> No.633607
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Hei, Assassin

>> No.633611
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Accuracy is a bitch, huh?

>> No.633622
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>> No.633627

>Shirou is a horrible magus. The only thing that he has over normal magi is his Tracing abilities. His level is below that of a beginners' otherwise.

Archer Shriou can create a reality marble, which is said to be a magic very close to that of sorcery. It's easy to tell that the shirou that turns into archer, at least, had some more magic training after the grail war.

>> No.633629

Allright, go for the Doomguy.

>> No.633646


No. This is incorrect. Normal Shirou gains the ability to use UBW during some routes.

>> No.633651


You sound more like Jan than Alucard.

>> No.633672
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Jan has even better lines. For example, he says the motherfucking Konami code while slaughtering highly trained soldiers. Fucking awesome.

>> No.633712
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>> No.633719

Summon C.C., watch Shirou's brain explode.

>> No.633739

Summon Jesus as a Caster. Now you're really fucked.

>> No.633751

doesn't that show that shirou isn't such a horrible magus after all, then?

>> No.633763
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Beowulf, although he doesn't fit into any of the classes. He's never been berserk, weapons crumble in his hands, never used magic, and was too confrontational to be considered an assassin.

>> No.633769

He was a hero in a Ghandi sort of way.

>> No.633773
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Bunshichi, Saber class. in b4 Mitsuomi summoned as Berserker and me ;_;

>> No.633778

>Bunshichi, Saber class. in b4 Kishima Kouma summoned as Berserker and me ;_;

>> No.633783


I was never the one arguing against you in the first place, but I must say that it's still arguable. Reality Marbles are merely reflections of the user's soul brought into reality. Shirou's gives him lots of swords, Arc's allows her to recreate any naturally occurring affect (a reference to her and Roa's cycle of death and reawakening), Nero's was what held him and his 666 beasts together as a single being (obvious), Tartari's made him a "phenomenon" who's appearance was based on the metaphysical substance of information (what he needed to stop the Crimson Moon, apparently), and Roa's multiplied his powerlevel by infinity (obvious). They have nothing to do with magic skill. You merely need to obtain them.

>> No.633786


>That said, of course Nanaya >>> Shiki must be true.

It's a toss up really,there is no better,as both "Mode's" try to accomplish something diffirent. Tohno just tries to keep himself alive while doing minimal damage and Nanaya just out right goes berserk,tottally ignoring what Tohno's body is saying.

>> No.633796

Arc doesn't have a Reality Marble.
She has Marble Phantasm which allows her to recreate any natural phenomenon in any place, provided she has enough power to do so.

ORT has a Reality Marble

>> No.633797

Merlinus Caledonensis as Caster.

Ability to foresee the future, and if we go by Arturian legend he is able to communicate with and control the forces of nature.

>> No.633805

but doesn't it require tremendous magical power for a human to summon them?

>> No.633811
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TF2 Spy as Assassin!

Think about it. Instant kill backstabs and a cloaking field, as well as the ability to disguise as any other servant/master.

>> No.633819

Most likely mana is consumed by maintaining the Marble.

>> No.633821

Achilles, either as a Lancer or a Berserker.

Obvious Noble Phantasm would be "Child Blessed by God", because of the fact that he only has 2 weak spots, which are his heels.

The other Servants would keep trying to kill him but fail, not knowing that he even has a weak spot to begin with.

>> No.633823

Spy is already a hero or villain in the heart of many

He will become a servant.

>> No.633832

just get some heavy duty shin bracers

>> No.633835


What would his Noble Phantasm be?

"Noble Phantasm: FYI I am a Spy"?

>> No.633838


ORT doesn't have a Reality Marble. It's just an affect of his presence anywhere, though the affect is so similar to a Reality Marble that nobody gives a fuck. His allows him to change the landscape all around him, crystilizing it. This is said to make the area similar to ORT's home world, Mercury.

>> No.633839


>> No.633849


"Spy sappin mah mastah!"

>> No.633841

Those would make it obvious for the opponent that his weak spot lies there though. It would be best to just keep it open for a lucky shot.

>> No.633842

Sader as Saber

>> No.633856

get invisible heavy duty shin bracers!

>> No.633858


What's the difference between a Marble Phantasm and a Reality Marble? They seem similar enough.

>> No.633860
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I would summon King Arthur as Saber.

>> No.633862

reality marble = world

marble phantasm = scenario

>> No.633870

I don't see the problem here.

Command spell for legendary vagoo, tits and ass.

>> No.633865

king arthur's a girl though

>> No.633875
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He'd bust other servants out of existence.

>> No.633880

He fucking took over Asia from Korea through China all the away to Iran/Iraq and even made headway into France. He really should have been King of Conquerers, but Rider is far much more sexier.

>> No.633882

Mahatma Gandhi as Berserker

>> No.633883


>> No.633887
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Just mana. Nothing more. Skill is not required.

To prove a point, Sacchin has one.

>> No.633898


All other servants would disappear in a puff of logic.

>> No.633899
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Captain Ahab as lancer

>> No.633901


Holy fuck.

>> No.633909
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This would be my archer

>> No.633915

Sacchin is a vampire. Reality Marbles are a dime a dozen to supernatural creatures.

It's when normal humans get it that people start turning heads.

>> No.633921

That girl is cute, I've never seen her before though?

>> No.633924


That guy forgets 19/20th the stuff he hears every episode.

>> No.633927

Weak to enemy fire and would die easily

if you can get close enough to hurt him without getting the HEADSHOT, that is.

>> No.633928


That's not Mack "Mack" Machowicz is it?

>> No.633931

no, that's Doug, you n00b.

>> No.633934
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Best archer ever.

>> No.633936
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Ashley as my Caster

>> No.633940


>> No.633943


But Sacchin is so unbelievably young for a vampire that even Aoko was surprised that she had one and contemplated that she might fill a spot in the 27 one day because of it.

>> No.633945

no, that's Brucie, you n00b.

Rockstar agreed, don't bother them. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.633947

Don't make that face at me ಠ3ಠ

>> No.633948


but he can instantly BOOM HEADSHOT you.. You'd be already dead before you know it

>> No.633951
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>> No.633955
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ಠ_ಠ I said stop that

>> No.633956
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ಠ_ಠ I said stop that

>> No.633958

ಠ_ಠ as ಠ_ಠ

>> No.633960
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ok ok ಠ3ಠ

>> No.633962
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Good man.

>> No.633980
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>> No.633984
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Winner. Unless...

Zeus, yo.

>> No.633995


>> No.633992


>> No.633998

Batman as Assassin, Dr. Strange as Caster, or Superman as Berserker.

Or for shits and giggles, Deadpool as Assassin.

>> No.634005
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>> No.634012
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Rail Tracer as Assassin

>> No.634014


is there a template to make these?

>> No.634024

No. Just print-screen and too much free time.
