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File: 799 KB, 1280x960, EV_CO15F_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
630968 No.630968 [Reply] [Original]

mind = blown

now i know why people gripe when people say "F/SN is the best VN EVAR!"

>> No.630971

now the worst thing is that you can't never read it again, in the same way you did before

>> No.630969

Welcome to the other side anon

>> No.630973

Is there a single one on this board who ever claimed so?

>> No.630974

i have seen some

>> No.630976

I've had enough spoiled for me that I never WILL be able to read it that way for a first time ;_;

>> No.630979

your fault

>> No.630980

i still need to get sora's and you's epilogue, so im not completely done.

But those shouldn't take long anyway

>> No.630981

meh, nothing much happening anyway. Maybe Sora's is a bit ;_;

>> No.630982

ever since i picked it up, i avidly stayed away from every bit of spoiler about it. I went in only thinking "lol its Bioshock the VN!"

im glad i did

>> No.630997

I'm more effected by the a drug that makes you dream spoilers constantly posted.

I thought the game looked like your regular happy end dating sim and then it seems like it has all those evil ends.

>> No.631017
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Stupid sexy holograms.

>> No.631029

I played ever17 first and I still like F/SN more than it.

It's just preference though, I like fights and ever17 has a complete lack of them.

>> No.631046

What are you talking about! Can't you punch the kid when he chucks a fit about his sandwich?

>> No.631054

Yes, but you can't punch him TWICE.
Thus, F/SN wins, if only bu QUANTITY.

>> No.631067

is this the underwater amusement park one?

>> No.631071
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>> No.631073
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The problem with Ever17 is that its so damn good.

It doesn't have any shitty H-scenes (*cough* NASU) ruining things.

It has a set of interesting, interleaving plots that eventually reveal the truth to the reader.

It has good characters, very good music, and high-quality CGI.

While you can't really call any VN the "best," Ever17 is without a doubt in the top tier.

>> No.631081
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I fucking love Ever17. ;_;

>> No.631083
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Japan seems to agree.

>> No.631088

I have Ever17 but never got around to playing it.

>> No.631091

Japan has shit taste though.

>> No.631102

Play it, I personally suggest Tsugumi's route first as you'll be addicted to it after that single route.

>> No.631099

The amazing thing about Ever17 is that the main character has sex in *two* of the routes, yet the makers of the game managed to completely restrain themselves and basically not show anything whatsoever. I think in this sort of sense it actually made the reader empathize with the characters more, rather than just treating them as FAPPIN CHARACTERS in FAPPIN GAMES.

>> No.631109


This. Its basically the route that comes closest to "what actually happens" in the "true" final route, but without the information from the other routes you really don't know whats going on, so when you do the other routes, you suddenly look back and get that great "OH NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE" feeling.

>> No.631115

If you don't pay attention properly you can miss the subtle hints completely.

But yes, usually VN's are much more story line satisfying if they do not include eroge. While the h-scenes in say, Tsukihime could be removed and nothing of value would be lost. Without them in the first place it sort of gives you a different value/goal when reading it. Plus... Tsukihime's h-scenes are terrible as everyone already knows.

>> No.631121

I'm already in the middle of Fate/Stay Night, though. I don't like being in the middle of a bunch of VNs at once. I know it seems like I'm passing over gold for some bronze but if Fate drags on any more I might just say fuck it and play Ever17.

>> No.631136


Finish Fate, it won't take you too long.

Ever17 isn't as "exciting" as F/SN in terms of fast-paced action, but its just as addictive if you have some basic patience.

>> No.631138

True, though Ever17 is much much better in the long run.

>> No.631142

It is pretty exciting though.

I did Sara's route first. I don't think that music played again for the entire game.

>> No.631146


Yes, definitely agreed there.

F/SN is "awesome" while you play it, and "awesome" for a day or two after, but eventually you realize that its merely good, not great.

Ever17 is great.

>> No.631149

If you can't sit though fate, I really don't know how you will go with finishing Ever17.
As the others have said it's not a action packed blood pumping adventure.

>> No.631157

I hate how Japan is obsessed with hearing girls squealing like they're having multiple heartattacks. That shit is not sexy, especially not when every other line in an H-scene I have to listen to that horrifying sound.

>> No.631164

"Oh please stick it in!"

