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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6298191 No.6298191 [Reply] [Original]

ITT : Nigger plans

I plan on buying Ebay bootlegs labeled as ''original'' and then report for money back.


>> No.6298200

No one gives a shit. Repported.

>> No.6298205

Nice spelling error, genius.

>> No.6298211
File: 85 KB, 800x630, 1287247339906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im planning on inventing a new type of flying machine

>> No.6298225


>> No.6298252

so you'll end up with what? free shitty bootlegs and angry, murderous chinks?

>> No.6298264


>> No.6298280

Except that they're not shitty.

>> No.6298316

OP here, am I a genius yet?

Except I can't find any good bootleg figurine...

>> No.6298338

I plan on graduating with an engineering degree and language minor and finding a job doing things that I like to do, eventually starting a family and buying a home.

>> No.6298341

OP here, going for my computer engineering. Feels good man.

>> No.6298355

I was computer engi, switched to electrical.
I might switch back, I haven't decided yet, I am already a junior I should probably make up my mind soon.

>> No.6298362

What happened to /jp/'s blog ring?

I heard people were making money for doing absolutely nothing on that.

>> No.6298366

Still going strong.
I have one up there too. It'll be fun blogging with you, I never mentioned the picture on mine though, so you may not know which it is. ;_;

>> No.6298372

I rather do computer, also I'm colorblind so stupid people that hire would still think color is highly relevant and not give me the job, which is is not really anymore.

>> No.6298377

Maybe if they didn't try to pass it off as the originals, they wouldn't be in that mess. If they just take any mention of "authentic" or anything like that from their page, it's fine. Doesn't even have to say "fake" or "bootleg"

Just don't mention anything about it being real either, and it's fine.

>> No.6298380

Still fine, none of us have hit $100 though.

>> No.6298392

>>It'll be fun blogging with you

You're way too kind Anon. It would be fun blogging with you too.

Maybe I can post my music or something.

>> No.6298400

This actually made me a little giddy.
Please do, the music review ones are always a good read.

>> No.6298453


Going well. I'm at around 50 bucks off adsense.

>> No.6298455
File: 23 KB, 259x343, mio 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>This actually made me a little giddy.

You aren't that Anon who is drawing weird porns of me are you.

>> No.6298458

I can't think of a good way to answer this question.

I look forward to reading about your day.

>> No.6298474

My Adsense account hasn't been accepted, and it's been like what, 3-4 weeks since it started?

What should I do?

>> No.6298482

Is your blog blatantly lacking content?

It took over two weeks for me and I daily updated.

>> No.6298488

Waiting to get enough money off of the blogsense thing. First thing I will buy with the money is a figure of my love.

>> No.6298487

No, I've been updating like twice a week with original content.

Haven't written anything this week, though.

>> No.6298530

>Hey, guys, I posted "nigger" on the internet, what do you think of my kimmo-esque plan?

Just a note about actual money-making schemes, too, watch out you don't imitate Kimmo in terms of having no understanding of the subtle line between shitter-ship and felony.

Don't commit fraud (and yes, if there's an intentional dishonest pattern to your behavior and you're getting money for nothing, it's fraud, and in particular ebay's seen it all too so don't even try anything iffy there.) Duh.

>> No.6298539

Wouldn't you be required to return the item if you did that?

>> No.6298549

OP is a /b/tard.

Disregard any notion of having a brain.

>> No.6298594

Nope, I'm really from this shitty board that I can't escape. You also don't need to return the object, as it's the seller fault, not your fucking problem. Item was listed as something, you receive something else, keep it and get money back.

>> No.6298617

I'm going to do this when I get the money together. Thanks for the idea OP.

>> No.6298620

my blog had adsense approved in less than 24 hours
are you guys in some strange country or on an fbi watchlist or something?

>> No.6298623

Have fun paying for an overpriced bad quality bootleg

PROTIP : Ebay will ignore you and never refund.

>> No.6298701

Africans? in *my* /jp?

>> No.6298770
File: 475 KB, 359x270, yuitalking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me about this blog ring? It sounds interesting

>> No.6298779

We're not allowed to talk about it here. Use your google fu.

>> No.6298810
File: 71 KB, 500x416, GirlIsNotAmused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6298818

A bunch of /jp/gians started blogs.
It's fun as hell because it's basically /jp/ without shitposting.
Everyone just blogs about figures, touhoes, and videogames.

>> No.6298848

I just started mine like 5 minutes ago.

>> No.6298863

Thank you, bookmark'd

I'll start one if I can get my lazy ass to write some stuff.

>> No.6298932

It's not very hard
Just write a few things and see what people respond to most then take your blog in that direction

>> No.6298950

Yet most of us are doing this because we're too socially retarded to do anything else.

>> No.6298957

But I'm socially retarded and can't write, either.

>> No.6298976

Do what I do with mine.
Mimic popular topics and spam promises of content later.

If nothing else ask the people on IRC.

>> No.6298981

Good thing your target audience is /jp/.
We're all socially retarted here!

>> No.6299015

They're probably really close.
It's intimidating.

>> No.6299370

What's so intimidating about blogging?

>> No.6299472

What the hell kind of system is that?
You'd think they'd have you return the item with the seller paying for shipping.

>> No.6299719

I'm likin this blogger thing so far
I'm at $98 after my first month
Can't wait to have some extra figure money

>> No.6299719,1 [INTERNAL] 

can this be the new ghost blog thread?

I just learned about smart pricing. might explain why I'm only getting 1 cent per click. hope it goes away soon.
