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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 523 KB, 1600x1200, 54903f412b80b86c0b923184a9838ba3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6299235 No.6299235 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know Japanese, have some free time, and want to do some fun VN translation for /jp/?

If your answer to all of the above was 'yes', then join us in the Flyable Heart Translation Collaboration!

How do I participate?
Go to http://rechan.eu.org/go/fhtrans
Click on 'Go forth and translate'
Choose the new AJAX interface if you're using Firefox.
Click on any file you want
Click on column 2; now you can see the original and what you'll be translating
Pick any page to start from, which hasn't been translated yet
Write your translated lines into the left column, you can click on the one you want or use alt+shift+J or alt+shift+K to move between them
Fill in the code at the bottom and click submit
Repeat for as long as you feel like it.

Have fun and don't let the trolls get in your way!

Use English punctuation and leave lines with only a name alone. Keep honorifics.

Progress: First 44664 lines done. More than 0.5k throughout the rest in discontinuous patches.

晶, Crystal
結衣, Constipated Clothes
あきら, Getting Tired
天音, Sky Noise
くるり, Turning Around
すずの, Of Bell
茉百合, Jasmine Lily
桜子, Cherry Master
奏龍, Report Dragon
繚蘭会, Bound Orchid Meeting

Userscript for using arrow keys instead of j/k

>> No.6299307

And for those of you complaining about the translation, read this:

>> No.6299319

Are you trying to imply that "Something like this, I may want to do it in this way continuously......?" counts as formal equivalence? Hahahahaha

>> No.6299343

Out, autist.

>> No.6299385

One day, people will learn that it's preferable to say "I made a mistake" than it is to say "I never had any idea what I was doing in the first place." Not today apparently.

>> No.6299482

Too bad for you, this translator is trollproof.

>> No.6299520

More like "this translator is a troll."

>> No.6299572

Whatever, he's saved me from digging out ATLAS and trying to interpret its output.

>> No.6300652
File: 43 KB, 400x300, ru2kdqSFf1qz53a8o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Constipated Clothes
This never fails to make me giggle.

>> No.6300934

In the beta, she'll be called Yana Ising.

>> No.6301074


Also, Constipated Clothes' route may have incest.

>> No.6301144

Today's total: 1201
Fourth file: 9001
Remaining Subtotal: 3287
Subtarget: -11
Total: 45865
Remaining: 27695

Back on schedule.

<--- Imagine a picture of Constipated Clothes crushing a scouter here.

>> No.6301169 [DELETED] 

Members of /jp/, do NOT waste your time contributing to this project.

This project is controlled by a faggot with very little grasp of Japanese, who go about replacing good translations with babelfish gibberish.

>> No.6301171

Members of /jp/, do NOT waste your time contributing to this project.

This project is controlled by a faggot with very little grasp of Japanese, who goes about replacing good translations with babelfish-like gibberish.

>> No.6301188

Most of us will ignore you and play this.

>> No.6301200

Don't mind him, he's probably a shill from TLwiki still mad at his cabal losing the bid and getting C&D'd after unsuccessfully trying to take control of the project. The translations are perfectly understandable and convey the original text well.

>> No.6301228

>The translations are perfectly understandable and convey the original text well.

No, they don't.

>> No.6301246

I've tried the pre-alpha and what's done so far is understandable. It looks like a translation because, well, it is.

>> No.6301249

If you think this is shit then just start your own version. Or just say it to his face and not online, and see what happens.

>> No.6301254

I already did, I'm reading it with ATLAS

>> No.6301427

>Russian Federation
I'd be careful about that if I were you.

>> No.6302473


>> No.6304346
File: 112 KB, 600x808, yui bday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Yui route translated already?

I missed the threads two days ago.

>> No.6304421

The translation must be utter shit.

>> No.6304581

You mean Constipated Clothes?

>> No.6304603

Fake Moogy is fake.

>> No.6304758

You're already ignoring him.
He said "don't contribute" not "don't play."

Despite the OP post, the project clearly doesn't want any more translators since any contribution is just overwritten.

>> No.6305036

No one cares. You can't translate or you "work" would not have been overwritten. Fact is you suck. Now quit shitting up these threads.

>> No.6305083


>> No.6305236

The work that was overwritten was not only better English but also more accurate. It didn't suck.

>> No.6305275

Actually, there was at least one line left intact. It was a line that went [x]じゃなく[y] which wasn't even changed to reflect the other translator's version.

