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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6299425 No.6299425 [Reply] [Original]

'Sup /jp/, figured you enjoy oldschool grindan ATLUS games more than /v/, so...

Just hit level 40 in Etrian Odyssey III. Time to retire MY ENTIRE PARTY.

Old and Busted:
>Yda, Gladiator/Arbalist
>Marille, Buccaneer/Gladiator
>Patchy, Princess/Monk
>Fran, Arbalist/Gladiator
>Zell, Zodiac/Ninja

Yeah, I didn't know shit about subclassing effectively. Anyways, The New Hotness:

>Leopold, Shogun/Buccaneer (He looks so wise and badass!)
>Ophelia, Hoplite/Monk
>Ach, Gladiator/Shogun
>Ryuho, Ninja/Prince
>Xeon, Zodiac/Arbalist/Puffy hair cloud loli

I want to be sure of my subclass choices before I lock them in and begin the slow grind back to 40. Shogun/Buccaneer is pretty obvious, what with Swashbuckling, Lady Luck and Double Sword. Zodiac/Arbalist is also obvious, the Barrages are great for AoE element attacks beefed up by Singularity and the like. I'm unsure of Ninja/Prince. Am I gonna be laying it on too thick with the healing if my Hoplite subs Monk (for Ascetic Deeds to recover TP)? I got this far with only a Princess for healing, so I could switch him to a Zodiac sub for 1TP Dark Ethers. My Gladiator is still using Yagrush but I don't want to sub Arbalist. When does Yagrush stop being powerful? The GameFAQs boards for this game are absolutely abysmal.

Grindan' general.

>> No.6299433

/v/ fucking loves Atlus games, especially those on around this time of night.

>> No.6299444

Those games are /jp/ related. They also happen to be /v/ related but only /jp/ is acting like autistic manchildren so I guess /v/ is the better choice to post this.

>> No.6299460

I'm going to play this whenever somebody uploads a working rom.

>> No.6299468
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/v/ is also extremely busy shitting all over itself, which is why I posted it here.

I have pictures, as well as little backstories for my party members.

>> No.6299505
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>> No.6299622

Is the yggdroid really bad? I was so excited when i saw the picture of them but i hear they suck hardcore. I haven't actually gotten them yet, just started the game tonight.

>> No.6299690


I've heard they're the worst class in the game, and that Shogun is the best. Then I had horrible FFXI flashbacks, where Samurai reigned supreme as the ultimate min-max class. Yggdroid have the highest damaging single attack in the game, but they have to be fully bound and/or at critical HP to use it.

I dunno, I wanna turn my Zodiac into one so I can say "EVEN IN DEATH, I STILL SERVE."

>> No.6300621

There's already a thread for EO3 at (>>6279230).

>> No.6302914


>> No.6302938

Does this work on the dstt?

>> No.6302955


But being fully bound also reduces your physical damage by 50%.

>> No.6302974

But SAM was never the absolute best DD in XI. Except maybe in that period directly following the 2H buff.

>> No.6305019
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I just wanted to say that I also have (had, in your case) a Princess named Patchouli in my party.

Well, I'll also say that a Ninja/Zodiac is pretty cool to feed a meteor-using zodiac. I usually have my arbalist in the back row to make use of it too. If I wasn't using Meteor I don't know what I'd do with the ninja's subclass. I guess free front mortar every round is nice.

>> No.6305025
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Zodiac is Marisa, of course.

>> No.6305055
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>so I could switch him to a Zodiac sub for 1TP Dark Ethers

Do it. Bunshin into the 6th slot and have free TP for the whole party. It's awesome.