>> No.631198
File: 288 KB, 1280x960, 1210935394586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg hai there - . - I'm Tsugumi-san and I absolutely looooathe -_____- humans </3 especially takeshi!!! Okies so anyways, im going to tell you about the WORST day of my life when I met my ded husband takeshi!! <//////////////////3 OMFGZ HE WAS SUUUUCH AN ANNOYING PERSON!!! Supa baka desu!!!!!!!! >______< When I walked onto LeMU -________- I looked up and saw... TAKESHI!!!!!!!!! </////////////////////////33333333!!!!!!!!!" KONNICHIWA OMGZZZZZZZZZ ANATA BAKA TAKESHI-SAN!!!!!!!!" I yelled n_____n then he turned chibi then un-chibi!!he looked at me [-.-;;;;;;;] and then he saw how hot I am *___* he grabbed my hand and winked ~_^ then pulled me behind a souvenir shop o_o and started to kiss me!!!!!! [OMG!!! HIS TOUNGE TASTED LIKE CHICKEN SANDWICHES!!! RLY!! >_____< *(;_;)* *(;_;)* *(;_;)*] then I saw You, that baka fat bitch watching us and I could tell she was undressing him with her eyes!!!!!!!!!! [ -___________-;;;;; OMG I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT EITHER!!! (O_O);;;;;] so I yelled "UH UH BAKA NEKO I DUN LIKE HIM BUT WHY DON'T YOU GO HOOK UP WITH KID CAUSE TAKESHI-SAMA CAN ONLY THINK ABOUT HOLOGRAMS!!! (then takeshi held me close O_______O; and said he would only ever love me and kissed me again!!!!!!! ** (X_x)/ then he went into a washing machine and set it on heavy duty!!!!!!!! Nyaaaaa!!! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

>> No.631212
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>> No.631218

>>That shit is not sexy
You're sick, seek help immediately.

>> No.631234

But do you know why people gripe when someone says Ever17 is the best VN ever?

>> No.631240


Because deep inside, they know he's right.

>> No.631246

If we are talking about just the translated VN's, It might have some merit.

But really we are probably being deprived of some of the really excellent VN's that haven't been translated yet.

>> No.631286

visual novels don't come into existence until they are translated.

>> No.631294

I tried playing this a while ago, but the writing style and pacing bored me to the point where I just simply stopped. I think the only ending I got is bad one where everyone dies.

>> No.631298



>> No.631314


Well it's not so much the lack of action, but just much of the everyday interactions (in before the mindfucking begins I guess) seems trivial or simply just lacking in interest - the exposition could've probably been a lot more concise. The technical explainations are kind of interesting and are relatively unique in this context, but I don't think it needed to present it in such a pendantic manner.

I donno, maybe I'll give it another try sometime if I'm feeling particularly bored.

>> No.631341

Tsugumi ...I don't get why she gets all the hate on /jp/. Ever17 is just written to make her out as the bitch, when really she's no worse than any of the 'protagonists' and a better person than most of them.

What are the main complaints? She raped Takeshi and killed Chami with her own hands?

Okay, let's get this straight. She never fucking raped Takeshi. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She fucked Takeshi.

Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE GAME DIDN'T WANT TO FUCK TAKESHI? You can't even name one fucking character who didn’t want to plug his loose ass! He is the kind of bitch who will act like he doesn't want it when he really does. He'll say No! while having multiple orgasms. Tsugumi knew this, she's a fucking man’s lady. She knows what filthy man-whores like Takeshi want.

And there's this other big bitch you guys have with her. She supposedly killed Chami with her own hands.

Objection! She was worried about her one and only precious pet. Is keeping your loved ones from a prolonged death so wrong? When Sora does the same thing to Takeshi it's like 'oh she's so womanly', but when Tsugumi does it it's wrong? She just wanted to protect Chami. She probably was going to use LeMU’s technology to tighten Takeshi’s ass back up or cure his syphilis or something.

The story was written to make that faggot Sora look good. Objectively, Tsugumi is a far better character than Sora. At least she has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Sora, and if she weren't stuck with that weak ass steel pipe in her leg and no plothax she probably could have escaped by herself.

>> No.631359

Was waiting for this for a while now... was not delivered on time.

>> No.631363


I just got home. I'll post that Curry Pasta if you want.

>> No.631367

Awesome You is awesome.

>> No.631377


I was annoyed at You at first because i wanted to fuck Tsugumi, then she grew on me. You is very faptastic.

>> No.631386

I consider her the best girl in the game.

>> No.631385
File: 467 KB, 1024x768, 1210940080860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best CG there is?

>> No.631430

Coco's voice is fucking annoying... so goddamn squealy-squirmy

>> No.631431


I liked the one with blood better

>> No.631456
File: 10 KB, 941x222, 1210941697934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, well, what does Japan know?

>> No.631488

Quick question... I just beat Ever 17 for the first time yesterday, taking Tsugumi's path and getting the "good ending". I can't however seem to remember Tsugumi and Takashi having sex, much less her raping him. Did I just completely fucking miss this?

>> No.631506

What's so great about it?

>> No.631511

Sex is after the others have escaped and before they hit the submarine, pretty much.

Rape ensues in Sora path.

>> No.631519
File: 14 KB, 806x625, 1210943344590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It was even less obvious than the one sex scene in Clannad, though.. however, you could probably tell from the context. It's just a bunch of nondescriptive text on a white background.

>> No.631523

Tsugumi has a choking fetish.

>> No.631533

you were talking about rape, and then I thought that choking scene is where she raped you. it would explain why sora was so "OMG I'M SO JEALOUS GRRR", maybe I was a little bit distracted but I don't remember anything that can pass of as sex. she did kiss him though

>> No.631542


Okay, let's get this straight. She never fucking raped Takeshi. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She fucked Takeshi.