>No one cares.
Potential translators should care about this issue. But I'm sure you guys don't need my help to piss off any incoming translators.

>> No.6305302

Crystal and Constipated Clothes: twincest confirmed.

>> No.6305314

They're not twins, they're alternates of the same person.

>> No.6305356



>> No.6305772


Wait, that's real?

I thought those spoilers were fake.

>> No.6305783

Well, there's only one way to find out for sure.

>> No.6306094
File: 77 KB, 500x500, albatron_9600gt_stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's total: 599
Fourth file: 9600
Remaining Subtotal: 2688
Subtarget: -9
Total: 46464
Remaining: 27096

>> No.6306114


This is build PA20101018044854.48 based on the state of the repository at approximately 2010-10-18 04:48:54 4ST. Contents:

5fca72763da74478a17f39bb7ff8d77e1efda4db 6543 FHTRANS_README.TXT
07e849f3eb93f87e0fc478bf774a3bc27213df68 4642308 SCRIPT.SRC
21800cb28f5f2452934320699015e706ce41c683 2904966 TEXT.DAT

>> No.6306186

Yui route done already?

>> No.6306283

Contributan, even if my grasp of japanese is minimal, throwing in what I can with small sentences, etc.

>> No.6306749
File: 583 KB, 900x900, 5078500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for sugoi!

>> No.6306951


>> No.6309411

you need to finish all the other routes to get to Off Bell's?

>> No.6309569

Or you could just download a savefile.

But the other routes are SUGOI too...

>> No.6310251


>> No.6311040

It increases!

>> No.6311083

I did mayuri and amane, yui, and most of sakurako before starting to skip to try to get to suzunos route, and was bored enough by the time I got there that I just uninstalled.
Its unfortunate, I totally would have done her route 3rd then stopped playing

>> No.6311214

Then this probably isn't the type of VN for you. Or you could try >>6309569 but you're likely to miss a lot that way too.

>> No.6311519
File: 57 KB, 710x883, yuiscii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's total: 501
Fourth file: 10101
Remaining Subtotal: 2187
Subtarget: -8
Total: 46965
Remaining: 26595

Still in Constipated Clothes' route.

>> No.6312392

Have a bump Flyable Heartsukoi Translation Thread

>> No.6314886

up up up.

>> No.6316362


>> No.6316420

Is there any statistics about how many people actually contributed and what the best contribution in terms of percentage is?

>> No.6316597

To the "translator" that keeps replacing and overwriting stuff,

File 36864-49151.txt, line 10159:


I had this as

"There are no records that Kutsuragi Shikegi ever had a son".

You edited this to read:

"There are no records that Kutsuragi Shikegi ever had a penis".

Penis?! Really!? 息子 doesn't mean "penis" here! It means "son".

If you're going to edit or correct someone else's translations, please at least make sure your version is correct.

>> No.6316616

I don't know if you mistyped it just on this post, but that's Shigeki, not Shikegi

>> No.6316630


Oops, that's a typo. Fixed it and changed "penis" back to "son".

>> No.6316721

Today's total: 411
Fourth file: 10512
Remaining Subtotal: 1776
Subtarget: -8
Total: 47376
Remaining: 26184

>> No.6316729

Fuck, you ruined my lulz. I was going to see how long that would last. But I'll say you're a lot better than that other guy who tried translating ahead of me.

And use spoiler tags for the text next time. Shigeki not having a penis would probably lead to the same result though.

>> No.6316734

Our LTP probably can. I'll ask at the next meeting.

>> No.6316743


Confirmed for troll translations.

>> No.6316752

Didn't you realize from the beginning that this was to troll the WHY SO SERIOUS TLwiki shills?

>> No.6316766
File: 32 KB, 600x400, 1251667887191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a shitty translator
>say it's "trolling" when called out on your mistakes

>> No.6317476

Anyway, up.

>> No.6319533

>implying that's not exactly what he wanted you to post

>> No.6319772
File: 15 KB, 400x400, inigomontoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6319793

>2. a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.

People need to stop posting that fucking picture everytime someone uses a word you yourself don't know.

>> No.6319803

Question is, why the fuck would someone participate in translating something as horrible as flyable heart?

>> No.6319816

How does that even apply?
The only person who is even mentioning TLWiki is the guy spouting "shill" and sucking machine translator's cock.
>People... you yourself
Fucking pronouns, how do they work?

>> No.6319818

No! You mad man! You've entered their absolute zone of circular logic! Since it's horrible, it's okay that it has a shitty translation, and since someone's translating it, it must be good. Round and round we go!

