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6301623 No.6301623 [Reply] [Original]

Will you lose your depth just to be with your love?

>> No.6301627

I'm a pretty shallow person, anyway, so it would be fine.

>> No.6301625

my what?

>> No.6301628

Your third dimension, obviously.

>> No.6301631

I have no love, nor a wish to become a shallow person, so that's a no from me

>> No.6301632

Sure, I've never really used the third dimension.

>> No.6301633
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I would in a heartbeat.

>> No.6301634

I don't know, how would that feel?

>> No.6301636

Basically, somebody draws an image of you next to your lover. Then the ritual takes place and your soul and the soul of your lover is bound to the image for all eternity.

>> No.6301637

if you mean become 2D to be with my "waifu" sure, but then me and god knows how many other people would all be pretty much ganging up on her, and a gang-rape orgy of fat sweaty shut-ins does not sound too terribly appealing.

So I'll stay by the windowside

>> No.6301638
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Sure, why not?

>> No.6301642

Anytime, too bad it does not exist.

>> No.6301647

Don't make it a gangbang. Fight the other suitors to the death. If you have a good waifu, there shouldn't be that many.

>> No.6301662

i would never love someone who doesn't appreciate the extent of my depth

>> No.6301684
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I can do this. I'm actually quite fit, and am good with a rifle, average with a pistol. I also am quite skilled at fencing, been doing it since I was in middle school, particularly the epee (rapier) and the saber (your traditional cavalry saber). As long as it's one on one duels, I'll kill the vast majority of my fellow otakus no problem, using blades and firearms. If it's a massive free for all, then I should be good to go, bar some bad luck or something, and will lay low until most are dead and then emerge to hunt down and finish off the survivors for justice and for my waifu's love. I'm willing to bet there aren't that many suitors to fight anyway. Probably a few hundred instead of thousands like many of the others.

>> No.6301713

So what effect would this have? Would it be like Flatland or would there still be a 3d effect as usual in VNs, anime etc.?

>> No.6301716

During all these years of watching anime/reading VNs/playing video games, I still haven't found a girl fit to be my waifu.

So no.

>> No.6301742
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Of course.

>> No.6301756

Of course.

>> No.6301759

Don't give up hope, Anonymous!

>> No.6302195

Why the fuck wouldn't I?

>> No.6302206

You don't find her. She finds you.

>> No.6302208

Well, the end result is the same. I don't have a waifu.

it hurts ;_;
