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6297743 No.6297743 [Reply] [Original]

>hair looks like shit
>mapquest Fantastic Sams even though I have lived in this town for 20 years
>drive there
>90% of the customers are kids
>haircutter is cute
>she touches my hair/face
>get an erection
>thankfully I've got the big bib thingie which covers my body
>"how much do you want off?"
>"umm uhh I don't know."
>"OK how about I take off half an inch and if it is too long I can take off more"
>"ummmmm OK."
>she cuts, manage to get rid of erection
>"Is that good enough?"
>it's still a little too long, but I say OK anyway
>she starts trimming the embarrassing hair on my ears, fuck I thought I shaved those off
>never make eye contact the entire time
>guy says "asshole you're supposed to tip!"
>pretend to ignore him, too ashamed to go back
>drive home
>behind a huge bus
>bus stops at railroad tracks for some reason
>try to go around him
>he blares his horns and hits the gas
>about to go into super saiyan 4 autism
>see "this vehicle stops at railroad crossings" bumper sticker
>I look like an idiot and an asshole
>go home
>look in mirror
>big white blob of toothpaste on my chin

and this is why I never go outside

>> No.6297749

>Comment too long. Don't care enough to view full text.

>> No.6297753

I almost cried, but then I remembered this is a bullshit post

>> No.6297755

>"Is that good enough?"
>it's still a little too long, but I say OK anyway

Happens to me each time. Don't worry OP. Going outside is shit, but when you get back inside you feel safe and happy. We are here for you. Zuuuuttoooo

>> No.6297800

>haircutter is cute
>she touches my hair/face
>get an erection
Happens every time because of my normal lack of physical contact.

>> No.6297803

Its okay brother. You don't have to go out again for a while now. Just take it easy in the 2d world with us

>> No.6297814

It's the worst when they try and have a conversation. I always have to make shit up.

>> No.6297817

getting your hair cut is never enjoyable. I think most of the time the person doing the cutting is too freaked out by my beshadowed eyes and unbelievably terrible hair to attempt much conversation beyond basic pleasantries, so it isn't as bad as it could be.

>> No.6297820

I always fail with really short answers and they stop talking after a while

>> No.6297830
File: 22 KB, 431x387, GODAMMIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start balding at fucking 15
>Am 21 now
>Am so bald that I just save myself the humiliation and shave my head
>Can't get touched by a cute haircutter
>Have to hire a prostitute for female contact

>> No.6297832

That was a great story.

>> No.6297854

good thing my hair is pretty short and i can cut it myself, but if anything every year i go to this shop where the guys known me since i was 7 years old and im not a nervous wreck there

>> No.6297890
File: 65 KB, 734x366, uuu..uuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy says "asshole you're supposed to tip!"
If he would've said "Sir you forget your tip" you probably would've turned around, so it's his fault for being a fucking faggot.
>see "this vehicle stops at railroad crossings" bumper sticker
Who gives a fuck what places that fucking faggot loser bus driver has to stop? I would've done the same I don't give a fuck about where that faggot stops and I don't need to stop there so obviously I'd try and pass him.
>big white blob of toothpaste on my chin
Haters are gonna hate. If random people you see actually cared you had that. They're probably a pathetic loser anyway. Since I was a child I've always ignored how random strangers looked in the sense I didn't give a fuck if they had rainbow colored clothes, the only people I've ever noticed caring about that kinda stuff are complete loser normalfags who live a miserable life. The more well off to do normalfags also ignore what strangers are doing and don't care. Only shit tier normalfags give a crap what strangers look like.

I wish I had long hair kinda. It's a bitch to take care of though because my hair is so thick. Whenever I had long hair I always got it braided so which is so nice! that's the only part I miss about it really having nicely braided hair.

>> No.6297904

OP all I can say is I'm sorry to hear you're having such problems. At the same time I'm very happy not to have them.

I personally love getting my hair done, even though I postpone it a lot (time...where to find the time...). The head massage is soothing and very enjoyable. I have very tense shoulders and suffer from headaches, and those massages are wonderful.

I know the people at the hairdresser quite well (one of them is my neighbour with whom I grew up) so I have no social awkwardness there. Sure, conversations are a bit superficial but there's no need to tell them your whole life story. Just have a bit of fun, relax.

As for driving...well, everyone makes mistakes. The bus driver wasn't cross with you for more than a minute, why should you be bothered with it for any longer? You made a mistake, everyone does, learn from it and move on. (yes, it's a bit harsh but...it works that way)

Good luck OP.

>> No.6297919

Person always rips and tugs my hair whenever I go to a salon. It's annoying. I've been to the really expensive places too hoping to avoid that. I just cut it myself for the past few years. Got tired of paying people tons of money to do a piss poor job.

>> No.6297929

Every time I hear a horn honk while I'm driving, I just assume it was something I did.

>> No.6297934

The toothpaste part is horseshit. What kind of salon doesn't have mirrors everywhere? Everywhere I've been sits you in a chair in front of a mirror.

Even if it doesn't have that, you'd have to check the haircut to make sure it's okay.

God, why am I even answering this greentext shit.

>> No.6297941

You might want to take one of those driver confidence courses. If you truly assume you're doing something wrong often/all the time, chances are, you're giving off a very insecure impression.

>> No.6297957

I cut my own hair, I just give myself a buzz cut. I'd be to nervous letting someone else cut my hair while being surrounded by people.

>> No.6298114

>look in mirror big white blob of toothpaste on my chin

And how exactly did you manage to avoid seeing your own face during your fifteen minute period of incarceration in a chair, positioned directly in front of a gigantic mirror?

>> No.6298135
File: 408 KB, 988x1400, 1241280363078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should grow up and deal with everyday fuck ups without having to post on an image board about it you waste of life?

>> No.6298136

He's a vampire.

>> No.6298169

I fucking loathe going to get my hair cut, I really should learn how to cut it myself. Last time I went I got interrogated as to why I don't have a job and am not in college. Going to have to make up some excuse as to why I don't want to go back there next time.

>> No.6298189

>i'm 24
>goto eye clinic place for exam and new glasses
>really cute and outgoing girl doing exam
>act uninterested in her, avoid eye contact and act mildly bored
>"you're going to feel a little puff"
>head knocks the fuck back, glasses fall off my lap
>she picks them up and hands to me
>hand twitches badly when i get them
>after, she offers to help me pick out a pair of glasses
>makes me try on several pairs, look at her and she judges me
>every time she says they look alright i know she's lying
>i can't decide on any, so she asks if i'd like to wait for my mom to help
>mom gets annoyed that i can't find anything, so i pick a random pair that looks so-so
>never come back to have them measured or placed properly

>> No.6298806

why not get a bowl and cut it yourself