>> No.6319842

>"Hey, hey, look. Hey Sakurako, I have a transfer student here. Was this planned?"


>> No.6319845

Seriously? This is even worse than google or babelfish.

>> No.6319857

Oh god how

>> No.6319858

Complaining about the translation quality here is like complaining about the fact that people buy Toyotas instead of Rolls Royces.

>> No.6319861
File: 32 KB, 526x237, 1287272664106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6319863

Oh good, we're back into the "the translation is shit, but we don't care" part of the cycle. T-minus one hour until "I'd like to see you do better."

>> No.6319875

>[a], [a], manner. Well Sakurako, the [tsu][te] schedule where recent transfer student comes how it was?
>Huh, huh, like. Hey Sakurako, I had never planned to come last exchange student Or?
You were saying?

>> No.6319876

To be fair, I think I could do better with my limited knowledge and jwpce. So I don't think that argument works...

>> No.6319879

If you don't like it, then fuck off, idiot.

>> No.6319885

Who cares? The important part is that the 'translator' cannot even recognize when something is a word and something is not.

>> No.6319886

Ok, I know what's going on. This whole thing is a front, a diversion. Distracting people while the real Flyable Heart translation is going on in secret.

>> No.6319887

>groundless boasting
>implying you actually can

>> No.6319889

Here's the deal, asshats. If you don't want /jp/ looking at your work and pointing out how shitty it is, then stop spamming it on /jp/. If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the fucking kitchen.

>> No.6319901


Hey, wanna help me translate something?

>> No.6319932

I don't see what that would accomplish.

>> No.6319969

Huff, huff, whooh. Hey, Sakurako, have there been any plans for the arrival of a transfer student lately?

>> No.6320193


pant...pant...Whew! Say, Sakurako, a recent transfer student is coming, did you have any plans?

>> No.6320260

Well at least you got the huffing and puffing part right

>> No.6320274

In fact, depending on context, this translation might be correct. I mean it does replace the being out of breath with saying hey hey but that's kind of trivial. And "I have a transfer student here" can just be interpreted as like, hey bro, we got a transfer student here! you know...

In other words, this is actually one of the better lines compared to what else I've seen on there.

>> No.6320309

I fucking hate [phrase]って.
How does it work? Does it make [phrase] serve as a noun or something? And then it's also used in the context of "...aaand, you're not listening."

>> No.6320408


It's used to indicate a quote in casual speech. Also can be used to say "...hey!" as in the case you stated.

>> No.6320419

That's at the very start of the game.
Iirc a bunch of people were ATLASing stuff back then.

>> No.6320449

Unlike now, when they're using TA.

>> No.6320824


>> No.6320830

Flyable Heart is pretty damn good. I'm gonna guess you have never actually played thought it.

>> No.6320918

Three words, Liquid Shou Display.

>> No.6320941


Just want to point out to everyone that this is the correct translation.

>> No.6320944

Flyable Heart is awesome!

>> No.6320970 [DELETED] 


って is actually easy to understand. It's just a quoting particle. Try not to think about it too hard. Just go with the flow of the dialog; imagine hearing it being said.

>> No.6320972


って is actually easy to understand. It's just a quoting particle. Try not to think about it too hard. Just go with the flow of the dialog; imagine hearing it being said.

>> No.6321010

So is there a partial patch out yet?

>> No.6321023

Nothing wrong with that.
Using jwpce and wakan to help translate are pretty much accepted so why not TA?

>> No.6321037


What's TA?

>> No.6321044

>Using jwpce and wakan to help translate are pretty much accepted so why not TA?

What ever happened to translating by just knowing japanese, armed with nothing but a plain kanji and ja->en dictionary?

>> No.6321048

>a plain kanji and ja->en dictionary
We're a dying breed...

>> No.6321061
File: 50 KB, 808x258, snap719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of it as a standalone version of Rikaichan.

>> No.6321066 [DELETED] 

It's called Granite Tongue.

>> No.6321093

You guys know about http://alc.co.jp, right? I often find that more useful than Rikaichan and EDICT. It gives you nice example sentences, so you can see the different contexts in which a word or phrase is used.

>> No.6321112

Inefficient and prone to error.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer-assisted_translation is the future. And as you may have known by now, the future has already begun.

>> No.6321147

>Implying machine translation is less error prone to human translation when a machine cannot possibly understand all the subtle nuances in the source language and how to carry that over to the target language.

