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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6308929 No.6308929 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking about buying a dakimakura. Where does the rest of /jp/ get theirs from?

I'm looking for touhou dakimakura specifically. Also, from what I have searched so far most of them have a bad picture so feel free to make recommendations of custom service as well please.

>> No.6308947

You could probably find Touhou covers on Yahoo Auctions, maybe even eBay.

>> No.6308987

I just bought one from this seller yesterday. I've heard great things from other anons who have purchased from them also. All bootlegs though.

>> No.6308998

What's the quality of bootlegs like? Are they nearly as good as the original but without a price tag like the original?

>> No.6309012

From what I recall from hearsay, yes, everyone who's brought from them has been satisfied. Mine hasn't arrived yet, so I wouldn't know from experience, though.

>> No.6309044

I heard the ones from ebay fade when you wash it. Is that true?

>> No.6309048

I dunno about that site, but I got my bootleg off ebay, and it's just fine. When you pay $100+ for a cover, you do know that the printed piece of cloth isn't what you're actually paying for, right?

These things literally take $15 at most to make. They just overcharge otaku because they know they'll buy them at ridiculous princes.

So the bootlegs are pretty much the same as the real thing, just not "officially" made.

>> No.6309064

Quick question for anyone who has a dakimakura. Do these things attract hair? I have three dogs who usually hang out in my room, and I'm worried my pillows will attract hair and get all gross

>> No.6309075


Depends on the material of the case I think. Most don't.

On another note, why does hugging/humping one of these feel good?

>> No.6309728

I'm looking for touhou dakimakura that don't have much ero on it. Can someone help?

>> No.6309781

why? if someone sees they wont think you are less weird because it is nude

>> No.6309811

I don't think it works that way.

>> No.6309922

If I saw someone with a dakimakura I would find them weird if it was nude or not.
You're supposed to hide those in the rafters above your closet whenever there's a chance someone could enter your room.

>> No.6310046

that's really hard. They will get fucking curious to know what the package is about.

Being nude would be worse I guess.

The nude ones have worse art also from what I found so far.

>> No.6310961

I'm gonna help you guys out. The big question that arises is how to stuff your dakimakura. Unless you are willing to pay ass loads of money getting a pillow designed for these you are going to need to improvise.

Go to your local big box store and buy a body pillow. Also buy a standard queen pillow at as close to the same firmness as possible. Put the body pillow in first, be careful not to break the zipper, it will be a tight fit. Fold the pillow in half to make it easier. Once that is done you will see why you need the other pillow. Cut the shell off of that one and measure out the amonut needed to fully fill your dakimakura and cut it. Give a few extra centimeters to be sure. Place inside and be careful while zipping up so you don't get any stuck in the zipper. Cuddle with your waifu and remember to treat her right.

>> No.6310974


Or just go to Bed Bath and Beyond and buy a body pillow. I would think that a "standard" size is about 150cm for dakimakura, and the body pillow measures to be about 146.5cm. It's roughly the same size. If it bothers you that much then you just stuff the top so those few centimeters get filled.

>> No.6310983

you can find appropriately sized pillows at walmart for under 20bux

>> No.6310995


Don't know what you guys are talking about. Most US body pillows are 52cm by 130something cm. Mine was off by like 12cm or so length wise. That is why I needed to improvise.

>> No.6310999


Yeah, mine wasn't off by that much.

>> No.6311029


looked it up
my pillow was 50.8cm by 137.16cm aka 20' by 54' for us tards in the US. This seems to be the usual size you will find.

>> No.6311043

sigh I am retarded.

' = feet "= inches I give up yo and I am going to bed
if you run into same problem try what I said. I guess i typed it correctly. I am not so sure anymore.

>> No.6311046

Some people don't want to fuck their waifu.

That said, I'm extremely jealous that one of the Louise dakimakuras here >>6308987 actually shows her asleep and in bedwear that isn't extremely lewd.

My waifu has nothing but hentai dakimakura.

>> No.6312466

I know how you feel. Only reason I don't have one is because every one made for my waifu is too lewd. I don't want her naked in my bed, I just want her in a neutral seeping position or something. Something that makes her look comfortable, not cock-hungry.

>> No.6314148

My, this thread is still alive? Good.

Bumping for more answers and opinions.

