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File: 128 KB, 800x600, 91ef7e6e4c92cb3be9d4ce124736ad96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6306126 No.6306126 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6306127


>> No.6306339

Anyone have download for this game.
My torrent is sitting at 0% for months. ;_;

>> No.6306348

If I were a very capable person, I'll adopt that poor little girl and raise her to become...


>> No.6306349


>> No.6306359


>> No.6306389

You raise her so she'll remain a pure little girl forever in both mind and body?

>> No.6306399

Stealing garbage is a very serious crime, looks like this little one will be spending her life in a gulag in Okinawa (or sold to Kim Jong Il for his "Sunshine Brigade").

>> No.6306407

Yes, unless she confesses her eternal love to me, not as her father, or mentor, but as a man.

>> No.6306434 [DELETED] 

ITT: Misused spoiler tags.

>> No.6306503
File: 211 KB, 800x800, 1229868643656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are dumpster girls so cute?

>> No.6306516

Whats the name of this fetish?

>> No.6306542

wow, see what google came up with

>> No.6306554

It's the sincerity.

These girls know that they are garbage--worthless, discarded trash--and unlike regular girls, they don't try to pretend otherwise.

>> No.6306563

Don't be silly, the reason why little girls think the world revolves around them is because it actually does.

>> No.6306566 [DELETED] 

new porno and new cp cp and new games

>> No.6306569


It feels like i am on /b/

>> No.6306572

the girl isnt homeless or an orphan - that's her dad running the shop. She's just digging for worms in the dirt near the garbage because her dad is taking her fishing tomorrow.

>> No.6306574

Then what's the deal with the rags for clothes and the dead eyes?

>> No.6306604

she has adhd and so has to take riddilin to settle her down, thus the glazed eyes. Her clothes are her worm digging clothes. Her mother and father had the foresight to use her old finger painting shirt instead of her nice dress because she was so excited about the trip tomorrow and insisted on finding as much bait as possible between now and then.

>> No.6306607

Fox-mask boy: Wow, father! Yuki-chan sure is excited about our fishing trip tomorrow!

Father: Ha! Ha! Ha! I am sure her beautiful mother is looking down from heaven and smiling.

(This thread is now about whitewashing horrific H-game scenes using captioning.)

>> No.6306621

i like it!

>> No.6306633

And she's conveniently storing the bait inside her body, thus explaining the dirt around her open mouth, yes?

It all makes sense now.

>> No.6306651

Those crumbs are from the piece of chocolate cake her brother bought for her as a reward for working so hard.

>> No.6306657

That's bean paste from the fish pastry her father bought her at the fair.

>> No.6306662

play the VN, you'll understand, the picture is grossly misleading without its proper context.

>> No.6306661
File: 124 KB, 640x959, aquas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor girl, they never give her a break.

>> No.6306670

>play the VN
Give me a download link first. The torrent is dead, like really dead.

>> No.6306681

You know what game this is from? Because I thought nobody on this board knew.

>> No.6306685

lol i loved that seen! Tag with nerf bats.
she's crying because she's so angry and frustrated that she lost. She is dirty because she was hiding behind the sooty old bbq near the garden shed. She gets over her frustration and in the next scene chases one of the kids with the nerf bat yelling team fortress references at them haha

>> No.6306689

She's laughing so hard from the tickle-batons that her arms are blushing. Kawaii!

>> No.6306699

She is upset because she dropped her popsicle, but her darling little siblings are offering her theirs! Blue raspberry or lemon--so hard to choose uguuuu~!

>> No.6306700

yeah of course.
Yuki-chan: The Great Fishing Weekender

>> No.6306703

The VN is called Aquas.
>>6306661 is a scene from it by the way.

And look at what I found while searching for the VN's name:

>> No.6306707

thread makes me lol

>> No.6306720
File: 9 KB, 254x199, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6306731
File: 119 KB, 800x600, 35e9bdc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat ass

>> No.6306738

they are checking her pulse for health class

the old lady (white hair) is complimenting the girl on her smooth skin, and the girl is extremely surprised to hear such a nice compliment from such a beautiful sensei

>> No.6306758


and lol again. the logistics!
how does she take a shit?
how does she sit down?
how does she operate a motor vehicle?
how does she pantsu?

i have to sleep now, i hope this thread is still around when i wake up.

>> No.6306759

if someone's willing to try downloading it from share:

(つ旧作) (18禁ゲーム) [030725] [Mercurius] AQUAS -アクアス- (SD bin+cue rr3).rar 蒐徹庵SW1ZkOD5YN 354,121,754 2fa8e5282d070e521c8ebcdda2f8910619375aeb

(つ旧作)(18禁ゲーム)[マニュ無] [030725] [MERCURIUS] AQUAS -アクアス-(bin+cue rr3%).rar kemoneko3oJWAlMfuT 353,506,113 a1758770e26d94994db9936926bb08520e5c25a5

>> No.6306769

Isn't share for people who don't take showers?

>> No.6306772
File: 102 KB, 800x600, 747f0274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6306791
File: 56 KB, 320x480, 026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually >>6306661 isn't from AQUAS.
It's from Kojin Taxi 3 by XUSE.

>> No.6306804

I don't get you bro. But if you can follow a setup guide, open ports, be patient enough to wait up to few weeks to finish a download, then it's for you. Having a good connection helps a lot.

>> No.6306807

Oh, I thought they are from the same game because of the archived thread. Silly Japs and their antics.

>> No.6306816
File: 71 KB, 772x1108, 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that depicts americas current situation pretty acurate.

>> No.6306855

Too bad I can't open ports. ;_;
My shitty ISP uses NAT.

>> No.6306937
File: 225 KB, 800x600, bc97fe17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stopped the buzz saw by short circuiting it with semen. Holy fucking shit, man.

>> No.6308219

>The VN is called Aquas.

Oh, so that one was Aquas? I kept a tab open for the game for some reason and forgot why, but couldn't find any downloads in the end anyway.

Now I want it again, and I bet no downloads have appeared.

>> No.6311154



>> No.6311418