>> No.6321149

Also, good luck having a machine translate colloqual language.

>> No.6321158

Well, rikaichan and alc are very different resources. I find alc to be extremely useful for finding natural equivalents, and I imagine if I were doing more jp->en stuff (lately it's been all the reverse) I'd find it a bit more useful. Still, it really is extremely useful.

Well, despite being an obvious troll, I will say that I believe machine translation is as close as machine authorship of novels and such. Which is still quite far off in the future.

>> No.6321237

>Some advanced computer-assisted translation solutions include controlled machine translation (MT). This type of technology is widely known amongst professional translators and terminologists and also available to any individual translators who wish to invest in such technology

>> No.6321253

Today's total: 538
Fourth file: 11050
Remaining Subtotal: 1238
Subtarget: -9
Total: 47914
Remaining: 25646

>> No.6321365

Well, I'm not even entirely sure what you meant by that comment, but if you're speaking of human-checked machine translation, that hardly means that a machine is performing the majority of the translation. I eagerly await the day (should it ever come) when I can click a button and see a novel come out in fluid natural english from Spanish or Russian, however I am pessimistic.

>> No.6321735

Have a bump.

>> No.6324043

It rises!

>> No.6324274

Actually, you're wrong. Read the article.

>> No.6324321

>I assume that these tools are finished and working instead of little more than clumsy assistance hurrrrrr durrrrrr

>> No.6325686


>> No.6325743

kcnVv2Nw, wtf? You changed

"Did you get tired at the cleaning of the Ryouran Festival?"


"Are you get tired from cleaning-up after the Ryouran Festival?"

>> No.6325751

If you delete the "get," the second sentence looks better to me.

>> No.6325827

How did you get it to display like that?

>> No.6325853


Because that's exactly what the original line means:


The extra "get" is just a typo. I missed it when I changed your version (which you now have reverted back to).

>> No.6325860

> cleaning-up
Shouldn't have a hyphen, though. 'Clean-up' can, 'cleaning up' does not.

>> No.6325867


Yeah, you're right. Noticed it too. My bad.

>> No.6325871

Why do you even bother? OP is obviously a troll or retarded control freak.

>> No.6325911

They are. The VN translation industry just hasn't used them because [1] Japanese>English translation is far less demanded than something like Spanish<>English so such tools are rarer, [2] they're usually expensive as fuck and difficult to obtain even illegitimately, [3]localization service providers may use their own proprietary in-house solutions, and finally, [4] because the VN translation industry is made up of closed-minded traditionalist technophobes.

>> No.6326032

le bump

>> No.6326060

Today's total: 450
Fourth file: 11500
Remaining Subtotal: 788
Subtarget: -9
Total: 48364
Remaining: 25196

Fourth file will be done soon. Total completion approaches 66%.

>> No.6326640

And... bampu pantsu~!

>> No.6328645


>> No.6328679

Chinese weeaboo anon here, just downloaded full translation patch in Moonrunes today
game's pretty sweet. I would definitely be interested in helping out with the translation
However I suck at Japanese, can I do a second hand translation from CHN to ENG or is this a strictly JPN to ENG translation?

>> No.6328699

It doesn't matter. Any work you do will be overwritten anyway.

>> No.6328967

>implying he'll be inaccurate enough to have that happen

>> No.6328985

You honestly believe that everything overwritten in this project has been inaccurate?

>> No.6329007


You don't know how it works. Nothing is actually overwritten. The older translated text is still there, it's just invisible because it's covered by newest translated text on top.

>> No.6329008

You honestly entertain for one second that he wasn't trolling?

>> No.6329013

You honestly think I wasn't playing along?

>> No.6329016


>> No.6329022

Guys, "You honestly" is barely better than ">implying."

>> No.6329115

>implying you're not just buttfurious due to bleach having no gaems

>> No.6329149

>as if you don't need to take your implying back to /v/

>> No.6329706


>> No.6329972

At least it's better than those who have only 1.7% of a game, and one that's made of woodscrews

>> No.6330006


>> No.6330042
File: 127 KB, 640x479, 3671489728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shou eating delicious pork shoulders.

>> No.6330254

It's said that he makes a whirring noise when he eats.

>> No.6330363

in b4 The Way It's Meant To Be Translated

>> No.6330700

Today's total: 500
Fourth file: 12000
Remaining Subtotal: 288
Subtarget: -8
Total: 48864
Remaining: 24696