>> No.6314471

Anyone have any good photos of these bootlegs? I'm particularly interested in closeups of the fabric, zipper, and stitching. I'd like to see how the quality compares to higher priced ones.

>> No.6314495

I got mine from ebay. Yeah I know all about how "ewww ebay" circles around dakimakura purchases, but this order was perfect. I am really happy with it.

>> No.6314532

This is basically the one I bought, but the backside of it is lighter than what the picture here actually shows.

On the topic of dakimakuras, anyone else start to unknowingly start to cuddle with theirs after a good nights sleep? Last night I feel asleep without cuddling mine, but woke up with her in my arms and she was hogging the blanket.

>> No.6314589

I thought about buying that one. I'll take your opinion in consideration.

>> No.6314795

Yes. I bought one of these body pillows from Target for $10. It's comes a but short lengthwise but is fine otherwise.

>> No.6314820

I really like hugging the dakimakura of mai waifu. It gives me a pleasant feeling. I think it was well worth the $100 I spent for it. You can't get this sort of thing with images or figurines after all.

>> No.6314842

You guys are making me really want one so I could sleep with my waifu, but I'm an underage fag.

>> No.6314850 [DELETED] 

Aside from being scum, why can't you?
Fuck what your dad thinks, you'll never amount to anything anyway.

>> No.6314879

Sound advice, I recently just ordered my first also. Don't worry about what your family will think, just do what makes you happy.

>> No.6315384
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My problem with buying through ebay is knowing in the back of my mind that even though it would have cost more, I could have had a better physical form of mai waifu.

However, the lack of any non-bootleg Saber dakimakura that doesn't have her in some compromising position has prevented me from following through.
That, and it's fucking inconceivable that no one made one.

>> No.6315417

try a 1/3 dollfie sometime

>> No.6315421

I've got 6 from this place. I've only slept with two regularly, but they're great quality. I definitely recommend it.

>> No.6315422


>These things literally take $15 at most to make

I'm sensing a market...

>> No.6315531


Do they work with custom service? Because I don't like any of the pictures they offer there.

>> No.6315567

I got mine from this place too. They ship fast as hell. I got mine in about a week which is pretty damn impressive coming from China and all. Quality seems fine to me. Hasn't faded after a couple of washes either.

>> No.6315625

I envy you guys' pure innocent love for your waifus. I wish I had low to no sex drive. Would make dealing with the whole forever alone thing a lot easier.

Anyway look into getting a custom one. It will take some work but dakimakuras really are nice.

>> No.6315643
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You're bothered by being alone? You actually crave female attention? You're on /jp/?

>> No.6315651 [DELETED] 

My waifu's been out of print for over a decade and never really made it into the dakimakura scene anyhow. not only will I need a custom service. But I'll need to commission some one to draw the picture too. So much money. It'll be worth it though.

>> No.6315662

I'd respond to you, but >>6315643 beat me to it.

What the hell?
You actually want to fuck your waifu?
I mean, I wouldn't be against it if she proposed, but the fact that I can't doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Why are you even here?

>> No.6316018

>Anyway look into getting a custom one.

If I could find someone that speaks English and would do a satisfactory job, I'd commission the art.

No one's posted a link to a printer yet either.

>> No.6316489

Don't you consider it normal to find your waifu hot? I know mine turns me on more than anything else.

>> No.6316490

I am a little surprised you guys don't want any female attention at all. Really? Are you sure? Look I am lonely as you can get, but no desire whatsoever for any attention whatsoever? Seriously? I know most, if not all of us, don't fit in with really anyone, but still.

It does bother me. It bothers me a lot. Again I envy you guys. It really hurts being forever alone.

>> No.6316498

They tell themselves that in order to feel better. Sometimes they even really start believing it. The truth will come around though, and they'll feel it every so often where it hurts. It might take a while, but the loneliness will creep up on them and some nights they'll probably feel restless or like they want to try. Humans need other people. That's just how we are. If you aren't like that, you're lying to yourself, fooling yourself, or have severe mental instability which is outside the scope of every single person on this board. Everyone here likes to say and think they have all these problems, but the truth is they are simply looking for excuses. Good luck anons.

>> No.6316508
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Sounds to me like you still need more training.

