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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6305834 No.6305834 [Reply] [Original]

Onii-sama, please get up! You have to meet with the Senate today!



... And destroy Carthage.

>> No.6305839

I will never be the emperor of Rome. ;_;

>> No.6305842

romani ite domum

>> No.6305843

scipio had an imotou?

>> No.6305849

Always with Carthage, always with Carthage! Why won't you let me destroy the barbarians to the north, Cato-chan?

>> No.6305855


Only a fool worries about barbarians when HANNIBAL is at your door!

>> No.6305860

Romanes eunt domus

>> No.6305868


"People called Romanes, they go the house"?

>> No.6305902

Beware the Ides of March

>> No.6305910

Romani ite domum

>> No.6305918

Who's this chick? From a Video Game?

>> No.6305924

Wait, are we the Judean People's Front, or the People's Front of Judea?

>> No.6305931

Kartago delenda est
Kartago delenda est
Kartago delenda est
Kartago delenda est
Kartago delenda est
Kartago delenda est
Kartago delenda est

>oh Cato, your so tsun-tsun

>> No.6305938
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>> No.6305961

Not sure, i think he only had a brother

>> No.6305963
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Even better

>> No.6305976

Carthago delenda est

>> No.6305996
File: 192 KB, 1024x819, 1285793974876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onii-sama! Join me in this final glorious battle to defeat the Germanic tribes to the north! Our victory will be a fine gift for our father on his birthday!

>> No.6306004


>> No.6306005

I was going to say something along the lines that this thread was fucking ridiculous, but then I realized that it's not really that much more ridiculous than any other imouto thread.

>> No.6306022

/jp/ - Roman Republic/Empire Culture

>> No.6306045

How can those arrows stuck on the shields? I thought Roman shields are designed to deflect attacks?

>> No.6306058

The Roman scutum is made of three layers of thin wood planks and covered either in linen or leather. It is expected of an arrow to get stuck in it, which is fine as it isn't going right through and kill the guy holding it.

>> No.6306061

The image has other flaws, noticeably the lack of pilum anywhere. Assuming they had been thrown already, they would make a phalanx formation find it very hard to move around with javelins stuck in their shields. And, uh, if they were Germanic tribies they'd prefer heavy infantry instead of spearmen.

>> No.6306152

You are Seth, Egyptian god of the desert storms. Long exiled from your main family branch, your cute little sister Nephthys has recently invited you back to her mansion. Soon after, while walking home from school, you come upon a bearded green man, and are seized by an irresistable urge to cut him into pieces. Armed with your trusty knife, Safhaw-wakhuh (TL note: Safhaw-wakhuh means seven nights), you cut him into 13 pieces, scattering all of them across the Nile. Disgusted from your instinctive act, you return home and decide to forget about the incident.

The next day, you see a beautiful woman show up after school, identifying herself as Osiris, the green dude you recently cut up. Apparently, he (well, now she) has succeeded to patch himself up, but since one of the pieces, incidentally his penis, that you hid away was eaten by a fish, he had to return as a girl. She says that she is here to hunt Apep, also known as the Serpent of the Nile, but she has lost far too much power while reconstructing herself and thus wants you to take responsibility for killing her, in form of helping her slay Apep.

What do you do?

[ ] Agree to help her
[ ] Rape your maids, Anat and Astarte
[ ] Jump into the Lake of Fire

>> No.6306160

[X] Genuflect

>> No.6306163

[x] Genuflect

>> No.6306192

[X] Load another save and try to get into the Astarte route.

>> No.6306202

Carthage here. Fuck you, Cato!

>> No.6306208

Oh I'm sorry, can't hear you over all the salt I'm stockpiling for a day that will come very soon in the future.

>> No.6306326

The trivial knowledge /jp/ has is quite amazing.

>> No.6306529

/jp/ is, after all, Patchouli

>> No.6306560

[X] Rape your maids, Anat and Astarte

>> No.6306686

This is downright golder right here

>> No.6306701

I guess that's why I love /jp/.

>> No.6306710

My main problem is that bitch is breaking the line. What sort of roman legionary would do that? Fucking womens.

>> No.6306711

Don't eat that salad. It's 'spiked'

>> No.6306732
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Te saluto. Augustus sum. Imperator et pontifex maximus Romae. Si tu es Romae amicus, es gratus.

>> No.6306755

Things /jp/ likes - master list:
Japan, sometimes.
Unforgivable pornography.
The Roman Empire.
Not working.

>> No.6306770

Dogs > Cats

>> No.6306773


You forgot Deus Ex.

>> No.6306774
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Only if they are half-human aswell.

>> No.6306776

Also Freespace.

Do we like Fallouts?

>> No.6306780


I like the Fallouts. 2 in particular.

>> No.6306790

Just one and two, the other games are pure garbage.

>> No.6306796

But I'm sure /jp/ loves to mod Oblivion and Fallout 3 with loli mods and such.

>> No.6306798


Fallout 3 is my favorite RPG. ;_;

>> No.6306813

I prefer the Fallout 2 lolis, especially the one with the pretty dress. Sure, you can't see the dress on her, but that just shows that you lack imagination because it was in her description when you examine her.

>> No.6306879
File: 1.96 MB, 2213x2397, 1286351392219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to play more RPGs.
Go and get yourself some emulators.

>> No.6307008

You forgot Eurobeat, too bro.
