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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 75 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls - 01v2 [480p][01A4EA2F].mkv_snapshot_23.07_[2010.10.11_15.46.07].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6298237 No.6298237 [Reply] [Original]

>ZUNbar (~ZUNbar@the.host.is.close) has joined #bunbunmaru

>> No.6298250

Probably going to cyber

with men

>> No.6298296

Him and Jones are butt buddies.

Jones is so well loved he has to continually change his name.

>> No.6298352
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, [TZM]Hyakka_Ryouran_Samurai_Girls_02[720p][66E8A5FA].mkv_snapshot_04.16_[2010.10.11_19.50.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<ZUNbar> Sup Ayasss
<ZUNbar> Mostly Jonesy just PM spams me or whatever
<ZUNbar> So I ignore stuff a lot here
<ZUNbar> My bad
<ZUNbar> Komachi I found out that
<ZUNbar> I suck at art more than I thought
<ZUNbar> But I love it anyways
<ZUNbar> The only scary thing in class is how I'm the only guy
<ZUNbar> I'm using acrylics; it's really fun
<ZUNbar> But it dries so fast, and I'm really slow
<ZUNbar> Yeah Komachisa I kinda got lucky; this prof is a bro
<ZUNbar> Could probably paint moe moe anime girls and he wouldn't mind

>> No.6298361

>he goes to bunbunmaru.

>> No.6298363

Sup Sion.

>> No.6298378

Stop stalking ZUNbar already, Sion. Can't you see he's scared?

>> No.6298386

Sometimes I really hate /jp/. I wish someone could ban fucking faggots like Sion, ZUN, Jones and many other triptards that shit up the board.

>> No.6298389

<hibiki`> Your Aspie score: 500 of 200
<hibiki`> Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: -100 of 200
<hibiki`> You are most likely autistic.
<hibiki`> thats my lowest scoer yet

>> No.6298396

They just evade. It can't be helped.

>> No.6298436

>>Jonesy stops PM spamming me with his yandere bot for once
>>I can finally talk in IRC in peace
>>suddenly Sion starts sperging like crazy on /jp/

Please don't include me with those two. I don't do a single thing or e-stalk oeople.

>> No.6298451
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, [TZM]Hyakka_Ryouran_Samurai_Girls_02[720p][66E8A5FA].mkv_snapshot_03.10_[2010.10.11_19.48.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch ZUNbar blog like mad in IRC
>say >ZUNbar
>watch as ZUNbar freezes up in fear

>> No.6298489

Do you talk to your fans on IRC?
I'd love to join in on that. It'll be good inspiration.

>> No.6298524

Well, when I been on #bun stalking some friends for a month or so he said only few lines.
Maybe he's shy or too busy refreshing /jp/.

>> No.6298529

I see. Thanks so much. I'll need to be patient then.

>> No.6298560

Where do I find this magical room?

>> No.6298571
File: 728 KB, 864x492, 1286065518176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#bunbunmaru @ irc.rizon.net

>> No.6298580

#bunbunmaru is full of 15 year old meme spamming retards.
Why would you even join?

>> No.6298588

Sup, reverse-troll. You can't fool me.

>> No.6298596

It's called meta-trolling, retard, and I was serious.

>> No.6298604


See >>6298451

E-stalkers just weird me out. I'm shy too, but who isn't.

>> No.6298626

I reckon this whole stalking business is really you just stalking yourself to make it look like you're actually worth stalking.

>> No.6298624

Thanks man.

I hope we do well together ZUN!bar!

>> No.6298630

Looks like you've got 2 stalkers now ZUN.
Are you happy?

>> No.6298649

ZUN !barYV1VtIA founder of Bunbunmaru

>> No.6298655

Fuck you !bar.

>> No.6298659

>>Are you happy?
>>gay /jp/ers e-stalking me


>> No.6298668

I bet you make the cutest face sleeping on your left side.

>> No.6298670

You need to be more appreciative to the stalkers. We are very kind and passionate people, especially to the objects of stalking. Just imagine what a good friend can become one of us.

>> No.6298684

ZUN!bar, I'm hurt!
I hope you can grow to accept me.

We're a great resource you should exploit us!

>> No.6298677

What would be funny if you started getting phone calls late at night where they just said "ZUNBAR" then hung up.
If you got letters through your door that just had the word "ZUNBAR" on.
That would be hilarious.

>> No.6298712

Yeah, and pouring delicious ZUN!bar saliva on the pillow while making all those cute faces.

>> No.6298732

He sleeps in the buff too.
Though one day I hope he'll replace Sion with me to cover himself with.

>> No.6298742

why the fuck would a 4chan user stalk another 4chan user? there is nothing interesting about each other, and your waifu's would look down at you for stalking someone else that isnt her

>> No.6298749

ZUN!bar's my waifu.
I'm going to get a dakimakura cover made after I finish the picture.

>> No.6298768

Hey, now I wouldn't go that far.
I want ZUN!bar to accept me first. Maybe something like that could happen if it was OK'd, but I would never do something like that without permission.

It's OK ZUN!bar I won't do anything weird!

>> No.6298801

Didn't you mean hasubando?

>> No.6298809

Damn, seemed empty as fuck when I walked up in there

>> No.6298852

1. Weekend. People are usually busy playing games or watching anime.
2. Like anyone is going to talk when new people come pouring in just because they hope to stalk a lurker on #bun.

>> No.6298998

ZUN!bar spoke!
My heart stopped for a moment.