Anyway, I order most of mine from 1999. I currently own twelve dakimakura and my first was a bootleg Fate I bought on ebay. It's made out of some kind of imitation silk that feels much better than even the official smooth covers. I can see it not lasting as long as the others, considering it's not made as well as my official ones. Still, I like it all the same.

My most recent dakimakura purchase was this one, and also the Anya one. Should be in the mail soon.

>> No.6316547

i have the janelee's one

it isn't like a real dakimakura (the material used in real dakimakuras is peach-something) but it's ok

only problem, the threads are really weak, my cat nearly ruined my shana's face ;_;

>> No.6316564

If the cat attacked your waifu I think it needs to be terminated with extreme prejudice.

>> No.6316586

Naah. Anyone that lets a cat near a dakimakura should deal with the consequences. Cats are horrible creatures that only want to destroy what you love.

I have been in a love/hate relation ship with cats for over ten years.

>> No.6317135


nah she was sleeping on her face and when i tried to get her away she scratched shana ;_;

>> No.6317157
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Janelee uses peachskin. It's close enough-- it's very soft.
The official one that I own uses polyester and I don't really think it would be as nice to sleep with (I only use it as a wall display right now, anyway).

I let my cat sleep on Mariya all the time and there isn't a single scratch on it.
I also know that she'd freak out if I tried to wake her up or pick her up, so I just leave her be.

>> No.6317166

Not really. As far as sexual desires go, which is what we're talking about, I'm perfectly fine masturbating. The pleasure I get from my butt alone is more than enough to satisfy me.

For emotional desires, I have my waifu, and, yes, I do feel the loneliness every so often when I can't hold her, or be held by her.

But sexually, I'm perfectly content how things are.

>> No.6318964
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Please /jp/,
help me find this dakimakura cover. I absolutely need it. It's out of stock in the shops I've looked at, and I couldn't find it on yahoo auctions. I don't know where else to look. The price doesn't matter; I'd give my soul for this. I'm in love.

>> No.6319645


>> No.6319740


I think your best bet is one of those services that will import shit for a commission.

>> No.6319751

>severe mental instability

Yeah, that's why I'm getting money from the government after all. Ah, life is grand, I never get lonely or have to do any real work.

>> No.6319756

I envy you, and anyone else on disability.

>> No.6319769

Importing isn't the problem. I just can't find it for sale anywhere.

>> No.6321404

Perhaps it would be best if you bought another Youmu dakimakura.

>> No.6321415

Dakimakura of the softest touhou
Body pillow of maximum firmness

portal to Gensokyo.

>> No.6321951

So I'll be ordering dakimakura from http://janelee922.ecrater.com/ too. But I live in central europe and they don't ship there so I have question for UK cizizens. My mother is living in UK so I could order my dakimakura to her address, but I don't want get her in problems if I order some loli dakimakura so how it is? Do UK post office check what's inside of packages or I shouldn't care, I don't want to get my mother arrested.

>> No.6321979

I've never had any of my packages from Japan opened by the Royal Mail, or at least, I don't believe so, so you'll probably be fine.
If you're overly concerned just stay away from DFC and go for something that is easily passible.

But, really, you aught to be fine, they had pillowcases with the Suzumiya Haruhi Special Edition DVDs being sold in HMV.

>> No.6321991

Thanks for answer, so I'll just order it to her address, I wonder what she will think when she open package and see cover.

>> No.6321997
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Pic related for your convenience.

>> No.6321998

Time to order Kyon's sister pillows.

>> No.6322088

>getting money from the government
You can afford dakimakura on welfare? How much does it pay?

>> No.6322110

I don't actually buy them, I just look at the pictures, but I've heard of other people who get tons of money from the government and have a number of figurines and stuff.

>> No.6322121

They're probably on SSI and that does not pay well.

>> No.6326170
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Oh /jp/ I can't decide what dakimakura to buy.
This Cirno

>> No.6326171
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or cure Scarled and Remila

>> No.6326175

I meant cute not cure.

>> No.6326181

I want to cure them of their virginity.

>> No.6326513
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might as well bump some too..

>> No.6326515
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>> No.6326524
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>> No.6326529
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>> No.6326532
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>> No.6326535

God look at that slutty RPG, taking off her cap for just any target.

>> No.6326538

I'd defeat that armor.

If you know what I mean.

>> No.6326540
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>> No.6326542

Mugen, where's my Nagato?
