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6302361 No.6302361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Went too far

>> No.6302365

Meido even deleted the loli thread...

>> No.6302366
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>> No.6302363

mad meido

>> No.6302367

Bi-daily moderation in progress. We could've really used some all day yesterday, especially last night.

>> No.6302368

moot's irl buddies are douches.
The janitor is an idiot.

By this logic you're an idiot too.

>> No.6302369

Not the loli!

>> No.6302372

he saved our ass during that all board raid we got

it could have been worse

>> No.6302375
File: 1.25 MB, 1168x776, meido hard at work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our hisouten thread is still up, yay.

It always gets mistakenly deleted during purges.

>> No.6302376

He wouldn't have so much work to do if you would quit making those threads.

>> No.6302382

I didn't make any threads yesterday. I can't even remember the last thread I made, period.

>> No.6302379

Then again this should be changed, considering there were 6 pages of utter shit, and that happens way too often now.

I'd say idea range is 1-3 active pages.

>> No.6302383

Pretty sure we got a new janitor a little while ago. He's pretty delete happy.

>> No.6302385

I wish the loli threads were still alive. Please refrain from deleting them, next time. Loli is an integral part of /jp/'s culture.

>> No.6302387
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>> No.6302391 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6302389

It would be fun if anons could elect mods and janitors out of tripfags. So BOOF would be a big shot mod and ZUN!bar a silly meido.

>> No.6302390
File: 183 KB, 490x535, JapaneseMaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep them safe for work, okay?

>> No.6302396

You forgot that you're in Totalitarian zone. There's even a Swastika on the top banner.

>> No.6302401

A better strategy would be to do like Newgrounds and just have vote buttons on each post 0-5.

Post average below 1: post disappears.
Thread average below 2: autosage after 50 posts.
Thread average below 3: autosage after 100 posts.
...and so on. Users could get 24-hour bans for making too many shitty posts in a day, and IPs with a high recent batting average could be considered for janitors.

>> No.6302403
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Well according to the shit-o-meter were having a good night.