>> No.631545

Ok I get it. but when did THAT happen? it was during the choking scene then?

>> No.631547

I finished it last night too.

And deep down I know there will never be another VN as good again.

>> No.631562



>> No.631565


No anonymous, YOU are the loop.

>> No.631577

There's some things I still don't understand though.

Who kicked the godamn can? Who was counting?

I'm assuming the true ending has Takeshi paired with
Tsugumi, but it also seems to hint that Sora is too?

And what the fuck is that 5 second long Tsugumi/Sora epilogue about?

>> No.631585


Read the VN. Faggot.

>> No.631592


How exactly would I be able to see the Tsugumi/Sora epilogue if I hadn't beat it?

Last I checked, seeing the coco ending was a requirement.

>> No.631599


You may have "saw" it but that doesnt mean that you have actually read it. Also, you're still a faggot.

>> No.631614

I post this in every Ever17 thread since most people ask questions that this answers.

Answers most of the questions that aren't explained in Ever17, such as who kicked the can, the life readings, etc.

>> No.631647

>>Who kicked the godamn can? Who was counting?

Most inconsistencies can be explained by blink winkle being an idiot.

>> No.631664

hey, just finished sora's path
and for being so clueless, I didn't exactly get what the life readings at the end meant
was takeshi able to live? did he just stay there? who was that one single alive person in there?

>> No.631666


Don't ask for Spoilers. Plus, there's a range of possibilities.

>> No.631668

Finish all routes BEFORE you start asking questions on 4chan.

>> No.631674

>>I didn't exactly get what the life readings at the end meant

Jeez, not everything in every story is suppose to be clear cut, this isn't some shounen where they feed you the story line. Think about what it could be about for you self, it's half of the fun.

>> No.631697


Don't even consider asking questions about the game until you've done Coco's path.

>> No.631702


>> No.631709
File: 99 KB, 247x248, 1210949128665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way!

>> No.631710


>> No.631711


Quit babying him, the OP's picture already spoiled the entire game.

>> No.631719

Now you've done it. No one notices if you don't say anything.

>> No.631723


But OP only spoils that there IS "they lived happily ever after" ending.
..Or did I do it just now? Tee-hee, silly me.

>> No.631724


Anyone would notice two Yous, two Takeshis, a different Kid and a physical Sora with a single glance.

>> No.631749




>> No.631754

I quit after playing about 2 hours. It was, weird shit ... OMG more weird shit! Check us out, we're awesome, we can put in more weird shit!


>> No.631757



>> No.631761


Two Yous and two Takeshis just spoils that the 'Kid' and 'Takeshi' paths are two different incidents rather than two views of the same. Which is something you'd figure out after doing one route of each anyway.

>> No.631771

>>paths are two different incidents rather than two views of the same.

I assumed that one choice lead you to find Sara and the Other Coco. But that was the first time playing though, on the second route my brain started melting.

>> No.631995

I didnt realize the whole completely different route thing
I did however find it strange how kid is quite a fad in takeshi's route when he's alright in his route

>> No.632014
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The only thing that seriously bothers me is why the fuck Tales of the Abyss is on there. The story was shit, and it had to be the worst Tales game I ever played.

>> No.632025


>> No.632030

Agreed. It was fucking horrible. The only Tales game I couldn't stand.

>> No.632651


You're either trolling or you failed to grasp the game at all

>> No.632736

Where can I get this VN? Torrents have no seeds.

>> No.632755


Well, I liked it, one of my favorites.

>> No.632783


Really? Despite all the bugs and the odd storyline, I liked Abyss far more than I liked Legendia.


It's not so much that I can't sit through it, but I have very limited time to play VNs during the day so playing for twenty minutes and only reading a detailed description of Shirou's cooking gets old after a while.

>> No.632802

Protip: Don't play FSN.

>> No.632933



But this theory does has its place as to answer questions like "how come the 2034 incident turns out almost exactly like 2017 including the flooding time/area?", note that You'haru isn't likely to plan every little things to happen in 2034... maybe, BW's subjective observation affected the turnout of the 2034 reality. This theory also can explain Kaburaki's periodically lost his memory in 2017 (in front of gift shop he forgot Takeshi's name and where she was at; later assume that he forgot he was the it in the kick the can game): BW is changing the 2017 reality to the way it think should be.


>> No.633187

though tis probably not the same problem, I tend to like when VN are longer, as it gives me something to do. I too only can read about an hour a night, so I love the longer VN

on a side note, ever17 was really hard to only read for hour long segments, especially during coco's route

>> No.633531

since there's already a ever17 thread up

/r/ the ending reactions picture

>> No.633619

isohunt has seeders

>> No.633749


This, it appears I can't find my copy either.

>> No.633775

go back to playing subway rape games

>> No.633790
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>> No.634019

thank you good sir
